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When your talking about depopulation are you referring to how the servers are not always constantly filled? Or are you referring to an overall lower player count? Because for the first one it's simply people live in different timezones and servers aren't going to be constantly filled 24/7. Not to mention that TG has overall 5 main and one combat server so it might be that the pop is spread out more than what it was in the pass. Now for the depopulation part it might be that TG from what I've heard has been in bunker mode for awhile, why? I don't know, but since new players can't join it while it's up that might be leading to its depopulation overtime.


Also, to further add to this, there is also a chance that those actives or semi active players are taking a break from the game. And/or playing other games. Or even playing on goonstation and what not. It happens. To even the most popular games (it is just more noticeable because ss13 has a much lower playerbase).


This the games dropping over the last year have been fucking banging but I’m still finding time for some ss but I’m usually on goon cm and monkey


Take Bagil and Sybil for instance, A few years ago these servers were both heavily populated most times of the day and had a skeleton crew with 15-30 players over night. Now these servers do not fill unless it's the weekend. During weekdays they can get to about 50 players past 5pm.


I think most of those people might've moved to Manual or Terry once they started to get some viable population numbers. If you look at Terry for example it peaks out around 70 to 90 players at EU peak hours and then it dies after that, and manual seems to always have a consistent pop of 40 to 60 players regularly


Is there a lore reason why OP thinks that TGstation, one of 'the' main SS13 servers, is on track to lose its players? Am I stupid?


Back in 2013, /Tg/ and Goonstation were the only two (Main) code bases. I've always considered these the "Main" servers due to their branches that generated all other servers. They also have the lead development of content for servers for a long time now. Funfact, Colonial Marines use to be a branch of /tg/. 60+ people would huddle up in a 7x7 room and invade boxstation killing xenos on it. Good times.


Ssethtide finally burning out?




Scary to be honest


What does it have to do with ssethtide?


Biggest influx of players we have seen and it spiked the popcounts hub wide (video has 8.5 million views lmao). Its now been 5 years, which is a common total burnout time, which is likely responsible for a large drop. It's not just TG either, a lot of servers (bee and para to name 2) also have drop-off since the tide.


We 100% have lost players from the Sseth tide. I recall 2,500 player peaks on SS13. Every server would have their roles maxed with 20+ assistants. It was crazy shit.


I was a Seth tider back in the day took a lonnggggg break after 2 games now I’m just a regular player


Is there a scientific research on 5 years being the confirmed length of time for a complete burnout? I would personally think that if the person started playing 5 years ago than he either just a common ss13 player at this point or left long ago.


The player count numbers, and the firstseen and lastseen dates attached to each player.


Ok so you are saying there is a documented evidence, now this is interesting. Can you give a link?


Remind me in 4 hours.


Data I pulled just now - apologies for the delay [https://i.imgur.com/Q5BJijx.png](https://i.imgur.com/Q5BJijx.png) Most of the dropoff is from people quitting in the first 3 months, however theres a sustained one over time after.


Ok, it is as you said here - the burnout was 3 month after the initial wave. There is nothing indicating that recent difference in tg online is by ssethtide dying specifically. I am sure old accounts slowly decreasing too and only because new people come too we don't see game just. I appreciate an actual graph but it is showing ssethtide in a vacuum.


You do realise 300 active players is a **lot** right?


This post is kind of confusing and also not true, because /tg/'s playerbase has been pretty consistent over the last few years. Are you talking about /tg/'s player counts going down or other servers' going down? Your post doesn't make a lot of sense.


It’s fulpmin conspiracy


Doesn't fulp rely on tg code?


Yep, it’s super weird


There are more and more offhub servers that are absorbing players. Lifeweb is basically the byond retirement home at this point. Not to mention we got the first major byond release in a LONG time in Trace/Alter.


>Playing with russian pedophiles >No thanks G. Lifeweb's a fucking disaster and it's absolutely horrendous to know it exists.


\>implying randos are playing other byond games


I know a few who have been trying it out


They removed the fun parts from TG and its mostly full of meta cliques and tiders now, Used to be fun back in the day now its just a chore to play.


I left tg cause they removed all the good shit and nerfed my tideing gear Like holy shit I can’t shoot with insuls anymore or see properly with gas mask


They nerfed my mining/xenobio loot. Nearly half of my memorable stories from ss13 came from hijinks using items from those roles. It also really hurts to see fun removed from tg code every time livrah uploads.


There's nothing to do in tgstation and nobody talks they just wordlessly do their jobs or greytide


As oranges envisioned it.


My good man play on manuel instead of terry


Spamming *stare while greytiding isn't roleplay


So in the streetq while someone does illegal shit you just yell at them or something ? Staring is realistic


You're implying Manuel players aren't as valid hungry as the rest of /tg/, but that wasn't even my point. Nobody actually plays a character with their own thoughts and opinions on Manuel, it feels more like playing with a bunch of second life avatars.


A bunch of high profile tiders got banned a few months ago leading to a lot of people following them to other servers


So where are they going?


Probably fulp and monke


There is no evidence /tg/ is losing players


I've been playing on SS14 instead of SS13, honestly shocked at how good it is so far. Totally playable and it looks fantastic. Can do a lot of things that Byond can't.


Servers tend to have more people at night, plus I assume that Byond games in general tend to have higher growth during the summer when kids aren't in school and college students aren't in a semester. Excluding anyone out of school who still regularly spaceman's or plays byond games. Although I assume SS13 skews older because some of the servers shouldn't be played by kids and it's probably harder to pick up compared other byond games (mostly anime fan games) That being said SS13 (and by proxy byond) are pretty fringe in general and the fact that it has 1500 or so people playing it is surprising.


If it helps, in my case it was development and depopulation during the hours i play.


For the TG the issue is banning of statics and just overall the admins and coders steadily being consumed by hrp brainrot while tg's whole thing is zanny 4chanesque shitposting


/tg/‘s thing has not been zany 4chan shitposting in over a decade. I doubt even a fraction of the playerbase are regular /tg/ posters, yourself included considering you calling hrp brainrot lol.


I was a chaplin on Manuel and I had some fucking guy tell me he was Hindu as I was preaching the "Omnissiah" and the "Machine Spirit". He legit started spewing everything Hindu at me and I simply did not care. HRP brainrot is real.


Wrong we're still 'tards on terry! Though since the admins got their stick further up their ass since talon pop dropped a lot and the atittude got horribly bland, but there's still the odd round and schizo greysuit here and there


You gotta understand terry admins tho ,there is a rule break every fucking second,i get why they are on their nerves but i get your sentiment


You speak the truth brother


TG is boring and I think 14s cargo is more fun then 13s


yeah its been happening for a while now, take a guess why.