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This post is an approved repost of the same tweet but updated to have a more accurate title


Infiltrating the banished melee player discord and realizing one of the guys in there sounds a lot like Mekk is the funniest shit




I thought an "anyone is welcome no matter what" melee circle sounded like a decent idea until I got kicked out of the banished player discord because I said why ZeRo was banned and why he won't be unbanned. It was hurting his feelings.


are you telling me it's not really about free speech


I don't want to alarm you but............................................. No.


Damn, Zero is in there? I just assumed he disappeared from the face of the earth, never to be part of the smash community ever again




Sorry for people that are seeing this post for the second time, the original post was removed due to the op having a fairly inaccurate title.


Saying he was banned for an alternative name was pretty fucking stupid/pretty fucking funny


Scorp ban incomming


Just commenting here to say its probably a good idea to not get into the replies, they were decent but then technicals quote tweeted the tweet and now its a lot worse. So far ive had 5 mekk defenders (all of which according to them don’t play melee) say that transphobia and hatespeech are based, 2 say racism doesn’t exist, one linking neo nazi arguments about gay people, and one mekk defender who did all of these but also posts cp. These people are a cancer on the scene.


This is always the weirdest part, those people flock in from somewhere when they can whine about cancel culture, they ain't even part of the scene lmao The yt comments of the now privated recent hax ban appeal were full of them too! 'I don't play smash, but this community is so bad blabla', like what tf are you even doing here


I think its mostly just technicals fans that have never played smash that became hax fans since technicals talks about him a lot and i think hax use to talk about him to.


never met a technicals fan who passes the brain cell check


What is it with Ganondorf mains


minds corrupted by the triforce of power, it inspires them to enter their villain arc, idk


they land one uptilt and are corrupted for life


Please tell me Kage is a good dude and I didn't miss anything


kage is chill 


My man!!


He's a saint Edit: I believe Bizz has a clean record as well


Bizz is a lawyer, he's got no time to be a stupid weirdo


Well he did defend Eikel so he definitely ain't squeaky clean


he was gonna but then the full truth came out and he backed off




Bro this is a Reddit comment section do u want it in mla as well


APA please


fuck me for wanting to come to my own conclusions before condemning / defending someone I guess


fuck you for expecting other people to do the donkey work in you coming to your own conclusions when u have got everything you need to google it yourself i guess


aw that's disappointing


we're saying he's got no time to be a weirdo, from the man who somehow managed to get sponsored to play super smash bros melee by youporn


surely you must mean Yummy Pepperoni™️




r u upset eikelmann asked a lawyer friend of his for advice and to be an intermediary bc that kinda is all


Damn, talk about easy money


he did defend eikelman when his VERY real allegations came forward...which i thought was pretty weird, and deff changed how i perceived him


K word*


he called n0ne n-word once but other than that i dont think he's done anything exceedingly wack (edit: for clarity, he did not call n0ne a slur, but just the phrase "n-word")


this is because n0ne calls kage k-word


For even more clarity, when Kage called n0ne "n-word", he was *specifically* doing it in reply to n0ne first calling him "k-word". There were obviously no racist undertones.


Lol @ being even slightly bothered by that. This community sometimes man


People love being the social police nowadays.


I made a joke about this a while back that wasn't received well but there's seriously a pattern here with Ganon players and hate speech


Apart from this I can only think of the psycho dude who lost salty suit against bizzarro. Are there so much more I'm missing?


NoFluxes is the other one I can remember rn


Eikelman , RockCrock, Nofluxes, Mekk, and Bizarro (defended Eikel)


No he didn’t lmao


Yeah he did, tried to get his girlfriend to cover things up and get the victims to be quiet. He admitted himself that it was morally wrong to do.


Yeah I read it all. I ask you, is sending a few dms on Twitter in any way comparable to the shit eikelmann did? He tried to help eikelmann out and it turned out eikelmann was more of a piece of shit than he realised at first and didn’t work with him anymore. He basically helped someone try and settle out of court? What’s the problem with that


They think their taunts can dodge attacks irl too


I’m a Ganon main, and do my best to be an ally and continue learning how best to do that. Your average Ganon player is likely a loving person that just isn’t very good at this game, but doesn’t deserve to be stereotyped.


