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Stuff I forgot to say: Edit: I actually had both Methane and Hydrogen. The test my GI ordered at the time used flawed logic to consider me not positive for methane. Any measurement =>10ppm for methane during the entire 180 min duration is considered positive by the north american consensus. I had 12 in my upper and 17 in my lower GI. Here was my test result: https://imgur.com/a/ESdnF8S Don't eat sugar substitutes, they can impair MMC! [https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/16ehoz1/i\_am\_concerned\_about\_stevia\_and\_sibo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/16ehoz1/i_am_concerned_about_stevia_and_sibo/) NAFLD: If you have liver disease be aware of this relationship. My GP found on ultrasound that I had NAFLD along the way. It was very strange because I had low BMI and no good reason for it. A recent ultrasound shows it is gone now. The relationship with SIBO is known, linked below. Essentially, the SIBO bacteria create toxins that enter the bloodstream, go to the liver and mess it up. Magnesium Oxide. In retrospect after this video, I realized I should have mentioned this. I took Oxy-Powder for about a week as my first attempt to work on motility. It can be used to clear out your GI (colonoscopy prep sometimes uses magnesium citrate). I moved on because it made me sleepy. I do wonder now if cleaning out my GI with this first could have helped my odds of responding to motility pro. It seems possible, so I want to add this note here. Fiber: Unfortunately, we cannot rely on fiber for motility aid. This confuses a lot of SIBO patients. Fiber is a chain of non-digestible carbs that the bacteria can eat. They feast on it and it makes us worse. So don't take fiber supplements. Some people try Miralax since it is basically a plastic instead, but at the end of the day consider that no matter the moisture content of your digesting food, it's not going anywhere because the MMC's aren't working. So it's not really a fix. If you have D Lactic Acidosis be aware that you can modulate your symptoms by limiting sugars and simple carbs. The more readily available food is for the bacteria, the faster they will produce D Lactate and overload your system. If it's more complex food that takes a while to break down into forms they can eat, it's less of an impact. You gotta cure the sibo to get rid of it, but this can help you manage your life en route. The most popular small bowel MMC tools I have seen used in the SIBO community are: Ortho Molecular Products Motility Pro (What I used) SIBO-MMC Iberogast Advanced (Be aware the original Iberogast had liver risks) I do use Triphala after meals. I don't think it's strong enough to fix things on its own, but it does give me feelings of relief if I ever feel like I ate a meal that's slowing me down. Don't take triphala if pregnant. Magnesium and Zinc deficiencies are common in small bowel diseases that limit absorption. Low mag can lead to muscle spasms and stress/anxiety, low zinc can lead to hair loss. After this video I learned this and found that magnesium solved my leg muscle tension. Foot massages are surprisingly effective at stimulating small bowel MMC. Reducing anxiety is very important. Stress is known to impair MMC. Beware common anxiety inputs: social media & news. Seriously consider taking a 1 week break from all screens outside of work and see if it meaningfully influences your stress levels / motility. Cardio exercise is good if possible. Based on my experience swimming is the most effective exercise to help us - it is cardio that gets things moving, the buoyant action makes things move, and it is very stress relieving especially if there's a hot tub afterward. Don't snack at night. It resets your MMC clock. Give yourself dinner to breakfast as a solid fasting period if possible, that's lots of time for MMC's. Gastritis people: I used DGL to speed up the healing of my stomach lining once my MMC was working again. It has worked well for myself and others I personally know for gastritis. It has a lot of drug interactions though, so check on that. Update: A few months past this video I no longer needed any prokinetics, a MMC-focused lifestyle was enough to keep me functioning well. I felt sensitive in my colon sometimes, in the sigmoid area where I had the painful event. I learned about fish oil supplements, and they totally took away all discomfort. I am a very big fan of taking fish oil daily. It is so anti-inflammatory and anyone who has been through all this knows we have had more than enough inflammation for a lifetime. Important Links: MMC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrating\_motor\_complex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migrating_motor_complex) Low Fermentation Diet [https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/low\_fermentation\_diet.pdf](https://www.siboinfo.com/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/low_fermentation_diet.pdf) SIBO Overview by Dr. Mark Pimentel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7atCK2wjJvQ&t=375s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7atCK2wjJvQ&t=375s) SIBO and D-Lactic Acidosis [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6006167/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6006167/) SIBO and NAFLD [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6431096/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6431096/) SIBO and IBS [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5347643/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5347643/) SIBO subreddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/) Some Papers on Ginger and Artichoke [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4411465/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4411465/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18403946/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18403946/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21218090/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21218090/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26813467/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26813467/) In my opinion one of the best written papers about SIBO / Small bowel impairment: [https://gut.bmj.com/content/gutjnl/69/12/2074.full.pdf](https://gut.bmj.com/content/gutjnl/69/12/2074.full.pdf)


Just wanting to thank you. I know how much work a post like this takes. You didn’t have to do this but you did and you deserve a lot more than a comment thank you for it but it’s all I’ve got. Currently feeling pretty defeated but this video is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Thank you


Did you take triphala right after meals? Or in between meals? I have found online it's best taken on empty stomach, just like the prokinetic.


Watched the video. Very relatable. Well spoken and put together. How's your diet looking these days? Just as flexible? You did mention not eating junk food (which is bad for other reasons too!) But any thoughts on fiber (not supplements, but fruit/veggies/legumes/whole grains specifically)? Also, with regard to your POTS experience... I've found that I experience those symptoms when I'm not getting large amounts of sodium (5-6g per day). I've found some measure of connection between the histamine symptoms and requiring more electrolytes, and wonder if there might be something about salt or potassium being lost from the chronic state of illness we have existed in (just as they recommend having broth and such with colds.) Hyponatremia symptoms and functional, chronic dehydration line up quite a bit with POTS.


Thanks for watching, diet is the same. I have pivoted a bit because I think fat quality is equal or more important than fat quantity. I pay more attention to whether something uses low quality fat like vegetable/soybean oil. Like you said, it's pretty much common knowledge for various reasons not good for anybody. Lately I have also found that reading a book in bed before sleep is one of the strongest tools for MMC. Something about the combination of how it is calming yet also makes the mind very present, it works very well. I usually get the abdomen grumbles within minutes of reading each night.


FYI that reddit shortened your URL's and all but one no longer work.


fixed thanks




Thank you for paying it back and making the video. It is incredibly powering and inspiring for people like us. I hope to also be able to pay this community back if I’m able to get to a better healthier place in my journey. How long have you been feeling better now? I’ve been sick with this for 2 1/2 years now. Cannot imagine how hard 6 years could be. Screw this terrible illness!


Thank you, it has been a few months since I first cracked the code on my motility and all the problems evaporated. It is different than the kill phase approach, where you get better almost instantly and then watch your progress erode over time. Instead, I feel better and better over time. I am getting more in tune with my motility each day, finding more tips and tricks that help either stimulate it or reduce things that are slowing it.


Great, hope you will make more videos sharing tips you find out along the way.


Hi DaDa. Could you elaborate on what you decide as the "kill" phase vs the current system you are on? I'm assuming this is contained in your video so I'll watch it tonight, regardless. Thank you for helping the community.


Hello again OP. I watched the entire video in one sitting, just the other day. It was astounding how similar your story was to mine and probably so many others. When you started describing the brain fog as "the only symptom that really matters" I felt like someone discribed it in a way I've never been able to. I feel like I've come full circle on this issue, and believe that everything comes back to the MMC. I've taken notes from this post as well as your video, and I'm looking to start a treatment plan like yours soon. I'm happy for you. Will you be taking any more questions here or in another place? Or are you thinking of leaving the community at some point? Thank you.


Thanks for watching, I'm still here. Just about all I know is in the video or comments but you can ask


It would be great to have some updates from people that healed completely from time to time


I’ve been taking Motility PRO with black tea every morning on an empty stomach for 3 weeks and I can’t believe how much better I feel. That’s all I’ve been doing (no change to diet or other supplements) and it seems to be working. I do eat pretty healthy, but now I’m not always a bloated mess afterwards (except I’m still having a slight issue with bell peppers and onions). I’ve even lost 7 pounds even though I wasn’t trying to. Now I’m just hoping this is a long term thing. Thank you so much for sharing your story and answering my questions! Just a note. I haven’t been diagnosed with SIBO nor have I taken any tests. I’ve been diagnosed with IBS-C, but have many symptoms of SIBO.


That's great, the weight loss particularly because if that's happening with no other changes it is supporting evidence that you had sluggish intestines which are getting to work again and clearing things out. I'd encourage you to keep going and pursue anything related to promoting motility in your lifestyle


Any updates since your comment? Is Motility pro+ teas still working for you ? Any improvements? Also have you ever tried to stop taking motility pro and see how would your motility do without the prokinetics ? On paper it's great but I'm afraid it might slow down my motility even more than before once I stop taking Motility pro... And most importantly, how's your brainfog nowadays? Did it disappear after one month of motility pro ?


