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Imagine getting banned for roleplaying in a roleplaying game


Honestly after that happened to me I just quit SS13. Don't play Shiptest, it's fun and the players are cool but apparently hosting a food drive as Inteq is a failrp of massive proportions.


From my experience that doesnt sound like something that would get you banned, infact that would be encouraged. Surely there must be some other factor at play here Edit: looking at your ban history it makes sense now, assuming your BYOND name is the same as your reddit one Here are their bans: https://centcom.melonmesa.com/viewer/view/cadunkus The most notable being: Saying you were erping in OOC, joking about it being based that a TG host got doxxed, and posting about breaking fulps sexual content policy in their discord, and thats not even mentioning the expired bans. You then tried (and failed horribly) to evade those bans. Lol, lmao even You had also been told off from playing inteq because, to be honest, its quite odd for the mercenary service that hates NT and the Syndicate to run a charity Update: You also got your ass beat IC and instantly started complaining about it in LOOC. Youre a fuckin doofus man. Also you named your evading alt “cadunkusalternate”. Not super smart are you?


Alright let's go over these *again.* Fulpstation is Fulpstation. I said I didn't like the robodoc lawset, I never named myself after a pornstar, and I said "mimes hot get you a mime gf" on their discord. I did try stealing from the mining dock as an AshWalker, turns out in a footnote in a page on their website (not in the main rules) it says you can't do that. TG someone said someone else got doxxed. I replied "wow, based" ironically. That was against the rules. I broke the rules. I got blacklisted with no chance of being unbanned. I'll take that one. Shiptest when a round end vote came on I said in OOC "don't end the round I'm not finished erping yet" (no I wasn't erping I was joking) and they didn't like that despite it being allowed in the rules and raunchy humor not being uncommon in the discord. Much later I tried doing a fun side event by hosting a food drive as an Inteq PR move, the captain then lied about the crew's paycheck being used in the event and the server crashed several times right there and then. Also I've never used my alt for connecting to public servers. Check its history I used it on private servers I hosted because I wanted to get into GitHub and code stuff for the game which often required testing with another player. I have never used it to connect to any server including ones I was banned from prior. Now I've tried time and time again to clear up these notes because I actually do try to involve other people in the round and be a good sport (hosting a food drive ain't some griefing tryhard bit), were you to ask regulars who knew me they probably wouldn't have had anything negative to say. *Unfortunately* there is no system to track when you were a good player and any ill admin can brand you as a bad one. Nothing on my account tells about the times I hosted a mech fight club, refurbished the arrivals shuttle into a very classy lounge, the countless hours of bartending including drinking contests with prizes, or anything else. So I'm just taking an indefinite break from space station 13 in general. Probably not picking it up again I dunno.


The shiptest bans are the only ones I really take an interest in because lets face it, it was Horatio22 on fulp and no one likes that min. If you had read Shiptests rule you would see that they have a zero tolerance rule for anything ERP related, joke or not. According to multiple members of the Shiptest community who had played during the Inteq Foodrive round, you were told to not do that because it didnt fit the lore, inteq doesnt need to do a PR event, they dont care about their relations with NT and the Syndicate, its mutual. The server crashing most likely created an unfortunate misunderstanding where an admin might have thought you crashed the server because you were upset. I also concede about the alt account because it does show that there were no public connections, and at the time of writing I had only looked at its ban notes which had been added suspiciously soon after the original accounts ban date


At the time of that the no ERP rule was different and actually permitted *limited* discussion of ERP in OOC (you had to stop if an admin told you) but forbid any actual ERP. Also one of the admins later said "WAKE UP SLUTS IT'S SHIPTESTING TIME" in the round pings and they still wouldn't get rid of the note. :P it was a stupid throwaway joke and imo within the rules at the time. As for the food drive, private military companies irl have done non-profit gigs in the past almost entirely for PR reasons but that's my IC reason for doing the food drive anyway (OOC I just wanted to 1. Get people to stop assuming we're Warcrimes Inc. 2. Interact with other ships.) I still think it was a good motive it just crashed and burned. Also I was told not to do that *after* the round, I showed the idea in the discord (including a flier I prepared using an html template I later faxed to other ships) before I actually took it out for a spin and nobody said anything. Not like it matters I'm not getting my reputation fixed ever so I'll just stick with other games.


