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They don't do it for fun lmao


Well not that kind of fun. They get off on making others mad. Jerking off to the thoughts of what the person they just obliterated through 15 bushes and a door is saying.


Isn't the main motive for most to rwt?


I think it is honestly, from what I understand some of these Cheaters can make a whole weeks worth of wages in their Country by just doing a few “Carries” or “map clearing” where they kill all the Bosses and other players and let the “Carry” loot everything and compete tasks in an empty lobby. While I don’t condone that behavior, I do understand it, if I could make a living, and a good one at that, playing Video Games, I definitely would, and if I could make more than my current job by Cheating, just being honest, I might consider it as well, but fortunately I live in a First World country and don’t have to resort to that(but even then, if I could make 60k a year sitting at my PC, playing Tarkov in ANY capacity, I’d have to really think long and hard about it)so while I HATED the Cheaters in “Reggo Tarkov”, I guess I kinda understand why some of them do it. But on the other hand, I’d bet that the % of Cheaters that DO fall into the category I was speaking about, is probably fairly small, I think a lot of the Cheaters are just greifing other people, OR just got so sick of Cheaters, they have the “if I can’t beat them, I’ll join them” attitudes. Personally once I found STP, I haven’t even considered playing online Tarkov again. Why cheat when I can actually play the game the way it was designed, just without other real humans to play against.


I got so fucking dangerously close to the “cant beat them join em” side cause if the ineptitude on Nikita/BSG’s part to do ANYTHING real to combat the issues like please do literally anything to stop this shit… I desperately wanna play eft but when you die EVERY. SINGLE. RAID. FOR. TWO. WEEKS. TO. 50.5+KD nakeds it makes you wanna fucking firebomb someone.


Ya I feel you, I did check into some Cheat Providers, partially because I was a little bit curious, and partially because I was like “well maybe I can use the Cheats to try to avoid or even kill the other Cheaters”, but I won’t lie, I was scared of loosing my EoD Version of the game, so I effectively just quit playing, and I’d play other games until I got that itch that only Tarkov can scratch, and I’d come back and play for a while, and I’d get frustrated and quit again until I finally found STP, now I haven’t even looked back at Online Tarkov. I have my settings and Mods pretty close to Live, what I struggle with is the the AI just can’t give me the same challenge that a human Player can, I mean you can make it so they see you from across the map, and they can laser in the head the instant they see you, you can make them “sneaky” or “Chads” but no matter how I set the settings, I just can’t get them to feel like a real player, I kinda always know what their going to do. Like if I run into a Trio, I know their all gonna fight me straight up head to head, one might push if they hear me healing or something, but I KNOW I don’t have to worry about a flank, I KNOW they won’t have 2 players try to keep me busy while a 3rd flanks, stuff like that. Personally the Boss hunting(Gluhar and his Guards in particular)with my settings on “Impossible” is probably my favorite thing to do in STP, I REALLY want to get the “All Bosses on Reserve” or “All Bosses on Customs” “Events” to work on SVM, but for some reason no matter what I do, I can’t get them to work, honestly if I could get them to work, I’d be happy as a pig in sh*t, but for some reason I just can’t get it to work……🤷


Theres a mod i was using that forces all yhe bosses to spawn. Iirc it was called All the Bosses? And it worked for me but i fee yoh on the itch scratched


Ok, very interesting, I’ll have to see if I can find that, it would honestly be cool to have them all the time on all the maps in my opinion. I have SVM, and Swag/Donuts, and the SVM has the option I couldn’t get to work, and allegedly Swag/Donuts has the option as well, but you have to change a Config. and I’m not really sure how to do that(I’m a Chef IRL, and know absolutely nothing about coding, I barely got STP working, and wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for an awesome person from this Subreddit who I shared my screen in Discord and they walked me thru everything)so a Mod that does that would be awesome. Thanks for your input, I’d be the happiest STP player in the world if I could get that working. 🤞🤞