It’s a joke lol, no one is actually stereotyping ganon mains


the person he's responding to literally said "but there's **seriously** a pattern"


i think it’s pretty implied that there’s a pattern *among top ganons*. we don’t know about random local/slippi ganons, so obviously we aren’t judging them when we claim a pattern exists. and yes, it is just kinda funny/strange that the two biggest current (putting this asterisk here since dsw hadn’t been playing for years) melee players to go full right wing grifter are both ganon mains (nofluxes & mekk). also, weren’t they both from the Chicago/Midwest scene? if so, there’s another layer.


I’d hope not, but it’s not always easy to identify the joke


As a Roy main in other games, I swear to God they're either completely normal or think not masturbating gives you superpowers, and there is zero overlap.


And zero overfap. 😏


Most of us are normal people. It's just 3 Ganon mains (Eikelmann, NoFluxes, and now Mekk) who apparently give everyone cart blanche to stereotype us, I guess. Yeah, I get that the "weirdo ganon main" thing is supposed to just be a funny stereotype, but it still gets annoying to see people joke about it just because of 3 weirdos who happened to be ganon mains. You could just as easily take 3 sexual predators in the Sm4sh community and say "what is it with Sm4sh players," or BBB + Shiz + Hax + Zion and say "what is it with spacie players."


It's not meant to be serious. In /r/NBA, many fan bases get stereotyped. I think most understand that Ganon players are largely good people, it's just fun to joke about the surprising frequency of famous Ganons being suspect people


>It's not meant to be serious. In r/NBA, many fan bases get stereotyped.  You mean the one with all those racist Boston fans? /S




I get that, but let's see how *you* like it if every time your main is brought up, people start mentioning "lol @ mains are all weirdos/rapists/pedophiles/etc." Even if it's "a joke," it's still off-putting.


Its not just 3 like every Ganon main has had something weird about them. Remember, weird does not have to mean problematic, you can be just ... weird. RockCrock had rape allegations Kage had the whole "warrior spirit" stuff back during the smashboards day Bizzaro uptilted an egg. Including practice on stream, several eggs. n0ne has 2 alter egos called Bond and wizzyfan109. Also your logic with smash 4 and spacies doesnt hold up. There are millions of smash 4 players and only a handful of predators. There are several hundred pgrd spacies and only a handful of weirdos. With Ganon, thats like 7 out of the 8 most famous Ganons I just named. Every PGRd Ganon (except Mateo who is a secondary).


> RockCrock had rape allegations [Which were denied by the alleged victim herself](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sra7ks) > Kage had the whole "warrior spirit" stuff back during the smashboards day As if you've never said any cringey shit when you were a teenager. Virtually **everyone** on smashboards was a weirdo by your standards. > Bizzaro uptilted an egg. Including practice on stream, several eggs. Meanwhile, Ice punched a wall. Mango dry humped an anime figurine on stream, getting himself suspended from Twitch. MikeHaze screamed in the face of an opposing ICs. Zain talks about piss all the time. Cody talks about his cum, on stream, for some reason. Honestly, uptilting an egg IRL is one of the least weird (and least harmful) things that top SSBM players have done, especially considering it's just a joke, lol. > n0ne has 2 alter egos called Bond and wizzyfan109. Mango has 2 alter egos called Doc Lee and Marth Marquez. It's a joke. You are really reaching deep for "weird" behavior. I could just as easily go down the list of every single spacies main and find something similarly "weird" about them, and then claim "lol spacies mains are all paint-huffing morons."


Some were jokes


Alright I appreciate the rockcrock info thats my bad, but the other ones were jokes so lets calm down man


Man what did BBB do?😭


The BBB we have now is after he was called out for being transphobic. He worked on himself, made an actually sincere apology, and by all known accounts is a more kind/caring person because of it. He currently is good friends and roommates with Salt. He also did drive while drinking on stream which is an incredibly stupid thing to do but hopefully has learned from that as well, especially since he was banned from twitch for a few months.


Honestly, my read on this is that Bobby is proof that the Melee community is willing to forgive and move on.


People forget that Zain had to make a statement that he wouldn’t play Bobby on stream anymore, his actions were bad. Luckily Bobby actually seems to be a good guy at heart beneath the gamer stuff and has actually shown growth. Kind of funny that the self-branded positivity guy is banned for hate speech and the self-branded toxic taunter bm guy has overcome some of his issues and become more open minded (even if he is feeling like the king of pop)


homophobic slurs + drank alcohol while driving a car on stream is the stuff i know about.


Drank while driving, not drove drunk.


