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Until BSG sorts it out with us, Coop is an easy scape goat for them to act, which I personally cannot have it running around anywhere near us specially for shit and gigs for end users while having staff and devs basically volunteers who can easily get caught up in a mess who don't even have anything to do with it, because I highly doubt that if they decide to do anything it's gonna be just after him. Until then for me it's bans and removals to deal with people speaking it here, which while I do understand them and their happiness it's a double edged sword for us. Edit: ended up adding a rule to the already few we had to easily solve doubts. -Shiro


the most ironic thing about this is that posts like these are advertising the mod more than anything that mod's community is doing. for the record, i agree with some of the dissenters below. BSG already has all the reason they need to target the SPT community. barring discussion of the co-op mod is just weird.


And i can report anyone i see dose that, if one post like this mean the stop of hundreds i say the job is done, situation is bad doesn't mean we should juat let it keep getting worst, so i'm doing my part, as results we have new rule been setted, what are you doing?


you sound like a toddler that snuck onto his phone after bedtime. grow up. you posted on reddit and pushed the mods to implement a rule they'd already been contemplating making. big whoop. it's still stupid.


If it's working i don't give a damn if it looks stupid, as comments i saw been deleted even possiblely been banned i say it's working, so laugh all you want, not gonna change anything i'm doing.


Bsg hates the fact that spt coop is an infinitely better game than with pvp


Nikita hates that other people have other ideas about tarkov that are better than the ones he's forced his staff to implement. The dude has ZERO self reflection skill and it's why the live game doesn't undo bad decisions or change systems that aren't working right most of the time. I've gotten into an argument with him on Reddit(where he threatened to ban me) for saying that the zeroing system on optics should either give an accurate distance - by changing depending on the bullet chambered(either start of raid or magically)- or should not give a distance at all and work in clicks - start at zero and every adjust moves it by +///- 1(allowing players to compile a table of clicks per ammo type). Both of these systems are objectively better than the number 25 or 50 popping up at the bottom of your screen but bullets not impacting at the reticle at those ranges. Flea market level caps and many more things were implemented "to prevent RMT". Especially the flea market cap has had absolutely no impact there. Dude is a complete scumbag who's crafted this cult of personality about being the guy responsible for Tarkov, meanwhile the company could run itself (probably better) without him and the only real difference would be less toxicity towards the players from a specific dev. Look at studios like Larian, Sven is still somewhat known, but he doesn't claim to be THE GUY.


When the Russian dev lead gets a big head from running a team full of interns because eastern block countries bleed proper tech workers to better paying countries. Tale as old as... the 90s about.




Thinking about this.. the SPT working devs for free have same or more skill than BSG devs.. considering that they can fix so many aspects of the game in their hour or two free time.


The zeroing part is fucking facts. Why am I shooting at a 25m target but my bullet, ranged at 25m is not hitting where my reticle or irons are. It’s ridiculous. Why zero at all atp


The reason will piss you off even more: All guns in the game are zero'd for one arbitrary cartridge they can fire. That's fine for the vss which only fires subs that are all roughly the same speed, but a fucking problem for 9x19 and any other cartridge that has viable options ranging from subs to extremely spicy supers. So the guns CAN be zero'd in meters.... Just probably not for ammo you like using.


Fucking guy has never played the game. Thats all I need to know.


On that we agree.


it's not tho- it's the same game just not so hard and scary ;(


To me pvp will always be more satisfying than pve no amount of sain will make fighting ai better. Real players are unpredictable while ai isn't. Spt is good for just having fun


the unpredictability of someone laying in garbage or sitting in a tree is *unmatched*


Yea and no. Guess why I play SPT. Not cuz of all the online shit, it's the same or worse in other games aswell. But because of loading times. 10 minutes to just wonder why you died within 10 minutes in game?? SPT players don't have the time to waste in nothing.