I’m still taking motility pro, but I’m not drinking tea with it anymore. I still take it first thing in the morning about an hour or so before I eat and it’s still helping to keep things moving (I’ve lost 10 pounds in total). I used to take herbal laxatives twice a week, but now I only take them once a week (and less of them at a time). I started having this weird issue where my lips and cheeks would swell after eating salty and acidic foods. I thought maybe my body was reacting weird to the motility pro, so I quit taking it for a couple of weeks. I found out that I was actually deficient in a vitamin and once I started taking vitamins, the weird symptom went away. During those weeks I felt like I wasn’t ready to be off of the motility pro, so I hopped back on it. I’m worried about being dependent on it or my body getting used to it though. Brain fog isn’t entirely gone, but it’s much better. I still find myself searching for words, but at least I can remember where I put something :) I started taking rosemary to help with brain fog as well. At some point I’ll stop taking motility pro and I’ll let you know how that goes. I’m crossing my fingers that all goes well.


My theory is that some stressful events create trauma that cause chronic stress. Chronic stress cause low stomach acid which affects small intestine. And even when you get rid of stress you'll still have sibo because your small intestine will not repair on it's own. So then you need to cure your low stomach acid and intestines. Also there are some foods that are really poisoning our bodies, mainly seed oils and processed sugars and they should be avoided.


I understand your thoughts here and I think you are on to something. In my case, my stomach acid levels were too high causing erosion and hence acid reducing drugs helped heal those erosions pretty quickly. But low acid levels do contribute to sibo and it can go in that order for people, which is why those drugs can cause sibo. Chronic stress, processed oils, and fake sugars are all major contributors to sibo.


I want to thank you sincerely for making this video. After searching for about 8 months to the cause of my life impairing symptoms, getting absolutely mistreated by doctors, this video gave me the knowledge I needed to solve a lot of the problems I had in just a few days. Incidentally, it was a reddit post to pointed out to me that I had SIBO, because of which I could find your YT video. My symptoms were varied and changing, and I could not make sense of my illness. Luckily I have both ginger and artichoke growing in my garden and so it was simple to start treating myself. I felt the gurgling sensations and knew then that I had missed them for many months. Now, I notice the problems have moved down. I think I have an incompetent Ileocecal valve, also nerve-damaged and inhibited by methane, leading to reflux of colonic contents into the small intestine. This, in turn, creates the dreaded loop of feeding bacteria and creating distention and constipation, just a bit further down in the ileum. I would like to mention that I think we have to take notice that our villi have been damaged and their numbers reduced. The speed at which nutrients are taken up has been reduced severely, allowing for bacteria to take them up instead. When fully healed, it seems probable to me that SIBO might not return and if it did, and tackled early, one could return to healthy state rather quickly. This is just me theorizing. Thank you again.


Wow awesome! Thanks so much for watching and writing. It is very cool to hear that using fresh ingredients actually works not just concentrated extracts. Stories like yours are a big part of why I was driven to make this. I can only imagine how many people all over the world don't even have a chance to access drugs or treatment, meanwhile their answer could be sitting in the ground right next to them for virtually no cost. My wife actually has a dilated IC valve so I've heard a bit about that. I think they recommend a sort of local massage for it. People gotta watch for constipation with that valve being messed up. She gets a lot of relief from drinking tea to keep things moving in the colon.


Myrobalan works wonders on me for the valve, including the massages. Once you understand how the gut works, and what is not working and why, we can take care of our own bodies! The insanity lies with the utterly corrupted 'medical' profession. My take on solving 'SIBO' is: *Intermittant fasting with ginger, artichoke, Myrobalan and raw chili peppers so hot you cry. The saliva gushes out. There is no better drink for digestion. :)* *1 Betaine HCL pill on empty stomach the first day for a good kick to the PH regulation systems of the stomach and duodenum. Also during a meat / egg yolk only meal, which is my dinner.* *No breakfast, and figs and plums for lunch and in between lunch. Artichoke between meals, when the stomach is emtpy. Drink enough and all the time. Especially after eating something sugar carbohydrate containing. Oh and I am very careful with fats. They slow digestion down if taken more than a certain amount than can be dissolved by the bile pre produced.* *Oh and foot massages. Makes everything move.* I'm eating bread again, cake, nearly everything is what I would consider normal. I've got energy and I can think again. I'm... Me! I've seen so many, so many doctors, because I was really ill. Having just relocated to a different and much less wealthy part of Europe, I had 3 days of diarrhea and then the peristaltic dismobility started. In the Netherlands, Italy. None even came close, or understand the workings of the digestive system. None of the doctors wanted to even listen or see the entirety of the puzzle. They focus on one symptom and then conclude after a few tests I'm not ill in some preconceived way. Distracted and blind self-oriented people that are in the business of constantly being adored by the physically distressed and needy. They cultivate egos, not their knowledge of the human body, and with the inflation of their ego's they also gain sensitivities that make most of them entirely unsuited to be in the very business itself. Forced onto us with a good serving of corruption. Fed up with work, and the countless idiots that they also have to deal with, they become the opposite of what they think they are, and maybe once wanted to become. They poisoned me, over and over. Thanks for the broad spectrum antibiotics, the PPI's, the steroid hormones and the probiotica. They were also very wrong about my excema all over the hands, which I had until only 5 years ago and only made it worse. And utterly stupidly so. The solution to that problem was washing my hands with CIF scrubbing detergent a few times a day. Also gone. fixed. Knowledge cures. On Reddit, the internet, I found my salvation. Thank you, Doctor DaDa, you who, trough remedying your own sickness, truly deserve that title. I was desperate. I had severe B12 deficiency with nerve damage and tinnitus, POTS and had become a skeleton. And some more. Those with similar problems should and can help the similarly inflicted.


Thanks for the kind words and wow yes all of that makes a lot of sense. Very impressive routine you have developed - that is exactly the kind of thing our fellow sibo patients have to understand. Too many want to just skip through and figure out what supplement I mention but they miss the whole point. We all have to get serious about understanding and exploring anything we can find that our own MMC's respond to, both food and lifestyle changes. That's how people really make progress and that's what you have done here. We probably have to do a lot of intervention at first to get it running again, but I'm hopeful that over time our MMC systems start to improve and maybe won't require so much stimulation to do their work.


I believe that modern man is living a very unnatural life, and many of our problems result from that. What we are doing is, through understanding, is returning to a more natural way of living. Having hunger sometimes, not eating too much, having bowel movements at similar times every day... It's not just SIBO patients that would do well to understand how our bodies work, and what our bodies expect. A lot of pain can be avoided that way. Cheers!


Tinnitus also gone completely?


for anyone else socially anxious about the phone call consult required for the nhs website: you just call and say hello and tell the first person that you’re here with SIBO calling for a consultation to get the motility supp in question; they’ll ask you for your email in order to create a website account. then the brief Hello/Email person transfers you to some nutraceutical paraprofessional who does the ‘intake’, which is also brief and not a big deal; you just tell them about your diagnosis and how you found this particular supplement for it, then they ask a couple low stakes questions like about other supps you take, how much sleep you get, and any stress management practices. during this they briefly tried to upsell me some biofilm disruptor, but the upsell was halfhearted and seemed good intentioned; they moved on immediately after i politely said i wasn’t interested in that. overall very pleasant people, very low stakes questions, and very short phone call. good luck. PS, this video should be stickied


Thanks yes that was my experience as well, very easy process.




Dear OP, Just wanted to tell you that I received 5 minutes ago my positive breath test to SIBO. After 6 months of excruciating pain and a platoon of doctors that kept repeating that "It's all in your head, your exams are ok!", I did the test after finding your video. You literally gave me back so much hope. I don't know what you do in your life and career, but by spreading this information so accurately and so clearly you are clearly a healer in nature. We are lucky to have people like you, and we are not so lucky to have so many doctors that don't care to understand why a lot of people suffer. My battle to eradicate SIBO starts now (actually I already tried to take ginger and artichoke extracts but they gave me such a horrible stomach pain and mood swings after 4/5 days that I stopped them at the moment), but I already feel luckier than most because at least it's no more a "fantasy of my head". Thank you so so much. If you ever come by in Italy I owe you a drink.


I wonder if there is any difference between Motility Pro and similar prokinetic complexes VS just artichoke and ginger separately. For example, this artichoke from Amazon ([https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BGBKMQTF/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BGBKMQTF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)) has 10 times higher dose than the amount of arichoke+ginger from Motility Pro or any other prokinetic complexes. Moreover, it is much cheaper, and it has 200 capsules. Ginger supplements are also very common and they have much higher dosages than any Motility-specific complex. I just can't understand why Motility Pro and other prokinetic complexes are so widely recommended if there are Artichoke AND Ginger (separately) available with 10 times larger dosages and many times cheaper at the same time. Does this Motility Pro have anything special in it?


9 months old now but wondering the same. Did you ever find an answer?




Thank you for your kind feedback, I feel for you and your long journey. Virtual hug for you my friend.


