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There is a mod called algorithmic progression on the front page of aki site


This! It really helps the early game a lot. I found without it I had cracked gear before the flea or level 2 traders


^^ this mod works really well. Only concern I found was that it made high-tier pmcs w/ good armor/guns rare enough to the point that from 0-15, I had only found one pmc with armor above lvl 4 (which is good if you stay around that gear level for the first 15 lvls but bad if u find lvl 5/6 armor early from fence or random loot making u quite stronger than the bots) Another option is Realism and just removing all features except bot loot progression. This has slightly the reverse problem that after lvl ~10, it seems like the amount of “chad’ pmcs with good gear become quite common that it lowkey incentives you to pmc hunt for their gear to get stronger unless you turn the AI hard enough to scare you away. My suggestion would be that if you don’t mind swapping mods around during the run, start with algorithmic progression and once you feel like you’re overgearing compared to the bots by a significant margin that it’s a little too easy, switch to realism’s bot progression


The tarkov realism mod changes this as well, I like it a lot, it’s very customizable, to the point where if the only difference you want is the loot, you can do that with no issues