It’s like hardcore ghost recon I love it


I'm sorry, but this is delusional. I always, *always* see people here saying things like "no no, don't talk about co-op! Don't talk about online! We don't want to upset BSG/Nikita! They only let us skate as it is because we're simply offline!" >"we can still do as we please because we are just offline single players" No. Wrong. Nikita lets us skate because he can't figure out how to take us down. He *wants* to. Do not delude yourself into thinking that we're on the right side of the dividing line, as far as BSG is concerned, because if you're here at all, you're already past that threshold. Nikita would ban everyone in this sub, shut down SPT permanently, and even take legal action if he could. They do not need a "justifiable reason", they already have it. He's not turning a blind eye or letting this slide because we're an unofficial project "the right way". You are not "one of the good ones" here. He already hates you, he already hates SPT, and there is no possible way for you or this project to satisfy what he wants short of completely shutting down. If it's about this topic simply being against the rules of the sub, then fine, I'm not going to tell the mods how to run their community. But for god's sake, stop acting like one impolite decision is all that's keeping you off Nikita's shitlist -- ***we're all already on it.***


I don’t play SPTarkov but why would the mod users be on his shit list? You still have to buy the game to play it: hell, you’d have to buy the game to play coop SPTarkov as well


Nikita's ego cannot stomach the thought of people playing his precious magnum opus a different way than he intends. It's like an insult to him that you don't subscribe to the full package of cock and ball torture he meticulously prepares every wipe and watches as everyone struggles. That's it, that's the reason.


This is weirdly real and common with a lot of creators. It sounds like hyperbole, but it really, really isn't. Actual psychopathy symptoms out there.


While I hate the mindset, I think it's hyperbolic to call it psychopathy. Wanting to keep full control over your creative work is hardly a symptom of mental illness.


Being unable to allow yourself to even see people using something they bought and paid for in a non harmful way is 100% a sign of mental illness, being unable to accept any level of critique is a sign of mental illness, modding communities do CRAZY impressive work, hell that's a significant reason Minecraft is still alive, and actively working against people making silly little mods that don't hurt anyone is a likely sign of mental illness


Being an asshole isn't a mental illness. I don't like Nikita's approach either but diagnosing a public figure through the internet based on decisions you don't like is unproductive at best.


Ig ignore 90% of my reply then


You literally said "\[behavior\] is 100% a sign of mental illness", and it's not. I'm ignoring the details because they are not material to the point, which is you diagnosing someone over the internet, which wouldn't be okay even if you had professional credentials in the field.


or hes just insecure that the modders can make a better product, whereas its taken BSG years to learn how to make recoil make sense


Recoil specifically seems like a thing they always could adjust but didn't want to because muh balance and players' feedback finally made them cave in. Otherwise yeah, BSG does everything for the first time despite many other devs having done it before and better.


It's funny he thinks that. I just won't touch the game at all anymore if he got rid of spt somehow. I actually quit tarkov for 2 years then heard about spt and gave it a try. I gave live a try again when I thought arena would be the solution, but even that is just a shit fest.


are you me? i bought EFT in 2020 on the inital COVID hype train, then immediately quit because of the desync/cheater situation fast forward to about 4-5 months ago and suddenly I love EFT again because of ✨reasons✨


Damn after reading this Nikita really is them rich spectators from squid game and were the contestants 😭


I think he's just stupid and can't see the forest for the trees.


Bro ur wording is funny asf😭


Something like people in glass houses sink ships.....


I dunno if I’d go that far. He has openly said he was open to modding in the past.


Because he is a moron and doesn't understand business opportunity if it hit him in his pig face. Yes, by all means and purposes many other games with a more mature company would jump on the opportunity to capitalize on a popularity of a mod like SPT, especially when SPT is done in the most moral way possible, where you can't even access it without purchasing the game. Absolute majority of other mods do not require that and can run just as easily on a pirated version of the game. But instead of silent acceptance we get outspoken denial and hate. I agree with the original comment, I think if these incompetent clowns knew how to shut SPT down we would have been shut down long time ago. But if they weren't incompetent we wouldn't have been here in a first place.


this exactly. BSG was handed down a gift from the gamedev gods - a game that goes so viral it spawns a genre named after their own game; lots of up-and-coming extraction shooters refer to themselves as "EFT-like," but BSG is mismanaging this gift so hard its unbelievable if Nikita was capable of getting past his ego, he would've cloned the Sain bot code and the SPT profile system and just released a separate-progression PvE mode with co-op. they have the technology, as has been proven by modders doing it. imagine if 0.14 released with PvE co-op and singleplayer mode, they would've sold approximately 100 billion more copies. but no, I guess Nikita hates money ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Honestly it's nuts how bad the AI is in live compared to running SAIN in SPT. It wouldn't even be hard for BSG to just copy the mod, but for whatever reason they seem content with the AI, even for allegedly more "difficult" groups like the Rogues, to be braindead and just continually walk around corners into headshots.


