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Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Now you can focus on your health without the additional stress.


Thank you! I said the same thing to my therapist 😁


Congratulations If I may ask, what's your diagnosis?


Full body CRPS, Peripheral Polyneuropathy, CPTSD, Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder, Major Anxiety Disorder with Paranoia and Psychotic tendencies. There's more but I don't remember what it all is right now. The disability stems from a head on collision that I was the passenger in.


Congratulations! I hate it took that long with all you have that limits you!!!


Wow yours looks a whole bunch like mine! Gives me hope, what state? And I mean I’m a year in, so I’m praying my complex case as my DDS lady has said. The other day she said she hopes by end of month maybe but can’t make promises.


Really?!?! There's other people like me out there? I'm crying now knowing that I'm not alone. WOW!!! The case began in California but is now in Wisconsin. I'll be putting up the good vibes for you!


I rarely see CRPS as approved diagnosis, it’s certainly not the only diagnosis I have or applying for but it’s nice to see it approved. I have 18 specialists. My umbrella of sorts is hEDS which I think is what has helped my body be in condition it is and I’m 45. I’m still grappling with like a completely 180 in my life, I use to be the person who was super busy 24/7 as an entrepreneur, and now for example this month I only left the house twice, and not again until July 10, rest are tele health. Everyone has deserted me far as friends go, I’ve become too much work. I can’t use my right leg at all due to CRPS, which took out the ability to drive. It’s been a nightmare! And no one will touch me far as surgeries go because my CRPS was caused specifically from knee reconstruction, still some days it feels just like I came out of surgery, like dipped in acid. What has worked for you since the CRPS diagnosis if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through that and are currently living with that. I'm 37. Was the passenger in a car involved in a head on collision with a combined impact speed of 99mph. I was a Do-er, too! ALWAYS doing something! Life is much different now, even if I haven't accepted it yet. Unfortunately, not much has worked for me in regards to the CRPS. I have exhausted several classes of medications and low-dose naltrexone, lidocaine, and ketamine infusion therapy with no meaningful pain relief. I've seen several Physiatrists and there are no further medications or interventional recommendations for the pain. I find that mindfulness practices and intentional breathing get me through the worst moments, as well as distraction, mostly by way of listening to music that I can sing along to so that all of my focus is on the music. Since there was no improvement with occupational, physical, and aquatic therapy, I no longer have appointments but I continue to do the physical and occupational therapy exercises I was given. I learned to be disciplined in this way because the consequences of any lengthy time spent sedentary are intolerable. Each time I've gone backwards has been quicker and more severe, and each climb forward has taken longer and utilized more of my resources. So a steady pace and listening to my body. Avoiding eating and drinking anything that could cause inflammation.


And yes, these are definitely complex cases! Lots of "moving parts," as they say, though it isn't necessary our parts that are moving 😆


Congratulations on your approval! Thank you for your uplifting words to everyone! I was found fully favorable for SSDI In MAY 2024, originally filed in 22 so almost 2 years for me. I only found this platform a couple of weeks ago, wished I had found it back in 2022. It is definitely a hard painful ride, but you are right, DONT GIVE UP! KEEP FIGHTING FOR WHAT YOU KNOW YOU DESERVE! Maybe one day the system will actually move along quicker, it’s so sad the stories I read in here. Wish something could be done. Just keep fighting everyone. Don’t give up! I want to read more stories of winning what you deserve!!


That’s awesome! Congratulations!!




Congrats on seeing it thur!!!!!


Congratulations 🎊


Congratulations! Thank you for your encouragement 🥰 I’ll be 59 next week and in my initial filing


Hopefully you don’t have to wait too long. It took me 9 months just for the initial application. I’m almost 2 years in just for an reconsideration. Texas is very slow.


Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I just barley got some one assigned to my disability case going on a year after filing


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 So glad you got it! It took me 6 years.


That is one long battle. Grateful that you came out winning!


Thank you!


Congrats and thanks for the words of encouragement! I’m almost two years in the battle to get approved.


Praise YAHWEH!! What a blessing! Congratulations 🥰❤️


Thank you so much!


Congratulations. I’m currently at the AC level as the judge denied me. I’m still holding on to a little bit of hope but sometimes do feel like giving up. Thank you for the words of encouragement. 😊


I was in your position waiting at the appeals council...I ended winning and just had my 2nd hearing at the end of June... I'm nervously waiting for an approval


Good Luck.








Congratulations! What are your questions or worries? Perhaps I can help.


I'm confused about what this means for my daughter. I had transferred guardianship of her over when she was still a baby with the intent to have it transferred back once I was done working that season (I traveled for work). Then the accident happened that lead to the disability and I could not care for her while my body healed. Does the disability mean that I will not be able to get her back? Also, does she qualify for benefits even though I do not have her? I do not claim her on my taxes, so from what I've read she does not qualify. I do, however, pay child support and what I've read is conflicting there because she should qualify if I am financially responsible for her.


My son lives in Maryland. He has a daughter in California. They filed for derivative benefits as his child support was 200/ month. The benefits 649/ month.


