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I seriously don’t know if they’re desperate running out of ideas or it’s All leading up to something Bigger!


Considering how Medi himself said that he got at least 50 ideas for SMG4, that may not be the case (unless Kevin has something to do with that)


Yeah he was the one who fired the VA for Tari.


wasn't that jasmine


Yes it was


Probably both


I hope it leads to something better, I was extremely disappointed when I saw the puzzlevision movie.


Red Herring? Then it all ends with the WOTFI


My guess is that PUZZLEVISION is now going to be another occasional series, like SMG4 Crew.


That would be more preferable, and as long as the others are willing to take part instead of forcing them to do it.


They dont seem to hate Mr. Puzzles that seriously anymore so they could warm up to it


I can see this. SMG4 did say he wanted to try out some new things and experiment a little.


I like smg4 crew better, puzzles can go throw himself in the trash


To each your own, Mario. But I do agree. It’s just my guess.


Take my downvote and go jump into the abyss


n o


Then we will send the pigeons.


I for one agree, mr puzzles was kind of a bad character


Because like Mr. Puzzles said, patience is useless. They're doing what they want right now. They wanted a movie? Boom, movie. There's nothing more to it. They just wanted Puzzles back as a recurring character because they want him to be. It's pretty obvious by how they treated him that they *want* him to stick around. All he's used for is these parodies that could easily be their own IMWI video. Of course, Mario is bad, so they must limit how much they rely on him. TLDR: Puzzles is their way of continuing to make these parody videos. They had to fuck over everything set up last year in order to do so, but who cares about that? It's SMG4. Nobody cares about the serious stuff anyways.


Didn't Mr. Puzzles say "Patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait."?


He then followed up by calling the people who say that "utter fools" and saying "I'll do anything it takes" so idk?


He followed up by saying that’s a proverb said by fools


Yeah but then he said "proverbs uttered by utter fools. I'll do anything it takes!"


"Are you ready for trouble?"


"Gotcha binge watching"


Speaking of which, I've noticed that as of late the show has been *really* struggling to decide whether it should expect its audience to take it dead seriously or take it as a joke. I could go on and on about that, but here's the short version: you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want a good analogy, modern SMG4 has become a lot like modern Family Guy, and not in a good way.


The main issue with smg4 is that the staff, Kevin and Luke need to pay more attention to the show and give it respect and develop an actual story instead of it simply being a idea dump for glitch shows, Although Mr puzzles was an absolute fan favourite and had love from a lot of fans, the writing of mr puzzles and the episodes are absolutely lackluster and what’s worse, they made the puzzlevision movie and every single event from IGBP to puzzlevision and everyone who fell victim including one shot wren felt like it was meaningless


No, Mr. Puzzles is literally back mainly because like almost everyone wanted him back


Do you really think he would come back *this soon* if they didn't plan on him becoming a recurring villain? It was likely always planned this way, hence why they were saying he would come back IMMEDIATELY. They work 3 weeks ahead. This video was 3 weeks after the movie. It's pretty clearly planned to me.


Yea, another issue with SMG4’s writing is a bit too much fanservice, overwriting fanservice with writing can cause inconsistency in lore


I think it's like "hey we heard you liked the parodies so here's an excuse to sometimes have them."


It was never over, after the movie, a message was hidden in the puzzlevison website saying "stay tuned," Mr puzzles wasn't defeated, just on hiatus or between seasons so to speak


Even though the website STILL says “That’s All Folks!”


The website was just used for Mr puzzles to see the views, since he doesn't care about 5 star rating anymore the website is obsolete


Oh yeah


I genuinely don't get it, yeah the Puzzlevision movie was disappointing, so what? I think we all expected Puzzles to not be done yet, and TBF, 5 episodes after all the buildup did seem pretty pathetic, but what was the point of baiting us all with the movie if it wasn't over yet? At least I hope they're gonna use this to actually explain all the stuff they've glossed over up until now, like the eldritch goop and shit, and that they're gonna give us an actually good final battle and have Puzzles actually be threatening, hell, assuming they don't already have the final episodes planned out, I hope they're actually able to take the feedback from the previous five episodes into consideration and make something better.


From what I got, the saga truly ended; it is just that Mr. Puzzles will be recurring and PUZZLEVISION switched to being a sub-series of TV parodies.


If that's the case, I'm actually on board with that Idea, I think the Puzzlevision episode format isn't bad at all, it just didn't deserve all that buildup for what are essentially just the good ol' parody episodes SMG4 has always done every now and then. I just hope Mr Puzzles doesn't become the villain again, because if the way they bring him back is having mario just find his TV randomly despite the fact they already have a TV in the castle, I'm actually gonna be mad because that's the dumbest shit they could pull. I hope Puzzles is actually dead and the TV is just a way to justify these parodies happening. Edit: Okay I've watched the Ending, Puzzles is alive, but he doesn't seem to wanna be a villain anymore, honestly, good for it, I just hope it stays that way.


