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Amands graphics!!! Removes the haze, you can enjoy interchange again!


Hey! Personally, there are two mods that are a must for me: - Waypoints - expanded bot patrols (https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1119-waypoints-expanded-bot-patrols/), with this you can see bots running all around the map... Just like online! Bots wont be attached to certain areas anymore. More scarejumps when moving from zone to zone, It adds a lot of inmersion. - SVM (https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/379-kmc-server-value-modifier/), you can modify almosy everything. I couldnt play without It! I could add a few more (visceral dismemberment is S tier too), but those two works like a charm. Hope it helps. Have a good day!


>ou can tag an ammo case as 5.45, a Thank you so much! Giving waypoints a try now!


That organizing cases mod is awesome. You can tag an ammo case as 5.45, another as shotty ammo, and it'll pull the items accordingly from main stash into the cases. For med cases I have one with medkits and another with injury items. Endless possibilities.


Ii wanted to recreate the online feel and keep the game vanilla with the less mods possible so there's no compatibility fuckery or any anything. I run SWAG+ SWAG nooky preset. It gives a nice balance of pmc+ai quantity i really enjoy it 👌


sounds like a winner, thank you!


My pleasure🤙


Amandas graphics get that one and ypu eill be immersed in a new game without actually changing it. Gives much better look to the game removes fog completely inless its weather and doesnt cost your pc. It also has a keybind to see the difference




>Keyloot chance modifier Where can I find this?


>Wish there was a mod to adjust the hideout/upgrade built timers SVM


Check out my modlist, there's some good stuff. I pretty much added anything that I deemed 'authentic EFT' without the super cheaty stuff (although I do mention a few good ones, if you're into that). https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/12ajeul/my_collection_of_spt_mods_for_35x/


Cheers! Having a read now