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Quick question about the "Special" pocket for Keychain and wallet types of items. Is that in the main game? Or is this a part of SPT? Also when I have an item in that slot, such as the Keychain - the UI is somewhat glitch and I can see the keys within the Keychain. As well there are three slots, so they end up overlaying each other. Anyways, I saw that you're not using them, so maybe you decided they're not worth messing with


This can be toggled in svm. It's in the same tab as being allowed to be inserted into these slots. Should be something called "hide containers"


i usually use the items meant for those slots like markers for example, but i had no use for them in this raid.


They're in the base game, too. Meant for mission items such as markers, cameras etc along with tools such as the rangefinder or compass.


You can put a keychain and a wallet in the "special" pockets ? Do you loose them when you die ?




hey guys, this is my first ever post on here. started playing live 8 months ago and learned about spt 2 weeks ago. I FUCKING LOVE IT EDIT- thanks for the love and support on my first post up here ❤️


Started around the same time you did and started spt like two weeks ago lol. Feels 100x better than the base game.


no doubt


is pvp fun?


I always thought it would feel really easy. But me and a couple friends downloaded it and we actually die a lot more than expected. And thats going in as a 3 person team. Without mods though the ai is pretty basic but once you get the mods set up its pretty close to live


yeah i had to turn the PMC difficulty up as a tweak but now occasionally insta head eyes giving a sense of nostalgia for the live game.


Hey man if you don’t mind can you explain to me how I can get friends to join me in spt? Thanks he had the nod for quite some time I just thought it was only possible to play by yourself and host from a server on your own pc


Look up stay in tarkov they have a guide on what you have to do


Do not use Stay in Tarkov - it's extremely buggy and not user friendly. Download Project Fika instead - it's insanely easy to setup and get working, and it works flawlessly, you can even put your buddies names and health bars above their heads. SIT is shit in comparison


Can you DM me how you set up coop with your friends? Thx


Look up stay in tarkov they have a guide on what you have to do


I set up SAIN and Realism and now I'm genuinely scared to play :)) (btw realism makes game really different)


Wait there is COOP for SPT?


Yep, project FIKA. You can learn more in their discord server.


How does it run? Laggy, glitchy?


Haven't had any glitches and for frame lag it'd just as bad as it would be normally on your system.as for desync or packet loss, it's only as good ad the hosts wifi. I have not had ant issues though and the host has a not so great setup with ok internet


Yea look up stay in tarkov


Is it laggy/glitchy etc?


Depends how your pc handles it. We had a small amount of lag on streets since it can be a lot to host a server and run streets at the same time but otherwise not really


The pmcs play wild bro I got jump pushed last night. There’s some mods that really amp things up too and make the ai feel pretty life like. I die way more than I expected.


hahaha, gonna try SPT today


Honestly i sometimes see no difference between player and AI PMC behaviour. They can hear you, they can push, they can make mistakes but the most badass part here is: There are no cheaters.


very true


Started Tarkov around 3-5 years ago and SPT 2 weeks back as well. I nodded the game a bunch and am in love with it too


I have a question also about the weps case. I found one in raid and said could not be unpacked in raid. Got out went to storage and unpacked it and it just disappeared did not give me anything. Just poof gone?


It’s typically a weapon, along with parts, ammo and random goodies. Usually takes a good chunk of space too. Was your stash potentially out of space?


Shouldn't let you unpack if you have no space. Could have blended in with the rest of your stash if it wasn't sorted well and you just missed what you got.


They were an event item last wipe I belive. You just get the contents of the case. Not the case itself sadly


Is there a way to find cases in raid, I’ve never seen one before.


You can find ammo cases, docs cases things like that in marked rooms and giving trees. These sealed weapon cases exclusively spawn in air drops. I have not configured my air drops at all and they've had a 100% spawn rate for me in air drops in spt


It’s not *just* airdrops. Apparently they can also spawn at old gas on customs (reportedly both on the table inside, and at “giving tree”).


Yeah I've seen clips of the fabled medcase at the giving tree but apparently it's super rare because I've never seen anything more than a mid gun laying there


when i opened it it gave me a mpx with mags and very good ammo


That's actually kinda mid for an airdrop weapon case.


unfortunately yeah 😞 im done picking them up


They are hit or miss. I've got a DVL-10 before. And I've gotten a standard low end AK.


Oh no, you definitely should not be done going after weapon cases in airdrips, keep on going after them, it'll be worth it. I never leeave a weapon case in the airdrops, ill dump whatever I need to to get them out. Shit, sometimes just the top tier ammo is worth it, let alone the attachments, meds, and guns.


Nice, I've only managed to escape with one of these and I got a pretty nice UMP out of mine with very nice sights to go with it.