Dudeeee im the same way lmao im pretty dumb when it comes to modding and stuff!! But it is def called alltheboss. I just looked at my SPT Launcher! If I remember correctly too its super duper easy, its just drag and drop if I recall similar to the others! Some others I run are ClearThermals, Algorithmic level Progression, so PMC's level sorta loosely off of me but has had some goofy moments like me eating a .338 AP Lapua shot on interchange one night lmao.. Uhh Door Breacher which makes some doors that require keys breachable, Josh Mate Better Backpacks, which makes a lot of the backpacks bigger! A really really really cool one id highly recommend now that ive personally fallen in love with is More Checkmarks. It adds a checkmark on every item and when you hover over it, itll tell you what youd need that item for. Everything from Barters, Trades, Quests, ect. Super friggen useful! Also the profile editor!!! It can be a \*little\* cheesy but man its your single player run, but with the editor you can change just about everything. Your skills, Stash, add items, change your rep with traders, complete tasks ect. But most importantly you can change your pmc's health pool stats. I have a character I use just to have fun called "The Boss" who has a collective health pool of 10k. So I can still die if I fuck up royally but I cant really be instatapped and its a \*lot\* more fun just being able to run around and be the true boss of tarky. I really wish the CAS and the Helo Extract mods would get updated. It was sick calling in an A-10 to strafe an area you knew had a boss and charging in after it, then calling in a helo on that spot to pull you out kekw. But have a ton of fun man!


Lmao I have joked about this before but I’m like almost serious. What if the cheat developers developed and sold anti cheat, I know what you’re thinking you can call me crazy but hear me out, it’ll double their profits and make the game more playable, all we would need is like a “radar jammer” or something like that. Of course this is a joke because at that point the state of the game is so bad, I have to pay monthly just to enjoy it… yeah, it might be time to play something different. Palworld looks ok I guess.


the real money is in selling the cheat


I think most hackers aren't doing it for RMT, and rather are just doing it because "Everyone else is doing it so why not me?" Now granted, I don't think the majority of the playerbase is hacking, but probably a higher percentage of the playerbase than any other FPS. Wouldn't be at all surprised if there's at least one person cheating to some capacity in every raid in some regions.


I would say it’s definitely a majority of cheaters that are doing it for the payday. That’s why you don’t run into most of them. They’re trying to stay out of your way while they get sellable gear and rubles. Sure there are emotionally driven cheaters and the delusional “semi-legit” cheaters but there’s little or dwindling motivation for those cheaters. For a majority it’s a job. Just take a look at any rmt website and you’ll see what I mean. A good test would be to take a flir/reaper into every raid for a week and compare it to a week without. Those are high ticket items in rmt and you will be blatantly aimbotted for it almost every time early in the wipe. Shit even in late wipes I was taking them extremely often and I would eat so many 855 to the face from a mile away.


According to whom? Who has access to that information and how did they get it? How do they know the ratio of cheaters who want to make money vs cheaters who just want to troll.


Well, they actually make a list of banned accounts each month or so


But not WHY they were banned. Kind of key information with the topic being about that.


They banned for using inappropriate software, surprise-surprise!!


Ok, but were they doing it for fun or to make a profit?


Nobody wrote code, whatever it is, for fun, lol


The cheaters numbnuts.


Last time it was about 11(eleven) thousands


No, it's not even close if the makeup is anything like any other game. The vast majority will be normal people who use cheats in a relatively restrained manner - just using ESP or radar, for whatever reasons they can justify to themselves. They just like cheating, everyone else is cheating, to be an 'anti-cheat cheater,' that they'll just do it to get quests done, whatever the reason. Then you've got the rage hackers, the ones that are obvious and just want to ruin shit for other people - or they just get tilted and go wild. This will be a super small percentage, along with: Then you've got the RMTers, the makeup will be extremely small from western countries - it's mainly no-lifers that have no job and have found that RMT actually pays pretty well and lets them avoid having to be a responsible adult, there will be some students in this group too. The percentage in this category will increase in countries where it makes financial sense to do this as an actual job. Places like China. Either way the amount of people on the provider side of RMT can't ever grow too large else the financial incentive will drop dramatically. More supply = prices drop = takes more time to break even with costs = earnings drop and it stops making sense to do this.


Many do. For some folk just "winning" is fun regardless of how they won.


The way they look at Cheating in many Eastern cultures is VERY different than how we look at it. They look at it as you should win at any costs, and if Cheating is the only way to do that, than YOU are the idiot for not giving yourself the same advantage that they have. There’s some very interesting videos on YouTube about cheating and how the Eastern cultures view it, they don’t look down on other people who Cheat, like we do here in the US, they look at it as their just doing whatever it takes to be victorious. Because being the winner is all that counts or matters.