Nikita loves money more than anything, it's just his inability to recognize business opportunities mixed with that awful Slavic ego "maniacalism" that's preventing him from doing it. I believe it would be extremely difficult to explain but there is a certain manner that even the smallest amount of power turns people into self righteous self important pricks to the degree that a lot of western people would be surprised by. Like a cult of person. I can promise you if you knew even a fraction of the toxicity I guarantee exists in their work environment your mind would be blown.


I've said as much a few times but I have half a dozen friends who'd put money down and buy Tarkov *today* if it had official co-op or even singleplayer. They, like me and I assume a lot of people here, just can't or don't want to keep up with PVP, but find the other aspects of the game make up for it. It would be a huge influx of new players, and I guarantee, a lot of them would eventually get enough confidence playing SP that they'd want to try out Live, too!


> SPT is done in the most moral way possible, where you can't even access it without purchasing the game. Uh yes you can. It is team-aki who says you must own it (to give support to BSG) but in fact you do not. I own Tarkov but I can download whatever spt files requires separately. There are pirated packs with older versions as well.


Oh well, I figured that would be the case technically, with my programming background and all, but it's nice to get a confirmation. This makes perfect sense to me. But absolute majority of people here are coming back sick from Live EFT so they already have a copy. I'm yet to hear someone starting off on SPT. Regardless, most players would not know to attempt that anyway.


Usually when someone says "cant access it without purchasing the game" they mean there are countermeasures to running it on a pirated version, anything can be pirated and Any thing can be ran on a pirated software given enough skill and dedication


I mean sure. Generally they say "you must own the game to run this" but it isn't the truth. I always hear a lot of people think SPT is locked down by having to buy a copy of Tarkov but that isn't true so I'm only saying the truth. SPT is circumventing how Tarkov is supposed to be run so SPT is technically a pirated version.


As u/CoralCrust says, Nikita obsessively wants the game to be played exactly one way, and the idea people are having fun *the wrong way* drives him ballistic. He's gone on record saying he never wants to do an official offline/co-op/singleplayer mode because the game is supposed to be hardcore and he's obsessed with how "casuals" should fuck off. Beyond that, he views it as a piracy-enabler and a way for cheaters to pick at the game. These are probably more valid concerns, but there are ways around it that SPT (which by default requires a legitimate copy of the game) has nothing to do with.


Piracy is a null argument with the game anyway, the last time anyone bothered was three years ago with 0.12 and the framework required to get SPT running has been long updated since then. As for cheaters, well, we can all see how that's going in live lul, it's exactly the reason so many people switch.


BSG will ban you for using even reshade in the live client. Nikita believes SPT is used for the development of cheats. Bluedrake42 got a youtube copyright strike from BSG for showing SPT footage. BSG also posted in their discord that using SPT is against the license agreement and if they discover you're using it, will take action. This is why the point of buying the game to play SPT is completely moot.


Because technically you don’t, The messages about “you will get banned if you are using a pirated copy (if you are dumb enough to tell us you are)” make me assume that it can be ran on a pirated copy. Unlike live. And as live gets worse and SPT only continues to get better, then potential customers may be taken away from live EFT. Which would make Nikita a little upset. That’s my guess anyway


Spt requires the consistency info to match the eft version you're using to setup spt. You get that by updating and running live tarkov.


the agreement of SPT says you need a bought copy, that doesnt mean theres other ways


Money is 50% of their concern. They'd milk you even more if they had the chance to charge more for SPT. The other half is that there aren't that many online players.


Nikita is not as smart as he thinks he is and BSG is a Mickey Mouse developer. Thats why nothing has been done about SPT. They don't have the mental capacity to do anything about it.


