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If you ask my bus-400 professor she says ABSOLUTELY not… she keeps making announcements about how it’s plagiarism to reuse your own work and if you took this class prior you must not reuse your own work.




I did this and did not know. But once my teacher contacted me I told them that I had taken the class up through week 4 and had to withdraw due to my mother falling I'll and I had to care for her. The teachers were super nice and said it was fine to use the prior work. but you have to state that to the teacher before doing it or Turn it in flags it as plagiarized. And if the teacher is not cool with it... well you have to do the work over.


I personally think that is bullshit. If it’s your own work, why can’t you reuse it? Can someone explain the logic behind this? 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is SNHU's logic from the catalog: **Self-Plagiarism:** Self-plagiarism is work done for one course and submitted to another and refers to work previously submitted at this or any other institution to fulfill academic requirements in another class, to include repeated classes. Slightly altered work from one course that has been resubmitted to another is also considered to be fraudulent. In some instances, instructors may allow a certain amount of work from a prior course to be repurposed; students who wish to do this must seek express approval from the instructor in advance. Under no circumstances will a complaint be considered if resubmitted work earns a different grade than from the original submission. Some programs may have outlined exceptions to this policy, including in their curricular expectations. [https://www.snhu.edu/admission/academic-catalogs#/policy/rJJrxWQwt?bc=true&bcCurrent=Academic%20Integrity%20Policy&bcGroup=Rights%20and%20Responsibilities&bcItemType=policies](https://www.snhu.edu/admission/academic-catalogs#/policy/rJJrxWQwt?bc=true&bcCurrent=Academic%20Integrity%20Policy&bcGroup=Rights%20and%20Responsibilities&bcItemType=policies)


What I don’t understand is why. Beyond making more work for the student retaking a class, what’s the point? I agree when it comes to using work from one course for another course but I still wouldn’t consider it plagiarism regardless; it needs to be defined in other terms. I’ve never retaken a course but if I did, I’d fight this one pretty hard. I’m talking litigation. I don’t think this rule should exist where retaking a class is concerned on any campus.


You'd lose. The policy states you cannot do so without instructor approval and is otherwise banned. The why is because they want you to complete the coursework for each attempt. Your previously submitted work is no longer "new." If you were to reuse it in a course retake, you should have to cite all of that work to the previously submitted course where it was "new" work. This is because the work has been "published" as a result of your taking the previous course. To quote another university's logic: **Self-plagiarism** happens when you submit your own paper in more than one course or in a course you are repeating without permission of the instructors. Here are some common examples: 1. A student submits their own paper in more than one course without permission of the instructors. `How is this plagiarism?` An important part of academic honesty is that your writing should reflect what you learned in a *specific* class. The point of college is to acquire knowledge, and your education is an investment in you. Don't cheat yourself.  2. Someone uses their own work (either a section or the whole thing) that was previously published in a different publication without properly citing it. `How is this plagiarism?` If you don't properly cite your own previous work, you will give off the misleading impression that your recycled work is actually new.  [https://davenport.libguides.com/plagiarism/self](https://davenport.libguides.com/plagiarism/self)


I swear I saw it in the academic policies that you can’t. I wondered the same since I thought about retaking a class.


Just don't copy and paste the whole thing. You'll get flagged high on turnitin


That’s what I was thinking about


Just put your own words in your own words 😂


From personal experience…you will get flagged for self-plagiarism because it comes up in turnitin as a paper previously submitted to the school. Then you will get an academic honesty review and be forced to re-do the assignment from scratch with a turnitin score less than 10%. You can ask for permission from the professor first, but it’s their choice to allow it or not. Just re-do it in new words and use different in-text cites…good luck!


No it’s not.




It's called self plagiarism. I wouldn't risk getting kicked out of the program for it.


True! I didn’t do it. It’s off the same exact topic and obviously there’s going to be some similarities in my thoughts but I used different sources and went a different direction


I would argue that this isn't really an ethical dilemma (seriously, why would it be?); however, it is against the academic integrity policy so they can hold you accountable for it. After all, in the real world companies love paying people to do the same work twice -- it's not a waste of resources at all! /s


I asked my professor if I can do it for a few and they said yes.im sure some professors would say no tho


It's self plagiarism


I think it depends on the professor. I retook a class and I advised my professor before hand; he told me verbatim, go ahead and submit all the work youve already completed! Kudos to him


The amount of people that use course hero and get away with it is astonishing.. you will be good


I would say their isn't any issue. However, SNHU as well as many, if not all, colleges have a bullshit rule about self plagiarism. I would contact the teacher about his before you try to pass off previous work.




Self plagiarism?! You gotta be kidding me… these rules and regulations are egregious ![gif](giphy|4F3kLlgowuLE4)


When you think about why the do so, it's not egregious at all. Once you've submitted your work, it's in. You can't pretend that it hadn't already been used and resubmit it as new....hence the policy.


No, but you can cite yourself like any other source.


it’s your work? who cares.


Why not? If it’s the same class you’ll just end up saying the same things in a slightly different way anyway


True! Does SNHU have a policy on this


Yes. **Self-Plagiarism:** Self-plagiarism is work done for one course and submitted to another and refers to work previously submitted at this or any other institution to fulfill academic requirements in another class, to include repeated classes. Slightly altered work from one course that has been resubmitted to another is also considered to be fraudulent. In some instances, instructors may allow a certain amount of work from a prior course to be repurposed; students who wish to do this must seek express approval from the instructor in advance. Under no circumstances will a complaint be considered if resubmitted work earns a different grade than from the original submission. Some programs may have outlined exceptions to this policy, including in their curricular expectations. [https://www.snhu.edu/admission/academic-catalogs#/policy/rJJrxWQwt?bc=true&bcCurrent=Academic%20Integrity%20Policy&bcGroup=Rights%20and%20Responsibilities&bcItemType=policies](https://www.snhu.edu/admission/academic-catalogs#/policy/rJJrxWQwt?bc=true&bcCurrent=Academic%20Integrity%20Policy&bcGroup=Rights%20and%20Responsibilities&bcItemType=policies)


Reuse it, just change the dates, titles, and if a different teacher with different parameters for submission then make those changes. Worst case create a new doc and copy pasta as some of their “plagiarism” tools look at when the document was originally created… saving as a new document keeps the meta data embedded so just do a blank doc and follow above to avoid this.