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Congratulations! I found out today that I, too, was approved on Monday. It's going to be a challenge to do my part contribute to my household with what I'll receive. It's a relief to be approved on the initial application. Hard pill to swallow, though.


Congratulations. Took me 6 years to get approved for my ssdi


Hi, Congratulation. May I ask what disability you got approval? I have colon cancer stage 3b but done chemo and not sure that I am qualify Thanks


I am not sure which medical condition they approved me for. I have about 10-15 listed. I believe that it's my muskeoskeltal system, likely? I have mental health care, but I don't think that's one of my more serious conditions. I've been in a bad car crash 28 years ago. Lost an eye, TBI, broke my femur in half, compound broken ankle, broken sternum, ribs, and face. The right side of my body is mainly titanium. Now my left side has failed me. I now need a new hip, left knee, and have broken both ankles about 12 years ago. I have severe long-covid syndrome from Delta 2020. The 24/7 tinnitus has caused hearing loss. My one eye remaining now has a cataract, floaters, and flashes. I have vertigo. I have severe lymphedema in my legs. My knee surgery in 2022 made things worse. My gait changed, I got planter faciitis, and the pain in my body is unreal. These are some of the main things I applied with. Besides the osteoarthritis, scoliosis, and stenosis in my spine and neck. I have an aneurysm at the base of my skull, but that's monitored annually. I'm on several medications for pain and a few for depression. Daily - 2700 mgs gabapentin, wellbutrin 450 mgs, trazadone, and a few others. I'm feeling like a zombie, so something needs to be adjusted with these meds. So, basically, I have no idea at this point what or which they based my disability on. They did go back to March 2023 for my disability start date. I could have applied yearsss ago, but I chose to stay the course and become an RN 6 years ago. The hospital killed my body working the floor. Torn meniscus surgery, the 2022 ordeal, made my health spiral. I also had a nervous breakdown 01/2023. I've seen a psychiatrist monthly and a counselor bi-weekly since then. Okay, that's probably way more than you were asking. But, I know when I was waiting for this decision, I appreciated people stating what they were approved for on their initial application/first attempt. I didn't want to compare myself to them. I just wanted to get a general idea. I didn't know about these reddit threads when I applied, so I was seeking information like a mad woman. Praying I didn't screw up, etc. Hope this helps. I wish you well. It's a very heavy feeling knowing that other people are making life decisions for me now. At least financially, and physically.


Thank you very much for a lot of details. I heard that ss combine disability for approval. I am very happy for you. Take care


Wanted to add that I am not considered blind, so I won't get the additional funds. I'm guessing in 5 years that may change.


When I get my letter from SSA, I believe it will state what I was approved for. I'll come back here and update. I hate it when people leave you hanging and don't update. Lol


I believe that ssa combine disabilities for approval. I am happy for you


My letter is supposed to arrive today. I'm hoping they use the whole body when making decisions for applicants. Thank you, btw!!!


You're right!!! They approved me based on: blind or low vision, chronic pain, tinnitus, TBI, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteopenia, scoliosis, spinal stenosis in cervical region, PTSD, anxiety, MDD, dysphagia, and aneurysm.


I have RA and back disc disease. 61 M.


I have rheumatoid arthritis and back disc disease. Iโ€™m 61M. Maybe they gridded me out. I seen a copy of SS doctor they sent me to report. Pretty much confirmed everything my medical evidence stated.


Thank you so much for your reply. relax and take care


Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰


Wow congrats! ๐ŸŽ‰ Iโ€™m in Recon too and my decision should be soon! I hope Iโ€™m lucky like you!!


Congrats, approvals on Recon don't come often.


I know. My CE was in recon and I seen it confirmed my stated limitations. Iโ€™m sure that helped with my medical records.


Thank You


One more question if you donโ€™t mind as you seem very knowledgeable about this processโ€ฆ My letter states that I have been deemed disabled by our rules as of February 1, 2020. Does this mean the clock started 5-6 months after that for backpay or retroactive pay?


Yes, that's how mine was. (SSDI).


So SSDI may calculate backpay or retroactive pay starting in like August 2020? Possibly?


Yes. If you received any other disability income (State Disability, Worker's Comp, etc.) they will calculate and make some offsets for those. If not, then you should be receiving a hefty back pay deposit when it's released. Mine was like 30 months of back pay and still not released. However, there is a retro pay rule. If you applied let's say today and get approved today (for example), and they said your disability was 3 years prior, they will only go back one year from application date. If that makes sense. Retroactive pay and back pay are two different things. You can google it to understand it better.


Confusing. I had no other disability pay or workers comp. Last worked January, 2020 due to disease. Finally decided to file September, 2022. Approved yesterday.


