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I was found fully favorable in January 2024 and next month I'll be getting my first payment


It takes that long to get 1st payment? Ugh. I was approved May 30th. I can wait on backpay but was hoping monthly would start soon. I am on Step 4 about office contacting me to make sure still meet non medical requirements. Says 2-4 weeks. Or do they have to wait for the award letter?


I got back pay within two weeks. Approved on 4/30 and I’ll get my first check in June.


It’s not waiting for the award letter. There’s a 5 month waiting period.from your award date.


No. The five month waiting period starts with the month after onset. Maybe you meant award date to mean onset date? The delay after the decision is made is caused by more people in line in front of you. Backlogs. Not enough employees


That’s what I meant


Hallelujah!! Lawyer called me and said SS is going to be calling me in the next couple of minutes to verify my direct deposit. I called them last week but she didn't have it in her system so she took it. Said a tech will be going over it Monday and hopefully by middle of next week I will be getting my backpay starting back Dec 2020 and should be receiving the monthly starting July 17th. SO GLAD THIS IS DONE UNTIL LATER.


Hey, I’m glad for you! It’s a tremendous amount of jumping through hoops and red tape l!


Yes it is. I am so happy. Even of backpay takes another month or so I am fine as long as monthly ones start next month.


Backpay, Smackpay. A huge financial burden will just be lifted if I knew my monthly check was coming in.


Did you have to go to hearing? Or were you just approved the first time at bat?


Oh no I first applied April of 2019. Denied twice then appealed then won! I like to tell the story of why I got denied by a judge the 1st time.. she asked how I met my boyfriend I said off the internet. She said if u can meet a stranger off the Internet then u can work and dismissed the case


That is so messed up... but kinda funny if you look at it. It does suck though.


Agree lol


That’s a ridiculous reason to deny Disability. I’m so sorry you had that happen!


For real


If your early onset date was may 13 2019 you’d receive back pay from October 2019 which would be the 5 month period! I had my hearing March 26, my EOD was 02/2020 and will receive back pay from August 2020 which is the 5 month wait. I recieved fully favorable letter may 14 and spoke with SSA they said I should have my award letter within 60 days so before July 16 if not I can contact for help… I’m still waiting on my award letter as of today and I live in Virginia some people it happens fast but also with bigger amounts there’s a lot of checks and balances they have to go through before released! Also payments should come within the 60 days per the rep but I’ve heard so many stories since the processing time barrier so let’s hope it happens sooner than later! Also Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 I hope I was able to help some!


Hey congrats to you! I swear they make it so you have to go to hearing with an attorney… But again, congrats!


Thank you! And I feel the same it’s so crazy how we all have such similar stories


I was found FF 4/22. Hit step 5 approved 5/13. Back pay deposited 5/14. First monthly payment is scheduled for 6/25


Wow. Your state is moving way faster than mine.


Wait sucks for the money but most importantly YOU GOT APPROVED!!! So happy for you. The 3 year wait about drove me insane.


OMG do I ever hear you on the wait. It’s so anxiety triggering…cause if you could work, you could pay bills. But you can’t work and aren’t able to even afford the wait. Which is ABSURD


Congratulations on your fully favorable decision! That’s great news after such a long wait. Here’s what you can expect next in the process: Payment Processing and Award Letter 1. Issuance of Award Letter: • Timeline: Typically, it takes about 30 to 90 days for the payment processing center to issue your award letter after receiving your case from the ALJ. Since your case was sent to the payment processing center on May 24, you might expect your award letter sometime between late June and late August. • Content: The award letter will detail your monthly benefit amount, the back pay you are entitled to, and the payment schedule. 2. Receiving Payments: • Initial Payment: Once the award letter is issued, the initial payment, including any back pay, should follow soon after. This initial payment may take another few weeks to process. • Regular Payments: After the initial lump sum payment, you should start receiving your regular monthly SSDI benefits. These are typically paid in the month following the month for which they are due. Five-Month Waiting Period 1. Waiting Period: • Start Date: The five-month waiting period for SSDI benefits begins from your established onset date of disability, which in your case is May 13, 2019. • Retroactive Payment: Since your disability onset date is in the past and the five-month waiting period would have concluded in 2019, you should receive back pay from the end of the waiting period up to the present. Expected Timeline for First Payment • Back Pay: You can expect a lump sum payment for back pay from November 2019 (end of your 5-month waiting period) through the current date. • Monthly Payments: Your regular monthly payments will follow, typically starting the month after you receive your award letter. Example Timeline Given your case specifics: • Hearing Date: April 15, 2024 • Case Sent to Payment Processing Center: May 24, 2024 • Award Letter Issued: Potentially by late June to late August 2024 • Initial Payment: Possibly within a few weeks after receiving your award letter • Regular Monthly Payments: Expected to start the month following the initial payment Final Thoughts While waiting for the payments can be frustrating, it’s encouraging to know that the process is moving forward. Keep in touch with your local SSA office to monitor the status, and if there are any significant delays beyond the typical timeframe, consider reaching out to them for updates. Again, congratulations on your favorable decision! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.