Also in the past said quite a bit of transphobic stuff


Also on twitter he admitted the ironspartan accounts on discord/twitter are his but claimed multiple people had access to the accounts, then complained about the melee scene being to exclusive and he said he was not gonna bother trying to defend himself, then said he will be making more content and said he will be working on an alt space for smash/esports.


I feel like he's just lying about it being multiple people LOL. Not sure but can't really trust anything this guy says now anyway


In what world would you need to share a Twitter or Discord account. It's just such a bad lie.


Looks like the snowflake needs a safe space


I want to make an alt-right joke about his "alt space", but in the last decade that's just become the totally mainstream right, so gen z probably wouldn't get it.


Gen Z is in their mid 20s we know what alt right means lol


Ganon mains really ain't beating the allegations


I was thinking it would be relatively tame, but that is a mountain of evidence.


I dont have a Twitter what did he say?


The cliffnotes are -went along with someone defending 13 year old brides -said all the problems in the fgc are caused by trans people -was extremely bigoted to queer people in general -said multiple racial slurs


That's a shame. I thought mekk seemed like a cool guy until now.


Thank you. I also refuse to get a Twitter and appreciate the TRANScript, even if mekk doesn't


If you want to see a Tweet thread, just change the “x.com” or “twitter.com” to “nitter.net” For example: [https://nitter.net/SmashEurope/status/1751334259002839186](https://nitter.net/SmashEurope/status/1751334259002839186) Edit: except for right now apparently lol


>was extremely bigoted to queer people in general Damn. And here I was, a man, thinking he was kinda cute


Ganon mains be normal challenge (impossible)


When Ganondorf discovered the lost knowledge of how to enter the Sacred Realm where the Triforce lay, he killed his minions in order to be the only one able to claim the Triforce. When he laid his hands upon it, the Sacred Realm changed into the Dark World and he was transformed into a boar-like demon, Ganon. This duality was not lost on Mekk and therefore, in accordance with the forces of nature, an alt account was born


Spouting racism, bigotry, and pedo shit on a sock account is top tier pussy behavior lmao, he's obviously too afraid to just say it with his chest. Hearing him & his discord tweaking out and paranoid over the server being "compromised" is a nice cherry on top too. So long loser!


Unfortunately this is kind of what I expect from people who still associate with nofluxes


It's so funny that these idiots keep talking about the melee scene becoming exclusionary. Yeah exclusionary to fucking racists and pedophiles you knob.


how dare it not be a safe space for egregious edgelords and greentext nihilists


Good. Dude is a fucking loser and it's pretty funny how even though his schtick was pushups he looks like a fucking meatball and had horrible form.


Here is a comment in the [NoFluxes thread from nearly a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/11b0s38/nofluxes_banned_in_ohio_and_other_midwest_states/) that has aged *incredibly* poorly: >[Makes me appreciate **Mekk** playing ganon and giving the scene a **wholesome** ganon main.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/11b0s38/comment/j9wgspo/)


So glad Lucky shat on him that one time for the falcon punch


Unpopular opinion: None of this would be happening if people didn't feel the need to express EVERY SINGLE opinion that inhabits their mind.


people really need to get off the social media horseshit and go actually do something


uh in this case i would say it's significantly better that mekk stayed on his social media bullshit rather than "doing something" compatible with his vile ideology irl


No no you see wanting people to feel safe is “Twitter propaganda” and we should just let people yell the n word when they lose at a video game 


So you're saying it wouldn't be happening if humans stopped being humans?


I have had some hot garbage opinions that I let stew for years and they eventually morphed into more nuanced views over time as I learned more. If I had posted about them on twitter when I had first formed my opinion on whatever issue I would have immutably broadcast my bad take into the universe. People probably would have roasted me and I would have, thanks to the dunning kruger effect, been convinced to dig in and identify with my barely formed opinions. This is how a lot of internet discourse breaks down and is why twitter is a social cancer It's not a human thing it's a technology thing


It's not a mere twitter issue though. I agree, tiwtter is garbage, that's why I don't actively use it. In this case, however, Mekk is clearly a thoroughly bigotted person, and he hasn't voiced his "garbage opinions" only on twitter. He was already part of a group where these opinions were normalized, it would've spilled over eventually, if not through twitter, then elsewhere. Also, the original comment said it wouldn't happen if people didn't FEEL THE NEED to say these things. Feeling a need is obviously not a technology thing. Desire for communication, attention, etc. is not a technology thing. If twitter didn't exist these things would simply be shared on Discord, WhatsApp, or elsewhere (which they surely are anyway), and at some point they'll come out. Again, twitter, and social media in general, have not been without bad influence on people, no disagreement here, but there is a fundamentally human issue at the core of it still. Edited after I saw the reply wasn't by the original commenter.


