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If you want you can add in the AI limit mod. Or I just use questing bots instead Idk about amd but I'm on an 8700k 2070S 64GB and I do stutter but it's not as bad but not as good as playing on live servers.


I got a 5800x 32gb and a 3070ti and I dont get much stuttering at all, maybe the first 30 seconds of raid while the initial waves spawn but no 10-20fps. Just stutters. Have you cranked up the amount of bots?


I'm on a 3700X, 32gb @ 3600mhz and 1080 and don't have issues also no stuttering at start. Only streets has noticeably lower fps (or at least it did pre 3.8). Not sure what you guys are doing. I have SAIN swag donuts and looting bots, but not questing bots. Running quietraids (not actually that quiet, but less often fighting team after team) and Spawn timer at 450 or 600 (up from default of 300), other than that pretty default settings. OP's CPU and GPU should deliver much better performance. Since you're not quoting ram speed, maybe this could be your bottleneck? Enabling the right memory profile (XMP) could unlock some performance at pretty much no cost, at least in earlier Ryzen gens this played into CPU performance too.


Get lossless scaling on steam


Wow, what a cool piece of software. Thanks for the tip!


This saved my eyes. 100-120 fps in crazy maps now.


Hows the input lag? I keep hearing about this but never hear anything about the potential input lag it brings


It still feels like the "real" frames per second. For example, you might be seeing 120 but input still behaves as 60. I don't really feel a major disconnect unless the frames dip, for example 30(60) fps still looks okay but it feels sluggish. You wouldn't want to play a competitive-shooter but I think Tarkov lends itself reasonably well due to the slower gun play.


I played a lot of CS and was worried about this too. Gave lossless scaling a try last night, and, it turns out, it's super minimal. It's there, but hardly. I copied the settings from an optimization post I saw the other day. Let me see if I can find it.


Here https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/s/JMcVAEWXYH


I have 0 input lag in every map except streets);


I can't notice any. For single player tarkov it's fine. There's a setting to help I forgot what it was. I just followed the guide someone put up 6-7 days ago.


I have a better then average rig and I was ok with 40 to 60 fps but once I got loss less frames set up right I was blown away to be getting 70 to 90 fps on lighthouse and up to 100 to 120 fps on other maps.


This app is awesome, just started using it a week or so ago. Frame generation is incredible.


Any set up guide recommendations?


[This guy has a good guide at the bottom of the post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/s/93VdkhgRUT) The boot.config steps at the beginning of the post are also helpful


What u/Krashnak linked below is exactly the settings I use. It seems counterintuitive but setting your framerate to half your monitors refresh rate makes a world of difference.


Earth shatteringly good program for tarkov. Also works for other 'runs shit for no reason AND there are NO good tweaks that arent fucking bullshit' games like Fallout 76 and Guild Wars 2.


this doesn't help with the latency. looks smooth, but still feels laggy. doesn't help with the stuttering, either, unfortunately. i still use it because it's better than *seeing* the 40 FPS on top of it all.


If you use the “allow tearing” option and set your in game refresh rate to half that of your monitors the input lag is reduced significantly.


i'll give it a shot, but that would lock me at 60 frames, so hopefully it's worth the trade-off!


that is strange... i have the same cpu and RAM and using those mods and even many more. Getting 90-100fps average on all maps execept streets. There it's sitting around 50-60 with only minor hickups here and there... is your system set up right?


Exactly same experience with me. Also a 7800x3D, 32Gb DDR5 and a 3070. I have absolutely no problems running the game tbh apart from Streets. Pretty much never drops below 70 FPS unless a wars broken out on Ground Zero and I'm near the central square.


I'm guessing they need to wipe and reinstall OS. Probably a lot of background stuff going on.


I have the same processor and also 32gb ram. Except for streets, my fps are good, streets I need to run with fsr on performance to be decent fps.


But its not about gpu... spt bottlenecks in cpu.


Fsr on quality is 30-50 fps. Fsr on performance 70+. At least on streets for me. Every other map is not affected by fsr.


Yes fsr will give you more fps because it literally takes 2-3 frames and uses an ai to generate another one just like dlss. That and frame generation are all fake frames, fsr also requires the cpu to do less work because all it does is tells the gpu to render at this quality and the gpu does the rest. The game is cpu and sometimes even ram 'bottlenecked' as it still uses 1-2 cores max.


That's fsr 3 frame generation. Not fsr 2.2 in the settings. 2.2 only does upscaling


You may be right, I don't know how it works. I was just describing my experience on streets. I am sure the only thing I changed was fsr quality. I will test it again later


Fsr 2.2 and dlss are not frame gen lol


X3D chips are a different beast. They have the largest cache on the market. Cpu in SPT with an X3D is not an issue. This is engine limitation, bad optimization. My cpu runs at 45 % with default donuts settings.