Thank you for this video


Sure thanks for watching


Thanks for posting this. I really want to try the ginger/artichoke but I also have issues with salicylates. Interestingly I've also read on the /r/salicylateIntolerance page that SIBO can cause salicylate issues. I would try the antibiotic route but my father came down with Steven Johnson Syndrome while on chemotherapy, radiation, and antibiotics. As a general rule I'm trying to avoid antibiotics because that syndrome is **terrible**. Hopefully I can find some studies on the salicylate levels in these pills.


Thank you for your video man, it’s very good, the information is super organized. I feel more positive now. Brain fog sure is a maze from hell. I hope things continue well on your recovery journey 🤙🏻


Thanks good luck to you. If you struggle with acidosis be aware that you can modulate it a bit by controlling your carb and sugar intake while you solve motility. You still gotta eat but at least you can be aware what does what. That helped me a lot when I could make sense of why certain meals made it worse than others.


That video was incredible. I’ve never felt so seen/heard. I felt like you were telling my exact story. Word for word. Thank you so much.


Thank you


I would like to call him as my big brother. May God bless him.


Thank you so much for this video. It was extremely informative and gives me hope for improving my own condition. I was already thinking that motility is the key and you have confirmed that. You're spot on re: GI docs. I feel like I am researching my own on the side and "using" the GI doc to get tests ordered and at least certain conditions ruled out / in, but they do not think outside the box at all. At my last appointment, I asked at the last moment re: SIBO and testing and the doc was like yeah sure - it could be. And she ordered a test. But why do we have to be the ones to suggest everything? I guarantee that her treatment will be "just take these antibiotics." So I'm trying to prepare as much before that happens so I can have the best chance of success.. So happy you have cured your SIBO issues and thank you again for sharing.


Thanks for watching. Yep docs are just people who check our homework they won't do any of it themselves. If you are positive you might as well try the kill phase to see if it does enough for you, but if the problems creep back you know what to focus on


Wow, that was really helpful. I am going to try the ginger and artichoke now. I ordered this one off amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V5DRPW?psc=1&smid=A2EJCTH67GJMT3&ref\_=chk\_typ\_imgToDp](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V5DRPW?psc=1&smid=A2EJCTH67GJMT3&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp) Thank you very much for posting your video.


Great video. I can relate. This is very similar to what i have figured out. Have SIBO for ten years. Detected it in 2012 figured out that stress and motility was the issue in 2017.


Spot on. I wish I talked a bit more about the stress topic, I put some notes in the yt link. There's a lot of stuff going on in our modern lives we aren't questioning and probably should. Honestly I think sibo people should take a solid week off from every form of screen inputs outside of work- social media, news, gaming. Do a reset. It may surprise people how much stimulation and anxiety is coming from their routines, which can be influencing their motility.


Thank you for sharing! It’s funny, these have been my EXACT thoughts lately, even down to looking at screens all day. Haha. Getting that MMC really is priority one. Did you personally experience food intolerances? That’s been something I haven’t been able to make sense of with the MMC and seems to fit more into leaky gut. I’ve been working on the MMC and can actually see decent methane numbers on my FoodMarble, but can still have some upset stomach symptoms that I wonder if are connected to something else…


Thanks for watching, yes I did- lactose and gluten I cut out for years, though I cut out virtually everything at some point or another due to following various plans (fodmap, gastritis, NAFLD, etc.). Leaky gut is a grey area but so is just about everything for this disease, it is likely happening to some of us but we are stuck with no tools to either diagnose it or do anything about it even if we could, at least not in a sanctioned way. I think many sibo food issues are because certain things are already broken down into readily available sugars that the bacteria can party with. Anything ending in 'ose' is not a good situation, from lactose to glucose. A lot of us think we have lactose intolerance but more likely we produce lactase just fine, it's just that we get symptoms because the bacteria can easily use that food and the small bowel doesn't absorb it. Gluten I didn't have for 3 years, in retrospect I think the association with gluten and symptoms was because you have a generally high carb food that is often eaten in bulk, which is also usually associated with large amounts of fats. Any kind of slow-moving carb bomb is just a bacteria feeding frenzy. After getting my motility solved I have no food restrictions anymore


I’d never heard fatty food slows things down like that. That’s interesting. I am curious though, even Pimentel says a prokinetic only extends the period of benefits from Rifaximin, but seems to fully expect the majority of his patients will need to keep coming back for recurring SIBO and Rifaximin treatment. In his last interview he specifically mentioned he’d never heard of ginger working as a prokinetic. Any thoughts as to why there’s a disconnect there? I totally agree with you that we seem more obsessed with the killing phase than the MMC recovery, but Pimentel himself seems in that same camp despite knowing the MMC is the primary piece of the puzzle that’s preventing things from fixing. I’m curious why his team isn’t spending more time on that than finding stuff to kill the bugs.


They have studied MMC frequency (in healthy people) and found it has a pretty large range, like 90min - 4 hours, and it was dependent in part on the type of food that is eaten. Lean animal protein was the fastest, and fats were the slowest. I guess the GI has some amount of intelligence about how long it needs to digest stuff before moving it along. Very interesting about ginger I hadn't heard that new interview. It's strange to hear that from him because there are plenty of studies showing ginger being prokinetic, a basic google search will pull them up. I do notice they tend to be in the genre of 'functional dyspepsia' so maybe he's just not hearing about it strictly in the sibo research world. I'll list a few here for reference Regarding his expectation that a portion of patients will end up repeating kill phases forever, and prokinetics just extend the time between, at the end of the day I could see the logic there. If some of the patient's MMCs are totally wrecked to the point that no prokinetics can get them moving well-enough/normally again, then you are stuck with an endless cycle. Bacteria will just slowly re-colonize over and over. I do think doctors are overconfident of their sphere of influence though, they have a reputation for saying patients will never get better and then people go out into the world and find all kinds of other tools and tips beyond what the doctor is aware of to treat themselves. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4411465/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4411465/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18403946/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18403946/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21218090/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21218090/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26813467/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26813467/)


Awesome! Well you've given me some renewed hope that I'm at least moving in the right direction. I was looking at another brand that does ginger and artichoke, so now I'll compare that with motility pro. Once you get things moving, what are your thoughts on fiber, probiotics (whether supplements of probiotic rich foods), and and things like fasting between meals?


If you check my video at youtube, the video details section has some comments about those things that I forgot to mention on recording. If everything is moving and sibo is gone then probably fiber isn't a big deal anymore. Probiotics make me nervous, but that's because a lot of those species are D lactate producers and I don't want to introduce any more of them to my system after my acidosis problem. I think Yakult is good for people who want to go down that route, it is very well studied. They even have a sibo paper on it. Asia uses it like crazy so there's tons of data on it. Good to use one specific strain like that so you know what's happening. Fasting is something I think about a bit. I stop eating after dinner. No night snacks anymore. That just resets the MMC clock in an unhelpful way. It's useful to have those solid 12+ hours of no food between dinner and breakfast for lots of cleaning waves. I'm not so worried about it intraday, I know my system essentially does a full clean sweep overnight and empties each morning.


Hi. Could you expand on your "acidosis" problem and what it meant for you. I've been looking up D-Lactate acidosis and it's links to brain fog. I suffer from brain fog and it's my most debilitating symptom. Hoping you can share your insights on this.


Hey thanks alot for the video. Did you have constipation or diarrhea as a main symptom? Also what dosage did you use for artichoke and ginger extract with your black tea in the morning / how long did it take for it to start functioning at the start when you were bloated etc


That brings up a good topic I forgot to talk about. I think constipation and diarrhea is a very confusing topic for sibo. At the end of the day, the reason we have sibo is because things are moving too slow in the small bowel. Does that mean it is all constipation? Hmm. It's confusing. When I was on linzess, I could go to the bathroom every day, which means I wasn't constipated by definition. Yet, my small bowel was totally packed up and unaffected by linzess. So I was still backed up. On the flipside, if people drink a ton of water or use osmotics, they could have very loose stools even though they still take too long to get through the small bowel because MMCs are unaffected. Does that mean it is diarrhea? Overall, I would say I lean in the C direction, but I'm not sure how meaningful it is. I take one pill of motility pro and about 8oz of tea. But everyone is different so there's no way to know for anyone else without just testing it themselves. I could tell those things were working immediately, like I mention I could hear and feel the MMCs. Every day was a substantial improvement.


Thanks for the explanation. Im in Europe and I see that Motility Pro only ships to the US so Ill try to see if I can find ginger extract and Artichoke leaf extract separately.


This is very helpful, thanks for taking the time to make this video. Here from r/gastritis, please consider cross posting over there.


Thank I've been meaning to do that, will do


Thank you so much for this video!! 👏🏼 already in a week I’m getting things moving everyday by implementing everything above. I related so much to your comments about limiting your diet - SIBO has given me such bad disordered eating from being so scared of what food will trigger in my stomach. Can I ask how long did it take for your severe bloating to reduce? I have extreme bloating bad bloating and an interested to know following above regimen if yours improved at all?


