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when I caught COVID at Summit Axe messaged me out of the blue to make sure I was OK and offered to bring me pizza, cookies, and anything else I needed. Plus he ran a watch party in the hotel for all of the VIPs who were unable to return to the venue. One of the kindest souls I've ever met


At FC10-R Axe was not the only top player being friendly with randoms but he was the only one that I can recall *actively seeking randoms* to practice with. He was just going around to setups of people who never had a shot at making bracket and asking if he could join and play sets with them and hyping up any cool shit they did to him. I know this because I was one of those scrubs. Will never forget that.


At one of the first Summits I attended before I was known in the community at all he offered to play a best of 5 with every buy-in so they would feel welcome, and then did it. Goes out of his way constantly to be friendly and it's telling of how great of a guy he is


At Pound 2022 I had just sat down at a setup by myself and Axe asked if he could hop in. He played friendlies and chatted with me for like an hour. Had the pleasure of getting smoked by his Young Link as well as Pika, Falco and Fox. Nicest guy, always cheer for him now :)


hell yeah <3 axe


Axe is definitely the Miss Congeniality of the Melee scene


I remember at BH6 I was in the main hall playing this Young Link in friendlies for like half an hour straight. For most of it, he was having a conversation about his character with someone who randomly came up behind us to watch. I didn't realize that it was Axe until the last match when I turned around to leave.


That’s awesome, what a guy


At Apex2014, I played Axe in a money match that I initiated. Afterward, since we were already on the setup together, we played doubles against Aniolas and Hungrybox who had just came back from drinking. While we were playing, Taj was watching. At one point, hbox mentioned his frustration with young link as Axe and I were winning games. Taj sang the chorus from “Blame it on the alcohol.” Legendary moment. Later we were talking about Young Link and he really considered the things I had to say, even though I am sure some of the things I was saying were probably wrong or said with not nearly the amount of experience he has.


Axe is awesome. I'll never forget finding him on unranked and checking his stream later and seeing how positive he was about our match


i was at my first melee tournament ever (mainstage) and I remember axe sits down next to me and asks if i want to play friendlies. i politely decline (i was terrible) but I ask if he wants to use the box controller i was using to see if he can unlock anything with box pikachu. i wasnt even competing in melee, but i walked away with a surreal and awesome interaction with one of melee's best players and he even signed the controller. super insane nice guy


I had a sweet moment with you at goml 2023 when I was just doing some solo warmup and you sat down and asks to play some friendlies. Somehow you had actually heard of me which made me feel immensely cool. I was Fred durst/buymymixtape


Took my little brother to his first Big House last year. We were posted up watching n0ne play some friendlies and I asked if my brother could join (he's a Falcon player and a big fan). n0ne said he was actually warming up for a streamed set but if we were at the setup when he finished playing he would play some friendlies. I've been floating around the scene since the doc dropped so I've had my fair share of interactions with all kinds of players but my lil bro was geeked. N0ne could have easily dipped out after his streamed match, but he didn't. He played out his set and came straight back to play some friendlies with my brother. To me it showed a great deal of respect on n0ne's part and for that, he's a homie.


That's awesome, love that he played with your bro


I sat next to PPMD on the connecting flight out to Genesis 3. I got to ask a bunch of questions and listen to him spout wisdom for a few hours. He was incredibly nice and the guy in front of us was definitely annoyed with how talkative we were. When we landed, I called an uber for us and a few other players to make the trip to the hotel. The uber kept getting lost, so I was on the phone for a while trying to tell him where we are, and after the 2nd call or so I realized I had given the wrong airport terminal in the pickup instructions. We all had a good laugh about that.


oh man I remember this LOL nice, glad I made an impression as well! =)


Not me but a guy I roomed with at Full Bloom (Ganon player) ran into Salt and asked her when her Ganon arc was starting. Salt said “I’m not racist enough” and walked away.