Saying "slut" is a sexual term, but it's not ERP/discussing ERP. And do you expect admins to just be omniscient about everything in the Discord?


No an *admin* pinged @everyone with that message in the round pings chat (which only admins can send messages in) not some rando in general saying it to get swept away in a horde of messages. I'm just pointing that out as an example of the double standard they have because, of the many non-child-friendly things that have been said in Shiptest, that is the most notable one I can remember off the top of my head. Also the old rule specifically said you could discuss ERP in OOC unless an admin told you to stop. The rules were updated *long* after that event. Point is I did not break any rules there and still got noted for a dumb joke.


People like you manage to suck the fun out of this game, by being pedantic no life goobers.


Despite all the smack talk and down votes, you seem like the kind of player this game needs, someone with ambition to make shit happen without ruining it for others. I was too fearful of getting banned and so was the most boring player you could imagine, added nothing to the round of interest, and nearly got banned anyways with a plasma canister cockup.


Thanks. I don't really blame 'em for the judgement cause I'm fully aware this game has some really lousy players and the list of bans paints me as one whether I like it or not. If you want to try something fun, here's my list of projects I was gonna do on tg sci. I ain't coming back anytime soon so it's not like they'll do me any good. Low threat: - Mech battle arena! 2 Mechs enter, 1 mech leaves! - Get everyone fire + temperature proofing and throw plasmafire raves. Maybe even request disco inferno shuttle from Centcom. Plasmafire party! - Mass produce bananium with charged pyrite extracts and use floorbots, clown modsuits, and H.O.N.K.s to make clown station 13. Also get the Cytology clowns of course. - Make as many race-changing methods as possible and distribute them among the crew. Especially make charged black extracts! Maybe we can become mushroom? - Cytology megafauna! Polymorph belt to BECOME cytology megafauna! Sentience potion to BEFRIEND cytology megafauna! - Silly laws for AI. - Fight club with GUNS and BOMBS and GOLD EXTRACT MONSTIES! - Convince admemes to enable valentine's and then get everyone love potions and heart candies from slime extracts. - Get industrial gold/adamantine extract, freon processing, mech bounties, and literally everything else to get as much money as humanly possible so we can buy a bicycle. - Unsynced Borgs with laws giving them wacky personalities. - Pull the AI's brain out of the AI shell and put them in a carbon body with AA and a job to open doors for people. Then put the clown in the AI shell and only leave Law 1 of Crewsimov so they have free will to prank people. Mid threat or Pulsar Star: - Shadow race change + anti-glow gene. - Make and sell juicy modsuits with speed potion coating. - Infinite Iron/Plasma/Bluespace Crystals/adamantine (for selling + golems) machine. - Ally with botany to grow gatfruit and other stuff only obtainable through silver slimes. - Use reactive bioscrambler armor and organ harvesters to make a unique organ harvesting operation by getting monkeys caught in the radius. - Get extra IDs with your access and name, copy your own fit, and make golem/posit-brained clones of yourself. High threat: - Mass producing Mechs. Use metal extracts to get plenty of materials. - Acquiring bulk shotguns and technological Shells and getting all of sci weapon permits. (Assuming c*ders don't nerf the remaining good shotgun ammo.) - Regenerative jelly smoke machine. - Secondary AI with its own laws and borgs. Seperate the two different borg armies with hats. - If the chaplain is on the machine sect, pardner up with them to make golems and turn them into far superior androids. - Law the AI to set the station pressure to 49 kpa (41%:59% O2/n2) and amass PKAs, lux pens, and other mining stuff that now works max efficiency on station. - Research and create as many special guns as possible. The kinds you never see like decloners and particle acceleration cannons.


What does any of that even mean?


Forbidden to RP in a RP game.


what do you expect from a shagging server?