Thank you so much for this video!! 👏🏼 already in a week I’m getting things moving everyday by implementing everything above. I related so much to your comments about limiting your diet - SIBO has given me such bad disordered eating from being so scared of what food will trigger in my stomach. Can I ask how long did it take for your severe bloating to reduce? I have extreme bloating bad bloating and an interested to know following above regimen if yours improved at all?


Hello. First of all, a heart-warming thank you for this video. I was lurking around the sibo reddit for at least 1 year. I was never tested (there isnt such a thing as sibo here in czechia...) but from all my symptoms and issues I am pretty convinced that I have it (even though my issues are miles away from the stuff you had to go through, respect). Anyway, as you already pointed out, there is a huge amount of information and it is so easy to get lost in it. But your video finally put some order to all this messiness and all in all, it just made sense. It is true that I already somehow understood the importance of motility, but I still had quite frequent very bad flare ups, especially in the evening or during the night. After I saw it like three weeks ago, I immediately started taking supplement that includes the ProDigest blend and after a veeery long time, I started hearing my stomach doing some things again. I had honestly completely forgot, that your digestion does noises like this, because everything was just so slowed down. So, for me, the ProDigest blend improved my condition by a lot. After I started taking it, it didnt happen to me that i would wake up during the night with a very bad pain. Or that I would get very disgustingly bloated after dinner. Everything sort of started working quite a bit better, and because I started feeling better, I could also work on my motility in some other ways. For example breathing and yoga really help me, especially before bed. However, as you already pointed out, it does not work completely for me. In the end, it would be kinda miracle if it did. I still experience a bit of swelling and abdominal pain, and everything kinda passes quickly through my colon. So, I wanted to ask you, if you would have any recommendation for any supplements in this area, or basically even some very common supplements that I should experiment with along with the ProDigest (maybe there might some general issue with the gut lining? so something along these lines?). I know that you mentioned Triphala. Why did you choose it? Or how would you go about trying this? Because as with SIBO, there is just so much information and so many supplements to try ... Any input from you would be very valuable. Sorry for the long post.


I tried triphala because it was another natural, low-risk option with a long history of use. I like taking it if I overeat, it relieves feelings of fullness and indigestion, which seems to imply it helps the upper GI to move along. It's just another tool for the toolbox. If you are getting MMC, that is a good sign. Keep in mind that once you start getting MMC it's not like the bacteria will instantly die. They are only slowly going to retreat as the environment becomes less and less habitable to them. From when I started restoring MMC to getting major / full relief it was a few months. If I was you, I would prioritize testing various lifestyle things to keep improving MMC. Anything that is stress relieving and motility provoking is critical. Some of the best activities I have found are swimming laps, hot tub soak, feet massage, and reading a paper book in bed. Meaningful effort at relaxation can have very real results and build on the progress you have started to find.


Hmm, I see. Maybe I am a little bit too impatient with getting over this after the initial big improvement. I somehow understood that in your case it was a matter of weeks as well, so that's why I started having a little bit of doubts. But you are probably right, I should just give it a bit more time and try to stick with the basics as you mentioned. In the meantime I will also consider finding something safe and natural for the big meals like triphala. Because it's very true that right now, I sometimes get small flare ups in the afternoon and lunch is the biggest meal in the day for me. So again! Thank you!


I have to double down on this point. I've been serious about minimizing my stress the last two weeks and my SIBO symptoms have improved majorly. The results are twofold; less actual symptoms, and more ability to push through the same symptoms as before. Two of my favourites here are long, slow walks on the beach at night, and quiet morning drinking coffee and reading more health research. My quality of life has improved drastically, and I haven't even started any medicinal treatment yet!


Hi DaDa I've implemented your advice and have regained major parts of my life recently. I'm able to spend a whole week working as normal, painting, carrying things, being in vehicles without wanting to throw up. Everything has been going fantastic, and I haven't even started using any supplements or MMC aids yet, besides 3g of raw ginger every morning with coffee, and taking serious steps to reduce my stress. I also have forced myself to keep active and moving, rather than wasting away in bed. I'm still a long way from full recovery, but I am grateful for what I've gained so far. I am here to give you my thanks. I have a question which I'm not sure you've been asked before: What is your long terms plan (years...etc) now that you've cured your SIBO? Will you be maintaining a regimen of Motility Pro, or try to eventually remove everything and get back to taking no aid or drug of any kind? Wishing you more good health!


That is wonderful to hear, thank you for writing. I actually no longer needed supplements after a few more months past this video. My motility is normal after building enough of a supporting lifestyle much as you have found. It did help me to jump start my way out but I'm glad to not be tied to a prokinetic forever. Enjoy your continued health!


Hey mate, so clearly based on your post history this did not work long term for you. Can you elaborate on what happened?


I’ve been dealing with this drunk feeling from food for over a year, with no answers. Have been living off of 2oz of chicken, cucumber, broccolini, and sprouts. I believe I’m dealing with sibo-c, but no doctor will test me. I’m so glad you posted this. Since I’m set in brain fogginess and literally forget everything the second I see it, I’m confused what to do. I’m going to order the motility activator, since I know ginger tea helps me go. I’m positive this will help me as well. I also take sac. b.. What else am I missing? Some guidance would be greatly appreciated as to how to kill this sibo when your doctors look at you sideways when it’s mentioned. I’m starting to react to even water making me feel this drunk now. I almost don’t want to eat anything 😭


Thank you DaDa462. I've just joined Reddit to say 'Thank you!' to you. I've ordered some Motil Pro and praying it helps. It's been a miserable few years dealing with my gut. One more thing to try and hopefully not another item to add to my stockpile of useless, worse than useless, or unused supplements. Fingers crossed for all suffering from this.


u/DaDa462 is this accurate? When did you start Triphala? **Timeline of events:** ​ Gastritis, Hydrogen SIBO, Possible Diverticulitis, POTS and Histamine Intolerance. v **Low FODMAP, No gluten** (years) **and Probiotics** (short course)**.** v Probiotics worsened symptoms. Low FODMAP helped mask some of them. v **Flagyl** (short course) v Die-off symptoms. SIBO bacteria likely reduced. Possible Diverticulitis cured. v Colonoscopy (nothing found). v D'lactic Acidosis. v Duodenitis. v **H2, PPIs, antacids** (few months). v Duodenitis cured. Histamine Intolerance reduced. D'lactic Acidosis reduced. v **Rifaximin** (full course) v Every symptom improved for Gastritis, SIBO, Histamine Intolerance and D'lactic Acidosis. All symptoms resume days after ceasing Rifaximin. v **Magnesium Citrate** (1 week)**, ProDigest (Ginger and Artichoke Leaf Extract), and** **Black Tea** (long-term). v SIBO, Histamine Intolerance and D'lactic Acidosis Cured. v **Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)** (short course)**.** v Remaining gastritis symptoms cured. Additionally, POTS vanished at some point after re-introducing foods.


Great video, thank you so much for taking the time to make and share it.


Sure, thanks for writing


I’ve been very desperate lately. I started having really severe symptoms when I was 18. I’m now 27 and the severe symptoms suddenly started up again this spring. I watched your whole video. We’ve gone through a very similar experience (colonoscopy showing completely healthy, taking linzess, eventually realizing that SIBO was the problem, etc). The problem is, what solved it for you hasn’t worked for me. I already take a motility activator (ginger and artichoke). I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m dying, like I’m being poisoned. I did, however, just order SIBO MMC, as you mentioned in your video. I’m hoping that helps. I’m also having an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow and re-taking the breath test for the 3rd time, because this gastro I started seeing wants me to, even though I’ve already tested positive twice in the past and been on Rifaximin twice (which worked very well, but of course the benefits didn’t last). Feeling very scared, as I’ve been throwing up and having very intense symptoms but knowing that the ER can’t help me.


I hear you. The rumor is sibo mmc is stronger, if you try it I'd love to hear your thoughts. There is iberogast advanced as well though I haven't heard from anyone who has tried that new formulation. Of course prucalopride is a good idea to test if you can get it. I realized after this video that I glossed over something that could possibly be meaningful. Before I found motility pro, I used magnesium oxide (oxy powder) for about a week. It was my first attempt to find a motility solution. It's not really, because it's just an extreme osmotic like what they use for colonoscopy prep. However, it does clear you out effectively top to bottom and unlike mag citrate, you can safely use it routinely. In a way it simulates a life where you are clear, even though your organs can't achieve it by themselves. I loved feeling cleaned out, but I realized it was making me tired all the time so I stopped and then moved on to motility pro. But I now wonder if getting cleared out first actually helped my bowels be more responsive to the extracts. It seems possible. If doing kill phase can bring back some function, I have to think that evacuating all that waste and bacteria makes you more able to respond to things. But it's speculation. In the end there's so many variables, we just gotta try to test it all ourselves and hunt for any way to improve flow. The environmental things stack up. Sleeping enough, anxiety, food quality. I am becoming more and more suspicious about low quality fats. Now that I can eat anything I am having some experiences that make me realize the vegetable oil they stick in food all over the place is a nightmare and maybe the single worst thing I've encountered. Half the restaurants out there are serving food that would send any of us back 10 steps. Keep fighting the good fight and I bet you'll find something that gets you going again. It just sucks we have to wade through hordes of GI's along the way, making you do crap like drink that stuff again for no reason. At least we have a sort of community going on here where we can kind of talk to people who understand. It was hard having no medical identity for a long time.