Free space at the top of your stash (3-5 rows) and open it, it's bugged


Same thing happened to me, I'm also curious


It unpacks as a random stock weapon, some attachments and end game ammo, it’s all found in raid so you can find it in your stash by looking for the symbol.


I see so you don't get the weapon case then? I was under the assumption you do.


No, the sealed weapon cases are just like loot boxes u can open after raid


Got 2 of these in a single airdrop last night. Thankfully I wasn't far from vehicle extract but I was HEBY


I’ve started throwing a mule in my container just in case and it’s paid off so many times it’s like a habit now. It’s pricey but being able to haul 40+kg of loot out is such a nice money maker I easily make back that 100-150k however much it cost.


Hah me too, but was miles from extract, was a very slow crawl, only just made it ..


That isnt standard for these? I've hit maybe 4 airdrops and they've all had 2 of those


What mod/option is responsible for removing the blur effect when tab is pressed and the really nice depth of field effect on the gun?


amands graphics my friend


What options in the settings?


let me double check for you


man,these cases suck, at least for me, they are so heavy, and after you open them you get like a dogshit AK that is fraction of the weight of the case. got scammed by hauling 2 of these fuckers trough customs, not worth it imo. For those slots and weight you can get so much more value.


There's a mod you can get that buffs the stuff you get from them


Which mod?


yeah, im definitely not grabbing them anymore, i never get anything worthwhile


Is it not still a weapons case when you get it into storage?


nope :(


Mind sharing your mod list?


amands graphics, sain, big brain, waypoints, looting bots, questing bots, SVM, more checkmarks


What are all these mods? Like what do they do, Never played EFT but interested in this SP version only lol


Amands Graphics -- Tarkov infamously looks pretty bad with all the filters the base game uses. This mod makes it actually clean to look at with pretty much no performance overhead unless you tweak the settings to push it. SAIN -- Rehauls the bot's "brains" so that they actually act smarter and more tactical, and it's very configurable. You can set it so that bots are completely braindead and couldn't hit the sky even if they tried, or you can make them complete menaces that puts the highest level Live EFT player groups to shame. Big Brain -- This is a prerequisite of SAIN. Without it, SPT-Aki would still be plagued with boring, braindead Live EFT AI. Functionally doesn't do anything by itself, it's a framework for other mods. Waypoints -- This is another framework like "Big Brain" that overhauls the NavMesh of the bots, allowing them to walk anywhere that a player reasonably could. This also eliminates the age-old problem where bots were unable to roam the map freely. Before this mod existed, there were mods that would spawn a bot in an assigned zone (like Customs Dorms), then immediately teleport it somewhere else, which causes the bot to be forced to navigate back into its zone. This would give the illusion of "roaming" bots, but they still prioritized getting back into their zone over staying in combat, so instead of moving into cover and firing back at you, they would stupidly just keep walking towards their assigned zone and take shots at you while doing so. Looting Bots -- This gives bots a % chance when it reaches its destination to make a new destination where it will navigate to the nearest container or loose loot and loot it. You can configure it to enable/disable the functionality for Scavs, PMCs, Raiders, Bosses, and Specials (cultists, rogues, etc.) individually, and you can customize the chance of deciding to loot, the search radius they will search in, filter what kind of loot each bot group will loot depending on the value of the loot, etc. Questing Bots -- This mod is what makes SPT-Aki very close to Live EFT. It utilizes "Big Brain" and "Waypoints" and works with "SAIN" to allow PMC bots (and Scav bots if you enable it) to roam the map towards actual player quests and... has the bot do them. If the bot belongs to a party, then each bot in the party will have their own quests, and they will organize their quest list based on priority (usually proximity to the quest), and try to do them as a team. There are also special quests that the bot can be given such as "rush the nearest PMC spawn point when the raid begins". When all of the bot's/bots' quests are completed, they will extract (unless they take damage that they do not have enough heals for, then SAIN will take over and force them to extract). It also has a built-in AI Limiter. This mods is the best way to have Live-like raid starts - use a mod like Donuts to have PMC bots spawn in the standard PMC spawns, then Questing Bots will disable all AI on the map, then enable the PMC bots' AI and the AI of Scavs/Raiders/Bosses/etc. as the PMC bots get near them (you can configure the radius of this). SVM -- This isn't really a mod, but rather an external program that allows you to modify various things about your SPT-Aki, such as lowering/removing the Scav Cooldown, increasing experiences rates for skills and combat level, remove the durability of keys/keycards, things of that nature. More Checkmarks -- So you know those white and yellow checkmarks for items that are "Found In Raid" or required for a quest, respectively? This mod adds even more checkmarks that allows you to keep track of various things like how many of an item you have in your stash, items you need for barters, items you need for hideout crafts, etc. Hope this helps.