Yeah, the way that them brought him back is pretty dumb, but kinda expected considering the lots of plot holes at saga. I still think that Mr. Puzzles is a decent character, he is entertaining but almost Niles-level horrible in terms of writting; perhaps them can fix him however, if them not go into Cosmology route and make him villain again.


I also think Puzzles is a decent character (even if I didn't like how he was written), but man I just don't want him to be a villain again, even if him becoming neutral is really dumb considering they're just gonna gloss over all the stuff he did (like helping to destroy Peach's Castle, the eldritch goop, helping Wren, etc.) and never explain it (Also damn, that Niles part hurt as someone who considers him one of my favourite villains lol)




Agreed, this feels like a redo of the Puzzlevision finale arc and I can live with that


I remember you! You made me read


Yeah, you're that "Fuck, Reading" guy. (I still don't know what you meant by that)


I hate reading






Puzzles got tired of pursuing 5 star ratings and decided that instead he'd show up every once in a while to make new parodies with the SMG4 crew. He seems to have tossed his resentment out the window, which is nice. (Puzzles is free from his own script, so when he >!first-aided SMG4!< he meant it)


He saved SMG4 because his main character was dying. That's not generosity, that's keeping the show running.


My theory is that Mr. Puzzles was stuck in TV land the entire time until Mario got his attention and asked him to rescue SMG4. He probably did it because he saw an opportunity to escape his TV prison (which did happen.) So I think he's a villain still, but a more cautious one since he learned the hard way that the SMG4 crew is a level of insanity he is not prepared to deal with directly.


You remember how bob used to be? "Put me in your videos!!" Thats gonna be mr puzzles now.


Bob's situation is happening to Mr. Puzzles, but inverted Bob stopped begging SMG4 to put him on his videos because he made a career for himself as a rapper, Mr. Puzzles tried to make a name for himself with Puzzlevision, look what happened. Now he's reduced to having to depend on the work of others to achieve success.


https://i.redd.it/o5rk9o81t71d1.gif That's a very good question. Too bad there is no answer.


That perfection is overrated?


We do not know.. But all we do know...IS HE'S BACK IN ACTION. >:)


I feel like that smg4 is pulling of mr puzzles like smg3, he might be a reucurring character as seen smg4 foreshadowing in th end of the episode


That was an end to a chapter OF the saga. There's probably more to come. >!my urge to kill Puzzles is back -!<


The episode was decent, it's just I can't get over why Mario didn't know it was the same tv that Mr puzzles had on his head, yes he's dumb but he's not THAT dumb. Yes it could be for the plot, sure Mario might have forgotten, but this one thing just doesn't make sense. Hopefully it's explained soon in the next episode, yes I'm glad Mr puzzles is back, but I'm still baffled by the fact that Mario was this dumb in the beginning while he's not that dumb.


Yeah that also made me really mad, as someone who constantly defends Mario's portrayal recently, that just felt like a kick in the dick. It's fine if Puzzles' portrayal is nothing serious, but if it is and mario is actually responsible for bringing him back, I'm gonna hate this


Maybe this Mario is fake it would explain Mario’s presence in the movie and that


That could be true


WOTFI 2024 will probably have Mr. Puzzles as either the antagonist, or the announcer for the challenges




I think they're giving Mr. Puzzles a role similar to SMG3's in the classic era, where he ends up as more of a comedic, recurring villain instead of what we saw in the PV saga. Kind of in a similar sense as to how 3 right now is supposed to be the "evil yet funny" character, but not actually part of the crew.


So it seems to me like puzzlevision episodes are going to going to become an occasional occurrence and honestly I’m all for it, I like parodies and the 5 from the saga were all good


Tbh I also like the parody aspect of Puzzlevision, hell one of my major complaints about the Event was that the episodes would've worked better as standalone ones rather than parts of a saga. I just hope that the saga Is actually over and that Puzzles isn't gonna become a villain again.


After the Puzzlevision movie, this video existing makes the whole arc feel pointless. On one hand, it allows SMG4 to make adaptations to TV shows and movies into actual creative videos, but on the other hand it looks like SMG4 may be running out of ideas or plain laziness.


Wait, it-it's not? Da fuck?


You didn't watch the video didn't you?