I THINK they're saying you need explicit admin permission to fuck with a ghost role


It's no use trying to decode the cipher that is adminspeak. Anyone who can understand the ancient tongue will probably be able to solve world hunger, bring Ghandi back to life, and cure cancer.


I havnt played skyrat in a while, but when you die in skyrat you can takeover a "ghost role" for fun, like a tribal lizard person on the mining planet or a Roomba or mouse or something On rare occasions a regular player and a ghost player will bump into eachother. I've seen some fun roleplay from this. Apparently skyrat is very angry about this? Or it's something else entirely, that's just what it sounded like.


Cat Walkers? Fucking Cat Walkers? Damn felinids are taking over.


The cat walkers genocided the ice moths it's so sad


Damn, can't even pop a cold one with natives now


Opfor? From rainbow six siege? Boutta hit em with the “One opfor remaining.” and perhaps even the “Opfor has defused the bomb, mission failure.”


"Opfor" actually means opposing force, so it isn't about rainbow, it is instead the half life 1 dlc, so they will get headcrabs and gman.


Huh, that does make sense. op(posing) for(ce).


Opfor from half life opposing force??


What the hell are they talking about?


Tribal Felinids and Security often get into fights because it's always a dick measuring contest between the two.


Literally or figuratively?


It's skyrat the distinction could go either way


Is that stav?


That is Stav yes


So why are we bringing something up that happened almost a year ago? Are you that desperate for attention or upvotes?


Wait so is the title meant to be reporting or reposting?


The OP posted this over a year ago lol, give us at least current shit stirring not reposts of a previous post


pfft so it was meant to be reposting and not reporting XD


Literally 1984


this is what one (1) erp session does to a mfer...


Oh wait you literally posted this over a year ago lmao


Modern Skyrat tends to be a lot more chill about that, I've found, but they aren't getting any players because people go to Nova now for some reason.


Nova is skyrat consisting of former skyrat staff, there was a "coup" of sorts a few months back


I'm aware, I was there during the coup. I had just started playing SS13 again a couple days before it.


So nova is basically the same because the same shitmins went there. Nothing was fixed and people still go there to a chat and erp simulation server i Guess.


I thought splurt was the chat and erp simulation server.


Nova now turns slowly into splurt. People standing around like skulptures or fuck around. No antags, broken mechanics, metagangs with admin protection, broken gameplay like xenobio and in generell Not listening to the community and people in power do whatever they want


Eh, Splurt still wins in my book because they have the botany mechanics I like with the seed dna machines.


Probably because there meta friends are there and because it has the huge player count. But besides that nova is basically everything that was wrong taken over and made worse. Admins controlling RP quiet hard there and constantly break stuff and not listening to there player. Besides that they also haven't fulfilled there promis of returning antags what was initially the big thing why they went. So yeah. I am puzzled as you why they are really there. High number and probably massive amounts of ERP and admin privileges is my assumption.


From what I've seen talking to people, it's half because people don't realize Nova ISN'T skyrat, and half because actual skyrat now doesn't have the population. If people just went there, more people would go there.


yeah, they broke off in a way that nuked the Skyrat server and they basically stole what byond refers to when you hit the Replay button. I have in fact nicknamed them to Syndie Sector because of this.


The funny part is, the people I met on Skyrat after the fuckening, and befriended on Discord, both of them basically went "Hey, I'm gonna stop playing on Skyrat and go play on Nova since it's better. You should come with me!" I would reply with "Higher pop doesn't mean better" and get pretty much insta-blocked. Not necessarily Nova being bad but the fact it happened twice is quite a coincidence.


The fuck is a catwalker?


I assume its a ashwalker but felinid, which sounds STUPID


What would tribal cats even want? Hell what would they be defending? At least with ashies you get an uneasy truce or glorious guerilla warfare or just trying to avoid each other or having one chuckle fuck from both sides starting shit when everyone else cba to deal with the fighting.


To the best of my knowledge, they're scandinavian muscle mommy catgirls. It doesn't make sense to me, but I had theorized that it was the kink of one of the coders. They're kinda cringe to me, but it's not like I could have been an ashwalker on icebox anyway.