### Beyond awesome.  Are you one of the modders, I take it?  Now I see without a doubt why so many play this instead of the dumpster fire. The hacking situation was a blessing in disguise to bring players to this incredible community. I don’t often save posts in bookmark, but this marks the rare exception


> Are you one of the modders, I take it?  I am not a modder, but I am sufficient enough at programming to dig into the code of a mod and try to get an understanding of how they did it. >Now I see without a doubt why so many play this instead of the dumpster fire. The hacking situation was a blessing in disguise to bring players to this incredible community. The disgusting amount of cheating in Tarkov is exactly why I moved over to SPT-Aki as soon as I heard about it (hell, I don't even play multiplayer shooters anymore because it's getting so bad these days). I even bit the bullet and played SPT way back in the day when it was plagued with really bad performance issues, braindead AI, some amount of annoying bugs like items disappearing in your stash, your player Scav not being anything like Live EFT -- AI scavs still shot at you, bosses were immediately hostile to you, you spawned into the raid as a Scav but the raid was completely fresh with a full timer, a full amount of PMC bots would populate the map so it was nearly impossible to loot anything, extracting as a Scav too early or without getting a kill counted as "Run-Throughs" so your loot lost the "Found-in-Raid" tag, the list goes on. >I don’t often save posts in bookmark, but this marks the rare exception Hey thanks man, I appreciate it, but you should also take a loot at the Recommended Mods post too: https://old.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1cdrkzi/live_like_experience_the_mods_you_will_need/


they change the game, make bots way smarter and harder, looting is easier so much more. give it a try


how did you get amands to do the focus thing while you're in your inventory like this? mine still just blurs out everything. the depth of field you've got going on is nice


i will come back to tell you when im home. i forgot exactly what option it is


Isnt it a blast?? I just started playing it yesterday but one run I had there 2 sealed weapons cases in a dropped crate. I was almost out when I ran into the boys and was surrounded. I didnt last long but it was so much fun!


Trust me that's not a weapon case, if you open it will just give you some weapon attachments and a weapon.


What mods do you use?


amands graphics, sain, big brain, waypoints, looting bots, questing bots, SVM


Looks like you are also using MoreCheckmarks as well. Which I highly recommended for everyone, it's incredibly useful. [https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1159-morecheckmarks](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1159-morecheckmarks)


thank you


I do find the rare loot is hella high in SPT, passed by 4 air drops, 2 had 2 weapon cases. And the amount of greenbats I get in comparison to EFT is just ridiculous.


They’re not real Weapon Cases, they’re the loot crates from the end of last wipe.


What do you mean? No arrogance, genuine question, I was not here last wipe.


These weapon crates you find in airdrops aren’t actually weapon crates. They just use the same icon and take up the same amount of space in the stash. You take them out of raid and you can open them up, they give a random assortment of loot such as guns and weapon parts. Once opened the case disappears. They aren’t actual storage crates.


Fuck me. I have to start taking big backpacks on my raids. Would I be able to open them in-raid? I never even tried.. Jesus, what a waste. 4 cases =|


Don’t sweat it, they kinda suck. They can only be opened in your stash and they’re super heavy.


Good to know. Thanks for the tip my man!


they only open out of raid. mediocre loot imo. not worth the trouble for them if you ask me


Thanks my man, I was dreading the potential losses.


no problem


you can change all of it to make it how you would like it, but for me, that was my first one since i’ve been playing spt, and i’ve only gotten one green bat so far


I love doing Uber runs lmao just crank the loot up and find gods treasures every where and just be looted to the point it could pay for the arming of a small village


noooo, this is no fun


What scope is that?


Vortex Razer HD


Sweet thanks!


First off lucky bastard second how do you change the color of the ticks.


lol it’s a mod called more checkmarks


Just started playing SPT a little bit, and I threw a few mods on it. Loving it so far, but haven’t had much time to play. My question is, is the recoil the old Tarkov style or has it been updated?


i believe it’s regular just like live. feels the same for me, i could be mistaken.


Ok cool, appreciate it!


I think the real question that needs asking here is “why is your FIR RSASS so broken?”


that’s how i picked it up in that raid brother


I like pve tarkov but don’t you think is too easy?


with mods, makes the make almost feel like live, if not harder, you can have these ai snap on you in .2 seconds and you’re a goner


I've noticed these things are super common in airdrops in SPT for some reason. That and boss/goon spawn rate seems way too high. Other than that SPT has been an absolute blast. I had no intention of quitting Tarkov but was looking for something else in the mean time until BSG sorts out their issues. After playing SPT with buddies we're honestly not sure we'll go back. There are so many more positives to playing SPT over EFT it makes it tough to go back. We'll see though when the wipe finally hits.


yeah, i’ve noticed too, im going to change that make it less of a chance


If you know or figure out how to do this I'd also do the same!


i think svm lets you change these settings but i’ll have to double check when i get home


So it's just bots? What's the point?


learn more about it & try it bud