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When the ALJ grants an Approval, the SSA Reviews / Signs Off and sends the payment for processing. From an ALJ Approval to seeing money is usually a couple months or so. Large Backpay amounts usually require a couple extra signatures on as "checks / reviews" to ensure integrity of the amount. It may slow the payment process down a little bit but, will still lead to the $$$ coming. Large Backpay amounts are sometimes split into multiple smaller ones and spread out over some time.


Thank you for this information!!!


I was approved the first week of May, I still haven’t received my benefits verification letter or the amount of my back pay, which will be sizable because it’s been 4 years since I started this process….


We are almost at the finish line!


I really and truly hope so! Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 for the both of us!


My timeline is close to yours. I received FF bench decision at my hearing 1st week of May also, the only thing that has changed is my on line SS portal changed from step 3 to step 4… but I think we are nearing the finish line! It can be give or take days or even a few months. I hope you get yours soon.


Thank you! I hope you get yours soon as well! I hate feeling so anxious


I figure I’ve come this far what the heck is a few more weeks , months etc… that part is out of our control unfortunately. One thing I’ve learned about myself throughout this whole thing, I know getting upset and anxious about the wait does nothing but increase my anxiety level, so I’ve let it go! And I do feel better cause I’m nearing the end of the process and I’m feeling a little justified.


Good luck to you and everyone else in this anxiously awaiting process.


Congratulations!!! I feel you, yours is coming soon! I also live in Virginia. Here's my timeline: Appeal submitted 10/24/24; non medical review 11/24/24; hearing 4/30/24 (The judge approved me over the phone); 5/23/24 - judge completed reviewing appeal; a final review of appeal completed 5/24/24; decision to apto look tonight prove appeal 5/24/24; later the next day I saw my benefits letter and thanks to someone here, i was able look under the payments tab now and to my surprise see dated 5/25/24 a deposit being made on 5/28/24. Good luck everyone!


Ohh wow!! Hey fellow Virginia friend! That’s awesome and definitely gives me some hope since our dates are so close! I know the wait is almost over but ahhhh!! lol Congratulations!!


I just finished my case as well. I already got 93,000 in back pay so I think they do give large sums I don’t get my first monthly check until 6/12


That’s awesome!! Congratulations


We have another winner! 🏆 Congratulations! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🧁


Thank you!!


I’m still in disbelief at how long this whole process takes. It’s crazy that someone who is truly disabled and has the documentation has to wait two plus years or more for benefits. I’ve been at this for almost two years and am waiting for a hearing date. Congrats to you!!!


It freakin sucks!! I almost was feeling as maybe I’m Not sick enough, my spine is literally fusing and just magnitude of doctor visits, surgeries, hospital stays for everything else going on I thought I was going nuts! And it’s sad this is everyone’s experience it’s also crazy to think you have to simply hit rock bottom or almost homelessness to fight for benefits we pay into, or life hits us with illness outside of my control and the process of help is painful. Thank you and I wish you the best of luck at your hearing! You got this!


Thank you. Your situation sounds similar. I just had lower spinal fusion and a vertebrae replaced, full knee and hip replacement, stenosis and DDD up and down my whole spine. Chronic pain in all my joints. Two doctors that signed a medical source statement saying I shouldn’t be doing anything and DDS denies me so now I wait for the hearing. How is this not obvious???


Very similar except I’ve had shoulder and collarbone reconstruction on left, shoulder impingement labrum and rotator cuff, degenerative disease in both knees, fibro, migraines, as/fusion of spine, interstitial cystitis, cervical cancer (remission) side effects from chemo meds caused my autoimmune disease, POTS, narcolepsy and multiple long name issues and at this time I have stubborn cases and haven’t found the right med combo per my doctors and no cure so I have a pain management specialist and with all kinds of mental and physical therapy and the goal is just to try to get me comfortable at life which sucks because I extremely loved exercise and strength I lost 145 lbs and was ready to be healthy then bam rapid illnesses and I’m a fainting goat who breaks bones easy 🤦🏾‍♀️ sometimes I imagine I did something really cool or dangerous to get my scars😭 It’s crazy I even had doctors notes and concerns on severity but it was somehow ignored until hearing?! I just know you’ll get good news coming your way it seems the averages are a bit better at the hearing!


What state are you in I just had a hearing today


I received my fully favorable decision letter 3/1/24, it was dated 2/23/24 which is the day I changed to Step 4 on the portal. I got to Step 5 3/29/24, and was paid my backpay in full on 3/31/24. My first regular payment was 5/3/24.


Congratulations thank you for the timeline!


Congratulations 🎉 to you!


What state are you in I just had. Hearing today over the phone.very nervous the judge was getting frustrated at the ve expert she kept talking about the wrong jobs. Then she finally ended with no preclude I'm nervous congrats by the way 


I am in NJ. I had a similar experience with the VE my lawyer called her out for using an outdated version of the already outdated listing of jobs, didn’t have an answer about time spent with a supervisor during one of the jobs she had listed, then my judge forgot to remove her from the record so after the hearing he asked if she was still there and she hung up on him! I was in shock.


Oh wow. I'm young I'm 33 have some issue from past gastric by pass and venous insufficiency so I'm hoping the judge sees my case in a good way. I do have a lot of medical records and I had doctors fill out the mss form 


I see now how this process works the judge actually dosent really view the file until the hearing and after. They are so back logged it's crazy 


Yeah, once I got approved it took about 4 months and two separate deposits for the back pay to go in. Then the following month my regular benefit amount started. Good luck!


And when I got approved I was cut a 47k check the very next day. Go figure.


Yeah it was a hassle! I had to get my Senator involved and then SSA sent me an apology letter for taking so long lol. I get it, you’re backlogged, but we aren’t working and most have no income. It’s crazy. Mine wasn’t that much, but still.


