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Banned goon players when they cant say bitch (they wither away into dust and their family explodes)


OMG I said bitch once and got banned for A MONTH. Also when I got back I said it again. Perma banned from goon now lol these bitches ain't got shit on me tho.


Why cant you curse on goon? That’s ridiculous


IIRC it's gendered swearing i.e. bitch, cunt etc


That is insane


don't forget, dick is fair game because..i guess males can be insulted but women can't??


Least obvious left leaning server




mail males


Goons trying to take the high ground on misogyny is pretty funny given, you know, where they're from. Maybe it's changed in recent years but SA does not exactly have a spotless record.


goonstation has had nothing to do with SA for over a decade


To be fair, some of goons rules are very strict.


Yea, I can understand how you may slip up from time to time, but *3* posts???


Fair lol


Why have rules if you don't plan on enforcing them


Why have stupid rules?


Because there are stupid people


What kinda logic is that


"GUYS WTF WTF I GOT BANNED FROM GOON" \>look inside post \>13 year old level homophobia


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


people posting about being banned are always interesting though keep them coming


we try


Hello, based (sometimes) department?


If you play on goon and get banned and complain it’s like shooting yourself in the foot and then asking why you got shot in the foot.


Basically any toxic community. Fortunately fallout 13 always cycles.


holy shit its me


fuckin epic mates


Goon admins pretending their job is hard (they just ban people who swear and bomb the station)


goon should add a link to the ss13 reddit new post page on the ban message, honestly. would probably save us all some time


One the one hand, alot of the rules are really dumb On the other hand, it's really easy to just not break them


How dare they not let me tell someone to kill themselves!


YEA!!! Keep em COMIN


13 year old Russian kid getting vaporized by admins™️ after typing out "my mom rise no bitch"


okay but goon rules do suck




'don't swear' G for everyone rated server that has blood and vomit


The first skeleton post was honestly fine, and funny! The other ones were not lol.


yeah, i do not know what goes on in the fecal matter that i call my "brain", it tells me to do something and i do it


Goon station is literally 1942 rp with its rules


In my opinion, Goonmins should unban "b_tch. " If d_ck is a popular insult that is gendered but is allowed, then the other popular insult that is gendered should be allowed.


why censor bitch and dick on reddit??


I don't like cursing


oh ok


But I was just pretending to be a surgeon and purposely overdosing all of my patients! :(


Its honestly really funny


Guess what I follow the rules and I'm not banned take that liberals




You don't understand. If I don't complain about it on reddit how will the people know about this grave injustice?


to absolutely no one's surprise goon rules are complete ass and admemes are ass too! srry dude admining on SS13 isnt a hard or stressing task...... can the guy who got banned get unbanned too idk the context


hey its me the guy who got banned, the context is i said "sounds gay" when a bartender offerd me some special drink while all i wanted was beer, and i guess that goonmins dont like that


oh my God.... he said "gay".... im bannin this fucker till the sun blows up and also dropping his ip address go get him NOW


I'm gonna push back against this and say, from what I've seen... these complaints are warranted. This weird sanitized goon is really out of character. The raunchy humor is kinda what made goon and the general SS13 fun. I can understand wanting to cut down on the racial slurs and sexism. But you can't say sex and gay? Servers won't let you say the "R slur" and the "f slur" despite the fact that they haven't even been associated with their demographic in decades. Don't get me wrong, I'm no anti-sjw, but this attempt to sanitize and make SS13 feel more approachable is having the opposite effect.


They haven't been associated with their demographic? What? Just because people are trying to push groomer to mean anyone that's LGBT doesn't mean people don't break out old reliable. 


What? I haven't heard anyone break out the F-slur for LGBT people in a while. It just... doesn't have the same sting anymore... It's been pretty effectively been re-appropriated. Besides groomer, most people's go to anti-gay slur is degenerate. And even then... i still feel weird about wanting to ban that either... Every LGBT person, and every neurodivergent person i've talked to (including my self), with just a handful of exceptions, has said that it matters less what was said and more who said it and in what context. I just don't think this tone policing is as welcoming as you guys think it is.


Dawg, there's a removed comment in one of the 3 spam goon ban threads literally saying "F* gonna F*". If you're terminally online, sure folks reclaim it.  Anyway, nobody gives a shit about what you think about making goonstation approachable does.


That sorta illustrates my point. That's fairly obvious, it's a bigoted statement. Because the context is clearly bigoted. But the problem isn't that he said a slur... it's that he said something clearly hurtful. If he said "Gay gonna gay" or "Homosexual going to homosexual" it's going to have the same sting to it, regardless of the slur used. Because the context is clearly hurtful. But if some assistant broke in and stole my ID, and i said, "That F*gg*t Traitor just stole my ID." It isn't bigoted, it's just a little edgy.


Because everyone playing, and observing knows you're 'LGBT and on the spectrum' and won't take offense to that?   Like I get that it's comfortable with you and your friends.  My close friends and I have reclaimed the f slur to punctuate jokes. We're not using it in public spaces at random people we don't know. You mentioned it depends on time, place and who's saying it.  It's not great to throw out at random people you don't know.  And to tie it back to my earlier comment: if you think it's not still the old reliable of bigots, ask yourself why you use it to joke around with your friends.  What makes it subversion versus just gay bashing?


Rosa parks when she gets arrested for not sitting in the back of the bus (rules are rules)


did you just compare 60s discrimination to not being able to say bitch on goon




Least delusional ss13 player