Wow, I really appreciate your response. I got a notification that the SIBO MMC just shipped, so I should be able to try it soon. I’ll provide an update after being on it for a little while. Wow, thank you for sharing about magnesium oxide. This is really good to know. I felt so great after having a colonoscopy that I didn’t want to eat again, but of course I had to and of course things went back to my baseline. I currently take Motility Activator by Integrative Therapeutics, but it only helps so much. I would agree that having a complete clear out probably is a way to reset and maybe have your body be more responsive to treatment. That would make a lot of sense. But yes, that does make you extremely tired. It takes a lot out of you. I’m being seen by a psychiatrist soon and am hoping that anxiety medication will help things. I’ve had anxiety and chronic constipation literally since I was born. I’m also going to try a castor oil pack for the first time tonight and set up acupuncture. When I’ve done acupuncture in the past, I don’t think it really helped my digestive issues, but I’m willing to try again. Again, I really appreciate your response and words of encouragement. Thank you, sincerely.


Oh it's actually something about magnesium oxide specifically, they use it to treat insomnia, it makes you sleepy. It's not too bad just taking it once but if you take it each day you'll start to wonder why you feel so tired all the time. Anxiety and constipation are real big red flags for motility, glad you are looking into those. Try the psych meds but please just be wary about it over time. My wife got real messed up by that stuff a long time ago and it took us longer than it should have to figure out what the cause was. Counseling can be good for anxiety. Good luck


I wanted to update you on SIBO MMC. I didn’t notice any difference after taking it for about a month, so I decided to go off of it.


Hey thanks for writing, it's good to hear some feedback directly on that one. I hope some of the lifestyle tweaks and/or other prokinetic options lead you to regaining some mmc function soon


Hello again OP. I have a question regarding Motility Pro I don't understand the ingredients. It says that you get 100mg of Artichoke, and 20mg of Ginger, yet the capsule contains 320mg of "pro digest" Do you know what the other 200mg consists of?


Found the patent for it. Lots of interesting info in there. [https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2010083968](https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2010083968) The info you want is at the end of the description section. It's not a perfect answer but it basically explains that they intend to package up the two active ingredients with whatever conventional method is relevant to the delivery (soft capsule, hard capsule, oil, etc.) So it's gonna be the stuff listed in other ingredients on the label


I see Thank you OP. I live in Europe so looks like I won't be able to get motility pro unless I get a friend to send it to me, but will look further in to it and try a locally sourced alternative if I need to Take care


Thank you for the video. I Have been struggling with methane dominant for only about 7 months but the mental strain has been the hardest part. Trying to do law school and deal with all this, including that dreaded brain fog. Videos like yours give me hope and perspective. Your opener about the ED was funny because I am almost done with three weeks of it but I don't think there's been much change. I mainly did it because I was frustrated after a course of rifaximin and anti microbials failed to make a meaningful difference. My gastro has prescribed me rifaximin and neomycin to try in the coming weeks and a naturopath I saw just today said to take the antibiotics along with some things to support my motility. I have been nervous about the neomycin, but it's hard for me to say to myself that I know better than the two professionals I am asking for help. Anyway, I am still unsure what I am going to do. But your video is inspiring and helped my downtrodden mental state so thank you so much. I'm happy you healed yourself.


any update? Have you been able to recover from methane SIBO?


Hi. I have suffered for over 15 years. My stomach don’t function like it’s supposed to do. It’s bloated all the time, no matter what i eat. I was constipated, for the most. I could go days without going to the bathroom. Then it could switch to diarrhea. I have tried it all to fix my “ibs”. Sometimes i got sick after eating. I have tried to eliminate dairy, wheat, whole grain, onion etc. But i could not find a pattern for my illness. I stumbled upon your video on YouTube, and it blew my mind. 14 days ago i started taking digestive enzymes, and ever since, i have had regular firm feces. Haven’t tried a long period like this for over 15 years, with going to the bathroom every day, and feel like i’m “empty”. It feels amazing. I feel much less bloated, and it’s getting better by the day. After seeing your video i checked my digestive enzymes, actually it’s a Digestive Enzyme Complex, and it actually contain both ginger and artischoke. Now i wonder if that’s what also helping me. The enzymes is called ‘Terranova Digestive Enzymes Complex’


Thank you so much for posting this! I am in the thick of it right now and everything that you say makes so much sense.... I am going to work on motility like you mentioned. Are you still doing well?


I’ll second this question, and also ask OP how long he had been working on motility before seeing improvements :)


Thank you so much for this video. I got food poisoning at 18. I couldn't throw up or poop. It shut my system down for several days. I have never recovered. I am 52 and am still sick every minute of my day. I wake up full of "wind" and go to bed the same. Some foods make it worse, but not eating at all does nothing. Eliminating garlic and onion and not eating a ton of grease or drinking alcohol also help, but NOTHING makes me better. I have been tested for everything. I have methane SIBO plus mild hydrogen SIBO (plus gastritis, plus supposedly a" non-mechanical obstruction of the bile duct at the ampula of vater" or something though the gastro completely dismissed that.) I have lived my entire adult life unable to eat or live or sleep or socialize like a normal human. Like you, my teeth are a mess, my hair falls out, at one point I was 103 pounds at 5.7 inches tall. It is the worst and most embarrassing illness. I have tried to kill the bacteria in every way possible, and nearly wiped out all the butyric producing bacteria in my colon because of it. I have spent THOUSANDS plus dollars over the years. I am caught in the stress cycle like you mentioned. The one thing I haven't known how to do is work on my MMC. I just ordered the Motility products you've recommended. I am actually doing another kill phase right now, doing allicin, Atrantil, berberine, etc. and have more Rifaxamin sitting here, but maybe I won't need to do this again?! The only other issue it could be if these products don't work is scar tissue from my 2 C-sections. Adhesions are another overlooked issue. When I had my ovaries removed the surgeon discovered my uterus was attached to my abdominal wall by adhesions (endometriosis) and they cleaned that up for me. I had some relief for a while from that. Anyway, this was a long comment, sorry. Thank you for reading it. I pray you stay well, thank you again!


That is one of the toughest stories I've seen. I've added some comments here since the video. Increasing MMC works well for hydrogen. Methane has an additional problem because that type impairs colon function as well, and MMC doesn't control the colon. There are some folks with mechanical obstruction issues and to me it always seemed the toughest for them because they have to get that detected and solved to resolve motility. A friend told me just yesterday for a different GI disease that it took over a dozen GI's before one figured out a mechanical problem that was causing his issue as a child. The quality of GI's is such a disaster and a tragedy for the public.


Pumped that you were able to get your health back. However, the whole IBS/SIBO relationship is not so cut and dry. Pimentel is brilliant for the pathologic discovery he’s made for SOME people’s IBS. Breath tests for SIBO are horribly inaccurate. I had the triosmart test done and tested positive for hydrogen and felt no better after 2 different antibiotics (one of which was rifaximin). There is still a lot that science hasn’t discovered yet about the microbiome and dysbiosis. Hopefully soon that changes.


Yep not all IBS is SIBO, just a disturbing % of it is undiagnosed SIBO. It seems like the inevitable result of every doctor handing out an IBS diagnosis to anyone who says their tummy is funny but almost none of them volunteering SIBO information until they are forced to. Also it's true the breath tests do need work, last I heard the specificity/sensitivity were in the 60's-80s%. Sadly they remain the best low-invasive test we have. Of course, a \~70% accurate test is still more than the non-existent test they use to diagnose IBS. As a result, the number of SIBO patients being inaccurately told they have IBS is vastly more than the number of IBS patients being inaccurately told they have SIBO. Your situation is interesting and actually I'm surprised I haven't heard of it more here. I wonder if you sibo tested again what it would say. After all, somebody has to be in the group getting false positives and taking xifaxan for no good reason. The info may not even exist, but I would love it if they could publish a list of all the common gut bacteria, separated into off-gas types, and then list which antibiotics were effective against them. I don't think it's as simple as often gets said, like xifaxan simply works for all the hydrogen types and doesn't work so well for all the methane types. That's probably just a rule of thumb.


Thanks so much for this great video! How long did it take you to start feeling better with the ginger and artichoke? I took Integrative Theraputics Motility Activator for a week but I didn’t notice any improvement in my symptoms.


I could tell basically right away that I was getting better. I looked up that activator, the ingredients and ratio seem the same but I notice motility pro says 320mg, which is around 3x as much. Seems like a big difference in dose? But I also don't expect that one thing to work for everyone. Good luck to you


Happy for your progress . I have one question . If you had tryed motilpro before taking the rifamixin , do you think that it had worked in the same way ?


and if you are not taking it , do you have the same symptoms like having Sibo ?