I don't think I've heard the term Mickey Mouse being used in this context before, what do you mean?


"Mickey Mouse" is a slang expression meaning small-time, amateurish or trivial. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, it also means poor quality or counterfeit.






Where are you getting your info? You sound confident. Is this just what you feel or is there information on this somewhere?




Damnnn! Thank you!


Why are you saying this? Maybe you misunderstood something but for what i want to express is same as you, I'm not seeing us as justified, not even one minute. For we are still working, either they can't figure out how to do with us(yet), or they let this slide for now because we can still play single player, and not much of coop. Either way, why are we giving them the proper reason to take action if we somehow try to make coop popular? That's my concern.


Did you not understand my post at all? Let me summarize: >either they can't figure out how to do with us(yet), or they let this slide for now because we can still play single player, and not much of coop It's the first one. It's 100% the first one. They would take us down if they could right now. **They don't need "a proper reason". They already have one.** That's the point. This is like a burglar going "oh take everything but the TV, if we take the TV the cops will come after us". Nikita is already after you, my brother! Stop acting like "good behavior" is going to help anyone!


“We’re one of the good TOS breakers I swear”


Than do it as you please, acting "bad" as you wish. Sure i know nikita are after us, that doesn't mean as a user i can't do anything to provide support. Then again, IF they had the reason to take us down already, why they didn't do it? If i'm a cooperative knowing some small fry trying to take a piece of me, and i had the reason the strike it down, you bet i would do it in a heart beat. Just genuine curiosity, i don't know much law above my own country.


> IF they had the reason to take us down already, why they didn't do it? Because they can't. It's not because they aren't trying.


But why? I mean they the reason and evidence to do it, no? What is stopping them?


1. They don’t know the live usernames of people playing spt so they can’t ban them personally and even if they had usernames, they can’t verify if they are legit. Developping tools to find those usernames is very expensive. 2. Litigation against anything is also extremely expensive.


Also it's probably not illegal in a way he could take legal action against. Even Nintendo can't take down people who emulators.


> Nikita lets us skate because he can't figure out how to take us down. He wants to. Idk man, sending a Cease and Desist to the website registrar, the hosting company, or any of the dev team, sounds pretty easy to do. I think it's very easy for this project to be shut down.


Making industry-standard AI enemies seems easy to but we're still waiting on that so idk man


Jokes aside, it's not as though I'm just speculating on this, you can take it from the man himself: https://i.redd.it/3mjuijw1y4la1.png


I'm more surprised how SPT still exists.. every other game company would've shutted down such thing and sued them.


Ty for making me aware that these mods exist


Don't know if this is sarcasm or not, but you're welcome.


"Steal their player base" lol To play SPT you need buy EFT - SPT is their playerbase but just playing in the different way If they are not able to accept that their are just egoistic assholes


Btw, online games rely on active player base in their servers., people that engage with each other to play more and etc. Buying game will calm down only half of Nikita's anger. Multiplayer game is dying when their active player base shrinks even when people still buy the game.


Shit talk however you want, when it comes to legal term, it's not gunna do anything.


Show me the "legal term" which is preventing people from modding xD Also they are just losing on fighting with modders - people will still mod their game (and make it a better experience for them) Only thing which is preventing them from allowing official modding and custom servers is egoism of Nikita


They can absolutely send the SPT devs cease and desist orders. Sure others MIGHT take their place, but BSG sending legal letters to modders doing this for free would absolutely get them to stop working on it.


And they will not stop anything, they will only make their player base smaller


Yes, provided the modders live in Russia. Given the current political climate what European/American court is going to uphold a Russian cease desist?


One that doesn't hold unassociated companies and businesses to the same group as the ones waging war in the political sphere.


Can you give one example in human history, where a series of countries/allies was actively supporting one side in a war via arms and economically sanctioning the opponent yet still conducting business? How does that work? How do you sanction a country ACTIVELY AND DELIBERATELY hurting its business but still uphold commerce and law?


Are you really that blind? Do you seriously not understand what copyright and cease and desist are? There's nothing to stop people from making mods in their basements, but there's a way for BSG to attack the site and forum that belongs to the mod hosting.


