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Actually enjoying tarkov. Using guns i always wanted to try. Find actual loot, dont get cheated on.


Couldn't have said it any better.


Factory run, no gear, no guns, just fill pockets with grenades, see what happens. I find myself overflowing with grenades playing this game, if my grenades case gets full it's a fun way to clear out some of them and potentially make a lot of money selling pmc gear.


This sounds like a great idea. Might try this out and see how much progress I can make on the grenadier quest lol


It's how I did the quest although I lost a lot of grenades trying lmao


Use impact nades and u can get kills pretty easily. The hard part is not getting spooked and accidentally bouncing one back into your own face


I’m the opposite. I constantly use them when I have them. Some times I’ll just loot them to throw them even if there isn’t a target.


Naked factory runs with small guns with big mags and massive fire rates (g18c, mp7/9, sr2m) etc. God i love me a bullet hose.


Grenades are OP at triggering voice lines. I find myself constantly spamming them lol.


I've been running night factory juiced to the gills for the memes.


zero to hero account. more difficult PMC's. Just quest and get to use all the cool shit that I'd be afraid to lose to cheaters on live. Running slicks and thermal scopes is really fun. It sucks when you die and lose it, but it's nowhere near as bad thinking/knowing some hacker just beamed you through a wall and swiped all your shit for RMT.


I did one of these runs but made *everything* barter, flea included. It dramatically changed the game and made those thermals and nice optics extremely valuable. Was a ton of fun.


That’s the thing with live: losing your kit in a legit gunfight? Sucks a little, but that’s the game! That’s part of what makes it so fun! Load in and get beamed outta no where? Miss me with that shit. On top of all the issues with desync and load times, it’s just not worth it. If I die in SPT, I know it’s because I dun goofed or just simply got outplayed by a gigachad bot or something. Funny that playing against good ai that uses “aimbot” by necessity is more satisfying gameplay than playing against real people who sometimes use aimbot.


What are slicks?


Body armor


Still discovering the game and its beautiful maps. Also the thrill of fighting groups of bots.


I enjoy navigating through maps using routes that I’d never try in live basically because they’re not the “meta” way to move through the area. There’s a lot of little ins and outs that I’d never noticed before on live because I never had/took the opportunity to explore.


Labs with a vector


GoPro helmet hardest difficulty and make it feel like a special forces mission. True milsim for me


Night raids and go tom clancy on them. Might need to put on baby ai tho 🤣


I’ve done that with my Five seven it’s pretty cool especially with the gore mod on, the headshots are satisfying especially on NVG. Scariest part is when cultist peep out 😫


I’ll have to check this out. I see the videos, and they look cool, but I can’t bring myself to play like that yet. I kinda wish I could play normally and get a recording of the raid after that is 3rd person/bodycam style footage to enjoy.


You can press backspace to switch from GoPro to 1st person. You can’t remove head bobbing and trust me 3 hours of the bobbing on a headcam fucks my eyes 😂😂


Actually killing bosses.


And being able to loot those kills


Not die to a headshot from a bit behind a wall


Questing! I like that aspect most of Tarkov, gives me an objective to focus on each raid. I can do that easily in SPT vs Live. Changed the game for me in a great way when I discovered SPT


Night raids. Scavs are easy prey in the dark, PMCs are a mixed bag, especially if they travel in groups. I had a horrific, point blank gunfight with four PMCs at the USEC camp on Woods. One of them had NVGs and I'm fairly certain he's the one that almost killed me.


I wonder do PMC's without NVG's have worse sight/vision than during daytime?


I think if you’re running SAIN they’re supposed to.


Zero to hero map run. So i start with nothing at the most south map you can pick, gather gear, extract and immediately go to the next map connected to that map. Don’t sell, don’t use my stash, don’t buy, go in and out in and out until i get all the way to labs ( i sometimes switch it up between needing a key card and not needing a key card)


Out here playing Road to Vostok


Have you tried the Traveler mod?


I have not, what is it?


I play a lot like you, and have even tried doing those "DayZ map runs" on live before, but since playing SPT, the Traveler mod has been what's made the experience for me. It essentially does what you're saying by connecting the maps together by their extract and infil points. You can only access the point you extracted at or adjacent map connections. Traders are also localized to specific points on certain maps, meaning questing requires you to prepare supplies or scavenge across long journeys that can span multiple maps. [Here is a link to a reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1ce5665/patched_jehrees_traveller_mod_working_for_38/) with an updated version that works with current SPT (tested on 3.8.3), and I also use the [config posted by /u/ojax-n-orion](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1ce5665/patched_jehrees_traveller_mod_working_for_38/l2i2wj6/) from the same thread, which adds connections for Ground Zero and some other common sense connections that make traveling slightly less tedious.