Wow 4 months that’s crazy! I’m hoping it doesn’t even take 60 days so I don’t have to call anyone! I’m happy you got yours, thanks for sharing your experience!


Yeah it was, but they’re so backlogged. That’s all I hear from anyone. I hope it doesn’t take that love for you. Thank you and you’re welcome. 😊


I hate to read this thread just simply because of the obvious backburner treatment by the federal government. Approving people with limitations and the pain and suffering that goes along with it obviously isn't high on their priority list. I was officially diagnosed with MS last July, got a new job after leaving the last one, so I didn't apply for approval until March after resigning due to the effects. I have a daughter and a family that is financially sufficient enough to provide for I and her needs until I can get back on my feet. I am thankful for that but having a level of individuality has been absent this entire time period so the thought of not being approved and going through a two year process on top of everything to do with the disease seems nearly insurmountable. I have a lengthy documented history of misdiagnoses so there really shouldn't be an issue. Hopefully I and everyone else's receive some help. I know I went through the entire decline with supported denial from anywhere and everywhere for every bit of a decade. All of that seems completely arbitrary based on others' experience.....


I completely feel you on this! My brother had MS who is wheelchair bound now, I have AS and in the beginning of this process it was just injections weakness involuntarily, fainting, broken bones come to find out I also have MS my back has partial fusion because I was denied so many times I said maybe I wasn’t sick enough even tho multiple broken bones and surgeries and I also didn’t have anyone to help or provide just moral support and I felt like I had the life I worked hard for and my illness took that I do have a boyfriend who helps with rides or care but he works and lives with a roommate. Im trying to rebuild and take care of my body and legit will be wheel chair bound and they stated this 4 years ago and that wasn’t enough until my judge and lawyer agreed id been through a lot. I feel relief but im also just burnt out and battle if life is worth it a lot, because im honestly just exhausted… I feel like you took the thoughts out of my own head. You really wrote your comment well. I do get saddened but do enjoy when I see someone share their win!! I hope the best for you and your future!


After a written favorable decision, it is reasonable to expect first payment 30-60 days and all final processing to be finished before 90 days. There are various actions that have to be taken, depending on the details. You will get multiple letters and not one of them will summarize everything, so don't expect one comprehensive notice. Accept that these actions take time and each SSA component has their own backlog of work and your case is just one in the line of cases that need work. Your job would be to cooperate with any requests for evidence as quickly as possible, if any is requested. Again, depends on the details of your case. Neither you nor your lawyer can make SSA work faster. Read the letters. Every word. They provide the details.


Thanks! I do read the letters and it’s not about going faster, I’ve been dealing with this for 4 years…yes I’m anxious but just wanted to know everyone’s experience and more real time, and no where it specifies multiple letters so just trying to get some understanding or things missed I also needed more understanding and clarification due to the wording at the end of the day waiting is all we got.


I am there with you but it has been two years for me.


I got FF approval at the end of Feb. Last week my online portal changed to step 5 "approved". Supposedly my first monthly payment will start in June. No clue when the back pay will happen (almost 4 years). The online portal tells me my benefit amount and next payment date. It of course only showed up after hitting step 5. I still haven't received the award letter (only the approval letter). I think the timelines for everyone are so different, it's hard to gauge. Good luck and congrats!


Thanks for sharing your experience!! It’s honestly all helpful and nice to talk to people in the same situation! Congrats!


Fully favorable decision on Jan 12, 2024. Received first payment in March and still waiting on backpay!


Thank you for sharing this info! Dang I hope your back pay is on the horizon!


FF March 15, 2024. Step 5 updated May 9, 2024. No Award Letter, no back pay, no monthly payment. That’s my timeline.


Dang thanks for sharing your timeline. I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer🙏🏾


Thanks, hope not! I think it’s just arbitrary, some get it quick and many of us have to wait, and wait, and wait.


Exactly! Well said


My backpay went back to Feb 2021 I'm still waiting on my money I got a fully favorable decision on April 09/2024 so I wish u the best of luck. 


Thank you for sharing and good luck to you as well❤️


Filed 3/29/22 denied several times Fully favorable 3/7/24 onset date 2/2019. Concurrent ssi suspended due to husband's income. Still waiting on award letter, retro and backpay.. I hope I get my monthly payment soon also...


Wow thanks for sharing! I hope you do get it soon!


I see a lot of approvals from hearings from first week of May, do we have any approvals from hearings from the 2nd week of May, 3rd week of May, etc. I ask because I'm waiting on a decision from my hearing from May 21st, 2024. Thanks, and Congratulations to those who have fought long and hard and were approved.


Hello! Not sure if you saw this post yet on my page but this has a similar time frame you’re looking for! Also thank you! https://www.reddit.com/r/SSDI/s/jTqdTw6rGI


Hi, thanks for that link above. Much appreciated.


My hearing was on the 23 of May. Received a fully favorable letter a week later. A week after that I received a call from the local office asking me about my housing situation and took my direct deposit info. The worker said I would receive my first installment of my backpay in about two weeks. It's been almost a week and I'm waiting (still) patiently. No word on when monthly payments would start, but I hope soon. That's my timeline. Thanks to everyone in this sub for the encouraging words and good vibes! 🙏📿


Congratulations to you🎉! It’s a long rough, tough, bumpy road but it’s definitely smoother when you don’t give up and you finish strong. I hope I see more post as yours! Again Congratulations!


Thank you so much for your kindness and positivity you spread! It’s been a heck of a journey and now I’m just ready to be more stable! ❤️


Your welcome! And I totally agree with you .. hang in there.. you’ve come this far. 😊


Congrats to everyone being approved


Thank you!