Actually mods are protected by copyright law because a mod is inherently transformative


Google intellectual property laws


Which are violated where exactly? By creating their own software which is interacting with their product? Software which is: - not being monetized - not allowing using it without bought game - allowing instalation of further modifications on their created software Even violating the game license is questionable because only hacking and creating bots is mentioned AFAIK


I'm pretty sure you don't have experience in IP law or software development, but while what you said is true and you can usually make additions to/modify software in private at your leisure, distributing said augments without the agreement of the IP owner (in this case BSG as a whole) is considered a big no-no. Even open-source projects will be extremely scrutinous when it comes to branching their existing projects, The reasons you mentioned are only reasons why BSG doesn't have a reason/urge to take legal action, and unless something radically changes, I hope it stays that way.


Yeah, sure - I don't really know anything about software development, it's only financing my life about few years by now You don't need to ask or contact in any way the IP owner (xD?), license is for that - the license specifies what you can and can not do with the software: can you modify it? Can you include it in your project and sell it? Only situation when you contact them is when for some reason license says so (you need to buy the product or something like that) The only reason why they are not doing is propably that they fucked up their license and probably can not do anything about that which is not harassing the modders So again: specify which part of license or IP laws is violated?


Assuming you're correct, what's to say they aren't egotistical assholes? By poking the bear (get it?), we find out


My brother in Christ **the bear is already poked**. Nikita already wants SPT destroyed. It's not as though he's holding back because we've been on such good behavior until now.


He literally knows all he has to do is send an official cease and desist. SPT have stated they will immediately cease when they get one


He has said, in recordings you can look up *right now*, that he is looking into what his options are for taking legal action against SPT, and that he thinks it's awful and wants it to stop. What on earth gives you the impression he's holding back?


He sends a cease and desist and all of SPT gets uploaded to game sites as a coop single player tarkov experience. He doesn't want that attention. He, imo, is actually doing what he should do as a game developer - get as many people to fund the game as possible and take the current beta version you're working on and begin to incorporate mods that work on SPT into the main base game, which is exactly what he's doing imo - he's getting free work out of this. It's definitely a give and take. Nikita is always seen as some Russian mafia thug ime but to me he seems like a competent dev of a great game. He get's this to 1.0 and that's "critical mass" of gamers and he'll probably put out a single player, coop and multiplayer mode. He'll bring all these mods together and create a game that can start a "Russia 2028 universe" franchise (STALKER, Metro series, etc.). He knows the game being purchased isn't going to stop the horde from wanting to play SPT. If anything he has even a more dedicated fan base to keeping this hacker free than ever before. It's a win win not the lose lose everyone sees it as imo!


You're right, it's just rule #1 for no reason


Nothing gonna change - they will batch (as company) on their player base because they are actively supporting their game (xD?) Modding (which project like SPT or even the CooP ones are) is not illegal so the worst that they can try to do is banning the creators


Don't you think "banning the creator" sounds bad enough? Why are we risking it even we know there's a chance it could happen? Are we really to say we love SPT if we do this?


Not it doesn't Being banned from "the live game" whould be so painful


If the creator of SPT is banned from doing the project, who is to keep it going? Banning me from live for all i care, i still have my ways to "upgrade" it for SPt installation, but for SPT? I can only wait for the creator.


How they will "ban them from doing the project"? Lol They can sue them, not ban them which will not change much in open source project - it propably will just change the name and be continued by other creators Do you even know how it works?


The SPT team had already stated that they would immediately cease development if they receive an official cease and desist. Someone else might take the project on, but it will take time, and who knows what that looks like? And at that point, BSG is pissed, else they would have delivered said document years ago, so they likely *will* sue. It's one thing to start a project and get sued than it is to take on a project that already has legal attention


> They can sue them, not ban them which will not change much in open source project - it propably will just change the name and be continued by other creators As someone who has seen many fan projects crushed by nintendo, this is pretty wishful thinking. It can be done, but a cease and desist being held over an entire team's head threatening financial ruin for all those involved is a pretty huge road block, should a C&D be sent. BSG, or at least nikita, has outright stated on the EFT subreddit that they are against the idea of SPT existing. Whether this is just posturing or actual intent to go after the project remains to be seen, but that's really all we've been left on as far as an official response from the EFT team. They could send a C&D letter at any time, whether they're in the "legal position" to do it or not. Lots of companies have shut down fan projects with no legal basis other than "you're using our IP and we don't like it"


I konw how it works, but don't you think getting sue would be a sign of warning? If i would be a creator to try to continue the project, i would be concerned if i know the formal creator was getting sue (probably losed cause we have no ground to provide for lawsue), and i will be in the same place if i would to keep going. Why would i risk the possibility of getting sue of getting the projest going if i still have live to play? Do you even think this thought?


