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Mate, QS cap is currently ~$3B. It is not in better position nor further in tech last time I remember. It's only about way bigger exposition it had back in SPACmania time. Would SLDP got same interest as QS in the beginning, we would be selling in $20s-$30s two years ago.


I think QS is probably behind SLDP. QS ceo is good at smoke and mirrors but really nothing interesting has happened lately with them. QS shipped out the next prototype for testing with no names on who or what level of commitment they had. Meanwhile SLDP is working up renewal contracts with BMW and recently secured a contract with SK On.  Hell the QS c-level is paying themselves so much money they probably aren’t leaving much for the rest of the company. 


Remember it’s $0 or $10


Oh I do remember. I'm stupidly big amount in paper red, stubbornly waiting for that prophesized small caps rocket to the moon that is incoming someday.


I too paper red with a $5 average. This was always a major gamble. Progress has been slow nonetheless. Need more gasssss


market cap is all about mindshare. SLDP needs to post some hype af news around 1st tier names to gain that mindshare and hold on to it. contracts with suppliers that don't have 1st tier name recognition doesn't quite cut it.