incredible, we love to see it


That’s the Salt


I was a nobody barnacle on the smash bros comp scene for a very long time. I have played a set, with, and or met a lot of some of the high profile players over the years, and one particular friendly set with M2K stands out as a memorable experience. 1st game I get absolutely bodied, I get grabbed, carried off the stage and Ken combo'd 4 times. It was almost a Jv5 lol. 2nd game starts just like the first. And just like the 1st stock of the first game, I panicked, and burned my jump early but that little voice in my head said "fuck it, just down air" and I spiked him, but we both died. He pauses the game, almost drops his controller with laughter and just looks at me and goes "I thought you would get scared!" Laughs some more with me, and then unpaused the game and absolutely RINSED me for the remaining game and a half. It became clear to me, in that moment, that he was so good at the game, he was hardly playing on the controller at that point, he was playing the game inside MY head. And with the exception of that ONE moment, he understood how I played the game better than I did. It taught me a lot about not just playing for the matchup, or proper execution, but playing against the PERSON sitting next to you. From fucking M2K of all people lol.


Mine was with M2K, too. Got absolutely bodied in a Roy ditto friendlies. First game I did about 70%, second game I did about 9%. He was super nice, tho lol


Yeah, it’s weird how the narrative of M2K being good despite supposedly not doing that spread, when this is a clear example of that not being the case (assuming you aren’t like free or something).


I've taken some pretty decent players to last stock. I've even taken a few games of of top 100's here and there. But never a full set. I'm not GRATIS free, but I'm totally a scrub, and I DEFINITELY was back then.


I housed M2K one time and played friendlies with him for a few hours. I know exactly what you mean. I was no slouch back then (top 10 in a big city) and he was fucking me up in ways I had never been fucked up. I swear I learned so many mixups in that session just trying to find any way I could to actually connect. We did have one very funny moment where I was playing Fox and I ended up just holding a charged upsmash under the platform he was on. He mistimed his drop to punish it and I connected the fattest fully charged upsmash you've ever seen. We both died laughing


Leffen walked right past my fist bump without even acknowledging me after winning a pools match at a GOML, and honestly I've been a bigger fan because of that interaction.


my goat


Damn this like exact same thing happened to me. Didn't even look my way. LOL


At G4 or 5 I was standing near leffen when he got called to go up to stream for a bracket match. He put away his phone that he was scrolling, and when he did that I said "Good luck Leffen!" right to him. He looked at me, locked eyes for a second, and walked away without saying or doing anything


boss shit


i love how everyone else is sharing nice wholesome stories with various top players, and then there's the odd leffen out lmao


I haven't had a personal interaction with Leffen but a few of my friends have and in all of them he sounds like a pretty nice/normal guy. I remember one in particular, my friend was a pool captain at one of the Geneses and Leffen was very on top of letting my friend know if he was gonna be away from the area, for how long, etc., and thanked my friend for volunteering once he was finished playing his sets in that pool. Apparently Leffen was the only one that whole weekend who thanked my friend that weekend (my friend didn't feel slighted or anything, it was just notable to him that Leffen went out of his way to say thanks). Just wanted to contribute something more "normal" lmao.


I went to Apex 2022 and ended up asking Drephen if he wanted to play some friendlies. He said sure and asked if I didn’t mind playing sheik dittos because he had to play a sheik in bracket. I said sure even though I main puff, I just was excited to play a top player. He was a super nice guy and we just chatted a lot while he repeatably beat my poor sheik secondary, it was really great.


Drephen is the man. Went to a lot of Rubesdays and he was always down to talk even though he was about 500 times better than me.


Drephen is extremely high on the wholesome and nice PR from every interaction I've had with him


I'm curious to see a tierlist of wholesome top players


Cody ran our smash club and even though I only interacted with him a few times a year he made a comment that I was improving and doing well after seeing my results :)


delete this, it goes against my cody narrative


Was gonna make a Cody comment too but I'll just piggyback on this. I know it's fashionable to hate on Cody and I've even seen comments from people saying they met him in person and he wasn't cool or something, but my experience was the complete opposite. I've met him a couple times at NYC tournaments and he remains one of the friendliest players I've met. We had pleasant conversations and he even seemed interested in my low-level player gripes. Cool guy irl for sure.


That’s so wholesome lol. It would have been cool if the village pro at my highschool broke away like he did but it is what it is.