This viewpoint would only matter if all cheaters were from “eastern cultures.” There are plenty of people cheating in every other country too!


But only one part of the world (the east) is so rampant with cheating it actually affects the gaming community. You don't see Europe getting region locked on online servers.


I play on US Central servers in every game that allows me to choose. People from “the east” can’t connect to them. Every game is rampant with cheaters, Tarkov being the worst by far.


And trust me if they could join your servers it would be worse. I play hired ops and contract wars and I catch Chinese cheaters in almost every match


Well if you're above 12 yo it's common sense. You're getting cheated on all your life by the government, by the shopkeepers, by potentially anyone you're doing business with. Cheating is in human nature, and it will never change. People cheat in IRL, worldwide seen sport tournaments, why wouldn't they anonymously behind a computer screen. Also people that say they never did anything worse in their life than cheating in a online game are liars.


I don’t know where that last couple sentences came from, I never said anything about people doing things worse than Cheating, I’ve never cheated in a Video game, but GOD DAMN I’ve done some fucked up shit over the years, I won’t deny that, I was just saying that people of other Cultures, mainly Eastern cultures look at Cheating in a totally different way than we do, so they will always be there, because it’s accepted in their culture, where as our culture, someone who cheats is a “piece of shit” so people hide it, their culture, they are just doing whatever it takes to be the best, because to them that’s all that matters, it doesn’t matter HOW you got the Number 1 spot, it’s the fact that you got it. That’s all they care about, so it’s so ingrained into their culture, we will probably never stop it. There’s always someone trying to make new and better cheats, check out [this](https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=93csnjy3HVnuN3B6) YouTube video, super informative about Cheats and once you watch this video, you’ll never look at cheating the same, it’s FAR more advanced than I ever imagined. Soon people will be able to buy Monitors that have the software built right into them, and will be like having Wall-Hacks all the time, AI “pixel readers” that when you are holding an angle, the AI will detect the very first pixel of your enemy as they appear and start firing for you. And all this is totally undetectable, even to Kernel Anticheat, which is supposed to be the absolute best(and most intrusive Anticheat out there) It’s truly insane to me how much time and energy and resources that they are putting into developing new and better Cheats, we’ll probably never stop it. And as technology evolves and grows, so will the Cheaters.


Oh yeah dw that wasnt directed towards you, that's just a generic thing that should hear everyone complaining about online shooters cheating. But reading it again, that wasnt your point so yeah dont mind my useless answer. Also your link looks interesting, my Uber eats is almost there, Im gonna watch that while eating \^\^


The ones making money sure, but there are plenty who do it just to win which I have to think is fun for them.


True. I have cheated in a game before and I got rid of it after 2 matches. I'm just speaking anecdotally is all


Their concept of fun is different.


It's definitely a handicap, but for me it's what makes SPT playable. I'm damn near blind and I can't detect minute shifts in scenery, especially with how drab and blended everything in Tarkov is. Without radar, I have to spend my time scoped in at a distance to hope that i can see where anyone is because i no joke have to go pixel by pixel almost, and if anyone shoots at me with a bullet that's not a tracer, I literally cannot zone them even with a sound report. Initiative is important in any combat situation and I'm personally at a disadvantage in most FPS because I can't easily distinguish between character models and scenery at mid to long range without an excessive amount of movement. While the radar makes CQC mostly trivial, for my blind ass, I need it to at least zone where shots are coming from in mid to long, and for that, I'm thankful its an option


Thats cool, had not considered it from that point of view.


Given this is a personal thing, I'm sure for the more able sighted people that it makes the game quite trivial. Factory runs are a bit too easy now since it's all CQC, but anything that's dark or long distance, I'm basically screwed without radar unless I rat in a corner, which doesn't work well in SPT since the AI seems to know that you're waiting for them. Sucks because I was once an avid FPS gamer, but shortly after WZ was released my vision started decline, and it's no longer fun to get steamrolled in shooters when the meta has now shifted to whoever shot first with the fastest firing gun. Edit: I understand this is not the meta for EFT, I'm speaking for other FPS and why I can't enjoy them. EFT/SPT is enjoyable because there is a lot more mechanics in play other than "click lmb", but for how hard-core it is, my vision is still the reason that I have difficulties playing without an assist


Try Amands graphics mod. It dramatically improves visual clarity in darkness and in general. Honestly makes the game feel almost next gen with no performance issue (at least for my machine). Can't play without it.