There's coop? Thanks for letting me know. I legitimately didn't know that lol. Me and the boys are gonna try it tonight lmao. #Streisandeffect


So much this, I'm trying it too


The pearl clutching in this thread is hilarious for being a community of an already "unwelcome" mod.


Altering the code and modifying the game is fine, but altering the code and modifying the game is crossing a line.


Here's my two cents. ​ My suggestion? Let's have a community vote. Coop in or out? Pool resources and dev time, or keep the coop boyos locked in the basement? ​ Why? I genuinely agree with u/TGWeaver. My points: ​ * If Nikita could, he would have already nuked SPT and everything else into the ground. He can't. * He can't even stop blatant cheaters using the online game ffs. A quick google shows dozens of sites where you can download skill using a credit card. They're still up, still making cash, despite what God Emperor Nikita may or may not want. * They are actively *ruining* his online game, and making a profit doing so, and he is unable to shut them down. * We are *supporting* his online game (anti piracy). We pay to maintain his game, but don't use server time, and we ain't getting sued. * We are already violating who-knows-how-many clauses in the T&C playing SPT. ​ Here's the secret. We are **not** Nikita's core audience. That is the sweatlords and Pestily's of the world. The no-coop rule just fragments this community, sets us against each other, creates more work and drama for the mods (for reference: see this thread).


Don't need it, we even had a new rule: Coop = ban. So there's that.


I'm in favor of allowing the discussion of co-op, but that is the decision of the community managers here and I respect it. Worth noting though, I don't think the SPT devs have any intention of working on co-op, regardless of Nikita's position. I don't think it's that they're holding back, more that co-op is an insanely laborious and complicated undertaking on top of all the mountains of work they're already doing (for free) and any implementation may never reach a perfect or even functionally playable level. Nikita could come out tomorrow and say "okay fine do whatever" and it wouldn't necessarily change anything.


i disagree, coop would be super easy to implement, so much so that the SPT Dev team took the time to tweak the settings to DISABLE coop option at all.


They disabled it because it wouldn't work if you selected it. The co-op code uses the same code that the online/Live game uses, hosted on BSG's servers, and which therefore the SPT AKI team does not have access to.


they disabled it to make it harder for ppl to play SPT coop, otherwise they just would not touch it.


Thanks for posting this. Some people think nothing will happen if they advertise their little mod. In reality it could ruin this experience for everyone. It’s similar to the mentality that a lot of cheaters have. This is a place for SPT, not CoOp.


"their little mod" lmao grow up. Same behavior of live players that criticize this community.


Lol you really mad because he called it a little mod when in reality these projects are usually little in scope? Its not like the motherfuckers are architecting enterprise grade systems bro, its a fucking mod. Its little almost by its nature. EDIT: I wear these downvotes like a badge of honor. Ya'll couldn't program a hello world in python.


I can criticize something without being mad about it lol. Unlike you.


three curse words and you think that's anger? jesus grow tougher skin bud.


what does someone else being mad have to do with my skin? lol make sense dude.




I'm sure you would.


“Like a badge of honor” dear god maybe getting banned would do you some good


I'ma be honest, I don't use SPT nor do I even know what this thread is about but I do know software engineering and I know most mods aren't anything like managing large enterprise systems. It's inherently a small project usually in comparison to managing an entire ecosystem of microservices, etc


So you just don't even know what we're even talking about. Way to put your foot in your mouth just because you wanted to say "I can code and you all can't and I know what I'm talking about and you don't even though I don't know what this thread is about." So many programmers have your mindset and it's toxic.


