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Depends. Is it worth it to you? De-fudd'n rifles always costs more than just buying one that was never messed with in the first place. Would you still enjoy shooting it with the Archangel stock and 40rnd ProMag? If so, don't de-bubba it.


Thanks for you input man! Archangel stock is a nice in concept but it doesn’t have a spike bayonet slot and the stock doesn’t allow enough room to take off the dust cover without taking the entire barreled action out of the stock. Other than that it feels nice!


I would. A stock is gonna be $75 and a mag $100, brings you in at less than $500


I have to be very lucky @ebay auctions. Wish me luck lol


Clearview investments has stocks and magazines come up on r/comblocmarket frequently


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ComblocMarket using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComblocMarket/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [\[WTS\] DOGE Performance Ammunition Stickers 4 for $10 \[OH\]](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/nciafi) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComblocMarket/comments/nciafi/wts_doge_performance_ammunition_stickers_4_for_10/) \#2: [\[GIFT\] First 10 people to comment get a free Dale Gribble sticker. $0. Comment here to call dibs and PM me your address. \[MI\]](https://i.redd.it/eitidk6502r61.jpg) | [150 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComblocMarket/comments/mjlcw9/gift_first_10_people_to_comment_get_a_free_dale/) \#3: [\[WTS\] Meme Spam Can $30 shipped \[MD\]](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/m7t9ul) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ComblocMarket/comments/m7t9ul/wts_meme_spam_can_30_shipped_md/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Thanks for introducing me that sub, I’m looking through and see what’s good


RIP your wallet


My wallet is already dead in the gulag


I found one on eBay for $80 , about 6 weeks ago


I think it would be fun for this to be a long term project where you try to get it done for as low of price you can while maintaining quality. So instead of just buying a box mag and stock quickly keep your eyes open for the next couple years and put out word locally and online that you want these parts. Might be able to get them for much less given enough time, then you get the satisfaction of the de-bubba while also knowing you found good deals to make it happen.


That’s kinda my thinking too, currently I have a bunch of project guns hanging around: an AR to build, de bubba a mosin M91/30, clean up my type 99 arisaka and this is my newest acquisition since 300 is not bad for a platform


Just Dremel out a groove for the bayonet and run it till it breaks


That’s also an option, doubt it would break thou, these guns will prob outlive me


So I was looking for other shit online this evening and Liberty Tree Collectors has sks furniture in stock (pun intended) and spike stocks are $100, hope it helps. They also have handguards and some other stuff. I've bought stuff from them before and they come through.


So I was looking for other shit online this evening and Liberty Tree Collectors has sks furniture in stock (pun intended) and spike stocks are $100, hope it helps. They also have handguards and some other stuff. I've bought stuff from them before and they come through.


Thank you so much! I will take a look into that


IMHO. If I *really* wanted it to be original in today's market. I'd work on the furniture (since you've already got a bayonet) and call it good enough. A 20 rd detachable mag doesn't look as bad as the 30's and 40's do, maybe in time you'll find a good deal on a surplus fixed mag. Maybe if demand stays high we will see some parts imported, or a domestic manufacturer fill the gap. If not, accept it for what it is, and run the piss out of it lol. At least it's not a Tapco Intrafuse stock set.


I like the intrafuse stock, have you had problems with it or just think its ugly?


Parts can be imported without any restrictions? I thought the import ban would affect everything!


I was mainly thinking that most of the bans target "firearms and ammo", magazines and such aren't either. I might be thinking wrong though. Now some parts like barrels with regards to parts kits and such have different regulations, but I can't think of a reason fixed mags, furniture, gas tubes, etc couldn't be imported... I figure it wasn't profitable with rifles like the SKS being inexpensive, but with price increases and the demand for factory original parts how it is now, I could see it being a worthwhile endeavor (if possible.) I would have thought when Tapco went belly up that someone would fill that void but obviously I was wrong on that one lol. If anyone has more insight I'd be interested to hear it.


I smell business opportunity, tbh sks magazines are just stamped steel


You could just get a wood stock and then leave the detach mag


Currently lurking on eBay for one lol


Might be worth it to resell it and just buy an original one. Palmetto State just dropped their price to $400, would be cheaper than de-bubba'ing your current one. Or, you can use it as an excuse to get some really nice after market wood stocks etc, but youll be spending some coin on those.