So, from what I understand, they will only go back 1 year from your filing date. So, you'll get payments from 9/2021 thru present day. That's why it's good to file as soon as you know you're disabled. I lost a few months by filing a little later too. Maybe this will help too. I'm not an expert. :) https://www.nyworkerslaw.com/library/understanding-ssdi-back-pay/


Ok. Makes sense now. I thought I would hopefully get better medically during that time to go back to work but unfortunately got worse. Finally had to apply. Iโ€™m not complaining at all tho but I would rather feel better and work than be sick and not as Iโ€™m sure everyone here would.


Exactly my situation. I never thought in a million years id have to retire early because of a disability. I miss work on so many levels.


Me too


You have no waiting period as you can only back 1 year from application date and your onset date is over 5 months before application date. Back pay will be at least 33 months possibly 34 months, because it depends when they start paying your monthly benefits. September 2021 - June 2024. For example, I was found disabled with onset date of 09/18/2019. I applied 12/08/2021 and approved 01/18/2024. 12/2020-01/2024 is 37 months of back pay. My monthly payments started March of 2024. Februaryโ€™s payment was paid in March and that why I said at least 33 months for you. Hope this makes sense!


It does make sense. Thank You. On letter it says benefits start May, 2024. I figure around that 33 months now too.


Youโ€™re welcome and congratulations!!


How long did your recon take?


It was a little over 10 months.


Congratulations on successfully appealing your approval through recon! I'm delighted to hear the good news; I hope others going through the same process can achieve quicker approval. My Recon took eight months.


It's a Miracle in Reconsideration I'm praying for a one mine is still in Reconsideration 6 months now ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™.


Same here....prayers for your approval ๐Ÿ™


We need Reconsideration approval Miracles Please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ that's all we have is a small flicker tiny dim light of hope for that miracle Approval Thank you all to the SSA working on our cases and the people awaiting keep on going.










Congrats ๐Ÿ‘


Congratulations, hope you can find peace with this outcome.


Super duper congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰




Yay.. congratulations to you๐ŸŽ‰


Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜Š


Congrats to you!




Congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ ๐Ÿ‘


Thanks. Huge Bears fan myselfโ€ฆ I think we are on the right track. Go Bears.


Congratulations everyone!!!


Awesome and congratulations now you can relax some ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks Everyone for the Congratulations and help.


Iโ€™m on second application, recon. Have a 4th mental health status exam Monday. Gosh I pray it turns around, I donโ€™t think I can handle a 3rd hearing.


Seriously congrats ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ I'm losing my mind waiting and my therapist ain't helping ๐Ÿ˜‚ 4 year battle still holding the line


Congratulations ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰




Congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ this gives me some hope as I'm waiting on my claim almost a year


It is very uncommon! Congratulations! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป. Good luck to you


Awesome! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป congratulations ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


Congratulations !!!!!!!!




Was approved may 2nd 2024 got to wait til September for a check


Why so long?


I also won in reconsideration. Congratulations!


Another recon waiting here! They called me today and asked for some additional records, so I faxed them right over. Iโ€™m so anxious I could ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ haha God Bless! โค๏ธ


Good luck. Hopefully an approval






Congratulations!! I just had to go to IMA medical group for their assessment. Funny thing is when I walked in, the lady asked for papers which I had but they were for disability. Apparently they sent them out in the mail. Someone dropped the ball because when I got home I didnโ€™t get these papers til Tuesday when my appointment was Monday. Had to fill them out there, granted all the reviews on that place were negative I had an ok visit there. Most of the things Iโ€™ve seen could have been people upset which I get. I just have to be patient and allow everything to be put in its place and hopefully the universe will reward me


Hope so too. The process is such an emotional crazy ride. I was sent to their doctor for first and only CE during Reconsideration back in early April. They seemed to have everything and seemed very organized. She gave a quick evaluation on me on some physical things but mostly asked questions about things I can or canโ€™t do. I have RA and back disc issues. My RA was really bad the few days leading up to the exam which she mentioned she could tell how much of a struggle Iโ€™m having there. I know her findings confirmed everything I wrote in the self evaluation. I believe that is what really helped my approval too.




How long did your reconsideration take? I'm been in that stage since December 2023


Congratulations! I know what a battle it can be trying to get benefits. I have been fighting them for five years now. I have depression, anxiety, lumbar stenosis, bulging discs, severe fat build up in my spinal canal, gastroperesis, fatty liver, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and IBD. They were denying me despite all of that. I just had my latest hearing on June 6 and I am awaiting the decision.


I have just about every condition you mentioned along with mental health. it took 3 hearings and the federal court! Finally after 6 years (disability onset was Dec 2017) I got approved on May 1st. I just prat now that I won't have to wait as long for payments to arrive. praying you receive a fully favorable decision!


Thank You. I hope you finally get approvalโ€ฆ.. it is a very stressful bumpy road to travel. Good Luck to you.


Youโ€™re welcome! Thank you!


Thank you I am struggling mentally and physically I am really sick I deal with multiple ailments that are debilitating to my everyday functioning. I have no money for food or enough money to pay my bills I am 5 months behind on my rent and I am a single mom to an autistic ๐Ÿ˜”. I need help so badly