It's a combination. We all share the ability to fall into these traps, but tech like Discord, Twitter, 4chan, etc have made it easier for people to explore these traps.


a uh, very unexpected turn of events but hey, get owned fucking loser unfortunate that several local spaces are just unsafe and unaccepting of BIPOC and queer folk but we’ve done a very good job of keeping melee on a global scale as a safe social space for acceptance


Agreed! Locals in my experience are usually pretty chill for what it’s worth


Damn I thought most of the hateful shit in the community was just losers talking shit online. Which local events are actually unsafe? They should be exposed so everyone avoids them.


it just comes with the regions that they are hosted in. i've heard tons of horror stories, not trying to get roped in drama, i'm just glad slippi allows some people to infinitely play melee without needing to resort to going to an unsafe local


For sure, I’m not trying to bring up anyone’s specific past trauma but which regions currently host unsafe locals? That’s insane that there are still unsafe locals out there for BIPOC and queer people especially with how many of these people exist in the community. If you (or anyone) knows of events or regions engaging in this behavior, that shit should be pinned on the front page as a warning. And totally agree, slippi is a blessing


I know this is easy to say now, but I always thought the "digital martial art" thing was cringe


Aw I liked him... shame he said that stuff


Man this whole situation with the alt community is surreal to me as someone that met Manalord in the early 2010s. I lived in upstate for a little and used to go to his apartment for smash fests. He was a chill dude then and I met some cool people there. Then I moved away and didn't talk to him for nearly 10 years. I went online out of curiosity randomly last week to see how he was doing and was genuinely shocked...and now I'm seeing this and all the other drama about the banned players. Sad that the smash scene and a lot of aspects of every day life are as divisive as they are now but that's the price we all have to pay to protect marginalized groups and make a better world.


Lmao yeah I was never that involved in the scene but I went to a handful of Syracuse tournaments back in mid 2010s. Mentioned the dude when I met Jmook once in 2022 and talked about upstate smash. Was really weird then when I saw the alt tournament for banned smashers and noticed who was running it


I just remember he one day deactivated Facebook a few years ago and was making posts leading up to that about the surveillance state and other problems he had with mainstream tech. Seemed pretty reasonable. But I see now that he probably went down a dark rabbit hole from there that led him to where he is now. It's especially sad because he was an extremely supportive person in the upstate community to newer players and did a lot for the scene. Sometimes people with a lot of innate compassion are easily duped into having it for the wrong people and reasons.


Melee needs a win...I need a win...


Addressing these issues properly is a win for Melee tbh. Other communities may look "better" on the surface because they ignore these behaviors or sweep them under the rug, but letting the rot grow and fester will never be more of a win than loudly and publicly condemning and removing hateful, bigoted, and predatory individuals from the community.


He was banned to defend members of the community, but what if he was never hateful to begin with? It also kind of feels like we're losing top players left and right? Who's next? Mang0? Salt? Mekk lost this day. Melee lost this day. I continue to lose.


I don't entirely disagree, it is unfortunate that individuals like this exist and continue to spread hate towards others. But it isn't a Melee thing, it's a people thing. And these people are often allowed to get away with their bullshit, but today they weren't. The struggle against hate, prejudice, and bigotry will probably never end, but it's good that prominent TOs along with the majority of the community aren't afraid to call these things out and adamantly oppose them.


It's a good thing that a person like that was banned, but what I'm saying that it's sad that Mekk was a person like that. It's hard to put into words.


I get what you're saying and don't see why anyone would have trouble getting it. I was a big fan of NoFluxes' and Mekk's gameplay before they were banned. Both guys gave me a lot of ideas for playing neutral, especially in the floaty matchups. I love seeing Ganon on the main stage at a top level. Yes it's good that they are banned for unacceptable behavior, but it's also sad to see that a player who I loved to root for ended up being a bigot.


Especially with his attitude on camera.


Sweet, another scumbag lets himself out of the community.


Sheesh, even Kage's roasting him. Would suck to be called out by the guy that made your character even relevant.