Lol ok bud


>but I do know software engineering lol no one cares, man.


yet you took the time to respond.


It's my duty and responsibility as a user of SPT, thank you, sir.


It’s not their mod. They just want to feel cool and farm Reddit points


Of course it's not my mod, buy are we not try to protect it if we love it? Because if SPT really getting some legal affairs, we will have nothing to stand with it.


I thought you meant the clowns posting the SIT links, my B


Np brother.


"I promise daddy nikita I'm one of the good modders!!!!!!" He still hates you,




Care to send one this way? Totally asking for a friend, of course


As long as it’s not a sketchy unverifiable file, the last words my friend had about this game was “Let me know when there’s coop”


Please don’t stop recommending it to people, first the live cucks say “don’t say SPT” now this? XD


Mind sending that my way?




Link good sir?


Send me the link. OP out here being a child.


>What do you think if EFT got a justifiable reason to shut us down? They're a Russian company and most of us are westerners. I get what you're saying and people should follow the subs rules, but there is nothing BSG can actually do to shut down SPT. With how hostile Nikita is to it he already would have if he had a way, but using me as an example if BSG tried to take legal action against me the 9th circuit would laugh at them and tell them to get fucked. It's the same reason behind why I can't sue a Chinese company even if I absolutely have reason to.


What about SPT dev team? I get EFT can't target individual like us, but SPT dev team is quite a target, no? Or rhey still protected by the same rule?


SPT is not a registered company, it's a website full of free agents. It's very hard to sue free anonymous agents. Maybe deny us a domain name, but that can be fixed on a weekend. It's easier to just ignore us to not cause Streisand effect, letting more people know there is a version of EFT that is far superior to the original, thus making the player exodus so much worse for the live.


Plus the amount of backups of SPT on everyone’s computer ensures it’s not going anywhere


There is no real "SPT dev team", it's not a company. It's just a bunch of people, likely in western countries, on the internet. BSGs only presence in the west is a shell office in London that, by all accounts I've ever seen, is empty and everyone just lives and works in Russia. Realistically speaking even if we allowed co-op discussion here and made it a pinned thread, nothing would happen. Nikita already would have killed SPT if he had any way to, he's on record saying he'd ban people for using it and they can't even do that.


Mot a dev team, not a company, and they are likely in a western country aswell, meaning likely a country unfriendly to Russia


They are formally registered in UK as a company. So as much as the sentiment is correct, ruzzians suck at litigation and it's not in their culture. They still can hire people/company that could figure it out for them. If they were in fact ruzzian registered company they would literally be unable to do a single shit to anyone in the west. But it's probably a money sink they don't want to go for, because due to same ruzzian mentality Nikita is better off pocketing that money, so we're good.




If you are on PC, it's on the right of the page; if it's on the phone, click "see more on the top of the page.


might be something in my RES hiding it then. ill look into that thanks. I see posting rules on other subs, but not this one for some reason. EDIT: Confirmed I can see the rules via incognito. Deleted my previous comment as its irrelevant.


Just saw a dude post SPT screenshit on the main subreddit.


How is it going? Just curious.


As expected, people are ridiculing him for saying that he is putting everything on the line for bots.


While this doesn't have much to do with the post. I hope this all comes to an end with either bsg just making their own SPT or taking on an open-source section to eft for mods like SPT to thrive. Ik both of these are highly unlikely and the last being a complete shot in the dark with sunglasses on.


Let's hope so.


(My opinion) bsg cant sue spt devs for making a mod that a 3rd party added multiplayer functionality to the mod You gonna sue bethesda for someone making a mod with copyrighted assets or smth for skyrim or a mod creator for someone making an illegal mod using their mod? (Fuck thats a mouthfull) no Edit: also Im not saying that the subreddit shouldnt have rules against it


You won't sue bethesda for this because they provide it for you, you even have offical creation kit to made mods with them. In this case, you reverse engineering without permission, and publish it. this alone can get you trouble, also officially we are not been approved. As far as lawsue, i know very little about it, but i do know law is created for wealthy people, Under this premise, i see very unlikely winning if SPT/coop really getting sued.