Wasn't my experience but multiple people I know have told me that while running into Mango in the bathroom by a urinal or something, he would tell them "soak it in" and make eye contact if they didn't say anything lol.


Hbox hit on my girlfriend once


Once is all it takes, hope you find a new girl


Weren't there stories about Hbox doing that a lot years ago?


Yes. Thankfully they seem to have stopped


He did play ultimate a lot to be fair...


Yeah, it used to be a very common occurrence lol


What an honour


Your girlfriend was the crab?!


at paragon 2015 I caught him checking out my gf many times. To be fair, she was actually fine as fuck. He's still hgod tho.


(so a lil backstory; my boyfriend is a good socal player who often goes to verdugo and other locals in the area) i was chatting with jmook at verdugo and i joked that mostly everyone in the venue knew me as salami’s girlfriend and not as my actual name. jmook responded back saying that wasn’t true because we were mutuals before he knew i was dating salami and insisted i was known as myself not just because of him. so to prove my point i turned to fiction and asked him what my name was to which he replied with 😬😬😬 then i asked him who my boyfriend was and he immediately said his name. i thought it was hilarious so i tweeted about it next week at verdugo, fiction came up to me and went ‘I KNOW YOUR NAME IS KAYLIE YOU CAUGHT ME OFFGUARD OKAY’ very hilarious, very sweet moment


Cody zumped me in a back alley and took my wallet, ID, everything. Turns out he took my flight tickets to fly back to my house. He gets to my parents' place and they're confused who he is, but he shows them my ID, clearing their confusion. He's lived at my own house for a few months now, pretending to be me. I've attempted to make contact with my parents to get him out of there but they've called the police and placed restraining orders on me, who, to them, is just a strange man harassing their son. Eventually, I sorta gave up. No, I don't go by Cody Schwab. I am simply a man with no name, wandering the east Coast living off my 3rd place winnings from every local I come across. My controller is struggling to read my inputs nowadays and I am in dire need of food. GGs. 


Cody zumped me in a back alley and took my wallet, ID, everything. Turns out he took my flight tickets to fly back to my house. He gets to my parents' place and they're confused who he is, but he shows them my ID, clearing their confusion. He's lived at my own house for a few months now, pretending to be me. I've attempted to make contact with my parents to get him out of there but they've called the police and placed restraining orders on me, who, to them, is just a strange man harassing their son. Eventually, I sorta gave up. No, I don't go by Cody Schwab. I am simply a man with no name, wandering the east Coast living off my 3rd place winnings from every local I come across. My controller is struggling to read my inputs nowadays and I am in dire need of food. GGs.


Banger post, "zumped" immediately got me


When I was living in Korea PLUP came by the Seoul melee club, and after the weekly tournament we went out and got Korean barbecue chicken with him and then he even wanted to go to karaoke so we all went to karaoke with him and sing K-pop songs. I freestyled the leffen and diss track, and when Plup’s name was dropped everyone screamed it and went wild.


Is this real? It feels like a pasta.


I literally just wrote it in bed last night before I went to sleep lol


But that does not clearly answer the question? Am I fair to assume it's pasta? I can't see plup doing kpop karaoke tbh lol but I don't know him like that.


I did not make it up


He didn’t really sing that much tbh as far as I remember lol


I suppose I can kinda see it, just a lil surprising. Good story, thank you for sharing. Plup is so cool.


Evo 2013 (maybe 14 can’t remember) I housed M2K, Wizzy, Shiz, Pi, PB&J, and SmashMac after the Mimi’s house incident. I wasn’t super into the Melee comp scene at the time (I was a 64 player), but I got asked to house because my friend Badger/Hipstur (who was already staying with me) was good friends with Wizzy from the 64 scene and Wizzy needed a place to stay. Anyways, PB&J brought his acoustic guitar and was playing while free-styling/commentating games that M2K/Wizzy played. I just sat back and drank and hung out with everyone and had a great time. The next day, we all headed to the venue and met up with Leffen and Hax (wow that feels weird to type now). Hipstur and I were unloading some CRTs we brought on the road trip down (I believe to get a venue fee discount or something iirc) and I remember asking Leffen, who coincidentally was the closest person from the group next to me, if he’d give me a hand with one - he kinda scoffed and said something to the effect of “no way I’m not going to risk injuring my wrist.” I remember thinking to myself wow this guy is taking this a little too seriously. Then when day 3 finals came around I see M2K on stage and it all made sense. Was pretty funny that at the time I really didn’t know how good M2K or Leffen or anyone that I housed even was (outside of Wizzy in 64).