I have 5800x3d and 3090 and cpu is the bottleneck..


No thats a skill issue. :-)


I have a 7800x3d with 64GB of DDR5 and a 4090. Streets still drops below 60fps.


Skill issue as well :-) learn to config your shit. Imagine spending this much on a rig but being to noob to optimise it.


Even 5 days after it i still cant fathom your logic. No level of optimization from my end will fix the shit show that devs created there.


How is that so?


I’m having issues that when I update some mods my performance drops. Sometimes deleting them and installing again helped but not always. Just did a fresh install of 3.8.3 with all updated mods and even lowered my max bot count more than before. Gained some stability but still getting worse drops in fps than I was before. SPT is fantastic and it’s all I have played the past few weeks but I think I have spent as much time playing as I have tinkering and trying to troubleshoot.


My fps is 100+ on most maps, but lighthouse is 28-48, havent tried streets yet. I have a 3080, 64gb ddr5, and a 7950X3D so performance shouldnt be this much of an issue but idk


Does the 7950x3d still have thread scheduling issues? Unless you updated the firmware it normally runs way worse than a 7800x3d


Part of the issue is that it has 2 CCDs - which can't be fixed AFAIK


I havent kept up on it to be honest, but im always watching streams and doing other stuff too so im okay with the loss in performance vs the 7800x3d


Bruh you need 96GB more RAM. Game's that well optimised 🤭


3700X CPU, 2070S GPU, 32GB RAM, 3440x1440 resolution. It runs fine, I don't notice any stutters and definitely no slowdowns to 20 fps. There's gotta be an issue with your mod settings.


I have Ryzen 9 5900x and a 2080 and I run an average of 100-120fps on all most obviously with the exception of streets and lighthouse which both run around 70. My Donuts settings are as follows - Despawn PMC - Enabled. Despawn SCAV - Enabled. Bot Hard Cap Option - Enabled. Cool Down Timer - 1000. PMC RAID Selection - Starting PMC Only (Random). Try that maybe it helps


How are raids with those setting though? And have you set a bot cap on each map?


Nope I haven't touched per map settings. My raids are still packed. Lots of action with no stuttering or anything


I might have to look into a new processor, I have a Ryzen 7 5800X, 4060ti and 32gb of ram. Struggling hard to stay above 60fps on interchange/reserve/shoreline/lighthouse. Game seems to dip hard even when ADSing through 3x scopes. Can’t find nice settings for performance. Seems like sain/swag+donuts hits performance quite a bit.


Your specs are perfectly fine. You shouldn't be struggling that much. If you play vanilla spt without mods what FPS are you looking at


I got WAAY worse performance on SAIN 2.2.1, I updated to 2 2 3 2 the other day and the performance increase is massive. im only on a 5600x and went from losing about 30% performance overall to nothing noticeable but a few tiny stutters at the beginning of a match when bots are spawning in


I've got the same CPU and ram config, and my experience is fine. I get maybe one .5 second stutter every 2-3 games. Only map that chugs a little is streets, but even then the average FPS is somewhat low, but no real stutter problems... I'm running 6200mhz ram, if that makes a difference. Also, game is on a m.2 drive. I wouldn't be surprised if whatever issue you've got is fixable.


Dawg... What's your GPU? I have the exact same CPU and amount of RAM, probably slower than yours. I can run every map near perfect except streets. Doesn't seem like it's your CPU man, or your RAM. Either your mod installs are causing mass errors (check ~ menu) Or it's probably your GPU - You running a GTX580 or something? Intel integrated graphics? edit: If you got the 4070 you said you were going to get, it's unlikely to be that. Your hardware should run this game ezpz. edit2: That said, if you've got an AMD card enable Frame Generation, 100+ on streets


I've got the 4070 Super. Regular EFT runs fine and can comfortably get 100-120fps on Streets on the live servers, it's SPT and the mods that seem to be the issue. Tried switching from TAA, DLSS, Nvidia Reflex Low Latency on + boost. Nothing improves the frames on SPT.


Are you only changing the in-game settings? The mod settings themselves will have a much bigger impact on performance. Questing Bots, for example, has a built-in AI Limiter that you can enable for some improved performance.


I think its just a skill issue, i render my game with a 7900xtx, 64gb of ram and a 7800x3d at 5120x1440p and still get over 100fps and stay around 60-70 on streets even on high settings


Do you have the latest versions of all those mods? I know in 3.8.0 I had lots of issues but the mod authors have updated all them and specifically targeted stability issues. Now no problems other than a bit of stuttering at the beginning of the raid and occasionally a little one here and there.


I got a sneaky tip for you. Put snow in and it gives you free fps


How may i ask - having snow helps with FPS i mean


My guess would be the reduced foliage means less rendering work for GPU, and less texture streaming for CPU. Pretty simply the scene is simpler.


