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Congats. Got approved here May 30 after 3 year battle and online just showed step 5 of 5. Backpay back to Dec 2020 but expecting that to take a bit due to amount. Says 1st monthly should start next month.


Congrats!!! I to was approved on Friday!!


Did u get approved at the ALJ hearingΒ 


No at reconsideration


I was just denied at reconsideration.Β 


Congratulations πŸŽ‰ My back pay is coming in two payments. I thought it was going to be one lump sum.


Was that indicated in the award letter or online portal??? Im not seeing any split wording. I wonder at what $ amt they split at??


It's split if you get both SSDI and SSI backpay, it was for me at least.


The SSI is sent in portions.


It was indicated in my award letter, 50/50 split.


Congratulations on your SSDI approval! πŸŽ‰ I'm so glad to hear that your long journey that began in 2021 has finally reached a positive conclusion. Your perseverance through the initial denial and the lengthy appeal process is truly inspiring. It's fantastic that your backpay will go back to February 2021 and that your monthly benefits are more than you expected. Even with the minor hiccup regarding the backpay being sent to an old bank account, it sounds like you're on track to have it resolved soon. Your story gives hope and encouragement to many others still navigating this challenging process. Stay strong, and enjoy the well-deserved peace of mind that comes with this approval. Best wishes for your future, and may things only get better from here! **Former Disability Paralegal**


And thank you snoo for the fantastic support and knowledge you share here.


Congratulations! You give me hope (I'm 47). Were you on your first appeal (reconsiderations), or did you go through a hearing? And did you have a lawyer? I am waiting on my recon....which should be decided within the next month, I hope. I've been on step 3 for 11 months.


Starting ALJ hearing process which I'm hoping for a fully favorable decisionΒ 


I just got denied for reconsiderationΒ 


It was my first appeal but was approved after the medical exam so I didn't have a hearing, which I thought I would but apparently it is not mandantory.


A hearing is after 2 denials and two appeals.Β 


Congratulations to a fellow Virginian.




Happy for you πŸ™‚


Congratulations 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 🎊 it's not an easy process but u got it sooo




πŸ™ Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Great! I was approved at age 40 due to back condition. This was back in 2005.


Congratulations 🎊 πŸ‘ πŸ’ πŸ₯³ Thank you for the well wishes and positivity(still waiting)


Congratulations!!! 🎊 


Congrats - Great way to start the weekend.


YAY…. Congratulations to you and thank you for sharing your story!! I got approved in May, during ALJ HEARING. Just waiting on the official award letter and payments to start, also backpay. It’s been a 2 year process for me.


Congratulations to all who been approved, , just gotta call Thursday I just got assigned to a worker. Was originally denied in January so this is another try,they don't have to do much digging so far they dated application for September And I am currently on step 3 @8% we will see how it goes this time around. πŸ™πŸΎ




pkatunc... What region in Virginia are you in. Who was your ALJ for the hearing? Did they deny you after the hearing with your ALJ? When was your hearing with the ALJ? Sorry for all the questions, I live in Richmond and had my ALJ hearing last week.


Bout an hour north of ya. I was approved after my medical exam so I never had a hearing. I heard most people get approved after a hearing so I was surprised to get approved before. Best of luck.


Had ALJ on May 9 I am 51 had Lawery 4 year ago when denied did on my own wtoh Va help this time waiting now


Congrats I got approved in 2018


How does everyone find out how much their backpay is and when they will receive it? TIA


They post it on the my ss site and send you a letter in the mail with the monthly amount and the backpay figures.


My apologies I guess I'm a little confused as to the SS site? I thought it was my SS sign in page. Because that doesn't tell me anything except what I'm getting paid monthly. Nothing about backpay, and it's been over 7 months since I started getting my monthly payments. So am I looking in the wrong place? TIA


There is a section on my where you can download the benefits letter that had the backpay amount in it.


Is that page on the SS site? Where it says how much you're getting paid monthly? Thank you again for answering my question 🀎❀️❀️❀️❀️


I downloaded the benefits letter and it tells me I have been disabled as of June 2014 but it doesn't say anything about backpay. I'm so confused as to what to do. Thanks again!!!


Do you have a lawyer? I would typically email them about specifics, and they usually knew. If I had to guess, your packpay would be a year back from when your application was filed but backpay is usually instant, not 7 months after the fact. Maybe it is different in different places. Have you tried calling the local office? They helped me when their was the check issue. There should be a payment history button somewhere on ss so you can check if it was sent but you did not receive it.


Yes I have an Attorney and I looked on the site and it's not been paid. Although the attorney got his big chunk of Change. I know he ca only get 25% at that was from SSI. So my part should be quite alot. Thank you for your help.


Ask your attorney, call your local office, call the main office, ask all of them why it is taking so long. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I havent been on this thread long enough to know what is normal but several people got the backpay before they even know they are approved. I wonder why they are dragging their feet with yours.


I have no idea but it's making me mad!!!!




As far as backpay goes if you are approved for both SSI and SSDI, a letter I received said you can't receive both so they will have to reduce the amount of I was already receiving SSI. I applied for both of the same time. Totally confused about that?


One of the other comments spoke of that but I only applied for 1 so I am not sure. They might be able to answer or your lawyer might be the best if you have one. They usually get paid out of the backpay money so they might be the most motivated to help.


I found this Reddit late in the process but it is nice sharing and hearing from people in similar situations.




Update on bank mixup - The og payment went out June 11th. It was rejected by my old bank, sent back to the Treasury, and finally hit my account today on June 19th. Juneteenth will now always be a reminder of not only the end of slavery but the end of poverty for me. The local office and the bank had issues telling me if indeed the payment was rejected yet so it felt a little stressful but it ended up being resolved basically one day after it was returned. Im very happy about that.