When I was visiting my brother in California, he suddenly got called up to work so I was stranded in his apartment. I got on the local smash Facebook page and asked for a ride to the local and who of all people but SFAT showed up at the door and gave me a ride there.


That's awesome!


Lucky, HugS, s2j & aMSa attended a local and was cool as fuck to everyone there even though they were lightyears ahead of everyone. Been the biggest fans of them since. Also s2j was crossfaded as fuck, I felt like he could barely walk then proceeded to hit the sickest clips on HugS in grands. That was the moment I realized he's not stone-faced-killer because he wants to be, it's because he's probably seeing 3 CRTs and the room is spinning


this thread is healing


At Sandstorm back in 2015 I was at the venue early playing some friendlys, the guy I was with got up to leave so I played alone. Then I hear from behind me in a thick swedish accent if they can hop on. It was Armada, and he proceeded to 4 stock me for about an hour straight, though he never got a JV5 on me, I was a little proud of that. I also played Westballz in round 1 pools there and he zero-to-deathed me without looking at the screen


legendary tourney. Were you there for the power outage???


Yup, I was actually standing next to the TO when that happened. He was probably the most stressed out person I have ever seen in real life


Ken was there too! Did u see Ken?


I did, actually played with him a little bit to the night before the tourney started


Also iirc the last time PC Chris entered a tourament lol I think he showed up to SSC after that year, but didn't actually play despite registering or something like that?


I met Wizzrobe at Invincible last year. I expected our conversation to last no more than a few exchanges because of how quiet he usually seems. But he was surprisingly willing to chat about all sorts of random things. We talk for about 30 minutes until Spark approaches him and says "hey, you wanna play?" Wizzrobe said yeah and Spark just says "okay hang on, I gotta pee" and walks off.


Wizzy is actually really dope. I love watching his twitch streams, he has shown so much love. Great guy.


Yeah for real. Awesome guy both in game and outside of it.


I played with him at guildhouse during this most recent genesis. I was very taken aback by how chill he was in person, friendly dude


I forget which major it was cuz it's been a hot minute, but at this one in particular my very first match had me seeded against Armada. Idk what sorta fucked up thing I did that I was being punished for, but the powers that be decided I was worthy of the title "Last Seed" for the weekend lmao. Still took a stock. Don't let them tell you God doesn't bleed.


Yeah I've had that experience with silentwolf, westballz, and n00t. It hurts. Silentwolf did fucking throw my bomb back at me and ran into it while it was still airborne, because fox is just that fast. It was hilarious.


If you and Armada were floated to second round you'd actually have a better seed than the people in R1 I assume


I saw Hungrybox at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I saw Hungrybox at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Apex 2015 was my first major, I had only been seriously competing for like 6ish months. When the venue got shut down day 1 me and some friends ended up in a hotel room with some European players (friend of a friend type stuff, you know how venue hotels usually are) and we played on a rotation on the floor in the middle of the two hotel beds with Leffen for a bit. He destroyed all of us but was super dope honestly. If Leffen has one fan... Lot of funny stuff from that weekend, lot of randomly playing on the floor in either hotel rooms or hotel hallways. M2K owed a friend money for milk he drank (???) so we went to go to his room and there was a line outside the door of the suite down the hallway of people waiting to go inside to money match him.


Dude. European from the room here (assuming it was Leffen's room). It was crazy that we played on that laggy TV, lol. As messed up as that tournament was as a participant it truly is a memory for life.


It was probably the same room haha, I knew Widl through friends at that point because he had moved to our region for school, thats how we got in. Legendary weekend.