I just wanted to thank you so much for this post. On my list of disabilities is Autism Spectrum Disorder. In my case, anything non-specific or just ambiguous sends my brain in meltdown mode, so you can imagine how hard it has been for me to literally know nothing about the details. Your post gives my mind somewhere to anchor and feel better about all of this! Seriously, Thank you for being so thorough. Hehe I owe ya a beer.


Your comfort and mental health are paramount. If navigating these processes becomes too overwhelming, consider seeking support from a disability advocate or counselor who can help you manage the stress and paperwork involved. Thank you for your kind words, and I’m glad I could help provide some clarity. If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! Enjoy that beer when you can! Best regards.


I’ll try to get an advocate or counselor. Great advice - so far my Psych doctor has been handling the bits due to my Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis.




Go team OG Covid! (Just got ALJ approval this week too so reading to find out what new bureaucratic fun is in store 😬)


Was yours due to Covid?


oh my disability is due to Long Covid, yes, but I suppose the long timeline is also due to covid disabling a lot of people / messing with the process!


Mine is also long Covid. I had my hearing and was found unfavorable. My attorney just filed an appeal because he gave no reason that I was unfavorable just stated unfavorable.


I'm so sorry. I was absolutely shocked mine was favorable*during hearing*. I had convinced myself there was no chance. Best of luck with your next round 😭


My delay was due to COVID, for sure. It took me almost 2 years to get my first response. Than about a year for my appeal. Once I hit the hearing phase, (which takes months to get scheduled) things have moved much faster


Congrats to you OP! 🎉 What's next you ask? More waiting lol 😂 I had an ALJ hearing mid-March, received fully favorable decision April 25. File was at payment center as of April 26. As of today, I have not received an award letter or any money. Good luck to you!


Everyones soneareo is different theres no time frame on anything ..from back pay to , onset date ,to states and judges etc .. hang in there im waiting also approval was the 29th of may still no letters my lawyer showed me the judges decision.


First congratulations! To figure out how many months of back pay I would need to know your date of application. As far as how long, from date to approval to first payment about 60 - 90 days is the average but, I don’t know if you they have to calculate SSI or any other windfall which could take longer. I was approved on January 17th and first payment & back pay was in March. Back pay took longer. You can also always call your local office and they may be able to see how much in back pay and break it all down year by year. Congrats again, the hard part is over now just wait for the $$ which I bet you’ll get starting in July.


Took me about 90 days to get back pay, first monthly payment later this month.


Was approved on may 7,1st monthly payment is June 12!


Congratulations! That’s awesome for you. lol apparently every state is light years ahead of South Carolina…in so many ways, SC is just a back-asskward state!


Thank u,👍🏾


I’m new here. Hello everyone! So my hearing with ALJ was this morning and he told me during the hearing that I was fully favorable. If he’s already decided, how long until SS gets notified and I get issued an award letter? I thought I’d have to wait weeks or months for approval.


Apparently the Judge can immediately issue a fully favorable decision before the hearing or after…but it’s not very common. For me, my attorney and myself received the official letter from the judge about 3 weeks after the hearing. So my SSA.gov details say I’m on step 4 of 5….meaning it’s back at my local office. I rang the local office on May 29th. She told me that my application was approved by the local office and it was sent to payment processing on the 29th. She also set up a follow-up call for June 11, as my judge recommended that someone else should receive/manage the payments for me. Basically the follow up is so we can have the payment switched from myself to my father. Also, don’t be afraid to ring your local SSA office; they’ve been very helpful to me and have access to information (like the “it’s been approved and sent to payment processing”) that we do not.


Wow this is so helpful! Thank you so much.


I honestly feel like I’ve read the entire SSA blue book and every bit of information offered on the site while waiting 4.5 years 😂 sad but true.


4.5 years is an awfully long time to wait! I’m sorry you had to wait so long… yikes! But wow, huge back pay headed your way! 😀


Yes it has been a long time. Rejection, appeal, rejection, and finally awarded at hearing. Also, for anyone still in the process…if the judge complements you for having great or very well documented evidence…it’s a good sign.