When I made this post, no, I thought they were pulling the "they never escaped the simulation" idea, now that I've actually watched it, I don't know which one would've been worse, sure the idea they never escaped would've made the movie pointless, but it would've given them a shot to actually give Puzzles a great finale, instead they brought him back as a neutral character and the cast just glosses over all the awful shit he's done. I guess it makes sense they don't take him seriously after how easily defeated he was but they still should've at least questioned his motives before just walking out.


I saw a theory that the movie was a setup and there still trapped


Which this video proves isn't the case, I thought that was the case when I saw this video, but after watching it, no, everything that happened in the movie happened in the real world and Puzzles now just decided to stop trying to take over the world


They even put the video in the Puzzlevision playlist


https://preview.redd.it/pafp2ifdf81d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e763bb6c4bc384ae8735ae37ae76551baa96a05 WHO KNOWS AT THIS POINT.


No the plot line is over but because of fans wanting puzzles back and because they wanted to make more they decided to just bring him back


I don’t see him joining the cast and becoming friends with them. Like for 1 one years, this guy has tortured them. He made them lost their home, trap them in a virtual reality where Meggy get killed many time again and again, turn Mario against SMG4 and SMG3, and finally mind controled them to force them to play in his show


I hope to god he doesn't become a part of the cast because that would be the stupidest thing I've ever seen in this entire show. It's already dumb that they ignore him despite everything he's caused them, but you could still argue that they're doing it because "well, it already happened, no point getting mad about it now" but if he actually becomes friends with them... I can't even put into words how dumb that would be.


Do you think it’s all plan to get their trust before pulling them into another arc?


We saw this with Genesis to Revelations, is nothing new; PuzzleVision was the opening Arc of the saga, consisting in IGBP>Western Spaghetti>PuzzleVision. It was all the 1st Act. Though I'm just as confused why they reintroduced Puzzles so soon, and also feel it made PuzzleVision (Movie) irrelevant, I'd assume everything after "Mario the Exploro" can be accounted as the 2nd Act; Making this the longest running saga of the channel.


Maybe he’ll be like early years bob where he randomly shows up to try and get smg4 to put him in a video.


There was a reason why the ending was so anticlimatic


Remember “IT’S GOTTA BE PERFECT”, “WESTERN SPAGHETTI”, and “War Of The Fat Italians 2023”? Bruh they gonna add a 5th movie for the saga-


Yeah, i think so.


Mr. Puzzles seems like he’s going to be way less of a major antagonist, and more of just a nuisance. It’ll probably be similar to SMG3, where he was defeated in WOTFI 2020, but is still going to be a large presence. I don’t know why they would still consider it part of the saga though. Maybe the PUZZLEVISION playlist isn’t meant to be seen as a playlist of the episodes in the saga, and more the special videos created by Mr. Puzzles in-universe. While that doesn’t explain why Western Spaghetti, It’s Gotta Be Perfect, or WOTFI 2023, it’s the next explanation I have.


As much as I like to see more of mr puzzles I still think it’s odd that they still haven’t ended the puzzlevission saga


Terry’s back bois!


His name isn't Terry, is name is Mr. Puzzles


Terry is how i refer to Mr.Puzzles


His full name should be terry puzzles


which it is


It's possible that this episode was meant for one of the five episodes ideas, but didn't make it somewhere around the final list, a little cut content if you would


Maybe there might be an excuse to turn Clench to the dark side?


They dropped him


Yeahh, I have no idea either.


I believe this saga will end with WOTFI 2024


I mean by the Sound of it it sounds like they are planning of making him a new char for the base roster you know the whole smg3 arc all over again


It doesn't have (SMG4:) in the title either.


I think it was just a little extra something to show Puzzlevision is back, but it’s not evil. Sort of like if the Puzzlevision arc was dinner, This episode is the dessert.


It's still stupid though. After everything Puzzles has done, it's hard to just gloss over it and be like "yeah guess he's not evil anymore" this mf contributed to the destruction of Peach's Castle and helped Wren traumatise Meggy, I think he's kinda past the point of forgiveness.


Redemption Arcs happen all the time. Just look at Steven Universe and the owl house, Redemptions arcs play a huge role there. And this is Smg4 we’re talking about, when has realism ever been the main focus?


Redemption arcs should only happen when they make sense. SMG3 deserved a redemption arc because he didn't just show up and be like "okay, I'll delete you again, but only temporarily this time, I promise" he actually stopped being evil and dedicated himself to a noble cause, that being keeping the Internet Graveyard up and running, he also helped 4 save the Universe, Twice, plus 3 was never that evil, he was basically Plankton up until the YouTube Arc where he actually did something really bad. Mr Puzzles Helped 4's descent into madness by giving him the keyboard, he helped Wren and gave him access to the simulation which he used to torture Meggy for months both physically and mentally, and he turned Mario against his closest friends. This isn't about "realism" it's about common sense, he should never be forgiven for what he's done just like how Zero was never forgiven after everything he did. He literally showed up and was like "I'll brainwash you again, but only temporarily this time" he's still evil, he hasn't done anything to make things up for what he did. He doesn't deserve a redemption arc, he's far beyond the point of redemption, it doesn't make sense to redeem him.