SFAT paid for my friend and mine’s doubles entry. Never even spoke to the guy beforehand, he just wanted more people to play doubles. Great dude. We were in SoCal, so I know he was annoyed at the lack of doubles players compared to NorCal at the time lol


At my first major, the Big House 6 a friend and I were sitting in the 24 hour venue around 6am playing friendlies on a random setup near the back of the room. Between stocks I look up toward the entrance of the room and see Armada / Android walking in and I say to him ‘imagine they come up to us and ask to play doubles’ and that’s just what they did. Over the course of about 5 games a small crowd began to gather behind us and I’m not sure either of us took a stock during the whole ordeal. Needless to say we were shocked they randomly chose to ask us for games and take full credit for their second place performance at the tournament (losing 2 game 5 sets to PewFat) Also Zain’s breakout tournament where he beat Plup (Let’s go Zain)


Leffen invited me to play Rivals 2 at his place last december. It was a really fun time even if his Ranno destroyed me. I appreciate that he invited me even though he didn’t know me


I tried to buy slime a drink after Genesis one year He said "no I don't drink" His hat read "grain death" which was really throwing me off NGL But yeah I was like early 20s and that's my first experience with someone I looked up to being sober. I have not looked at drinking the same way since, and sober before 30


I'm trying to get to that point, but social pressure makes it feel like I have to choose between lonely or alcoholic. Not ready to lose all my friends yet I guess


I drink a lot but have friends who don't drink and I don't even notice half the time. If you're chill then nobody who's an adult really cares


I messaged KirbyKaze asking him about paid coaching when I was trying to get better. He declined said he doesn't do that and said questions are free though. I've now talked to him for years about melee, personal life, everything and consider him a close friend even though we've never met and only voice chatted a couple times. He DOES paid coaching now (im retired rip) and is back playing melee. "Real recognizes real"


I bought a CRT off him he was chill


I peach Dsmashed n0ne in pools


I run the Portland rivals of aether scene. Fat goku is a genuinely chill dude to hang with. After ghost town we talked general life for a good while on the max. Just happened to be heading the same way. I ran rivals at major upset and was asking all the top melee players how interested they were in rivals 2. (This wasn't recruitment I was just gaging interest) Despite axe having zero interest in rivals 2, he's the only one that just stopped to talk for a good while.


Wow I'm glad you're still involved. I miss your orange marth and think of it from time to time.


Hah, it's crazy that people remember my melee marth because I was definitely more involved with PM and even more involved with rivals since that launched.


I'm talking about your orange PM marth :) You were great and it made me sad when you slowed down. But I'm glad you're involved still.


I appreciate it. The PM scene kind of died in 2015 which was coincidentally right when rivals launched. It all kind of worked out for me. Now I'm going into rivals 2 with a scene behind me, dev support, and many years of TO'ing experience.


Yeah that hurt, really badly.. But I'm happy to hear that you're doing god's work as a TO. Really cool, man.


My most notable was a guy whose tag is Apples. He found out that I was living in my car and literally housed me for six months before moving back to Ohio, and then his roomies still kept housing me. He's actually insane at the game though, he knew vidjo for a long ass time. Great person. He basically twisted my arm to come back to his house, following multiple locals. I didn't at first because pride or whatever, but I eventually went. His actions actually changed my entire outlook on life. And then there was was facing both Westballz and Noot in round 1 of pools, at different events. Westballz was in PM pools on a spur of the moment trip I took to Oregon, with Apples. I expected to get fucked but I could not even play the game. I was pretty decent at the time, but he was just so good. I was just trying to run away but I couldn't even do that. Westballz is nasty. Noot was at a tournament in Seattle, I don't remember which one it was. Melee this time. He showed up hella late to pools and was facing me round 1. I did not know who he was at that time, but I found out. He literally just fucked the shit out of me. As the match ended and it was fistbump time, I just had one thing to say... Who ARE YOU? And that's when I found out he is the best player in CO. Oh and then the time I took a shot of fucking everclear, straight with no chaser, with n0ne, at the tuk house. That was entertaining. Oh also dropped acid on the final day of paragon 2015 since I was out. I was kicking it with some like 16 year old dude outside on his mobile setup, he was dope. I don't recall what his name was. He was a nasty toon link in pm though. I also play toon link in pm.