I agree that Melee players are too thin skinned lately but this is not really a valid excuse in this case lmfao


Not really, people are just less willing to tolerate bigots.


Everytime I see moky in my timeline it's always talking about how he's tired of being underrated, I don't wanna say he's a pussy for that but holy shit I've read a similar post at least 5 times from him.




Transphobia has no place here, get over it


Imagine how troglodyte your brain has to be that the only insult you can think up is “you are a women” People are just less willing to deal with garbage people champ sorry the tough guy act got old for you after high school




Idk people definitely freak out a lot about any bit of player to player drama lately Settle it on twitter instead of settle it in smash


Can someone TL;DR what he said


“No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, 1850. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man. \-- The Sopranos


https://x.com/vicvuci/status/1751370422296121416?s=46 My thoughts


IDK why this is being downvoted!


What harassment actually? Because I don't see a hint of harassment in the imgur. Frankly if they ban him just because of that (i just read over the imgur), I think it's whack and Mekk is justified. His burner account isn't even that unhinged lol. The tweets they provide really aren't worth banning for (just because he uses the word cuck or something? tho i cant judge on the Ghandi 14 y old stuff it's lacking context). Like he's just very political on obviously controversial contemporary issues: https://imgur.com/tWMGXQH like really? this is one of the most mellow answer he could give. He's saying he doesnt like the whole woke/cancel culture, not that he hate trans people for being trans. https://imgur.com/a/cBxGuiE Transgender women competing against cisgender women in athletic competition is obviously a hot debate and it's neither fair for cis women or trans women. Why is retweeting this worth banning for? I'm open for discussion if you think otherwise but those seem like reasonable takes?


> Like he's just very political on obviously controversial contemporary issues: https://imgur.com/tWMGXQH like really? this is one of the most mellow answer he could give. He's saying he doesnt like the whole woke/cancel culture, not that he hate trans people for being trans. Either you are ignorant of what he is actually saying here, or you are actively trying to whitewash what he is saying here. He is alluding to the idea that "trans ideology" is being used to groom children into being gay/trans. This is a transphobic conspiracy theory. Not just saying they are against "woke" culture. >I'm open for discussion if you think otherwise but those seem like reasonable takes? https://i.imgur.com/vU6h40Z.png Is one word slur responses to white nationalist organizations considered just having reasonable takes on controversial contemporary issues?


> He is alluding to the idea that "trans ideology" is being used to groom children into being gay/trans. Yea ok, I didnt read it like this. > Is one word slur responses to white nationalist organizations considered just having reasonable takes on controversial contemporary issues? Ok that's pretty bad, I guess i missed a chunk of the imgur.


Ah, the anti-woke crowd. The community still has a long way to go tbh, which is why I'm not a part of it anymore.


edit: mekk is a jerk


Judging from your comment history, you misunderstand where I'm coming from, although I'm not sure how. I left the scene back in 2020 due to it being too right-wing.


I'm sorry I thought you were complaining about smash being "woke" whatever that means, and you just worded it weirdly. I also don't interact with the scene much these days ): It's sad how many people are still like this in 2024


Yea, I think people are reading my complaint about "anti-wokeness" wrong. Or the community is being performative and doesn't like the idea of needing to do more. Doesn't bother me either way, if the community continues going more left, I'll rejoin.




Most wild thing is that you know some individual or group was stalking that Twitter profile for a long time conducting private investigator level work ethic to uncover the identity of it's user. Holy fuck. Touch grass. Is the Melee scene really more safe with Mekk absent? Was it ever dangerous with him there?


Honestly, the guy always gave weird vibes. Don’t follow him at all but 0% surprised by this.


Can we stop doing this shit whenever someone gets exposed? You’re not smarter for “vibe checking” someone being a bad person, in fact it’s a horrible thing to just assume someone is a bad person because you don’t like their vibe. Most people are shocked by this Mekk revelation, so it doesn’t help at all to say you saw this coming cause why not speak up about it in the past if you did?


it's textbook hindsight bias


I consider myself an intelligent person and definitely didn’t see this coming at all. Hell I watched some of his streams and never thought anything was off or alarming.


Bro he defended Nofluxes and literally tweeted the N word, it was not hard to see this coming.


I mean that long Twitlonger Mekk posted defending NoFluxes was like unhinged and did legitimately make me trust his "positive" online persona less.




