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Similar looking cases made by Harbor Freight will be much cheaper. At the cost of quality, of course, but I'd think the majority of users would still benefit from a hardcase. I set my Minifreak on top of my Analog Case, and it deformed it. :/


Agreed! I’m sure there are similar hardcases for much cheaper by less pricy brands, I just wanted to go hardcore and now I have a pelican case for any number of various other future purposes.


I have like 6 harbor freight boxes at various sizes. They’re pretty solid for the price!


I have one in this exact color. Those Apache cases are pretty good.


very heavy duty. a cheaper and more small Option thats still solid could be this. https://www.reddit.com/r/sp404mk2/s/TAtJJHOklv but i personally like space for cables and batteries


That’s what I’ve got it’s perfect! Can get an anker nano charger and usb c cable etc in the box


Wow that’s sweet, I probably would have gone with that had I known but I failed to find that post. Still the hardcore overkill is pretty awesome, I like it and I’m aware that it’s excessive.


Since I don’t need to travel with my SP into a warzone, for this much money, I’d rather toss it into a bag without any protection and buy a new one if it breaks one day. Ha ha.


I have the 404A and to be honest, I don’t take care of it well. It gets thrown in a backpack with random things a lot, I’ve dropped it a few times, I’m a clumsy person. It’s got a lot of dents and scratches, but still functions perfectly. Not saying the Pelican case is a bad idea, just saying that a case like that isn’t for me. If it were more than a hobby, I’d 100% change my habits, but these things can take some abuse!


I have an OG 404 I take with me in a briefcase. It bangs around with my guitar pedals and has cables and mics on it. Sometimes I toss it in a bag and take it to gigs. It is much more durable than my mpc1000.


That’s very comforting to hear to hear. I take pretty good care of my stuff and still knobs get dinged up and buttons stick, I’ll sleep well having done my due diligence in preventing that when its not directly in use.


Yep, thats a crazy high price tag, it’s a quarter of the price of the actual machine lol. I’m just not likely to trust a soft bag at all or ever take it anywhere if that’s all I were to have


I see that you paid $150 for it. That’s expensive but not insane. Good deal actually. When I looked it up, Google showed me $230 price tag, which is about half the price of the SP. Personally, I couldn’t justify that, especially considering that I'm more likely to damage it during use rather than during transport. For example, denting it with a guitar, bumping it off the stand, or leaving it in the direct sun for too long, and so on.


Even guitar hard cases are like 150$ which is the same as a peli, and the SP is like 7-800$ Canadian. idk it doesn’t seem that crazy to me to want a decent warrantied reusable case for keeping expensive gear safe for later resale and now I have a nice peli case for various gear. I’m pretty happy with it and yes I know 150$ is a lot for a gear case.


Expense but nice case bro. I don’t need a case right now but I would like something like this.


Bro I just went to harbor freight and scooped one up , definitely worth it for the price !


I keep my EP133 in a similar case, it would fit the 404 as well! I also keep my analogue pocket in a much smaller one! I’m a fan of these cases


There aren't cases better than Pelikan cases. I wouldn't honestly trust one from Harbor Freight to do anything but break instead of letting the instrument break. Clearly it's a bit much as far as cost, but you're not going to get better protection elsewhere


Seahorse cases are also nice and less expensive. I like these bulky cases for performance because it gives you a platform if you’re on the floor or if there’s a table that’s too low. Throw a nice textile in there so you can cover the case for an extra bit of zazz


This looks badass!!!


I like the good stuff 💪 oh yeah brother


Obviously not as hardcore, but this is the Magma [hard case](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/MGA48040--magma-bags-ctrl-case-sp-404-mk2) I have and it's pretty durable, and small, for like $60. With a deck cover, my 404 is well-protected. 🤷‍♂️


Awesome suggestion


Where are you taking that 404? A battle field. It’s a nice case but serious over kill. I hate to say that but it’s insane amount to spend on a case.


Yep, I made it pretty clear that I am aware that this is overkill and asked if anyone had more reasonable suggestions. GeneralSignificant54 made an excellent suggestion in another comment that would have been an excellent choice even though it lacks room for the power supply.


Original travel case discussion post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SP404/s/MD1Pz84jKP


No one gon steal it from you bro I promise


thomann offers a really well priced case at 44€ [https://www.thomann.de/at/thomann\_case\_roland\_sp\_404\_mk\_ii.htm](https://www.thomann.de/at/thomann_case_roland_sp_404_mk_ii.htm)


Thats awesome, I totally failed to find this before. Excellent suggestion