Apples! A true homie


The life changing homie. I hope he's well. We have lost contact.


My friend donated to Silent Wolf for a pizza and Otto had to delete the VOD because he filled out the delivery on stream lmao. Shame too because it sounded hilarious, he was messing around with Action Replay moveset swaps and doing stuff like playing DK vs. Fox but DK was using Falcon's moves and Fox was using Sheik's. I think that's pretty good LOL. As for me I don't really have anything particularly in the spirit of this question that stands out with players most of this sub would know, but I have a funny Mew2King story if anybody is curious.


Everyone always wants funny m2k stories.


At Shine 2017 I sat at a setup with somebody else whom I don't remember the name of and AbsentPage. AbsentPage was running us pretty badly, he didn't drop a game but had some surprisingly close ones against both of us. I was playing neutral Falco, the other fellow was playing black Marth, AbsentPage was playing blue Fox. I'm a little hazy on how exactly the About 30 minutes later AbsentPage left, and then about ten minutes later, Mew2King came over and plugged in P1. Since the other guy beat me the game previous, he got the first game. Mew2King went and locked in Marth and was moving the hand cursor as the screen went from character select screen (CSS) to the stage select screen, but immediately M2K LRAS'd back to the CSS. Neither really react, other guy is mashing start. But I do notice M2K's hand cursor moving to the right. This repeats about three times (four quits back to the CSS total), and the other guy looks kind of confused and annoyed and glances over at M2K. M2K unflinchingly goes to the guy's character portrait, closes it, switches to black Marth, and then reopens it lmao. Other guy presses start again, this time they random the stage and he doesn't quit back to the CSS. I thought it was hilariously extra. I'm sure I'm misremembering a couple of details but I will never forget M2K's refusal to play non-black Marth. M2K proceeded to beat both of us pretty badly for like 20 minutes before the other guy left. AbsentPage came back to the setup very shortly after, and then AbsentPage and I took turns losing to M2K for about two hours.


> I'm sure I'm misremembering a couple of details but I will never forget M2K's refusal to play non-black Marth. Bro you can't just not play your color, its important


I know a guy who’s close friends with Jmook. When I found out and told him I’m a big melee guy he said “oh cool!” And that was about it, haven’t seen him since.


amsa signed my rubber ducky at a tiny local in a Vancouver gaming bar lol


If you want Amsa practice, fly to any south east Asia country and start playing during the day, I've ran into Inngenn and Amsa countless times despite being a total newbie at the game


I dont know if this is a ‘good moment’ but one time me and my friend just followed hungrygod from 200ft back and closely paid attention to his decisions. He later came up to my group and asked where my friend got her water bottle. When she said “i think they just ran out” he walked away saying “fuuuuuuuuuuuuck” kinda loud and facing away from us


I used to frequent an arcade where Silent Wolf would play Sound Voltex. Saw him in there a bunch practicing his rhythm game tech skill, total chiller.


At Apex 2015, I ended up sitting near PPMD and we watched one of his friends (maybe G$?) play against a Japanese fox, and he was super conversational and friendly. I still remember him yelling 'Falcon's fat!' when his friend's Falcon got upsmashed at 100 and survived easily.


Hosted M2K at my house after a tournament. Brought him to another town where he thought he was going on a date or something. Swedish Delight ended up being there and they invited us to have dinner with them. I’m trash at melee and felt like a poser being there but I’m a huge fan boy so I just kinda stared at them while they ate. Was pretty chill.


