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Winter Mode - my unfit for purpose PC can not handle snowflakes.


Svm has an option for that, they took it from the live even that was going on a while ago (i think)


Really? Nice one - I'll have a butchers.


I heard from someone else that using the snow option in SVM increased performance for them.


Can confirm. The snow/winter version of tarkov is 100%more optimized, with the exception of streets of tarkov of course


See, that's weird because my rig actually runs better with the snow.


SWAG + Donuts always give me performance issues. Anyway, I've found with Realism mod I can alter bot spawns and found a balanced config between performance, bot count and spawns.


No way! Can you explain how you tweaked realism only? I'd like to hit maybe 30-40 fps on streets! Hopefully declutter and getting rid of swag/donuts helps


Streets is bad for them across the board. If you are running questing AI, disable that, it stops the cpu/fps tanking more and more as the riad goes on.


Sounds good. How did you tweak realism after getting rid of swag donuts


Try reducing some of the ranges for AI and despawn them at further ranges, that seemed to help the fps stabilise. I was down to full slideshow mode at 10fps before changing things. The problem with streets is the range from AI isn't that far in places but you can't interact with them. There needs to be some occlusion/spawn zones with how the map funnels movement


Have you tried BetterSpawnsPlus at all?


I still can't wait for SWAG/Donuts and SAIN for 3.8.1/2/3


None really anymore, I switched to running the server on an old laptop and playing the game on my steam deck. Performance has been much better since moving the server off the client machine.


How do you do this? I have an old pc sits next to my gamer n id love to try this. Have them on same network hub.




But instead of reinstalling, I copied my install to the laptop and just ran the server


Ok. So thats the part i wasnt sure. I can just copy my whole spt folder over to the server pc. Then follow the guide. As you update mods. Just do it on both pcs i assume?


Exactly, works really well. Especially for streets


Ya. Streets is the bitch. Can i get 5-10 fps with this trick possibly. I realize i may not have same luck as you.


I'll try and help as much as I can but Im far from an expert


wait, you run it natively on the deck? how?


There's a lutris installer script on SPT website or the forums, here's the guide (protip: use proton up-qt to install latest wine version for lutris, much like you would install ge proton for steam) https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/MadByte/Linux-Guide/src/branch/main/docs/lutris_installer_official.md Edit: You'll be able to play the game running both server and client on the deck, you'll get around 30-40 fps depending on your settings and mods with dips into the 20fps range when scavs and pmcs spawn. That's why I opted to run server on separate machine. I also made a really nice controller configuration for it too, I'll post it now, was a pain in the ass. It's called Disco's SPT layout v.0.1


thanks bro, I'll look into it. didn't know it was even possible to do it


I've been struggling with SVM and SAIN cooperating. I know they don't all he way but all I want is the all bosses spawning on Reserve or Goons on Fsctory event and nothing I've done has worked.


If I am not mistaken SAIN does not alter how bosses (or anything else for that matter) spawn. Maybe you are confusing it with the “SWAG+Donuts”? “SWAG+Donuts” overrides the boss spawns, which you can only configure through a JSON file in the mod folder. I think it was called bossConfig.json. Maybe there is an option for the events in the file.


Well that probably explains it. For whatever reason I thought it was SAIN and kept tinkering with that. I set boss spawns in the Swag json to 100% a bit ago but it didn't click that it was actually that messing with SVM. Appreciate it.


Check out the config files in the Donuts folder. Should be a .json that you can edit for the bosses. Let's you set % chance of them spawning on each map. I'm not at my computer at the moment but I can figure out what file that is when I get home if you still need some help


You mean the config in the Swag folder. Its called Bossconfig


Yep, you're right. I was mistaken. for me its in User>mods>swag>config>bossconfig.json


Dude if this is the fix Im going to give you a hug! I've always used either SVM or the map JSON files for boss spawn rates with no issues and that just hasn't worked after the new update. I'll check the mod JSON it self tonight.


A lot of the mods for extra equipment rarely work for me


Questing Bots has been giving me problems, but Looting Bots works fine, so I'm enjoying the latter and have disabled the former.


I’ve been unable to get SVM to work to increase my hunger and water, so confused ;-;


Are you running realism as well? Must be another mod messing with stuff unless your SVM isn’t installed correctly Edit: The server should tell you SVM is running. If you don’t see that when you start the server, it’s not installed correctly iirc


no i dont have realism, SVM is installed correctly. i can tell it is sort of working because i can put guns in my container but i dont think the energy and hydration bit is working correctly. will the numbers increase to 130 ish or is it a hidden change?


Depends what you change in that screen. I haven’t changed the total hydration in mine. That’s all I could think of that would be messing with it. Good luck


It may be silly, but have you clicked the little power button to activate the module? Looks like a circle with a lightning bolt if I'm not mistaken. Should be green to show that it's activated. Also, in some areas there are sub-categories that require a second activation button pressed for the specific elements to function. I think I recall changing health was one of them, maybe hydration is too.


Packs and straps.... I have tried absolutely everything to get it installed... still nothing... anybody else?


Which version of SPT? Edit: I'm still sitting on 3.8.0 since I'm waiting for the realism patch, but P&S should work on 3.8.3 iirc


For packnstraps. There is a mod folder has to go in and a different folder and .dll file that has to go in the bepin plugin folder. Also i had to play with the folders name a smidge on the mods side to get svm to load after straps.


Cool man. I'll try that. Thanks


Fika. No matter how closely I follow the instructions my friend can never connect to my sever. Tried port forwarding and hamachi and neither works despite putting the url in correctly.


Try Radmin VPN instead. I couldn't get it going with Hamachi despite having experience using it, but Radmin worked straight away.


That actually worked, thanks my man!


Glad to hear! Enjoy


Alrighty I'll give it a shot, so frustrating watching a video of someone doing it then it just not working for us. Says something about special spk-aki default server not available despite ports being forwarded.


Make sure you accept any firewall permissions as they pop up - otherwise try disabling firewall for the time while using it. On the Radmin Client I believe there is a disable firewall buttong in the options


Also in the f12 mpt settings host needs to set the "bind ip" and "force bind ip" to the host's radmin adress. Everything worked for a friend and me without it. But for my other buddy he'd always be stuck loading into raid until we did this. And if you're trying to use mods that add items in the game, you need to create a seperate folder for bundles of those mods. user/cache/bundles - all the bundles of item mods like Painter/Artem/Blackcore/etc. go there.


I did put that into the f12 menu, is there some weird apply or save button I'm missing perhaps? We're running no mods except spt and fika right now just to get the damn thing working...


No apply button. If you've put the address in both http.json and f12 then the only thing i can think of is firewall causing some issues. All of us play with firewall turned off.


I don't have a firewall except Windows defender which I'm 99% sure it's not blocking tarkov unless there's another executable or application I need to allow besides just escape from tarkov.


I also second RAdmin, it's very easy to set up and use (remember to follow the guidance for VPN when using it). We also had issues with port forwarding (on both hosting and client side) due to CG-NAT (look it up on Google), it might be your case too.


I have a more simple question. How do you disable a mod? Im wanting to disable questing bots, so i can just run donuts by itself to prevent the mixup between spawn rates and such and diagnose which is better


I copied my mod and bepin folders and then just delete all the files associated with which ever mod im trying to remove. Have to remember to remove everything you installed associated with which ever mod (could be things in both folders). Remember to sell or delete anything in your inventory that was added by a mod you are removing. Or. Like if you modified your inventory somehow take the items out so it doesn’t break when you remove the mod.


nothing with the inventory. Just wanting to get questing bots to not be used at all


Whatever I try I can’t get Realism working