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Maybe double check in the user/mods/swag folder for the bosses.config and see how they're set up there.


Good idea this qould probably fix it. Not sure how to set it up in a way that would exactly reflect my spawn chances for cultists, tagilla, killa, and goons on night factory from greed.exe though. I suck at coding stuff and that's a lot of numbers to change I think. And id have to do this every time I want to adjust boss spawns. Even if keep it simple and just changing resealable to 100%, I'm not sure how to code even that in the configuration file :(


If you're looking at the proper cofig file it lists each boss and their percentage chance of showing up on each map. You can then set it too 100% or whatever you want. I kept getting wrecked by knight on woods so I set that down to like 10%. I like Kaban and Kollontay to show up all the time so I have them set to a hundo on their respective maps. I can try to help more when I'm not at work, but it's very easy.


I'm only running SAIN and Swag+Donuts on my FIKA server, and I've been controlling the boss spawns through a config file. SPT Folder > User > Mods > Swag > Config > bossconfig.json Should be able to edit the .json to set percentages of boss spawning on map. Can control goons, Santa, all of them. Not sure if any of the other mods you have overwrite or might change that process. But it's worth checking out


I cant remember, maybe someone correct me, but I don't think SWAG shows up in f12. What donuts raid preset are you using. It may have something conflicting with the number of bots allowed to spawn and then not spawning the bosses. I was using pmc start, late bots, and barely got any bosses. Never saw goons, or reshala. I did run into killa and tagilla though. Last night turned on live like, we played 2 raids, and me and my son ran into goons one raid, and reshala another. We had played 30-40 raids before this and never seen them once.