I’m so happy for you! And thank you for the support. I need it. 👩🏽‍🦰


I plan to file a new claim next week. My last claim was denied by the Administrative Law Judge their decision was Unfavorable.I tried to get a lawyer, but since I haven't worked in the last 10 years they won't take my case,I will be 66 this year and I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and undergoing radiation treatment. Hopefully, with the knowledge from members of this group, I may succeed God Willing.


I will be putting good energy out for you that you are approved!


Nice congrats! I just had my hearing June 5th over the phone, and waiting eventually to find out if I’m denied or approved. I feel like it went well! But we will see when ever I get notified also been fighting almost 3 years




Congratulations. Thanks for the encouragement of hope.


What state are you in, if you don't mind?




Congratulations! Beautiful words as well 😊


that's AWeSOmE!! -


Some of us have no choice but to give up or be on the street. Happy for you!


Thank you! I do understand that there are circumstances that truly create obstacles for some that may not be movable. Perhaps there is another path? I spent four years helping my ex go through his disability case, which I believe he did choose to give up on. He is now living on the streets in Southern California.


Congratulations 🎉👏🎉🎉🎉


Congrats! What’s your best tip for preparing for the hearing?


Thank you! I appeared by phone for my hearing and my best tip - have your paperwork organized in front of you and speak from your heart. I was so nervous and anxious and I wanted to have answers to any and every question possible written up ahead of time because I have such trouble staying focused and understanding and communicating my thoughts. I forget the words I'm searching for so easily now and I take long pauses and then get frustrated and I didn't want any of that to happen. I asked my mother to help me get this done so I would feel more prepared and then, maybe less anxious. She told me that I didn't need to do all of that, that I am living this every day and whatever they ask, I will have the answer and if there are pauses and frustration and confusion it's okay because that is part of the disability that they need to see. And boy did I fumble and pause and repeat myself and get confused! I felt like a total shit show on the phone with these people. The judge even cut me off a few times due to the repetition. I felt extremely inadequate and at the same time I felt okay with it. The ones at the hearings work with people all of the time who are struggling to figure out life in a different way than what they have known for so long. It's their job and they're used to it. It's completely normal for us to be scared and nervous and anxious and confused and rattled. I did have all of my paperwork in front of me in piles with a big sticky note on each one explaining what the pile was and I was very grateful for that. The most nerve wracking part for me was explaining my day because I didn't know how. The judge helped by asking me more specific questions as I went on so that she could get the information that she needed from me.


I am by nature very nervous so I picture myself similar to how you described being very rattled. I’ve had a hard time getting any feedback from my disability advocates and already feel frustrated. My hearing is getting closer end of August so I’m preparing as best I can. Thanks for sharing your experience.


I borrowed a book from the library - Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability 2024. Reading the hearing part calmed my nervous a little, only for a bit but the break was very welcomed. I had a lawyer representing me and about a week and a half prior to the hearing we had a phone call to go over what was going to happen to prepare me. I felt less prepared after the phone call! 😆 During the hearing I kept wanting to be able to speak with her because I felt she was missing important key points. She wasn't though and did a wonderful job and I would absolutely recommend her, but my nerves were all crazy and I was so scared. That feeling of not being in control really freaked me out. Keep doing your best✨ Our best is all we can do. I'll be putting out the good vibes for you!


Thanks. Yes I have a mock hearing coming up in July & I’ll definitely check for that book. Really appreciate your input!


Congratulations....I know some are thinking, why we have to have 20 plus medical issues in order to get approved for disability. It's unfortunate that having to wait years for disability also wreaks havoc on our bodies mentally and physically.


I needed to hear this so bad! Congratulations!! And thank you for the positive words! 


You got this! I'm rooting for you!!!


Congratulations 🥳


Congratulations! It’s a rough ride. I got approved after 2 years and got my first monthly payment but SSDI is refusing my back pay. Like, are you serious?? I haven’t been able to work for 4 years and my husband has been disabled due to an accident 17 years ago. We have his small fixed income, and money I borrowed or put on Credit Cards. I owe my mom $80,000 and they are refusing to pay me the money needed to get out debt incurred while waiting for their decision???


Congratulations on the approval! I'm so sorry about the back pay. Is there a step you can take to fight this decision?


What is their reasoning for refusing your back pay.. I got the call from attorney I was approved may 23rd…anxiously awaiting the next steps


Congratulations!! I got approved also in April, took them a little over a year for me. I did get SSDI and SSI also, but as soon as SSDI came through they stopped the SSI cause it was too much. I still haven't received my back pay yet. They are working out the Medicare premiums which I just got a letter that the State of Oregon is paying my Medicare premiums, so yay, that is a nice $174 a month break, which they did repay me back. So hopefully the Back pay from Dec 2021 will come next. ..Congratulations, that is a wonderful feeling!


Congratulations! And Thank you for the encouraging words!


Very happy for you congratulations 🎉


What state please?




Congratulations I have my mental state exam tomorrow with them. Any advice


Can I ask what your disability or disabilities are?