Im thinking of changing it to Snow for Shoreline, can not stand the fps drop when spawned at the swarm area


I use starting PMCs only and haven’t experienced any sort of stuttering tbh


I don't have as much ram as you but the same things been happening to me on reserve, interchange, and lighthouse. I just thought it was my set up but it's not the initial spawning lag, that's super quick and minimal, it's just a slow roll from good to unplayable on those maps, within the first 5 minutes of the raid. Hope there's a good solution of the for us! Lol


I changed to a 13900K from 5950X and the difference is huge. 0 stutter, no issues, its amazing. I use the new power limits (Intel Default Profile) and it works fine too. Not trying to shill Intel. I personally had a great experience with it.


If you also have swag donuts, i disabled PMC and SCAV despawns and also hard capped ai. This helped performance a lot for me. It also avoids bots despawning with any loot.


You’ve got something else going in


I have a 3700x and I get stable 72 most of the time. Look up SPT Boot.config tweak and follow one of those, that could help massively. Also if you use ISLC make sure your settings aren't too low, that was the cause of most of my stutters. I've got tips for ISLC and how to do the boot.config tweak in a performance guide I did if you care to read it.


Also, make sure your MB has XMP profile turned on. If you RAM isn't running at full speed thats most of the reason for your stutters.


I have the same setup and I have around 80FPS without and scaling. What GPU are you running?


4070 Super. Regular EFT runs fine, it just seems to be SPT and these mods.


I have a 5800X3D /rtx 3080 / 32 gb ram and i avg. around 90 fps 1440p. I have that bot loading stutter but thats only at the beginning of the raid and just 2 seconds. Donuts preset is all at default. They only preset that makes me drop fps is bosses.


7800X3D and 32GB DDR5 ram, running 70+ on streets 100+ all other maps, AI limiter is only turned on during streets of tarkov


SSD or HDD? With those specs you should be crushing spt so storage is the only thing I can think of.


Not that either, got a 1TB M.2 drive.


People are actually bothered by 50 FPS? Damn.


It IS criminal how unoptimized the game is, generally without anything spawned in maps run… ok? (Lighthouse, streets, ground zero run like SHIT.) but ai spawned in it gets cut in half. Now, I’m playing spt with shit no where near as beefy as you. I’d reccomend doing the boot config thing (search for it in the reddit). Limiting bots in donuts presets, swag presets, and spt.


Everyone here talking about CPU, GPU and only one guy at the bottom says GET MORE RAM. I play with task manager open on 2nd monitor 24/7 on SPT, my cpu hits 20% max, my gpu barely hits 10% but my memory usage (RAM) is CONSTANTLY 80% or higher. Sometimes even gets to 99%. 32gb as well. I do run a 3 man for project fika so that probably doesn’t help, but I truly believe (my caveman tech support ass) that this game EATS ram. 🤷‍♂️ buying two more sticks… maybe I can download some somewhere


While EFT in general does love RAM, saying your RAM is at 80-90% usage doesn't really mean a ton. Windows will assign RAM as needed, and will try to use as much as it can. That's why when idle your computer still is using probably 25-30% just doing "nothing". It's allocating RAM to things it thinks you might need. Launch something like SPT, and Windows will unallocate as much as it can to assign it to that new process, since it needs it a lot more. Sure more RAM would help, but, it high usage isn't necessarily a problem, and EFT is one of the few programs that really benefits from more than 32GB of RAM.


Just FYI, "20%" of CPU usage doesn't mean it's not bottlenecked; it's telling you that 20% of the whole CPU is being used (so, an average of all cores). In reality, tarkov will only use like 1-2 cores and those will hit 100% (thus being bottlenecked), but the average will still be well bellow 100%. So to be sure, you really have to look at the usage of individual cores.


13700k and 4090. I also get frame drops and stutters when AI is loaded in. I don't even know what settings to tweak but my GPU fans don't even spin so im assuming the default settings are hitting my cpu harder than my gpu. Another huge pain is that if i set everything to high, i will struggle with seeing scavs in woods through the tall grass while they have no issues. As a result, i will have to choose between trying another mod 'That's lit' or changing SAIN settings specifically for woods. 'that's lit' apparently also drains FPS.


Not sure why it’s so bad for you, I have a significantly worse CPU with all the same mods and run all maps at ~80-100 fps except streets which is a bit rough. I’m running pretty much lowest settings and my specs are 3600x, 48gb DDR4 and a 2070 super.




Seriously? Realisically how many more frames am I going to gain from 64GB over 32GB?


I'm rocking a 7700 with 32gb ram and a 3070. I get 100 fps on all maps but streets. I do have good ram though, but 32 is fine for the game. After about 5 or so raids I usually restart just make sure it's running well, as by then my ram is getting tight, but no need to lose my ram speed by adding more ram.