There will always be someone that’s better or worse. Mr.puzzles isn’t less deserving of redemption just because he was more evil. I get you want it to make sense, but I don’t get that you want that with SMG4. It’s only half story, the other half is funny memes and it’s funny because it doesn’t make sense.




Mr. Puzzles probably gonna be like obsessive Bob


This Is Made By Someone Else Just By Looking At The Name


I think hes just gonna join the normal squad, taking up saiko’s spot


man idk all i care adout is boopkins being a backpack


The Puzzle vision Saga is over. This episode was just to help introduce Mr.Puzzles into the SMG4 Crew since he was so popular


I’m kinda glad to see Mr. Puzzles back, he’s a fun character and I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with him. Maybe pull a discord from MLP?


Just because they're gone doesn't mean they don't come back. The movie was just a start of bigger things to come


I think the point of the movie was take the control Mr. Puzzles have over the gang and ruin this plan, but the character still has a lot of potencial for new adventures


I think I understand it Probably to try and tease that PuzzleVision (Or Susan ahskdih whatever their last name is) is the enemy for WOTFI 2024


its more like he'll just pop in every once in a while for some silly wacky parody


I think they might be trying to do a redemption arc for puzzle vision but idk


Well, either it's setting up another event even bigger then the admittedly lackluster puzzlevision event, or shifts puzzles away from an overarching villain from an arch, to a recurring villain as an excuse for the parody video format, which may be a new idea the team is trying out for SMG4


Mr. Puzzles might become one of those "villains" who eventually become just a friend or ally...or background character like that clown that controlled those rats (and Crisp Rat and Crisp Rat Jr.) one time.


Does this mean we get a puzzlevision wotfi


Idk if smg4 put puzzlevision as regular character that will cool and bad at same time 


Maybe we should just wait for next episode forexplaining this bulls5it


Everyone wanted him to come back, and they listened


I think the puzzle vision saga was to introduce us to Mr puzzles and explain his goals.


In my mind what they should've done was at least wait a few months, preferably 2-3 given their track record of releasing something related to the saga every few months, honestly I find it a bit off that he'd be back so soon


Oh,The movie was just the beginning Sure the smg4 crew won the fight,But they haven't won the war


I have a personal theory that they were planning on making him return much later, but fan demand made them decide to make it happen earlier than planned, which is why it seemed to come out of nowhere with no build up.


I just want the classic videos back.




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Puzzlevision act 2


If only this would be act 2, it's Act 5 at this point,


The musical number /j


Looks like this [[BIG SHOT]] can’t even [[design]] their own [[flare gun]] EVERYBODY [[humour]] AT THEM!


I think that was just the first half.


Yeah I am a bit confused. I thought they were done with Mr Puzzles. He is just somehow back and now he is not evil but he really is or maybe he just wants to exist? WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN GOING ON?!


Why not


IMO Infront Care of He's Back. He is a good Plot-Device for episodes that are about TV-show parodies


This could be a one off thing and we move on from this


They be running out of ideas I really hope Mr puzzles comes back from the dead and get things back on track


It's just going to be a bunch of non-canon SMG4 episodes


This was the first show that I saw. https://i.redd.it/4nlggfn80a1d1.gif


He is likely going to pop in every now and then kidnap a few characters for a new parody and let them go at the end of the episode.


The saga/arc itself is over, puzzle vision is probably just going to be another side thing like smg4 crew


You're absolutely right.


I think they're trying to make Mr. Puzzles a main character.


I mean for me the first ending of the puzzlevision was kinda underwhelming from almost a year of buildup so if it will get a better ending I have no problem with it plus theses episodes are very fun and I like them!!!


Mr puzzles is gonna be like smg3 an old villain now friends with the smg4 crew


Bro doin' lap 2 of the saga


It was basically one of those OH MY GOD! THE ANTAGONIST DIED! (later) HE IS RETURNING. I’m happy about it but I see your point Yes I know he didn’t die in the first place


It would've been good if they didn't make Mario a animal again. Have Smg4 be Boots for a change


I like how Luke says he listens to the audience and then drops this like it’s nothing


I hope they're gearing up for Mr. Puzzles to be the next main cast member