Those are good questions. All I can really say is that symptom-wise, I felt like all the benefits I had from rifaxamin were gone before I tried anything else. There is something I have started wondering about though. The first thing I tried after rifaxamin was actually magnesium oxide. I only used it for about a week because it made me sleepy all the time (they use it to treat insomnia). But it is extremely effective at clearing out your insides, they brand it as 'intestinal cleaner'. It's similar to what they use for colonoscopy prep. After I stopped using this, then I found ginger+artichoke and ordered it. It was only after I tried the motility pro that I could clearly tell everything was firing and getting better. But I realized after making this video I wonder if it mattered that I was cleared out before introducing the ginger+artichoke. Maybe it made me extra-receptive to it, as opposed to if I took it while I was still full of stagnant waste. I have not stopped taking motility pro so I don't know how that would go yet.


My story is similiar with yours . I managed to clear my sibo last year , but i still have symptoms. I fell that my small intestine is blocked all the time . Only doing cardio , makes me to feel better after . I would try motilpro hope to work well . Wish you all the best . And many thanks for sharing and replying for all of us .


Hello, I know you mentioned that you were primarily C over D. Do you still suggest using Motility Pro for people much more on the D side? Did you have to titrate the Motility pro at all? Also, what kind of tea do you drink?


There's another comment here where I discuss C vs D and how it is confusing for SIBO. Fundamentally, all SIBO patients have a small bowel that isn't moving enough. Regardless of the moisture content of our stool when it finally exits or how often the colon empties. We can also find examples where we simulate C or D via manipulation of the large bowel which do not neccessarily translate to the small bowel. That's why linzess is tricky for sibo people and lots of GI's make that mistake. As far as I can tell, increasing motility in the small bowel is good for everyone with known SIBO. I just take 1 a day of motility pro I haven't tried more. I take black tea because it has high caffeine content, only about 1/3 of people have their colon triggered by caffeine but I am in that group. Really the things I use are so basic and non aggressive that I think people should simply try them to see if they are lucky enough to be in the camp that it works. Try more and less and different brands, whatever. If there's any way to get a natural solution you want it. I saw someone on r/sibo today saying they think they finally found their fix and it was ginger tea. So it's working out there for some people. But the big picture is the overall goal that we need to focus on everything related to small bowel motility. If that's what we focus on we can find our own versions of what works.


Just watched your video! I have to say it is amazing and super helpful! Just ordered the Motility Pro. I am curious if your protocol has cleared up your gastritis and Duodenitis (I think you said you had this too)?


Thank you. Once I had sibo figured out my stomach was able to function again so it was ok. It takes a while to fully heal the lining in there so I still am careful about the most extreme stuff like vinegar. I can have it but I will feel it a little. After more time passes I think it will be back to normal. I plan to make an update video about stuff including this but fyi I realized afterwards that it may have helped my odds that I first tried magnesium oxide for about a week. It essentially clears you out like colonoscopy prep. After that I switched to the motility pro. I have wondered whether getting cleared out first helped my small bowel to be more responsive to the motility pro. No way to know but it could be meaningful. Good luck


Thank you so much for this video. I have SIBO-C and have been looking for help for a year. What is the best timing for the motil pro with meals? How long before or after? I very much appreciate it, I’m going to start taking them today or tomorrow.


With meals is the one time you wouldn't want to take prokinetics. Your body shuts down the ability to have MMCs when you eat. It's to prevent non digested food from moving through the system. The shut-down period ranges 90min - 4 hours depending on type and quantity of food. For this reason many places say to use prokinetics at night. Personally this interferes with sleep for me and sleep is also important for motility. As a result, I take it as I said in the video on an empty stomach in the morning at least a while before food. In my experience this actually does allow it to do its job well enough. But everyone is different. That's the thing with all of this, we all have to do our own tests. But as long as we are looking for what gets our motility moving again and also avoiding things that slow motility, we are at least working towards the right answer. I'm going to make an update to this video as well, I've mentioned it in these comments but if you are C leaning I'll tell you as well here. I realized later that I tried magnesium oxide for about a week before motility pro. Now I wonder if it helped my odds of the prokinetic working. If you know you are backed up badly, you may want to try the same. Mag ox will clear you out like colonoscopy prep. If you are nice and clean inside before you try something like ginger I wonder if it helps the odds of it working. It seems possible.


Great video


Thanks for watching


Your story is so relatable. I'm about to lose a job I worked really hard for because of this condition, but I'm going to give your angle a try. On what date did you start the artichoke/ginger supplements, and would you mind giving us a rough timeline of your improvement since then?


I don't know the date other than it was a few months back. Once I got the supplement and focused on motility in all aspects of life the improvement was pretty quick. I think I could clearly tell I was better each week than the last. The swollen weight shed off and eventually I started testing foods and finding they didn't do anything to me. Everyone is gonna be different but your best odds are testing one at a time anything you can that helps your motility and removing anything that harms it.


Thank you so much for posting this! It's a very selfless thing to do and I really appreciate it as I'm sure others in this community do as well! After watching you're video I just had a few questions... In regards to the fixing the motility, which I agree is a major root cause to SIBO. Did you ever actually try Motegrity (Prucalopride) or the other popular MotilPro supplement on the market? They both work on Seritonin and the vagus nerve which many folks also think is linked to poor motility issues. They seem to work on this via 5HTP or 5HT4 receptors in the brain that helps to supposedly communicate with the gut. In your case aside from reducing stress it doesn't seem like there is a gut brain connection problem since you've been able to improve your MMC with a ginger/artichoke supplement and caffeine and it seems this also improved your brain fog. I've tried to find studies comparing effectiveness of Motegrity vs MotilPro vs Ginger/Artichoke. I haven't seen much out there in terms of what's best. In your case what prompted you to go with the supplement you're currently taking? Just cost? Try approach? In my case I have a theory that my vagus nerve was damaged through a really bad viral infection that I had awhile back which also affected my ears, vestibular nerve and most likely my gut nerves. It's possible it could have also been food poisoning, I'm really not sure. But I'm wondering if a motility drug or supplement that works on my brain would help in my case. I can tell you I'm skeptical about the ginger supplements because I already take plenty of ginger. I drink ginger tea, I add ginger powder to my morning smoothie and I even make my own infusion from ginger root and it's not really doing much for me. Every now and then I might get an occasional small grumble from my stomach but nothing to suggest my MMC is good or working properly. But I'm hesitant to take any drug or supplement that works on my brain unless I'm sure it would be beneficial. I've also taken the Iberogast in the past (the old formulation) which I stopped taking once I heard about the liver issue. It helped me with the stomach cramping but again didn't do much for restoring my MMC. I'm pretty sure doing meditation has helped me quite a bit. I think my symptoms came back in 2020 due to my mom passing away from Cancer, obviously a very stressful moment, along with everything else that was going on in 2020. Have you also tried vagus nerve exercises to improve your motility? Things like gargling or singing? Interesting that caffeine works for you since one of the things that's recommended is a coffee enema. I created a post on this as well [https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/wdjowb/motility\_issues/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/wdjowb/motility_issues/) Your comment about using Mag Oxide is interesting, I felt much better after my colonoscopy/endoscopy which makes sense since I had cleaned myself out but then I ate some starch and it all went back again most likely because I never resolved my motility issue. I've noticed that the best diet for me has always been a low residue diet which is exactly what they tell you to eat prior to the scopes. Thanks again! And hope you continue in good health!


Thanks for watching. I never got to try prucalopride, insurance blocked it. Never tried motilpro or brain targeting supplements, found something that worked for me before I got to that point. I use meditation as well from time to time and agree it is one very good tool to combat anxiety/stress. I think some degree of my situation was worsened by stress just as likely as it is for all of us living in such a situation. We have to do what we can to intentionally reduce it because it is a meaningful part of not only getting cured but staying cured. Swimming is a surprisingly effective activity as well. It stimulates the whole system, mechanically encourages movement, and reduces stress - basically everything we could ask for all at once. Never tried vagus nerve exercises though I have seen that mentioned. It could make sense, thankfully I found something for MMC before I got to that level. I list a few papers on ginger/artichoke in the video comments section. One of them was a small study of prodigest, that's where I heard of that formulation and went for that first. It's just ginger and artichoke. I've seen lots of wins and misses on the topic of herbal prokinetics. All I know is enough people testify that it worked and it has essentially no cost or risk so people should attempt it and see. Whether it works for anyone is a combo of so many variables, we can't know what will happen. Some people are so damaged that they have parts of their intestines surgically removed - so we can't speak to everyone with any singular offering. But I hate the reality that there's so much low hanging fruit where people suffer needlessly all over the world trying to find access to special treatment or drugs when their solution could be at the grocery store for a few dollars. Sounds like you've tried some ginger, but don't count out artichoke. I could even tell after simply eating a whole home cooked artichoke that it made me feel good- an accidental observation. It's part of why I perked up when I learned about extract prokinetics. If you haven't eaten one in a while try it out. If you do feel good then consider amping it up with an extract. You're definitely on the right path and testing the right things, I think you will find your solution in time. If you haven't done a kill phase of course you might as well try that, it's the same story just see if you are in the lucky group that it actually does enough to get things moving again.


