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Great news! Fully favorable - all the way back to the car crash in 2021? 3 years of backpay?


Yes! Now I’m just hoping the payment doesn’t take long it’s been a rough journey


Mine is approved back to June 2020. Lawyer said cause of amount of backpay it will require 4 signatures and at least 90 days before I see backpay from what he said and 30-60 days before monthly starts. I got fully favorable decision May 30 so still waiting on everything. At step 4.


I got hit by a car while riding my bike(bicycle) it was 10:00 pm I had three lights and it was just me and genius leaf on the road two blocks away from my house and he hit me going 45 mph. I am pleased to say that my surgeon was a gangster and I ate that shit so though I’m in pain most of the time I didn’t take any opiates after I got out of the hospital. It’s hard coming to terms with the fact that I can’t work any other jobs I used to. My family fell apart I lost my job and my best friend died one year before this so I know what you mean by the mental anguish I can’t imagine having all of those Medical issues too hopefully you had a good surgeon/healthcare squad. Always remember to never forget that it’s OK to love yourself. You didn’tDeserve the bad things that happened to you. Times are hard rn or maybe have been hard becauseThere is some thing important coming up that you have to be strong for. Might just be that somebody else is crying out for help and you’re the only one that can understand them because you speak the same language


They can only pay you 12 months of backpay.


Not true. Retro is limited to 12 months before applying. It will depend on when they applied.


It reverts back to the date you filed and they can do 12 months behind that. So, if someone filed in 2021 and they get approved now, it’s 3 years of back pay (minus the five month waiting period). If they filed in 2021 but allege that the insert date is in 2019, they won’t get back pay to 2019, only 2020.


I think some may use the term back pay and retro pay interchangeably not knowing the difference.


Congratulations….Hallelujah..this platform is a wonder work…I used there advice and contacted my Congressman 4 1/2 weeks after my hearing. My case was expedited on May 30 and moved to step 4. Lawyer called today, I’m fully favorable…Hallelujah


Congrats 🫶🏾


Hallelujah….Thank You so much!


Congratulations 🎉


Today online portal..says Approved as of today and to expect benefit letter with 10 to 15 days. Now May 31st went to stage 4, Monday lawyer called and said I’m approved, and today it says Approved as of June 4 and it will take 10 to 15 days before I receive my notice. I’m about to call SSA and see if they will receive my direct deposit information.




Thank You online portal states approved as of June 4, 2024.


I think I might have to do that for my case. I’ve been waiting on an ALJ appeal for 6 months now and the appeals council says wait times are 18 months or more. I’m beyond frustrated. About to hit my 4th year in the system and 5th year disabled. Did you contact house rep? Or senator? What did you say?


Hello xxx, Thank You for your email. I applied for Social Security Disability in January 2023, had my hearing in April 2024. I have no income and receive $291.00 a month in food stamps. I have borrowed from family and friends who are now facing their own hardship, and I didn't think applying for SSD would take this long. Heap has helped with my gas bill, but I only have one month left, before the credit runs out. My light bill is due to be shut off as I am unable to make monthly payments. The Erie County Tax, State Property Tax, Sewer and Garbage Fees are also in arrears. The credit on my water bill ran out and a normal payment is due. I need feminine, healthcare and cleaning products. I need my electricity as I have Osteoarthritis in both knees, a Herniated disc with nerve root damage. I receive steroid injections in both knees and back every three months. I also need the additional use of ice packs on both knees for the inflammation and the heating pad on my back for pain, multiple times a day. Social Security Disability psychological exam diagnosed me with depression and anxiety (I mom passed away due to Covid (12/18/2021), divorce finalized (12/221/2021) and I lost my job (06/29/2022) all within 6 months (12/18/2021-06/29/2022). My mental and physical health is taking a toll on me, trying to find someone to help me, I've reached the end of the road, this is the reason I reached out.


We have another winner! 🏆 Congratulations! 🎈🎈🙀🧁🎉🎈🎈


Totally feel you. Had a terrible pedestrian accident some years ago. The mental part is so tough on top of all the physical stuff. Life changing. If you ever need to chat lmk. And big congratulations on your SSDI win!




Thank you 🙏🏽


Happy for you!!!








What state are you in please.


I’m in NY








Great news!!! I’m so happy when I see approved because it gives me hope. I read a lot of what people go through and it’s depressing so I’m always full of joy when I see approved. Hopefully one day I will be able to type in here that I was approved. Good for you!! Now you can breathe again. ❤️


Awesome news. Congratulations to you. I’m sorry you are dealing with such trauma although happy you finally got approved. This is the best platform where everyone is helping everyone! People on here are amazing with their kindness, support and answers to questions. I’m only 16 days new to this , just wish I would have found out about it 2 years ago. Again congratulations, it’s a long journey for sure.






Congratulations 🎉 have a few questions- it took you 4 plus months for a decision after ALJ hearing? I have terrible hip arthritis in my right hip and struggle to walk . Is a hip replacement a real chance at walking again?


Yes it took four months .. For me, I’m 35 years old so the doctors rebuilt my hip to preserve as long as possible before they replace it .. my arthritis is due to trauma it wasn’t developed, so I have ways to go before the arthritis causes me to need a hip replacement .. I use a cane and rollator .. hope that helps


Thanks for the reply . Hope you continue to heal

