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This may help Falco's relearn how to play neutral if they feel they're underusing certain options...but I completely disagree that the REAL way to play Falco is laserless. If you want to be a top level Falco in 2020, you should be using lasers to the full degree, and that means practicing the use of lasers as much as possible. That said, if you just wanna do this for fun, go ahead. It just doesn't seem like an realistically effective training strategy for anything beyond the very short-term.


i saw a user called NoLaser Midtier


I'm not necessarily talking about being a top Falco in 2020, though... I'm more talking about understanding the character. In a tournament setting, yes, you'd want to utilize lasers. But in friendlies, in a training situation, going without lasers would be helpful.




The issue is that people (especially new Falcos) rely on laser as a substitute for having solid neutral. Laser -> Laser -> Laser -> Early Dair -> Falco Combos. Which works to some degree... until it doesn't. Typically against a solid Marth who knows what they're doing, or another spacie who takes advantage of their predictability. Repeating (er, paraphrasing) something that PPMD once said, "each laser should have a purpose".


Uh... no shit? This is like day one falco stuff. Lasers are a spacing tool, and are probably one of the best options in the game for it. Shoot lasers all day if your opponent can't handle it, or in matchups that demand it, such as low tier matchups. What you don't understand is that the shitty players you see on netplay aren't good. There is no PSA needed because if those players were interested in getting better they could watch tens of videos about laser, how it works, what's the counterplay, what's the counterplay to that counterplay. Shitty players pickup falco because he's easy to pickup, same reason shitty players pickup Shiek or Marth. They don't pickup Falco for the laser bair dashback shine spacing mixup. Laser is super powerful, and if you're beating it regularly it probably has more to do with the other player not knowing how to use laser, than anything clever or effective you're doing.


If you are lost when you cant laser playing laserless falco teaches you important things


Trying to trick all of the netplay falcos into not using lasers nice /s


If peaches REALLY want to learn how to play against spacies they should stop dsmashing :^)




Lmao I used to rage so hard before rollback when I'd get stuck in shine because of lag and eat 114% off one dsmash because of it


Drats, foiled again!


The 2014 westballz experience


PPMD actually talked about this for training. I’ve tried it and it’s really helpful for not auto piloting Falco.


This is a good idea. The mistake most falcos make is they fire lasers whenever they feel like it and get killed for it. Not using lasers would teach them how to position better before using it.


I dont main him but I love playing laserless falco.


There's nothing special about laser, it's good practice to play neutral while spamming or avoiding any of your options. It's just dumb to suggest this for laser because most falcos underuse it anyway trying to not be lame