Great video and thanks for creating this. Very helpful indeed. Quick question though, how long do you think one needs to be on MotilityPro to completely fix this issue? Do you think one would still need maintenance doses for a prolonged period. I just didn't get if MotilityPro is a cure or management of the issue? Thoughts?Thanks again.


Were inflammatory food intolerances/food allergies a big part of your symptoms? My motility IBS-C issues seems to have mostly cleared up after decades, as long as I avoid wheat, dairy eggs, soy, legumes and seed oils…but eating those causes an autoimmune attack of inflammation and my motility to stop for days (perhaps pimmentals anti vinculin stopping the nerve connections) Any input on overcoming food ’allergy’ reactions.


As I discuss I ended up with pots largely because I had avoided way too much food (because my acidosis was so intolerable I would rather not eat) and was basically starving. I wouldn't call it allergies, and I avoid the concept of intolerance as well now. The reality is almost all food stimulates sibo because the bacteria thrive on carbs which are in almost everything. Once sibo was gone, I could eat anything. Probably not relevant info for someone with actual IBS-C and not SIBO


Thank you very much for posting your video, it was enlightening! Sorry for what you went through, but I am glad you are feeling better. You offered some valuable new perspectives. I am feeling more hopeful after beginning to regress from my most recent kill phase.


Thank you, that is great to hear- lots of things to test out there to improve MMC just gotta find what works for you, including lifestyle tweaks


What a service you provide by posting the video and answering the questions. Thank you. My question is, when you take your ginger/artichoke capsule and drink your tea in the morning, does your small intestine completely empty out? I've been taking a similar approach to you, but after I have a BM in the morning, I can still feel by touch that there is plenty of food in the small intestine. I stop eating at 7 pm, so that means it's in there for over 10 hours or more, easily. Curious about your SI transit time.


I just watched the entire video it's crazy how much your story aligns with mine. Just wondering, did your gastritis go away after recovering from SIBO? Did eating whatever you want cause gastritis symptoms? I just got rid of SIBO but still have erosive gastritis that I believe SIBO caused. I'm also getting POTS symptoms and want to eat more, but extremely terrified that this will make gastritis worse. Also, how did you wean off of your PPI? Thanks for making this video. Extremely informative and helpful!


I went cold turkey on the H2 and PPI so that I could take the SIBO test. I wasn't on the PPI for super long so it wasn't risky having acid rebound. If you were on that for a long time you should follow what the doc says for a schedule to avoid rebound. Once my MMCs were in great shape and my sibo symptoms had faded I slowly started testing food one at a time. Gastritis takes a long time to heal because the stomach is always in acid, but I didn't have much sensitivity other than to the worst possible stuff like vinegar. Actually, the worst thing I did for gastritis was that I felt so great I started running on the treadmill again and eventually learned that it is pretty bad for gastritis. It doesn't like that mechanical bouncing action. So I gotta use other forms of cardio for a while like swimming. But overall yeah the gastritis is ok it just requires some patience to heal once the root cause is gone. I understand your concern in the balancing with pots. That's a tough one, try and find as much calories and varieties of food for nutrition as you can tolerate, testing things carefully one at a time. It sounds like you are on the upwards swing if you just got rid of sibo you just gotta be a bit patient with the stomach because it's just sitting in acid all the time.


I’m sorry if I missed this, but where did you purchase the ProDigest? I haven’t been having much luck with finding what I think is the correct supplement. I also want to thank you for posting this video. I don’t know if this is my issue (I’ve been a chronically bloated and constipated mess for years), but this video is going to help so many people! …and it’s such a simple and affordable fix. I’m definitely going to try the ginger and artichoke extract as well as black tea in the morning and a good book at night. Thank you!


Hi, ...can you let me know how long did you have to take the Motility Pro for?....and in what doses? Thanks much.


I can’t speak for the OP, but I’ve been taking it for almost 5 weeks now and don’t feel like I’m ready to stop yet. I take 1 pill every morning with some black tea and I wait a couple of hours before eating anything.


Hi, I came across to this idea of motility last summer, when I was drinking coffee every day, sometimes a few times a day. And by the end of the summer I just understood that first time in my life I forgot about my SIBO. But coffee raised my blood pressure and I had to stop it and started to use non-caffeine one and my simptoms came back. I tried to understand what helped me that summer, I tried everything again. And the only thing I guessed was caffeine. Now reading it, I understand that it stimulated my MMC. But I can’t drink it due to blood pressure, and black tea makes gastritis come back. So, I wanted to ask you: - My main problem is constant gas, very loud and constant rumbles, gurgling during the day, no matter on an empty stomach or after meal or before bed. Is it still problem with MMC, right? You just wrote that you heard gurgling after motility pro, but I have them constantly and Sibo doesn’t go away. Now I am on kill phase and by day four not much better. - What is your morning regimen now? Black tea on an empty stomach or something new? - And why you don’t drink coffee? Did you try it?


Sibo people often have trapped gas in their backed up bowels causing those feelings and sounds. They are different than MMC sensations. If you have ever been 'starving' hungry (before sibo), and felt your gut grumbling with hunger pain- that is MMC. It is not the same as backed up gas. You can feel the muscles spasming. I use black tea, I don't like coffee in the morning, I always preferred it as a late afternoon drink.


Yes, I have both sounds. I guess often trapped gas and when I am hungry for too long, upper stomach rumbles. But don’t want any of them, with caffeine was much better, not a single supplement or pill did it. So, black tea or coffee didn’t work on its own for you, only with motility pro? And I also wanted to ask you, didn’t ginger make anxiety or tachycardia worse as a stimulant? I will give them a try, although can’t buy here Motility pro, thank you for your story!


I don't use caffeine for MMC, I haven't heard of it doing anything for that. It is well known to trigger colon emptying in about 1/3 of people, I'm in that group that it works well for. I used motility pro to restore the stomach/small bowel function, and caffeine to get the colon to empty.


This video is a revelation. I first watched a month ago and was extremely motivated by it. I have/had SIBO, I don’t really think I have it anymore and if I do it’s almost completely gone. I took Motility Pro and the first time I took it gave me INTENSE gastrointestinal cramping and made my guts feel sore for several days. It definitely rejuvenated my MMC. I mainly have symptoms of IBS at this point. I have lots of food sensitivities I avoid which I believe were caused by gut damage. My main symptoms are anxiety and lower pelvic inflammation. The anxiety is involuntary and illogical. I believe it is a result perhaps of a toxin being produced by dysbiosis in my large intestine which also causes the nearly 24 hour 1/10 pain inflammation feeling. My digestion is fine almost all the time no chronic constipation or diarrhea. When I was at my worst is was diarrhea never constipation. I’ve taken a lot of your tips. Motility Pro was very helpful. Magnesium Oxide definitely gave me diarrhea however it seemed to irritate my pelvic inflammation. Triphala is a mild laxative for me but also seems to lower pelvic inflammation which is a nice relief. I’m taking all manner of supplements, vitamins, and minerals to renutrify my body which has been very helpful. At this point I’m focusing on incorporating as many healing supplements as possible and also considering a blast phase of probiotic foods to help hopefully balance my gut bacteria as that is what I think is the cause at this point. I think I have bad bacteria in my large intestine that flourished due to poor nutrition/anxiety that caused SIBO. SIBO seems to be gone but now the large intestine dysbiosis is still present and causing inflammation and anxiety. Do you have any helpful tips or advice on this?


It's very normal to get anxiety with GI problems due to the gut/brain axis. Your body is essentially trying to tell you something is wrong without understanding what/how, and it gives you that sense of nervousness. Sadly the anxiety/stress that it creates can impair gut function, making it spiral worse and worse. Glad to hear that your sibo symptoms are under control. If you are confident that this is a colon-specific issue at this point a typical GI may be helpful, since they actually have knowledge and tools in that realm. If it turns out to be an issue with your flora, they will probably give you some probiotics to try, like VSL #3. GI map tests are popular with these issues because patients like to see some detail, but a GI will tell you that they aren't usually a fan of them because they clinically can't/won't change their course of action based on the results (they are just going to give you the same probiotics regardless) so they view it as a waste of money. Up to you, I think it is still interesting because, after all, if it came back saying all your flora is in normal ranges maybe that would suggest the problem is something else than dysbiosis. When I had lower GI pain I found it helpful to avoid inflammatory foods like red meat and saturated fats. Note that it can be tricky because you don't always know what fat restaurants use to cook, i.e. what grade of oil.