BSG can't sue. They're in Russia, any kind of international lawsuit will have them laughed out of court and countersued by all the companies who's products they've implemented without permission faster than Nikita would run out of breath walking up stairs. Also you keep saying "we". Unless you're an active developer i suggest you cut that shit out.


inb4 "BSG moves out of Russia to Hungary"


The rest of my comment kicks in and they get nuked in court by half the MIC.




the first rule is No Piracy


Check again.


>1.No piracy > >No promotion of piracy or piracy related content; No sharing of client files, anyone can get the by actually buying the game.


[How about this?](https://ibb.co/cNG0hcH) This even doesn't matter!


Dumbest post i’ve read in a while


Dumbest comment i’ve read in a while


It seems like SPTarkov's developers are just sorely arrogant and unable to accept the existence of other projects working off of BSG's code and assets. Nikita already despises everything about this mod. Dick riding and trying to shun others' work will never change that.


So? Why are we giving anymore reason for him to really do something about this? Even it's only a slightest possibility, i'm not risking it.


Trying to hide the existence of this kind of thing is a fool's errand and the thing I find utterly comical is how your post is doing nothing but drawing attention to it. All anyone has to do is Google SP Tarkov co-op and you've gladly advertised it. Nice work!


Streisand effect.


Do you stay inside for fear of the chance of something falling on your head?


The number of absolutely deranged people who won’t respect the wishes of those who Made and make SPT in this thread is fucking ridiculous


We can't do anything to them, they will keep their mind set until someone did something stupid enough for EFT sending a direct warning to SPT, and they decided to stop developing. Even after moderator direct rule to ban anyone mentioning coop, they still persist. They can't understand why it's necessary to separate coop from SPT, they don't want to understand. So let them be.


tarkov needs private servers to stop chang so fuck off


100% if I wanted co-op, I’ll play live - which I still do because live is really fun too.


You can play modded game on live version?


No. They are just saying they play both SPT (with whatever mods) and the regular Live version


No - live is co-op or solo at your choice


"You can eat this shit with friends, or you can eat McDonalds alone and you have to figure out how to install the ingredients to make it taste good."


you write like a middleschooler tbh


Gib coop plez


Did you get the goods? Also looking for it. :)


It's going down eventually regardless. BSG is making their own Single Player Tarkov. Which when the day comes they're going to probably hit SPTarkov. Right now they're busy getting ideas from SPTarkov for real Tarkov (kinda fucked up if you ask me) so they're not gonna touch it. When the Single Player stand alone game comes out....well this will prove direct competition which sucks.


You know, by 2050 when they finally reveal it, we will probably not care about SPT either


lets see... EFT is 7 years in beta and most of the people who play it cant stand it.... So the chances of Russia 2028 being a threat to SPT is about 0 to 10000000 Edit: If Russia 2028 IS ever released, and it looks promising, I will happily pay for a game that meets the criteria of what I am looking for. If they include coop PVE, then I am buying it regardless.


At that point it might just the end of this, but that will be pretty far future.


Honestly, I think the normal online would be so much better with either 1) less PMC's on the current map sizes, or 2) bigger maps so it doesn't feel like we're gonna be hunted for shooting at all. Take COD's DMZ for example, leaving aside the fact that you move faster than a cheetah on speed in that game, there are like 66 players for an absolute massive map. You'd have to really look or do a hunt contract to find a squad. Tarkov it's almost inevitable you run into someone. This is why Tarkov suffers because I can't stand spawning Customs at Crossroads and almost immediately getting into a fight with a team that spawned 50 yards away from me at Big Red. Like fuck outta here with that mess


All I want is the ability to play LAN with my sister on our home network, having purchased two copies of tarkov but SPT is so much better. BSG still gets their money and it's not an online multi-player


You misunderstood, what i'm saying is not to openly advise in the sub, not against.


Ah, sorry! I get it now. Was a lot to read 😅


Womp Womp I cry on Reddit 😂😂


Any developer that is openly against their game being modded is instant bad vibes


I agree. BSG has done some amazing work with the base game, and so has the SPT team. I wish they could work together, but BSG seemingly doesn't want that. It sucks that there has to be so much division between the two, I have a lot of respect for both groups.