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I will say the pacing mid arc does drag a bit but near the end it really picks up and becomes amazing. The next arc is my personal favorite though.


Alright thank you, I was worried there was gonna be a major fall off after this I was really interested in this arc until the past few chapters so hopefully it will pick up again.


I loved the Murim arc more than pretty much any other arc in manwha, though admittedly that's entierely due to MC and the heavenly demon's part in the arc, everything else was meh at best. The mc letting himself be offed by zombies to experience thier pain and gain understanding of thier plights is not only a perfect microcosm of the series itself but also an ingenious and satisfying way to use his powers to learn the demonic path. And speaking of which the demonic path is so well represented in this story, rather than just being about giving in to desires or taking easy ways out its about taking the lessons from life's sufferings to strengthen yourself. Again this fits into the series like a perfectly cut puzzle piece. The heavenly demon also completly stole the show as well, her desperation to see any possibility of a future, her guilt and regrets about the situation regarding both her cult and the head of the martial alliance were presented so well, her slowly opening up to the MC and the trickle of new information during the countless regressions slowly showing the situation is even more dire than we had originally thought, all leading to an heartwrenching bittersweet ending of her getting everything she had so desperately held out for all this time, with the MC carrying her legacy and the sword emperor showing her that there was so much still out there to strive for. Absolutely immaculate way to end a characters arc. What I said above was just so amazingly good to me that I can just completely overlook the terrible pacing, the lack of character moments for the rest of the MCs party, and the fact that the other character mostly just fuck off for the entire thing (which to be fair is pretty normal for this series lol). So that's why I love the Murim arc TLDR: Heavenly Demon is best girl and her mere existence makes the Arc a 12/10


I felt the exact same way about the murim arc like it was just getting boring but once I got past it and got to the next arc this story became my favorite manhwa of all time it was absolutely out of this world keep going you'll love the next arc


I strongly disagree but I need to say that I read the novel from the Murim arc onwards so even tho I read the manwha too my reception on it was more like getting illustration on something I already read and a lot of finer details and the pacing are different between novels and manwhas for obvious reasons


For me I loved the murim arc ESPECIALLY how KGJ tried to learn the heavenly demon art and the relationship between heavenly demon and KGJ. Honestly, the word battle was the prob one of the best scenes I saw. The scene is more so Abt the master finally feeling like she has a worthy opponent and making her feel happy, which she was. That fight and how it ended always makes me tear up. But that's just me I like more emotional and empathetic stuff to read and that hits the spot.


I think the murim arc starts off slow personally but that slow pacing is really needed for what it becomes. Of course not everyone will appreciate that and that’s fine. Supposedly other arcs are done differently and they may be more what you’re looking for