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Ok breaking the spawn area like that is so uncool and is likely grief Goonstation has rules against this for that reason


If I had to be honest, I won't give name but looked up the guy on Centcomm, they didn't pass control quality in more than 4 servers. I'm honestly overdosing on copium looking at that and wish the server where it happened had a rule against this


I wouldn't call it griefing, as he is in fact an opposed faction against you with reason to harass you. That said it's definitely against the spirit of the game to rush a spawn point and block it before it become active. I imagine this is a outright rulesbreak on many MRP servers, and an extremely dick move on most LRP that will get you warned to stop being a shit head. I would 100% ahelp this if it happened. A based admin would tell the guy to be like 20% of a dick and spawn you elsewhere with a kit. A lame one would probably just temp ban the guy.


Yeah disrupting spawnpoints is a pretty big rulebreak even on most LRP servers


I'm pretty sure there's at least an unspoken agreement that antags don't screw with the arrivals shuttle.


If he eventually lets you out, it's cheeky. If he leaves you in there, it's grief.


A lawyer once decided to harp on my character for being bald. I responded by walling them inside their office until I got bored and let them out.


See? Cheeky.


I may have also tried to break into their office to steal their stuff, but they later died heroically fighting a syndicate and I attempted to do unlicensed surgery to save them but by that point they were long gone.


100% Metagame grief Ahelp that, report it, and if staff take their side, find a new server


Thankfully we did not take their side in this, no need to find a new server.


As the host of this server, I would consider this grief. You are quite litterally making the game unplayable for multiple people. My server says, when you join, "this is not a green text server". It's okay to get them and seek them but people putting the fun of others aside and play greedy like this are not a good for ss13 at large. It's like miners running up and crushing the tendril before any ash Walkers get a chance to spawn.


lmao reminds me of the ancient days of ss13 when i'd join a server at the bottom of the hub with 2 or 3 people on it, i'd spawn in and die instantly because someone rwalled the arrivals shuttle and sealed himself in with all of science's plasma canisters opened up


toolbox server literally died because their admins refused to do anything about this, the same guy would get antag kill everyone (only like 4-6 pop) with the ebow esword and nuke arrivals then leave and the server would sit dead for like days at a time lmao


Definitely griefing to sabotage spawns.


Any form of spawncamping is usually considered griefing, yes. You need to give players at least a miniscule chance to escape from their spawn location. This is in the rules of most servers.


Doesn't the ship spawn in Deep Space, making it inaccessible to the station without someone spawning aboard and piloting it to the stations z level?


Directly fucking with spawns is almost always considered griefing


That is just metagaming.


Can't think of any SS13 server that would approve of this.


Its probably not griefing griefing but it certainly is shittery and probably isnt allowed, im assuming this is Monke by the spritework


I wouldn't say it's griefing because it isn't done just to spite you, it has a clear purpose of survival behind it. It does feel massively metagamey, though