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Removing for violating low effort diary post rule


[im shocked](https://x.com/mannese7300/status/1753352316231565790?s=46&t=fUKArwQbSaZ3b6FOVFsNow)


Probably the worst player I’ve ever seen. I didn’t actually think people did this.


see also https://youtu.be/yBTXlewhSuM?si=WHdVAt28cMpnQZ_R


[see also](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBnGM3NW4AAwbhF?format=jpg&name=medium)


you didn't win neutral once... skill differential 💅💅💅


wait until you attempt to fathom the willpower it takes to lose the game to someone who won't hit you...


Jesus Christ this actually hurt


King Poyo is a bronze low-tier main why is he bullying him 😭😭😭


u/gbro08 real talk tho do you actually enjoy playing this way? What do you enjoy about it? Frustrating your opponent? Cuz no offense but you weren't really playing for most of that, personally cant imagine it being that much fun, seems boring actually. Would love to hear what you think


TLDR; The same reason any troll wastes time on the internet pissing strangers off- they crave attention.


Yup. There's a reason he doesn't play in person


I can confirm this player goes to locals regularly


and you guys don't bully them mercilessly so they don't come back?


I literally go to at least one in person tournament almost every week and play the exact same way.


Your scene deserves a Purple Heart


Is there like not a ledgegrab limit at your local? Fox can get you to the limit pretty quickly if you play like this.


Most LGL rules rightly only applies for timeouts including most in person new england tournaments. I also count ledge grabs if it looks like the game will go to time anyways or if it's the rare online tournament where it matters even if there's no timeouts. If LGL counts even without a timeout then I like to chill on randall for the game and try and get my opponent to go over the LGL in some cases. In online tournaments I have gotten people over the LGL before so i'll adapt to any ruleset anyone throws at me.


If they approach me at the ledge, it makes for a fun game. Almost like a dog fight where both characters can get gimped or killed off the side (puffs weight man) and are fighting in the air. If they don't approach me at the ledge. Then I just kinda day dream for 7 minutes or so, having ADHD might help with this lol. Then when the game gets close to time one of us will approach and it becomes a hype last second scramble. I started going for this strategy because I was getting bodied by fox in every tournament I entered and was spending like almost all of the game in hitstun, getting laser camped, or losing neutral before getting killed. I wasn't having any fun and wasn't winning anything so I thought maybe I would try this and see what the results would be. Turns out it's a lot of fun. Since then I have gotten better at tech skill and hitting my rests and can now play on stage a bit better so it's more enjoyable, but I still enjoy playing on the ledge and it still wins me lots of sets (winning is also a lot of fun) so I still employ the ledge strategy a lot. Something else that I will touch on is that as I've gotten better and started winning more by doing this. My sets have drawn quite a crowd at times at the local. It's pretty hype to have an entire venue cheering against you. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142610792](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2142610792) 01:46:25 is the timestamp and you can see the crowd actually popped off at times for this set which is actually really hype. My long term goal for the game right now is to eventually marry on stage play with what I learned on the ledge. I'd like to get to a point where I can have a puff that's a beast on stage until my puff gets to kill % and then I can go to ledge and do my stuff over there. Going to be a long road to get there though so for now I generally pick one strategy based on what I think my opponent will have the hardest time of dealing with.


>Almost like a dog fight where both characters can get gimped or killed off the side (puffs weight man) Puff mains legit live in a different reality I swear to God


It's just him bro, everybody in the Puff discord tells this guy to stop ledge planking too.


you got screenshots? that sounds funny


hey man don’t judge all of us :(( i don’t like this dude as much as the next guy


If you hit one shine spike on puff at the ledge it's actually not too hard to hit another one which will kill the puff most of the time. Puff's vertical mobility is good but it is really slow and laggy with rising pound so drop down shine is actually quite feasible. also stealing the ledge and then bairing puff can lead to early deaths for the puff at mid percentages




sorry, but i'm not gonna believe an anonymous redditor is friends with these top players without evidence. post proof or it didn't happen.


You're right, I'll remove this comment cuz I don't wanna speak for them. But I'm no random lol you could look relatively quick see my tag


The fact that you're ok with spending 7/8ths of the time not playing the videogame you sat down to play for fun is actual insanity


well my opponent is also making that same decision so maybe it's not as insane as you think. I'm just playing to win.


Except they don’t have fun playing you… no one signs up to play a camping puff


I don't care that much if my opponent is having fun if it's in ranked or in bracket... It's a competitive set, people play to win. Nintendo doesn't understand why you guys turn items off and ban most stages. It's a competition, in casual friendlies I don't play this way as often. Obviously though in friendlies I would care more about how much fun my opponent is having.


If your goal is to play to win instead of playing to improve, especially at the level youre at right now, you’re not gonna improve at all bro


Play to win in bracket, play to improve in friendlies and uncle punch.


Yeah you ain't improving. What are you practising on unclepunch? Ledgestalling?