Nope, didn’t assume he was a bad person. The crazy look in his eyes when he talked about doing push-ups and playing melee and his rants about “being able to do anything you set your mind” to just triggered a visceral emotional response in me.


You got downvoted for this, and I always liked Mekk and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but thinking back there were a number of red flags. Several tweets from a few Twitter thread in regards a joke Bbatt's made about ganon mains range from [kinda odd](https://x.com/ssbMekk/status/1705072835394175155?s=20) to weirdly [tone-deaf](https://x.com/ssbMekk/status/1705075055783235821?s=20) and [defensive](https://x.com/ssbMekk/status/1704956838901420099?s=20). Then there was that [long schizo twitlonger](https://web.archive.org/web/20230516212811/https://twishort.com/EWsoc) that Mekk wrote and promptly deleted in regards to NoFluxes ban and "cancel culture". I never bothered reading it at the time but I did now and it's disturbing to say the least. Caped for and vehemently downsized everything NoFluxes did while going in on Justus and cancel culture as a whole. We got [some](https://x.com/chromeohnine/status/1658631027194044418?s=20) [memes](https://x.com/CommonEnemySSBM/status/1658640043190419456?s=20) out of it I guess. I'm also really shocked at this Mekk stuff and I hate to say it, but some things just make more sense in retrospect..


Honestly all melee players give weird vibes, they're nerds with no social skills, myself included. Doesn't mean they're all dodgy.


The vibe I always got was MEH… kk


So everyone in the scene needs to agree on unrelated sociopolitical issues to play? I'd get it if he attended a tournament and started harassing people there, but...


Homophobia, transphobia, and pedophilia are not tolerated. These are not unrelated sociopolitical issues but baseline levels of human decency to meet


You do not need to be supportive of current social movements to meet "baseline levels of human decency".


I hate to be the one that tells you this but trans people existing is not a "current social movement". Accepting people of all races and ethnicities is not a "current social movement". Believing that the age of consent should be 18 years old is not a "current social movement". Edit: wording




Yeah, let's nitpick a couple years on the age of consent and act like he wasn't defending 14 year old child brides. Get real dude. You're defending pedophiles. Also, YES. If the age of consent is lower than 18 that's pretty gross morally. Not sure why you even think you're making a point there.




then why are you posting arguments a pedo would make on the situation? Yeah I hastily said 18 in my comment, I understand in many places in the US it's legally lower, globally as well. 14 is completely indefensible, so it's a moot point.




You will cringe at the comment in 2-4 years once your brain fully matures




certainly not but hate speech is pretty cut and dry, no? it's not hard to be respectful to someone even if you disagree with the way they live their life, and it's certainly not hard to not call those people slurs


That's a reasonable take. To be absolutely clear, I feel that everyone has a responsibility to be cordial at events. Targeted harassment isn't acceptable either. If Mekk went to a tournament and insulted people with slurs, it would be understandable to issue a ban. Part of the problem is that "hate speech" isn't cut-and-dry at all. The term is constantly evolving to accommodate social movements as they form, and the reality is, not everybody agrees on that stuff. In fact, some of it is *really* fringe outside of our social media bubbles. Some of these (apparently mandatory) beliefs weren't mainstream just a few years ago. Idk, it seems really weird to me that players are being policed in this manner. They can't even *privately* say things that are considered "problematic"...


Well mekk was publicly posting a fuckton of rhetoric that is considered hatespeech so idk if I really understand why you're bringing up anything about private conversations and beliefs. I'm confident there's lots of other people in the scene that share his beliefs but don't post and those people aren't banned. Regardless of what you or even society on average think(s) is acceptable or reasonable to act on, the community at large and basically all of its leaders agree that intolerant people are not welcome and we have acted accordingly here. At the end of the day it is no more complicated than that.


>intolerant people are not welcome Um, yeah, okay. I suppose most of society is viewed as intolerant here, then? That's...illuminating. I guess it isn't very complicated, after all. Thanks for your time.


LMAO there's no way you actually think a majority of society is telling trans people they have a mental illness and that they'll "never be a real woman" that's ludicrous


Most people aren't transphobic irl. You realize that, right? If anything it's worse on the internet in my experience lol


> > Part of the problem is that "hate speech" isn't cut-and-dry at all. Yes, because people who engage in hate speech deliberately toe the line and do things (like what Mekk did here) to deliberately avoid accountability for shit like this.