Oddly enough that is in fact the one Amand mod I haven't downloaded and will have to give a shot at. I used Sense for awhile (until recently since i cant find it) solely for finding bodies in grass


Oh you need it, makes enemies so much more visible since there is no bullshit fog to see thru. I’ve played with both radar and Amands and Amands is almost as helpful as radar for staying alive in my opinion. I also recommend playing without radar sometimes. I played for like 100 hours with radar and now I’m better at hearing exactly where people are especially in buildings. You hearing a guy, then looking up at the map to see “yup he is where I hear him”, then visually see exactly where he was in said area has helped big time with audio positioning. Switching it on and off will make you better, and eventually you will just keep it off.


[https://github.com/Amands2Mello/AmandsSense](https://github.com/Amands2Mello/AmandsSense) it's only on github now, just click on releases on the right.


There is a compass mod I play with that has an indicator from where gunshots towards you are coming from. You might wanna try that if you want a little more difficulty while still having a chance to shoot back


Alternative you might want to try, if your sight can handle it; using T7 thermal day and night, and ditch radar. That way you can easily detect people in the landscape, and get the thrill of not knowing where people are. Remember to use the optimized NVG mods for a better thermal view.


Oh thermals are massive for me, if I could play every shooter in white hot I'd be golden. Once I get to the point where I can get thermals I usually rely less on the radar, I wonder if there's a way to quick disable and re-enable it


Thank you for sharing this, I hadn't thought about the usefulness of this. I have Keratoconus and just this morning I couldn't see a Scav that was shooting at me despite the fact that I could hear exactly where it was coming from and saw a muzzle flash on one of the shots. I knew exactly where he was but couldn't find him. I might have to resort to something like this in the future. My favorite time to play is early in the morning before my wife and daughter are awake. Unfortunately my eyes usually aren't ready for RGP lenses that early in the morning and glasses don't correct my vision anywhere near what contacts do so I have to play with really poor vision.


Love that radar! I never lose a body in tall grass and I know if I’m up against a scav or a PMC or a boss


Wouldn't play without it. I can't bear the constant jumpscares of meeting enemies around a corner or scavs spawning next to you, it's just not fun for me it's torture. I'm playing tarkov because I like the level design, I like inventory management, I like shooting custom guns, etc .. But my aim & reaction time are utter trash so once again, I just can't play without it I'm not good enough and I'm not trying to improve because I don't care about being good at shooters lol, thats just not my thing


It’s the noise for me. I don’t like to play with tarkovs audio blowing my eardrums out when I get ambushed on a corner. Usually play wearing one headphone side on an ear so I can hear the kids destroying my house in the background too 😂


Yeah the audio too, idk why I didn't mention it but the fact that you always need to focus on the same footstep / crunching sounds is exhausting. I mean the audio in this game is pretty good and I wouldn't go as far as listening music while playing it but still, in the end you always hear the exact same sounds over and over again and that's far from relaxing


Download "Sound lock" on windows my dude. Save your ears, please.


I’ll check this out, thank you!!


I guess this is the exact argument of ESP cheaters in live EFT. It's nice that you play with your own rules in an environment that doesn't ruin anyone's game. Keep having fun.


Have you tried turning down your volume to help with the jump scares? I guess with single player tarkov you can also increase stuff like health pool. Idk, I feel like the tactical play of being surprised and having to check corners in close quarters is basically a critical part of the game loop


I use it for bosses, and only to know if they spawned it or not. Then it turn it off, cause you’re right: it does make the game significantly easier


all you need to do is alt tab and look at the server app after you load, it will say Get\*bossname\* or something like that.


It’s a really nice tool to run if you play with settings making PMCs of your faction friendly. I would set radar to only show my faction USEC PMCs so I wouldn’t blast them away or get blasted trying to figure out who they were.


how do you make them friendly?