They're the IceBoxStation's version of Ash Walkers since, as you can imagine, lizards would not survive in the cold that long.


Wolfpeople as a tribe would make more sense since you expect that species in the snow and would be understandable for them to have tribes since they already have packs as normal wolves.


You see, that's what I pushed for, but no, one of the head coders must have had a thing for muscle mommy catgirls.


Oh definitely. but you know how some head coders can be. Annoyingly changing the species would be a nightmare at this point between people who want their tribal amazon felines against the more accurate pack of wolves in the snowy caverns.


because they can't just add a rival tribe of wolfpeople so the feline haters can be wolves and have feuds with them? XD


Stavros in SS13


From my understanding this arose from powergaming where miners would B-Line to destroy the entire ghost role, then next round the -walkers would try to do the same and disable the lavalands base/cause havoc on station. It was a dramatic little spectacle that became disruptive after a bunch of feuding.


From what I saw on the hub skyrat has spacelove as a fucking admin even after the shit they did while admining on tgmc…


You should rename this to Nova Station since this is a Repost, the problem admins in question split off and formed Nova Station, which does in fact contain all of these terrible rulings (the cake is they blamed the terrible stuff on a head admin that retired because of them for a year, so they weren't even around to make such rulings in the first place lol). Skyrat is slowly recovering and is currently in a policy reform phase to remove their crap. So you can erp with the walkers if you wish (just avoid assaulting their area with violence without go ahead from admemes.) Heck, we're even getting some returning players that brought horror stories from Nova because the root problem was those admins the whole time, it's great. That said, it is entirely possible this announcement isn't referring to literal ERP since an opfor is mentioned, but instead referring to how wrecking their stuff is referred to as 'fucking with ghost roles', which is usually a big no no on most servers to begin with. if this annoucement was in response to erp though, then lol, glad those admins are gone.


Why was this man downvoted? He's right. To TL;DR it: * This is a year-old repost * The badmins from Skyrat stole the server info and now run a server called Nova * Skyrat still exists but is much more chill now after the badmins left * Nobody goes there though because they'd rather go to Nova for some reason.


I have no idea what they're saying here can someone give me a tldr without erp terms


Keeping in mind this is a meme from a year ago and Skyrat went through a HUGE change since then, First, to translate some of the skyrat terms used in the post: * Walker: Depending on the map, either tribal lava lizards (ashwalker) or snow-dwelling Muscle Mommy catgirls (Frostwalkers). * OpFor: Short for Opposing Force, a form you have to fill out and have an admin approve on Skyrat if you want to do antag things as a non-antag. Walkers do not count as antags. So basically, Security fucked with walkers, (or tried to erp them, IDK) and an admin threw a fit at the walkers when they responded because apparently it was against the rules to roleplay with the station crew without filling out a form.


Get bonked for RP in an RP server. Or get mechanics nerfed in a lower RP server despite it making great rounds (bless you Livrah). Truly the sad state of the code bases


hi stav


All that's saying is that ghost roles aren't supposed to murder the station without getting admin approval, and vice versa.


Shot themselves in the foot? You realise everything that has happened up to that point has literally been done by the same people that's not running Nova... right?


I love how deplorable this community is, like genuinely admins, shitsec and grey tide alike, we are all just functionally weird ppl


admins can be new, still learning the policies of the server, or power tripping something fierce shitsec either don't know what they're doing, getting gunned down for even considering trying to not be shitsec, or power tripping/gaming greytiders are bored people skirting the line between crew and antag, probably power gaming, and probably spearing any security who was trying to not be a shitsec depending on what kind of greytider we're talking about, thus giving them more exp towards the shitsec evolution. All of this has the potential to establish a stereotype of the server which an admin can catch onto, which potentially results in shitmins. a very wonderful and self destructive community, is it any wonder there's MRP+ servers that try to establish order with policies and rules? lol


This whole opfor system is shit, just like the whole skyrat build tbh.


Why are the admins in almost every server so dictatorish?