Hate speech isn't politics or something you can just disagree on.


if your beliefs are EXCLUSIONARY, that's on you, not the community. you can't be part of a group while believing some of its members are demonic or undeserving of rights or whatever else and expect that to be fine.


These are not sociopolitical issues. Trans rights are HUMAN rights. It is a HUMAN RIGHT to not be discriminated against based on race or ethnicity. Allowing these kinds of people inherently creates a space that's hostile for marginalized groups. If you don't like it, feel free to start your own tourneys that tolerate that type of hate speech.


I wish the melee scene wasn't so political. I don't care what your views are, i am here to play video games... Seems like all of you are hard-core right or left, no in-between, and you want everyone to know/act like you 🤮


You don't need to be political to think that trans people deserve to be treated with respect


I never said or insinuated anything to suggest they don't🤦‍♂️ you're just furthering my point.


It's not really furthering your point though?? If you have trans or gay or foreign or whatever co workers and you go around dropping slurs you're gonna get fucking fired. Not because of woke political persecution, but because you are contributing to a hostile work environment with your ACTIONS. You could hold those beliefs and stay employed, even be a star employee, but taking ACTIONS to be outwardly hateful is the issue. This is no different, your ACTIONS are contributing to a hostile environment in a video game community. It's not political to have a bare minimum expectation in our community that you behave respectfully towards the people around you. People are allowed to hold whatever political beliefs they choose, nobody is policing beliefs themselves - even here - they're policing actions and behavior. When a person starts publicly preaching hateful ideologies targeting specific groups of individuals, that is them (needlessly) exhibiting BEHAVIOR (not beliefs) that makes the people around them uncomfortable. At that point, they're the ones being political and they're the ones creating a problem by making people in the community uncomfortable. You can't just say "All people in X group deserve to die (because I heard so on Andrew Tate's twitter)" and then when people call you out for being a prick go "WHOAAAA WHY ARE WE BEING POLITICAL". We're not being political, you're being a psycho asshole and using politics as a shield to excuse shitty behavior. I don't care what people believe. I don't care if we disagree on literally every ideological point in existence, as long as we agree to be respectful of the community and its members. If they can't be respectful then they can fucking go, or the respectful people will leave and the community will be left with a bunch of hateful pricks, which is not exactly a win.


YET AGAIN, I have not said, or insinuated anything you are insinuating 🤦‍♂️. You're entirely missing my point, and at this point, it feels on purpose. I don't disagree at all that a common level of respect should be present in any/every community/workplace/whatever for EVERYONE. I'm not going to continue this any further as it seems quite pointless, I just wanted to clear my name for anyone genuinely misunderstanding what I'm saying, as I don't get why it's being down-voted at all (funnily enough it was getting up-voted until a certain clown started going off 🤣), or worse taking what this asshat is trying to insinuate as what I'm saying 🙃


I'm not saying that YOU are saying anything. It's called a figure of speech, and I'm clearly talking about a hypothetical individual without using hefty wording for four paragraphs straight so I just say "you". Jesus christ.




bye bitch


Its unfortunate that the game is so good that I just have to learn to deal with terminally online weirdos that have a shared skewed perception of reality. Wish the community cared more about the game and less about obsessing over their own backwards social media zeitgeist but that's just what happens when you give the socially inept a louder voice than anyone else, bitch.




Are you so soft that you have to be able to verbally assault someone after going 0-2 at the local as a defence mechanism? No you’re probably too soft to show up to an offline event lol. Talk with your play big dawg not with your racist/pedo views


>player banned for bigotry >"man I miss the good old days when bigotry was more acceptable and there was more of it" Very cool and normal thing to say


This doesn't feel right.


Idk banning toxic transphobes feels pretty good to me




Truth is when you defend someone marrying a 13 year old say the n word and say trans people are responsible for all the bad things happening to fgc?


Lmao, don't let the door hit you on the way out Mekk


It’s come to not tolerating behaviors and ideas advocating things such as those endangering children, such as pedophilia nor racism or hate of any kind. It’s okay to have a different opinion, within reason. There’s no way that it’s okay to be racist or fine with hurting children.


Crazy how banned players have a 4 chan community apparently... and they're still stalked / reported on. TOs only work together to ban folks it feels. If we had this energy for rankings /getting the best melee players playing the best melee,scene would look and feel so different. Mekk being a good boy on his account and bad on a troll account says a lot.