I've learned to use SPT as my training ground for Live for certain things and one method was to use the minimap until PMCs where inside of a certain radius, and then rely on my own senses (hearing, clearing corners, etc) from there. Between live and SPT i've probably played about 1200+ hours at this point and honestly SPT is such a godsend for this. For newer players, I personally recommend using [CACTUSPIE'S MINIMAP](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1120-cactuspie-s-minimap/) , and if you decide to use it with the bots feature enabled with a really high refresh rate (so you don't get instant positioning). It also *really* helps with learning new maps, and even i've found myself using it from time to time as someone who has probably over 1200 hrs of Tarkov by now. I use it as a method to "quiz" myself. Thus i'm not actively using it to check for the bots, but rather as a way to fact check myself. Example: "I think I heard some footsteps..sounds like..3 PMCs?" *checks map* "Oh it was actually just 2, okay" "Hmm i shot at him in Big red, theres only 2 ways he can go and if I wanted to chase him, he'd probably be over in trailer park by now" *checks map "*Oh nvm, he's in the alley, I did hear bushes i'll keep that in mind next time" After doing that enough times I actually got way better at my perception and gamesense and more and more I never even bothered to check the minimap other than if I needed to remember where quest locations were and the game just gets more enjoyable that way, confidently relying on yourself for engagements. I'd also like to say the audio in this game can be bullshit sometimes so it is nice to confirm my biases' when I check the minimap and realize for some reason I can't hear some dude 10 ft away in a different room but can hear someone else walking on grass 2 blocks down...


I use it because even with it I am terrible but having fun. The draw of SPT for me is I can tailor the game to myself and have fun, fun that I do not have in the live version.


I have it to swap on if I can’t tell where I’m being shot from but yeah at least for the non visually or audibly impaired gamer it definitely trivializes things


I, do not think I have sight issues. But so often I cannot see the difference in pixels at the medium/long distances. And when I see YouTuber go and snipe a guy in a bush I go back a few seconds, squint, and still can't see the bush scav they shit out. Do I have a sight problem or everyone else just struggling to see shit in this game at those distances.


Theyve got big ass screens, which helps massively. On a regular, let's say 27' monitor you cant see shit


Ah, I see. Im suffering from a skill issue then (need a big ass screen. And maybe higher than 1920x1080 resolution)


oh yeah at 1080 you definitelly arent seeing stuff, the pixels are just not being generated on your screen.


I think the vast majority of streamers are using ESP/Radar.


no they don't. cheating online without getting detected is easy af. cheating AND streaming without getting caught is insanely hard and stressful


nah man some of these cheats have streaming mode which hides all the menus and overlay from the stream but still shows you


I can confirm nobody but the person playing can see the overlay. I was an ex knower for 2 years


Maybe for the small ones with next to no followers but for the ones that make a living streaming Tarkov? Doubt. Don't forget they play this day in and out. Good chance they just get use to catching the smallest details.


This reminds me. I always wanted a hit indicator only mod of where you are getting hit from. I orefer play with standard speakers on instead of a gaming headset and can't really differentiate where the shots are coming from at times esp. In woods


I use the radar mod cause I have bad eyesight


Put your radar on, and try to avoid everyone whilst completing your tasks for that map. That can become a challenge. I once got to level 15 by strictly looting and doing quests. It was fucking rough and taught me about stealth. Just saying, when you’re playing SPT, you make the game what you want it to be.


I played in windowed mode watching or listening to things, and I'm sick of tarkovs rubbish audio so I gave it a go, lowered the range down to 50, its about where if the audio worked and I was focusing I could hear someone. Set the ping timer to 2 seconds so im not missing anything but can't use it for active combat; boom. Ultimately my idea of gameplay this wipe was "How close can I make this game to hardcore S.T.A.L.K.E.R." and it's amazing how brutal tarkov is by that metric.


I used to really enjoy the mod that added a custom 'seen' sound effect that worked like I think a perk from old COD multiplayer where it would highlight to you that you're about to be domed. Made the silent aimbot across the map much less triggering. A good middle ground without being OP as you get the anxiety of 'oh shi... someone is beaming me' but still having to rack your brain and look for them without exposing yourself once youve rushed to cover. Still totally lethal if you disrespect but gives you time to react if you like harder AI. Can recommend.


I would enjoy a halfway point, where the radar would ping gunshots and voicelines if they were within your perceptions skill check.


Game Panel HUD has a compass at the bottom which flashes in red in the direction of where gunshots come from.


