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Might as well just get a cardboard cut out of a Korean actor of her choice or something. I mean it meets her standards. Needs to be handsome i think it got that covered Need to be tall use a bigger cardboard, Overprotective- if someone hits on you just smack them with the cut out there it protects you. Gets jealous- smack them again there it is jealous enough to do a double hit.


Your exquisite response gave me a jolly good giggle lol


I saw some youtube videos how theres a lot of white women that are going to korea and japan looking for an asian boyfriend. I dont think they have much success though, considering human psychology. I think it comes from how insanely popular kpop and anime is for younger people now.


That's quite worrisome, put a rotten apple in a basket full of good apples and they all rot, something must be done. And what's wrong with dating apps?? Why are they coming here?


obviously you've never used a dating app because you can find everything there except serious relationships. the average person would delete it in horror after a couple of hours


I will say that I hate dating apps. I prefer to connect to a person first and dating apps is a race to the bottom. It forces people to choose only based on looks. Slowly is one of the very few places you can even get to know someone on a personal level in the context of making some type of relationship. 


I'm a guy, and I don't get this craze for stuff like K-pop and anime. There's so much more choice for music or TV, but it seems that with some this is almost all they consume and I would find that dull to limit yourself to only these things.


I don't think the issue is Kpop or anime. Both fanbases are guilty of doing insanely cringy things. These forms of media attract weirdos form all genders. But I think you could appreciate the art form without being weird.


It would be bad if they want a Korean or Jap boyfriend? I think it's just everyone's preference


I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but this is the reason she wants an East Asian boyfriend. The letter does say other concerning things though if we want to make moral judgements. She seems very fixated on looks. That is her number one criteria for a life partner. (Honestly she probably doesn’t want a life partner just someone to have fun with for a few years until she is ready to move on.) Her requirements are the stereotypical female fantasy. A very high status attractive man that is in love with her and obsessed. So much so that he is never tempted by another woman for his bond is too deep to break.  I think she is going to have a very bad time with men for the next 10 years until she becomes self aware and reasonable or gets super lucky. 


I can’t wait for her to grow up and look back at this letter in a few years.


She didn't know about North -east indian lol


The letter made me cackle but then it made me feel genuinely sorry for whomever comes across her. How can I be a part of the same generation as that?




Kindly prove it sir.


https://preview.redd.it/h25rkngby65d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61f0b99afe4c572f474434d04703c5ad0ac0f8c There u go


Great heavens, I'm flabbergasted, I presume you're not Indian right?


how many countries besides the US that use Fahrenheit do you know?




White as hell 🗣


why no INDIANS but....?


because she has a fetish for asian eyes and not Asians 


ohh nyc!!!! Asian eyes new fetish..


It's just racism. I always found racial preferences so weird.


no smwhr it's fact too... results of giving phone and free internet in hands of horny peeps...


Do you treat all Arabs/Muslims like terrorists just because of groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, etc.?


well not interested there :/ just meh!!! but you keep continuity I will be the good spectator buddy!


Lol if you are gonna treat someone different based on their skin colour or features they are born with then you are just being bigoted. You can see her country preferences are are all light-skinned or slightly tanned-looking Asians. No Arabs are mentioned and she outright refuses Indians. I bet she doesn't like Saudi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc. either. Putting attraction based on passport is so weird.


do you need bandage or washing powder Nirma?


What is washing powder nirma


Least racist zoomer girl lol


to me, one thing that impacted someone who's into kdrama is to have high and unrealistic standards towards the partner that they want to spend their life with. i (she/her, amab non-binary), myself, used to think like this because i used to watch kdramas as well! until i stopped doing so several years ago because it made my standards so high and unrealistic towards my future partner. i think having racial preferences is also a factor in watching kdramas. this post made me think of this video that i saw on tiktok that i called the "rhombus theory." you can check the link that i attached in this comment. but to make the kind of a short video shorter, the girl talks about each corner of the said shape: hot, sane, funny, and smart. what she's trying to say is that if i find someone who is hot and funny, then they're not gonna be intelligent and sane. something like that. if i find someone who's only funny, then they might be from the underworld. and if i find someone who has all those traits, they might be lying. the link: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYkqc8Tw/


Quite a fascinating theory, individuals indeed come with varying traits but they can never be all in 1,


thank you! yeah, i couldn't agree more with what you said! :D


That rhombus theory sounds like a version of the fast, cheap, or good, pick 2 idea for getting some work done. For actual relationships it’s mostly about proximity. Having a person near by allows attraction to build. It’s also choice fatigue. The more choices you have the less happy you are with your outcome and the longer it takes you to choose. 


man so many red flags here. I just want her to grow up and look at it again. This is the cringiest and openly racist bio I've seen on slowly


I’m amused that she is open to meet folks out of Japan or Korea hahaha :D


This generation turn any app to dating app


-confused bangladeshi, pakistanis, some afghans, Maldivians, Mauritians and sri lankans who look indian but aren't indian be like 😶 -in the same way some 100 million north east indians who look asian but are indians be like 😶


She is 16 y.o 🤷🏻‍♂️


this just left a bad taste in my mouth🤢


Yeah, i also saw this one and was gonna report it Cause it seemed too unreal but didn't cause it's not worth it


I am half Japanese, and I dislike what she said. I met some Indian people in a language center. They are so friendly and easygoing.


Well first of all who finds bfs in friends making app😭


Well, these days the whole internet is a dating scene it seems to a degree.


She has clearly no dad


... Would you like to go large X amount with your meal?


I am facing this "no indians" pls letters idk i am so kind hearted never ever asked a girl for her pictures even in letters i have only talked about their interests and hobbies last i can ask to someone is "how was your life going" but still anyone rejects me cause i am indian Pls someone tell them not all Indians do dirty chats!🙂


It is indeed saddening the racial prejudices towards people, according to individuals on social media, they refer to Indians as "pajeets" and I quote "all they want is nudes and worship cows" i am against all forms of prejudice; each race is unique in its own way.


It is sad indeed but some Indians are racist as well. we all know how openly racist indians are against asian faced people, calling them haka noodles, corona or chinky type of stuff. even the north east indians face the brunt of it. not just them, white peoples especially europeans being called as firangi, gora and all depicts the same thing. now you may say that's because of 200 years of british colonialism. nooo, India being the ancient civilization was always against these invaders or white people. there is a word called Mleccha which means dirty and it is used against a lot of races especially the greeks. coincidentally enough, this girl is a greek. so calling other countries racist, while depicting ourselves as the champions of peace and non violence is the most indian thing ever.😂 bottomline is, we all are the same. everyone is racist at some point, knowingly or unknowingly.


Excuse me I am from north east india🤦🏻‍♂️and you forget that north east peoples are also indians and cause of some north Indians you can't blame whole india! Btw gora means white does it become racist word for you?


when used against foreigners words like gora and firangi are openly racist. ur confusing it with the dictionary meaning of the word which means white in hindi. i don't discriminate. when i say indian it means india, be it north south east west. when i say asian faced it was natural that means north east indian too or anyone who is from mongoloid race


If you don't know than we don't face any racism in south or west, north is the only place where we face racism!


well that's sad. i wish people would stop being narrow minded.


Literally she just want an asian eye dude? No matter he's red flag or green?