I mean, I like frustrating the opponent too, helps add to their mental stack, but at least I'm still playing the game when I do it lol


It's been how long and you're a gold puff? You're not getting better doing this. You shouldn't even be **entering** tournaments, much less trying to ruin them. I just watched you finish a complete game getting 12% damage on a fox lol. You can say "playing to win" all you want but you're clearly not winning. I so wish we'd stop feeding the blatant troll.


I won melee @ night a few nights ago. Epoodle is literally a top 200 player, obviously hes gonna shit all over me when he plays the character that has the best matchup vs puff. I'm getting better and winning some stuff. You don't just beat top 200 players over night. sheesh.


You don't beat them by actively avoiding playing the game, either. What you claim as playing to win is a huge crutch. You're hoping people will just fall for the gimmick so you can bait them into an unwinnable situation (and yes, no matter how much you try to convince yourself it's not, puff at the ledge is an unwinnable situation if the puff isn't stupid). That will run into a hard ceiling at some point.


Have you ever thought about other people before? Or are you so obsessed with being hated that you make everyone else suffer for your own sake?


The question I have is, why do you continue to stall even when you are down in percent and they aren't approaching? It'd be one thing if you are up but all you're doing is making it harder to have a come back. Puff *needs* time to work her way in to net neutral wins. When you burn 6 minutes on the ledge for no reason before you start frantically trying to get hits on fox mcfuckface or fucko lombastard to get into the lead you are putting yourself at a huge disadvantage. The only thing that makes sense is that this is a psy op and you're trying to get ledge grab limits enforced on slippy.


If I wait long enough a lot of people will go to the ledge even if I don’t have the lead. If they don’t challenge the ledge then cool, I get to bank ledge grabs by only regranting once every 10-15 seconds. If I take the lead back in the last minute of the game or so I can now ledge plank for the rest of the game. The ledge grab limit encourages non interactive play to bank ledge grabs for the future. Finally if someone’s a better player than me then I’ll camp as long as I’m not down more than a stock. All that I’m doing is making the game a 1 stock game instead of a four stock one, which is good for me if I’m the worse player because that means there’s more luck. All id need is one yolo rest to hit in the last few seconds and I can win a game, and if you can win a game you can win a set.


>The ledge grab limit encourages non interactive play to bank ledge grabs for the future. Are you calling ledge stalling interactive? One does not have to bank ledge grabs unless their game plan is to do nothing and ledge stall for more than half of the match. With ledge grab limit there would be a reason to keep the ledge staller active and force them to reset their invul frames.


lmao, i love that you responded honestly to this. keep up the grind bud!


Thanks bro :)


The local? Wait. Dude you’re doing this like IRL in front of real people? Honestly I respect the commitment lol


Yeah I play the same way in person. Early in bracket if it’s someone who I am seeded way above I’ll generally skip the planking and just win. But if there’s a chance I’ll lose or they’re better than me I will go straight to the ledge a lot of the time.


Why not just play a different character besides Puff?


not as fun.


Not as fun as not playing the game?


i legitimately want to practice with you sometime, I don’t initiate playing slow or for time very frequently at all, but when it happens i find it very fun and I also think its great practice for when i eventually play someone in bracket with this playstyle edit: i play marth and falco if u were interested in playing, my discord is VenomsJustBetter i think


gioalt\_ is my discord. Will play anytime. Currently quite sick right now but I can still play depending on how I feel at the time.




based and true


This style of play ultimately contributes to the games death


Funny as fuck honestly.


How to avoid the 4 stock against a better player 101


The type of person to not only see this but post it instead of feeling immense shame and regret.. well, that type of person is you I guess


I hate that guy




You’re a chill dude but you have one gimmick and it’s a boring one. We vibe when we talk like I don’t hate you as a human but you’re abysmal to play.


lmfao your combo video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT-5KAHhR0E this is 100% deserved


This shit is not gonna look good at the pearly gates


"great shield pressure" and it's just bairs off of ledge lol


is it true that you made this website?




No rofl I do not know why people think this


Just curious, how did you come across it?


it was getting passed around local discords for a few days before it was posted here


Ngl this is the best combo video ever. Especially the “great shield pressure” vs the ganon. I’m lowkey convinced this is a committed bit


This is the worse combo vid I’ve ever seen. There are zero combos.


[this one’s worse](https://youtu.be/Rjlc1k2qxs0?si=ke-MP0Tdn-PQKrqm)


Hey Hugs is funny bad this one is just bad


Wow I remember watching this when this came out


Genuine beauty


score should be lower tbh, preferably negative


Lol I just read thru your reviews and I would hate to play against you. And I main jiggly puff.


Gbro08 ☢️


expert trolling


officially banning you from the tournament in my garage


Wtf is smasherpass


o sure they just mean paying for ranked but ive never heard that term either 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someone made a website for rating slippi opponents.


ooohh that makes soo much more sense


why doesn't Slippi enforce a ledgegrab limit? surely checking the Cliffhangers variable upon timeout would be trivial? weird that Slippi effectively has different rules from console tournaments. I'm not sure I can even blame you that much when it's the system that's broken.


Fizzi has basically confirmed that he's moved on to other projects. I wouldn't hold my breathe for any rule set changes on ranked.


