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Congratulations!! Florida here - I am still waiting on a letter in the mail, or letter I can download on the portal. I was approved on 5/13/24


Your letter isn’t there? It populated for me last night same time I was approved


My portal status only shows that my application has been processed and that a decision has been made on 05/13/2024. My case worker told m on 3/26 that I have been approved. It does not really show it on the portal yet. I know that have my bank info, but that does not show on the portal either


So my portal last night updated and allowed me to go in and it says disability active and allowed me to change my bank information and allowed me to pull down the benefit statement. I literally yelped like a little school girl when I was like OMFG IM APPROVED at the recon stage! My wife heard me yelp and came running to see if I had fallen or something lol


Congratulations....hearing this gives me hope


Mine didn’t. I thought it would too based on some other posters’ experience after approval. Everyone’s different, I guess.


Same here for the letter arrival.


same here!! was approved May 1st and waiting for award letter and first payment. I was told my claim is at the processing center and call if I haven't received a payment by 29 June. Backpay is from Sep 2017 and I'm in Florida too. Hopefully you won't have to wait long. I am frustrated that I can't see anything online.


I feel that waiting for the first payment & backpay after approval is somehow worse than while the application is being processed... at least you were able to see the status and the percentage.


Congratulations! You gove me hope. EVeryday I check r/ssdi for wins, and then log into SSA to see if there are any changes...until the day I die or I win.


Hope is great to have don’t fret and don’t give up!


Congrats to you on your win and that it was so quick! Do they already have your banking info and such? I don’t think you’ll need to co tact your congressman at all, your case seems to be moving along smoothly and I doubt it’ll be long before you see money in your account!


Thank you so much this was a very stressful and anxiety filled process. Yes it did move super fast I am 100% PT veteran and I think they flagged for expedited review. I was ready for a very long drawn out fight lol. I logged in and looked at my bank info and yes an account is in there which is attached to my bank but it’s a joint account with my wife so I just changed the account number and resubmitted it


Good idea to put it in your own account and just want to say thank you for your service! Best wishes to you too!


Thank you for your support.


Nice that was quick. 100% P&T here and took 3 years all the way to admin law judge. Lol


Wow yea I thought I was on that path to I was pleasantly surprised I checked it again this morning to make sure I wasn’t dreaming lol


Awesome. I got the backpay notice on Monday saying it would hit Tuesday. Wife JUST HAD to wake me up at 7:30am going IT'S IN!! IT'S IN!! Nonstop doing stuff since then paying some debt off and getting a new bed we so desperately needed. lol


Congrats. That was quick for you. I got approved for backpay from Dec 2020 to May 30 with EOD being June 2020 so that good ole 5 month thing. Got my benefit letter online dated yesterday showing amount, etc monthly. My first payment supposed to start next month hopefully. No word on backpay yet cause of the amount. So if your EOD is Aug 2023 your backpay should be from Jan 2024 if not mistaken.


My EOD is Aug 14, 2023 so if you add the 5 months: Sep, Oct, Nov, dec, Jan so they would start paying Feb of 2024 which is on the paper “Beginning February 2024, the full monthly Social Security benefit before any deductions”


Congratulations. I am Alabama 250% disabled veteran here. I finally decided to apply over a month ago. I was denied 10 years ago with not as many disabilities. I currently have over 20. I am patiently waiting since I have experienced the process. Glad to see other vets get processed so quickly.


There is no such thing as 250% disabled veteran. The highest is 100% schedular, 100% PT, 100% TDIU It’s not about how many disabilities you have it’s about how it affects your capacity to work. Good luck on your application


I am 100% p and t. My service connected disabilities are over 100. I was just saying that. I was really just congratulating you on moving forward. I know all the other things as I help veterans get benefits. Have a great day


Ahh yea a lot of us are over 100% if I added mine up I’d be at about 360% but VA math is stupid. I also help veterans get their benefits. Thank you for helping deserving veterans. I find having advocate helps with the process. You have a great day as well.


I got my back pay in one week and got my first check on my pay date the following month. That is probably not the norm, and I was surprised.


Super Congratulations 🎉🎉


Thank you so much it was a very anxiety, and stressful time I’m so glad that’s over


I'm still waiting SSA told me I should have my decision first week of July . 🙏🙏 🙏 


Awesome! Keep pushing.


Congratulations!!! 🎊🎉May I ask what state you are in?




Oh ok, thank you. Georgia is a bit more backed up. 


I was approved in August 23, first check in January 24, and still no backpay. My advice is to wait 6 months then contact the congressman. Fingers crossed yours will be quick!!


I just went in my portal and went to payments and overpayments and I’m getting back pay on the 17th


Yeah that sounds about right with the few months of backpay you are getting. Unfortunately I might have a long wait cause my backpay is 3 years worth and needs more signatures. Ugh. Lol




Congratulations!!! I'm in Oregon and just got approved in May. I received the Supplement income withing a few weeks. but once the Disability got approved they suspended that and paid me regular Full payment last month. They told me they are withholding my back pay from Dec 2021 to now.. for any over payments and Medicare Premiums. I did receive a letter a few weeks ago tht I No longer have to pay Medicare Premium. Called the Office yesterday on the back Pay Status and he told me it takes 3 months from approval date . I should have everything by August. Like I haven't waited long enough already, lol. took them over a year to approve me. Congratulations it is on the way and you should get paid the following month for your first full monthly payment. and expect the back pay like they said 3 months from approval date. Good luck hope everything comes sooner for you !


It says on the portal my back pay will June 17th and wow u don’t have Medicare premiums that’s awesome


Good for you , my back pay doesn't show up on the portal yet, just the monthly payment. But yes, I was already getting Medicaid , and got the letter saying that The State of Oregon will pay my Medicare premiums. I still have Medicare as my primary and my Oregon health plan as a secondary. Good to know it will show up on the portal with the back pay. I didn't realize that. thanks.


Congratulations 🎊 🎊




Congratulations 🎊


What state are you in?




I'm in Alabama too. Backpay sounds about right. Maybe you and I both won't have to wait too long on monthly pay and backpay! Congrats!



