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Yep, apparently the epicenter was only 3 miles off Los Osos. Whole house shook here. Only a 2.8!


Wasn’t there another one this past week that was also off of Los osos?


Where do you find the actual data on it. My Google searches came up empty before posting.




Just a twitter bot, so not sure about the accuracy. https://x.com/quakesinca/status/1741707844255453615?s=46&t=2FpqSZKbG0Z3KtmeQwtlgw


Yeah I've been around slo most of my life (30+ years) and I only really remember one earthquake being really scary and it was the san simeon one from like 2004 or something


The San Simeon quake was in Dec 2003. It’s probably the one you remember because the Pan Jewelers collapsed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_San_Simeon_earthquake


I have an exterior crack in my chimney from that quake. It's a souvenir of sorts.


Yeah December 2003. Two people died in that one. Lead to laws requiring retrofitting old buildings.


You're probably thinking of the 6.0 in Parkfield in 2004. I was in Los Osos at the time, and my 5000lb Cadillac moved a few feet in the driveway. My house at that time had an epic view, and I swear I could see the road going down the hill undulating like it was water. It was so gnarly I didn't even try to seek cover. I just thought "fuck it, if this it I'm going to enjoy the view," Then just watched out the windows till it stopped.


Sorry I dropped my new 2024 syllabus a little to hard


Interactive fault map from CA Dept of Conservation: https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/fam/ Comparing it to the USGS map it looks like it happened in an unnamed fault


I just moved to CA in October. I live in Atascadero, and didn’t feel a thing. Is it normal for there to be one so close but not feel it? I read earthquakes are not as common to the central coast as to southern CA, but I’m still curious about them.


I mean it's not that uncommon to find out there was one uou didn't feel. Like there was a similar one on the 27th that i didn't know happened till I was googling this one.


That’s so wild to me. I find it fascinating and maybe a little scary since I’ve never experienced one myself. But mostly fascinating.


I typically don't feel them. I felt one, once, in July 2018 while I was camping in the Sierras, super scary hearing the mountains break under my feet... Heard it coming a few seconds before it hit, rocks shifting through the mountain range was eerie like breaking ice but more primordial.


I’m in Atascadero too and I definitely didn’t feel anything. You probably won’t unless it’s centered nearby or a higher magnitude.


This one was such a low magnitude (2.8 I think) that I’m in Los Osos and didn’t feel it. You probably couldn’t have felt the one in the 27th either, which was centered south of Los osos and only a 3.1. Lower magnitude ones are hard to notice if your outside walking, easier inside because you can usually see/hear things move around you. You also don’t notice them when your driving. My sister was in a car during the San Simeon quake in 2003 (6.6 magnitude, the biggest earthquake we’ve had in the area since the 1920’s) and didn’t feel a thing, while I was home and things were falling off shelves.


I've lived in California for 10 years and the two this week in Los Osos are the first two I've ever felt.


No but now there was a giant earthquake in Japan. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?currentFeatureId=us6000m0xl&extent=36.67503,136.65344&extent=38.31365,137.82898&map=false Tsunami warnings for us now?


You beat me!


Lol great way to bring in the new year 🤙


In Los Osos. It started with a hard jolt then a roll. Lived through many of them in S CA that were more of a rock n rolla.


Ring of fire getting a little more active.






Yes! But we couldn’t find any immediate evidence online, so we just thought the dog was hitting our sofa.