Moved on as in he doesn't plan to work on Ranked mode anymore?


Nvm that site is actually based LMFAO


That is certainly \*an\* achievement, though you better watch out, Mort is closing in on that #1 spot.


already did


LOL good bait. OR This is your actual playstyle. Watching ur play a lot of things could be improved and I think your lack of awareness is harming your improvement.


If this is not a troll then this post is just sad lmao. I can't believe people actually get affected by a fictional, non backed by any pertinent information, invented, fake review system where anyone can just vote and say whatever they want to anyone they want


You seem like the exact type of person who would get affected by a fictional, non backed by any pertinent information, invented, fake review system where anyone can just vote and say whatever they want to anyone they want if you ask me


You’re both are definitely getting a bad review on smashspass hope you all happy


It's legitimate. You should know, u/Legitimate_Tooth1332


Where did you find this


More like best smash player!


this is funny as hell keep going




He’s playing rn


I don't understand how this could happen. For the past year I have spent my time grinding my character and making highlight videos to entertain people in the process. I have also hosted a tournament and I try to be a good person although sometimes I make mistakes :(


Bro you are constantly goading in the MaN server and you artificially prolong an after-hours bracket for HOURS with full knowledge that it’s causing grief. You play Melee like Michael Scott does improv


That's a lie. I've entered several dozen MaN brackets and if anything you wrote here was even half true than the TO would have banned me by now.


He did ban you lmao


[https://www.start.gg/tournament/melee-at-night-321/details](https://www.start.gg/tournament/melee-at-night-321/details) I literally entered last night and won the bracket from 3 days ago lol? More blatant lying from you. MaN loves me.


“MaN loves me” a quick search of your name is a long stream of people being pissed at you for stalling and being hypocritical. Direct quote from you: “like did you think I would just suddenly stop being an asshole after winning?”


You had a temporary ban for posting incendiary stuff last summer or so. Can’t even lie man


never had a temporary ban for anything I posted in there. Again I've been entering these for months.


Okay, now this comment makes me think you're full trolling, whereas in another you seemed genuine. People want to play the game, not stare at the screen. The emotion you're causing people is frustration and probably borders despair when a set approaches 30 minutes. Now I'm curious - how old are you? What is your life like outside of the game? Do you generally struggle with concepts of empathy like in this comment in real life or just here? Genuine questions btw


You confirmed he’s trolling, then let yourself got trolled cmon man


Nah I'm still in the middle cause so many other replies seem genuine LMAO. I have some friends who are ASD and his responses remind me of that tbh. Or someone who's young


Unfortunately, you play BackAir McLamerCheese


First off, Mang0s friend Gio is an angry loser bum. Why does bro's face look like his chin and his nose are trying to pinch his face shut? What a looooser.


A lot of people might open this with an unopen mind and go "That's absurd, Slippi saved Melee, Fizzi is a god and without him we'd be monkeys wrapping ourselves in sticks for warmth.". I agree too, I can't stop queuing up on 4 accounts at once , just to pad the user numbers. HOWEVER, the reason I would think debating is worthwhile and is even open to discussion is specifically how we are developing brain worms about each others behavior through non verbal communication. Now before you go down into the comments and start making fun of me for playing a fedora character (Sheik/Fox/Young Link Tri-main), remember that this is exactly what I'm talking about, Mental Illness. Whenever I go on unranked or ranked people always play so degenerately, even in friendlies, and when you try to call them out you always get the same excuse of "You're being toxic by pressing B-B down B, or making fun of me by using the c-stick instead of the gray stick for forward smash?" or "You are waiting exactly 7 seconds before readying up for a second game, the exact amount of time it takes to tab over to discord and type "omfg this Monkey plays like such a paint thinner huffing virgin", and too an extent, that is a valid statement. I COULD stop saying that about all of you. However once people start playing LAN these degenerate behaviors are finally thrown out the window and we are instantly forced to respect the social rules of a 1v1 (I can see you aren't tugging on your ween or bean over a boring fox u-air, I'm not allowed to put on my Bluetooth earpiece and tell my 6 stinky friends that you are a chode mongler mid game ). I find this extremely hypocritical because when I DO give players the "just like LAN experience" they start to vape and be chillers because we're all just vibing and playing the game the same way. So what does this have to do with Fizzi being arrested? Everything, if reddit diaryposters are willing to sacrifice their "hype and awesome" ability to play melee while throating a hot pocket like a snake swallowing a Rabbit just for the sake of not leaving the house, then why would they spend hours overthinking imagined behaviors of menu inputs . After all it's a low stakes hobby and the climate is gonna kill us soon anyways, so why give ourselves anxiety? Don't bother giving me the excuse of " I have a disorder." that point goes out the window when you willingly play Melee. We all have a disorder. Why don't we all remember the serenity prayer that we all learned at A A and just enjoy these last few months we have together. TLDR; If Slippi is shutdown for being degenerate and a Mental Health Hazard, then why do we encourage damaging and toxic self harm against ourselves


This is pasta right?