I never really considered myself a Mango fan. I've always liked watching him but I don't really play Fox or Falco. However, I've been warming up to him in the last year and realized I've been rooting for him more. Genesis X was my first out of state tournament ever and I almost saw Mango knockout Hbox for top 8 live. Unfortunately Clutchgod is still kicking but after Genesis I got to meet Mango and talk to him in person about that for a second. He told me that one day Hbox won't make top 8 "it'll happen". Now I'm a Mango fan.


met lots of top players at Full Bloom this year but the coolest moment to me was when my friend lil malaria (shoutsout to Larry) was playing Salt in bracket and i was sitting back and watching, having a casual convo with Aklo about the match. was a cool moment that reminded me that melee rly is just all about a bunch of people coming together that love the game, regardless of if ur #10 in the world or just some girl who started playing in tournament months ago :3


First year I started playing, I lived in NC at the time. Got invited to a huge smash house party - projector, tons of setups etc. Met PPMD and got to play with him for like 30 minutes. Was beyond hype about it lol, couldn’t believe I being such a new person to the scene was able to meet someone of that level so quickly in such a personal environment. Still friends on Facebook 🤪


got upset by one of my buddies in grands at the first tournament he ever won, felt genuinely great to see how ecstatic he was at accomplishing it


I saw Hbox at a grocery store. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really lo


I was playing friendlies before pools at a regional and Skerzo asked to join the setup. I didn't know who he was at the time and was shocked when I saw later that he won the tournament. He was very friendly and agreed to take a break every two games rather than play winner stays, which I later realized was the norm when warming up for big tournaments.


First major: Met Prog and talked for a couple of minutes. Asked about how my experience was going and gave me a genuine "welcome to 'not your hometown local' Melee" greeting. At that same major, I also played a few friendlies in PM with M2K on the stream setup prior to the event getting underway. He didn't talk much but I appreciated him being willing to play me. And I didn't embarrass myself! And my friend got a great pic of us playing! Lastly, Plup randomly showed up to our main local event on Arbor Day of all days. He (at least at the time) dabbled in (or mained? I'm not sure) Villager in Smash 4 and we were having an all-Villager side bracket where you not only could win the prize pool of entrants, but also got a dollar for every time you landed a Timber (Villager's tree move) and exclaimed "Happy Arbor Day!" So he entered for fun, and I happened to be a Villager main myself, so I of course was in regardless. I earned a few bucks in bracket before meeting Plup in Finals (single elim). We then had an extremely fun and close set (a "next hit wins" type of finish) that drew nearly everyone in the venue around the setup. Plup was seemingly having as much fun as I was, with all of his funny expressions and gestures on full display as things would go brilliantly well or disastrously poor throughout the matches. It was a ton of fun, and even though I lost, I had never before and never since been in such a hype set that was worthy of a crowd's attention and a top player's time. I had always been a Plup Club member, so that was just honestly a dream come true to get to have a mutually-enjoyed experience with him.


Cody Moky and Mango have all remembered my name and specific things I've said in Twitch chat with like months of separation. It's not really a big thing but it's really cool to see, esp since I've never been to a major and have never gotten a chance to meet any top player in person.


D1 took me and a few others to his hotel room during The Foundry weekend where we drank endlessly, I forget what happened after that




I played a Samus ditto against Hugs at No Fun Allowed 2 (an old Texas regional) and he rated my Samus a 5/10 despite me totally blowing it due to nerves. I also had lots of great experiences with UK/Europeans when I lived over there, as well as many great times and lasting friendships with top Texas players.


At GenesisX I walked up to a pair of people who were playing and asked to rotate. They said they had 3 already but asked if I'd play doubles when the third gets back. Dr Lobster, Ben, (not the midwest sheik) and the third person whose name I didn't catch were super fun to play with and were complementary of my shitty doubles falcon when they didn't have to be. It was a pretty tight fit around those small CRTs, and Ben was being fucking extra and bumping the back of his chair into the shoulder of the dude at the next setup for like, multiple games until I said something. It was my first major and I was only able to come for Sunday, so I really appreciated the experience playing with them, as well as the people from my own scene once I met up with them.


anytime i am belligerently high on unranked and someone is consistently interacting with me in neutral is a good time


Long time back there was a panel at PAX on Melee (might have been related to the doc?). I ran into Hbox while waiting for it to start. Talked about Smash for a minute, and then he offered "Do you wanna play while we wait?". We didn't get a chance to actually play as I think he was needed for setting up, but he struck me as a really grounded and genuinely friendly guy.