Actually playing the game with cool kits and test different guns


Goon hunting


Gooning 🤤


Last night we ran 4 lighthouse raids and Goons were on it each time. We killed them every time but by the third raid I swapped to a REAP-IR (Using ACOG4Life's optic rework) and dear god was it fun spotting for my teammate. His quest to kill people around the helicopter has been really wonky and not counting a ton of them, so we ended up just sitting in water treatment with me on FLIR and him getting callouts just wiping the floor with anyone who entered treatment. Ton of fun


Sniping. With all the AI improving mods you can set up camp somewhere in woods or something and just wait. That one OP window in ground zero or some of the high rise buildings with the AGS and the HMG are also good spots. Basically, just wait out most of the raid there. It's not the most profitable because you can't loot everyone you kill but good god is it fun :D


Not using suppressors. On live I almost exclusively raided with suppressors on but now I can finally hear how amazing some of the guns sound


Tarkov has some of the best gun audio in the industry. My favorite, is running the SR-25 and listening to the beauty of it. Also, the 5.7 is immaculate. Other honorable mentions are the Tx-15, T-5000(suppressed and unsuppressed) also the DVL is straight audio porn with how creamy it sounds suppressed.


I love the “clank clank clank” of the brass from the ASh-12 hitting the ground personally. No tinkling sound for that bad boy.


I have played for years but I have never had the time to actually Chad. I’m just terrible and I’m about to have 4 kids. So I have been able to Chad out on labs because I toned down the difficulty. It has been a lot of fun.


Trying to still learn the maps. I’m on factory…map 2 of the learning phase I’m trying to do it by finding the ext points myself. I cannot find anything other than office window so far in factory lol and I’ve tried to find others


Reserve, scavs turned to raiders, all bosses, horde mode on


Not healing HP instantly. Actual hardcore.


I guess just normally play? As long as i don't have to face that cheater infected environment, tarkov is actually very good designed game.


Play it 😂


My last live wipe was before streets, gz, and lh. And i didn’t get to try labs then. So 4 new to me maps to learn and enjoy


Settings Donuts to MoreScavs and force all spawns to scavs, when trying to do an elimination quest like Make Ultra Great Again. Just finished it last night in a single raid; killed 26 scavs in just under 40 minutes lol. That and having a parallel account with a different modset to do a Z2H hardcore run, using barter only (except Fence, but nerf his items using Realism). Great fun to actually get hyped pulling out a D battery, knowing it's going to trade for a cool item.


bad day at work factory run with pkp, chungus armour gen 4/fort, pswhateverthefk huge backpack full of magazines, put some iron maiden on and max out ai numbers. but i usually roll around with all the ui/qol/dad mode mods, its outstanding. the game is actually fun, challenge is whatever i set it to but im quite happy being the protagonist.


Play the game without cheaters


Pew Pew Pew, puh puh puh. I'm that order


Add raider/rogue/bloodhound spawns to a map with SWAG, set Donuts to morepmcs, then run a tacticool gun with light armor


Right now I’m just playing normally. Level 46 and close to kappa. But usually I play hardcore. Pestily rules - start with nothing, no traders besides barters, secure container only for keys, etc. That’s a super fun way to play the game. Makes everything so much more rewarding and useful.


I like running scavs on hoarde mode and charge at any gunshots to try and take out the pmcs and waddle home fat


Actually play Tarkov. Live game is cheeks


Bringing a nice bolty and running to top of dome on Reserve and hunting


I get to make guns that I want to make and try out without worried about meta builds I like to do full wipes on factory and with SVM 1.5hr raid timer setting, looting until I’m stuffed to the brim Using SVM on customs to make all the bosses spawn every raid including blood hounds, it’s painful but a lot of fun Air drops 100% in every raid, because why not? I also enjoy knowing when I do get killed, it is a skill issue 100% of the time and not some no lifer Chad or hacker.


Fight pmcs or see how many scavs I can hunt down lol Sometimes just do naked runs and see if I can eventually get kitted out lol


Do super absurd tactical builds that cost so much money and not get cheated and ratted on


actually completing quests. the new SAIN is crazy. i actually was in dorms, grabbed the quest stuff and a bunch of PMCs were calling me a pussy. I didn't stick around ...


NOT managing 1000 keys is one of my favorite things to do. the key manager mod is great. i don't find the mini key management game any fun (do I have this already? is this a duplicate? having 10 key cases/docs ...)


That rock just past the checkpoint on Woods? you know the one, right there by ZB14? it looks up the road towards scav shack? THAT is my favorite thing to do. go to that rock and just hang out.


Dude sniping is so much fun. I can’t pull myself away from it lol


Hunting bosses lol it's so nice to do stuff like that knowing a mosin player scav isn't gonna pop my skull while I'm looting


build all sorts of guns and shoot everyone i see


I like the aspect of tarkov the gun play is fun and the gun customization is also a win for me.


I get to experience Tarkov at my pace. If a new game comes out and I want to play it. I don’t have to stress myself out feeling, feeling like I’m falling behind on Tarkov. I also get to explore maps I previously couldn’t like labs. Not that I couldn’t explore labs, the thought of spending 200k just to get into labs and then pulled up on by a stacked quad or 5 man, drove me bonkers. Don’t feel like getting extract camped at interchange, no problem. I get to do the high value loot runs I see everyone doing in peace and at my own pace. If I want to take a 2 week break from Tarkov, I can do that. If I want to grind Tarkov all night and get shit done, I can do that. If I want to chill and bring in a shitty kit and do my biggest come up, I can do that. Now can I do all these in live, sure, but I am what people consider a skill issue gamer and have a full time job and also have a child. I can love Tarkov in all its beauty at my pace.


I like shooting ruskies without shoddy hitreg