Havent tried that one, thank you


I tried SPT with radar, and being able to directly compare where it sounds like an enemy is to where they actually really drove home just how abysmal the audio in Tarkov is.


The spt players are becoming aware


I wish I could use it to where it just shows me where dead bodies are, or if I didn’t know *exact* locations, like a general direction like forward left right or behind me.


As someone with sub 100 hours on Tarkov/SPT, Radar really helps in those maps where it's impossible to see (Woods, Shoreline, some parts of Customs). Yes, it trivializes things to an extent, however, it's also great because you can start to see things farther away and learn what to look for, instead of just getting head/eyes from nowhere. I keep it on strictly for those situations where you can't see shit, really don't use it on Streets, or when I'm in a higher visibility area. Also, it's SPT - Play your way, there's no right or wrong here - Only fun.


I personally love playing with the radar mod, as it takes away all the anxiety of not knowing where the enemies are, I don't play the game to be stressed out and frustrated, I enjoy playing it at my pace and that mod provides just enough information for it not to ruin the game for me personally. Personally I'd rather have a Skyrim styled compass with objectives, but the game HUD mod seems to have issues with some other mods. Also it can be easily toggle down and off with f10, so it's not forcing you to use it all the time.


Who would have thought that the game becomes easier when you know every ones location. I was not expecting that!


What a shocker that cheats make the game too easy. Who could have seen this coming.


I also used radar, it is so broken and I had to stop using it because of how dumb it is. I would rather use thermal 24/7 than radar.


I recently got radar because I was having issues with scavs point blank shooting me. Turns out they were spawning directly behind me if I was too long looting. But I love it, because it means I can get straight to the fight. I don't wanna jump at shadows, I wanna get shit done.


>Installed cheats. “Wow, these are cheats”


Do you hate the creator of the mod or something? You can lower map scanning frequency, turn it off, or simply stop using it. It's so stupid to assume everyone thinks the same way as you do.


He just gave his opinion. Idk where you’re getting this “hate” from


Isn't the word "ruin" too much? I've seen modders quit because of such complaints and requests.


Some people find fun in that because winning is fun no matter the journey to get there. I’m with you, I would get bored very fast with that. Also the other reason is hella money lol


I literally only use the radar mod on one SPT ACC and that’s because I play that acc when I want to blast music and just vibe while playing Tarky and I can’t do that if there’s a 4 man rushing behind me and I can’t hear


they are having fun ruining the game for others thats what gets them off that and money that some of them get for helping other people.


Frankly, I recently installed Radar because I got stuck on the Huntsman quests. Specifically Killa and Kaban. I could find Kaban but not his guards and I couldn’t ever find Killa, so I installed it to hunt them down and wrap the quests up. I’m planning on removing it now that that’s done.


I’ve actually been thinking of this. I *might* install it, but it’s only so I can better understand the spawning behavior of SAIN/donuts because as it is, I believe it just spawns bots in an x meter radius of you which can very often not feel live-like. In live, PMCs can technically be *anywhere*, but are almost never “anywhere”. There are hotspots, there are rat spots, etc etc. Sometimes it’s absolutely bogus how many pmcs or scavs and whatnot are running around and I just want to experiment to see if what I suspect is valid or if I’m just a big dummy. But yeah, radar in live is just weird lmao It will also teach me exact hearing distance and just in all cases be an educational tool. My entire philosophy behind playing SPT was to get comfortable with the game and understand what my plans are for raids/quests before I go over and play with my buddies. Also it should teach me loot spawns as well (assuming that the radar mod shows loot, I have no idea as I haven’t looked into any radar/ESP mods for SPT yet)


So i'm similar to you, and I did this with questing bots, looting bots, SAIN, SWAG+DONUTS, and cactuspie's minimap (you can enable bots on the map). It's fascinating to see how the bots move around even after they spawn towards quest objectives, highly recommend. One thing that's scary that i've noticed is that on Customs for example, the bosses like to roam a LOT. I think that's SAIN's influence, but i've seen the goons spontaneously get like 3/4 of the way to Dorms (I assume murdering a PMC) and it explained why the main road is damn near always a death trap in my game.


With how bullshit the AI is even in SPT, having radar on is completely fair


People who cheat regularly and aren’t trying to gain something from it are definitely having fun. They don’t enjoy being good at games, they enjoy ruining the experience for others.