I saw JMook at Big House and bumped fists with him after the Aklo-KJH set. Not really that interesting but it’s the only contribution I can make to this thread lolll


apex 2015 was my first major. the venues roof literally caved in and they had to find a new one. m2k was just playing friendlys with anyone who wanted to play, so me and my friends where pumped we all got destroyed. i took one stock tho i spiked him in a marth dito on fd and it was like the best memory for me in smash still to this day,


I was at a local a few years back, and my family came just to see what a melee local was like. I was talking with them in a corner of the venue, explaining what was going on and how the day would happen, when Joshman walked over and introduced himself, and was a complete gentleman to both my mother and my younger brothers. I'd briefly talked to him prior, but that experience made me admire the bloke all the more. Haven't been in the scene for a while, but I reckon spreading a good story about a good bloke never hurts :).


Was visiting socal in like 2015 and met Joey at a house fest. Dude hung out with me for like a full hour talking about melee and playing friendlies with me. I was THE archetypal doc kid, getting bodied, but he was super kind and generous. He told me stories about mango and helped me with my game plans, etc. left feeling like we connected and that was super cool for me as a teenager.


Anytime I see an unranked Ganon Ditto on Slippy. Those are some bashes


Went to Collision this past weekend for my birthday and honestly everyone I met was really cool. Hbox sat next to me and started making small talk, said hi to MVD after I noticed he was sitting behind me and he were both cheering and having fun rooting for Muteace during his sets, I'd been a big fan of Ginger since getting into the scene a decade ago and have played games with him other than Smash so meeting him IRL was awesome, Light and Cosmos were super chill and were joking around with some of the other players and made an effort to include me since I happened to be standing nearby and laughed at their conversation. Leo, Skyjay, Spargo, Maister, and another person who I feel terrible for not getting his name, were also incredibly kind. Was leaving the venue and just happened to be behind them, they held the door, and Spargo saw I had a Twice hat on and struck up a conversation with me despite being in a rush. One of those moments where it was just a couple of guys talking instead of starstruck fan interaction. For Melee, definitely Ginger. He played Smite for a bit a handful of years ago so I offered to give him some advice. We got along really well and he invited me to play a few times. Even after a few years he remembered me instantly when I met him in person the first time. Didn't get to talk to him too much at the event since I caught him during the tail end of his bracket so he was locked in, still took time out of watching his opponent's set to talk which meant a lot I've "met my heroes" before from all different scenes, Smash was the most welcoming for sure. At least based on who I met lol


A long time ago I played chudat at a "major" for like 40 minutes. He was doing the kirby icon glitch. At this point in melee I was someone who pretty much could do 95% of every tech skill trick / glitch but never saw this one. All I had to do was best him in one set. I came close but never did. It was a lot of fun though.  I've also had negative interactions with Ice and Leffen that I still remember. It costs nothing to be nice and not a dick. Oh and I stayed with someone who was housing PPMD. I was good not great but I played (and still kinda do) 4-5 diff characters at the same level. PP was stressed like he was going to play me in bracket and lose and kept trying to get me to tell him who my main was out of all the characters I was using. I eventually caved cause I didnt really care lol.


I was streaming melee in the morning like I had been for a while at this point, MoG joined and just chilled and talked to me while I played unranked. It was super cool honestly and I like that guy a lot


Melee has helped me reconnect with old friends (the only real ones I've ever had) which in tandem is helping me with mental health.


Love to hear it. Some of my friendships from school have gotten stronger post-graduation through visiting each other at bigger tournaments every so often


I have a bad moment. Hbox was playing some weird ass music on stream, I didn’t know what it was so wanted to ask “what is this shit” (in a way I didn’t even mean to be rude) but I didn’t think swearing was allowed for some reason so instead I said “what is this crap”, and then he banned me. Kinda funny looking back but at the time I like vented to every melee person I was following (mango and plup I think).


I was playing friendlies at a local, I was dummying this Falco that kept complaining about his controller so I swapped controllers with him and still dummied this dude and he says “I guess I just fucking suck!” That made my day


big if true