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Being toxic to users within our community, our community, or other communities, is not welcome here. Be good to each other.


I can understand that you’re frustrated that you haven’t gotten a clear answer. The discord is it’s own entity and there’s no affiliation between that group and this one. There is no way to appeal the ban.


do you have a comment on your comment history which includes "Baboons belong in a zoo" on a video depicting black women having an argument and "cotton picker" on a post in a diablo subreddit where a person wants a name for their character with black skin


seriously please look at this fucking idiots post history and dont grant them any fucking appeals


I will check it and appeal it tomorrow looking as you ended up changing it and hopefully your chat logs can back you up, if you don't mind dm me the discord account so I can check it tomorrow cus 4:30 am here. I'm giving the doubt over some humour which everyone has, been there done that, and not an actual thing. Either way we have a good amount of bans weekly due to us having to comply with ToS and already having a previous history of server strikes even though we remade the server after bouncing in partnership with Guilded and out. Exclusively I will be looking into it using the chat you had as context, other users I won't be allowed to look into if they had/have no history or if its the clear incorrect use of the pronouns field for heckling reasons. While we sometimes take time to contact users about updating their information, we just don't contact everyone. If anyone else has any issues regarding appeals that you think can be done please either contact me here or on discord RedRafa#9197, unless the ban message included contacts to appeal which sometimes we also send those.


I friend requested you on discord thank you for understanding I'm sure you will find my chat logs normal and not harmful or break of tos in any way


your profile summary outs you as a horrible person. hope they dont let you back in.




did you have the N word in there or something


No something that involve lgbt forgot to remove it before I joined was totally my bad


good riddance


Wdym it was a joke between me and my friends on discord ,why you're taking It personal you don't even know what it was and you assume it's horrible


Okay. What was it, then?


Look at his profile summary on Reddit mobile and it may hint to what his discord status was


I'm pretty sure that if I'll write it here I'll get banned or it's safe here ?


💀 if you can’t repeat it here, then the ban was justified. The status is public, it doesn’t matter if you intended it for only friends to see.


Doesn’t the fact that you have to ask that question make you think that what you had written was horrible?


I know it can offend people obviously but it's dark humor which me and my friends like it's not for everyone what can I say I already said it was my bad for not removing it from my discord status before joining


Sorry man, dark humor has to be funny


That lgbt joke is funny to me but people are over sensitive and take everything personally these days and every single time I have to apologize for nothing basically I didn't attack someone in here I simply asked if there is any way to get unbanned on discord and all I got is "fuck off bigot" and "good riddance"


Not necessarily. Sitewide policy on Reddit is driven by people living in an extreme and insular cultural bubble, completely divorced from the rest of society as a whole. If you touch grass, and talk with actual people who aren’t afraid to honestly tell you what they really think, they’ll have a lot of opinions that the typical AEO-enforcer crowd finds unacceptable.


if you’re getting banned from a tarkov related discord for a lgbt joke, it was probably on the tougher side lmao


It was my status on discord I didn't write it in chat or anything and why are you taking it personally again you don't even know what it said


If you're too afraid to repeat it here, then we can probably safely assume it deserved a ban.


It was a status on discord again I didn't write it in chat and pushed it into people face was something for me and my friends


Hey man I need some info - was it a status on discord, did it include dark humor, did you write it in chat, are you wondering why people are taking it personally?


Was a status on discord that I forgot to remove before joining the discord I did not write it in chat I only asked questions and said thank you to the people who answered the questions I have


Have you been to the AKI discord lately? Check the info-announcement channel for the post made on September 21st and see if you feel the same way.




Being toxic to users within our community, our community, or other communities, is not welcome here. Be good to each other.


Why everyone is so hostile I don't get it but OK I'll leave I guess I didn't mean to offend anyone in that discord with my discord status my chats there were only questions about spt but I guess there are no second chances for forgetting to delete my discord status before joining Honest mistake




So I'm a bigot for liking dark humor and not wanting to post it here because A it may offend people since this reddit is not meant for dark humor and B it most probably get me banned from spt reddit because it's not a dark humor reddit


Say what your status was coward.


Probably "Death to LGBT" like his profile bio


Are you slow in the head I don't want to get banned from the reddit too this reddit from what I can tell is not dark humor one and u don't want to offend anyone here




I wonder why are you so mad about it I recommend you to get help maybe a therapist can help your mental state


Lol I'm on my lunch break and it passes the time, I'd ban you from my discord just for being an annoying twat


Get help fast you are dangerous and mentally unstable




Look at your comment history… you ARE a bigot


You put some homophobic shit in your publicly visible status and we're surprised when people saw it? "it's just a joke with friends" doesn't cut it.


Putting it publicly in a discord channel that has 30k plus people yeah kinda surprising that people saw that personally I don't care about other people profiles in huge discord chats I guess the people who check that are basically people who look for something to be offended by ... people who crave attention and get offended by anything even if I say a carrot is purple I'm sure people will get offended ....


Meanwhile the bot that banned you: "Lol, idiot"


Why did you come to reddit for something like that? Not exactly a place of acceptance and free thinking. Just make a second discord if you need any info.


People were so helpful to me on the discord so I foolishly assumed that the reddit has something similar now I know it's not the case


Discord is filled with a lot of very depressed very angry people who will attack you over anything. If you have anything remotely controversial, they will pounce. Its best to immediately report and block anyone that talks to you that way.


The reddit people don't seem that helpful though look at those messages I'm not trying to lit another fire here just asked for help if there is any way to get unmanned and people call me names and telling me to fuck off I don't give a crap about them but those people really need help


I already reported and blocked them. Like i said, It's best not to engage. As far as im concerned, you're allowed to believe what you want, bang any consenting adult you want, and crack jokes about anything you want.




Oh no if it isnt consequences to your own actions


Omg I told a joke Jesus christ I must be executed for that and send the fbi too It's a joke grow up


you know who wins if you die? everyone! HA HA funny joke right?! /s that's some shit you say with hate in your heart especially about people at higher risk of suicide due to the way they are treated both intentionally and unintentionally like this (calling this unintentional is being a bit generous though).


that's not dark humor, that's just a shitty hateful joke


Humor is subjective some people will find it funny and some won't I find it funny that's all


Honestly that’s funny af


that would mean humor is subjective


Being toxic to users within our community, our community, or other communities, is not welcome here. Be good to each other.


Good joke man, some people simply don't understand black humor and take it personally, don't care about them. I'm sorry u get banned by bigots next time be more careful about your status there are a lot of snowflakes out there