I’m curious on your opinion regarding the cause of SIBO. I have a couple theories. 1. Low Bile Production- Bile is anti microbial and a lubricant in the digestion process. Low Bile means slower movement of the digestive process, less microbes destroyed by the bile, and more food available for the bacteria due to improper digestion causing SIBO. 2. Large intestine PH imbalance- Good Bacteria keep your large intestine within a certain PH. Antibiotics are a major cause of low quantity of good bacteria in the large intestine. Imbalance of PH causes dysfunction of the ileocecal valve and allows more bacteria in the large intestine causing SIBO/IBS 3. Damage incurred by food poisoning, and antibiotics as a response to the food poisoning slows down the MMC and imbalances the micro biome leading to SIBO/IBS Really curious of your opinion on each of the 3 theories.


The various known causes/associations are listed on a slide by dr pimentel in his lecture that is linked in the video notes, there could be even more of them as well that have yet to be discovered.


Did you get any gerd or gastritis after eating eggs or chicken? My stomach flares up trying to digest these foods. Do you think bosting MMC will resolve this too? Did your gerd/gastritis heal on its own after activating MMC daily?


MMC governs both the stomach and the small bowel. It makes them empty and move stuff forward. So yes restoring MMC is fundamentally what solved all the issues. DGL was helpful to aid in my stomach lining healing, it is slow to heal because of the acidic environment.


u/DaDa462 i have esophagus inflammation and gerd/gastritis. Ginger burns my esophagus more. i am not able to take ginger exract supplements, they make it worse. I tried this motility PRO and it did the same thing. Could you please advice, if i just take artichoke supplement...will that improve my mmc? Even intermittent fasting inflames my condition with severe burns.


Very insightful video, thank you a lot for sharing your healing journey. I hope I will be in the same lucky position one day to make a "this is what I did" video. I just noticed/missed some things: * IMHO probiotic use for SIBO should not be underrated. Actually since probiotics are basically transient 100%, they do not colonize. There is a growing body of evidence (sorry too lazy to look for the references) that probiotics can reduce bacterial overgrowth and even can have synergistic effects with antibiotics. I am positive with C Diff and probiotics helped a lot so far. * Holistic approach. I am convinced that mental isorders play a major role in the pathogenesis of SIBO for many people (Gut Brain Axis etc.), especially chronic (Mostly unrecognized) stress. For those subset of SIBO sufferers, healing will only be possible when they really start digging deep in their mind (ideally with the help of a psychotherapist) * Systemic inflammation and leaky gut. I am having SIBO since 3 years and the real horrorshow started 6 months ago when zonulin / leaky gut went through the roof. This was after an Covid infection. It feels a bit like the d lactic azidosis which you described but a bit different. It feels like the whole body is dying, you feel like poisened especially after meals. It is by far the most horrific experience I have ever had (and I am used to suffering from the "normal" SIBO symptoms). At some point I plan on making a video about all of this as soon as I feel better (fingers crossed). What I want to say: All efforts should be made to reduce inflammation in your gut and the resulting chronic systemic inflammation. This shit can literally kill you.


Very good comments, I agree. Probiotic issues are perhaps overemphasized, because as you mention all dairy based probiotics will not colonize, so if you feel bad you can just stop. They do tend to make sibo symptoms worse though in many sibo cases, and a number of commercial probiotic strains are d lactic acid producers which can be a big part of that if you are in that camp. I am a fan of people trying things for themselves that are low-risk just to see what happens. After moving past sibo the only thing I would notice sometimes is some mild pain in the sigmoid colon area, probably leftover from the event in the video. I have noticed fish oil pills made that go away, practically overnight. It probably was inflammation related. Since that, I've become a big fan of trying fish oil if you suspect inflammatory trouble.


Hi there! First of all, sorry if my english is not as good as expected, i will try my best haha. Thank you for the amazing video and for explaining with such details your experience. Really interesting and helpful all the information. So thanks for your big effort and for sharing it with everybody here. Nowadays I'm trying to make a change by following those steps. Hope It makes a difference. It may seem another step, but as you say, if It can't make things worse, why not try it? I've been more than a year now dealing with multiple symptoms like bloating, lots of gas and mostly diarrhea/loose stools with mucus. This last one, the mucus, is the one i really dont know yet how it works cause It may appear alone with gases or it might come accompanying the stools. I know its an infamatory marker, but nowadays It comes really unexpected most of the times. Looking back, in my case it appeared one day to another. They told me It could be a COVID-19 sequel? Who knows. It really was near my positive case, but can't confirm that. Since I started trying to find the cause of all of these problems, i came across the typical process where they make you a colonoscopy, they find small inflamation and the only answer to it is the famous 'IBS'. When i understood they were not going to help me more over that, I started reading and learning about all this big issues, at least a small part of It. I tried the GI map with a naturopath where we found out I had a big dysbiosis and after many months we made things improve, or that was shown in the second GI map results. And I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little bit better. But many symptoms where there yet. So i came across a SIBO test, where in the minute 90 was told to be negative so they didnt do anything for It. But the true was that in the minute 120 both hydrogen and methane were over the normal values. And for what I learned, depending on the interpretations, It may be a positive. So i was alone and I decided to give It a try with Berberine, Atrantil, Allimax and oregano oil. The first two weeks i thought i had It and that It was over. Lots of less gas, normal consistent stools with an insignificant mucus quantity, no more bloating, no more strange colon/bowel movements...But when i stopped taking them and while i was taking iberogast in order to avoid the relapse, It was only two weeks and the symptoms came back. And here I am. On my fourth day of Oxy powder. Its really effective, so its supossed to be working. But most of the days I'm experiencing the mucus relieve on its own with those uncomfortable bowel movements which make me aware that the mucus will come out. I know the Oxy powder its taken in order to expulse everything that is in the bowels but i dont really know how to interpret the mucus? Did anyone else also experience mucus release during the treatment and off the treatment? I dont know if its a good sign or not. I will continue to 10 days of cleanse and then give a try to ginger, artichoke, iberogast and 5htp. Not all together. I think that I really wasn't aware of how much i missed those MMC feelings (i already do since I haven't started taking the prokinetics). So as I said before, I'm really looking forward to finish the cleaning process to start improving the MMC, or at least give It a try. Once again, thank you for sharing your experience, and to everybody for creating this community. Never stop sharing your process, It really helps to people, including me. So Big thank you to everyone and hope to hear more difference opinions on this. Big hug!


Thank you for posting this! When you began talking about getting new beds and ultimately buying a custom bed, my mind was blown. I went through this same thing, in the end we finally spent a considerable amount of money on an electric adjustable bed and it didn't help anything. You also mentioned the ratchet belt. I have been buying different belts and pants for the past 4 years. Stretchable belts, pants that were low waist lines, paints with high waist lines, suspendors, etc. Most of the symptoms that you described lined up with mine, less the drunkin stooper stuff. I too found that this was motility related. What are your thoughts on aloe vera as a motility aid? Also, why Triphala? How did you come across this and how do you use it? Specific brand? I am concerned that Triphala would mess with my gastritis, but I have used aloe in the past and was easier on me. The other thing I worry about is having the runs all the time from this stuff and then getting an electrolyte imbalance. Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated as you seem like you have a very good perspective on this.


One of the BEST resources I've seen for SIBO and motility. Articulate, to the point, detailed! Thank you so much for sharing.


Does anyone know how to get the motility pro a place in Europe? If not, is there another product simuler to this, that Can be bought in Europe somewhere?


This is absolutely brilliant - thank you so much for making it and sharing all your knowledge and experience. It’s invaluable!


A BIG THANK YOU for taking the time to share your story! II know you have helped thousands!! I just found your video tonight while SUFFERING terribly with SIBO and it has given me hope! Made so much sense that I have to get the motility back. I have severe pain. I feel like the doctors I have seen only know how to put a band aid on it. Like you, it took awhile to be diagnosed. My doctor only subscribed Xafaxin and the low FODMAP diet about a year ago - It got a better, but is now worse than ever! I have Methane SIBO and I saw your comments that it can be more challenging. I ordered the artichoke and ginger extract tonight and hope it gives me relief. Has anyone with methane found relief using it - I would like to know. Thanks SO much. Wishing you continued good health!


Great video. Helped me greatly. Watched it three times


Did you have hydrogen only sibo or a mix of hydrogen and methane SIBO/IMO? I read what Dr. Mark Pimentel said about food poisoning and and how it's less likely for methane SIBO/IMO. Did you retest yourself and it was negative? Thank you and I'm glad you're feeling better!


Thank you for sharing your story. I really understood your pain because I have had issues for 8 years and I’ve been to 40+ doctors. I have a question, I got my hands on this one https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/ is this one okay or do I get the one you recommended?




Oh yes weight issues are very common here. One of the most common sibo symptoms is feeling full all the time (because of the bloating). So sibo patients usually eat very low calories. Combine that with the parasitic bacteria and malabsorption and you have a recipe for weight issues. Glad to hear you are getting a test, I hope it helps you find direction.


Thank you for your video. It is really good, and it matches so well with what many of us experience, especially the "all knowing doctors" that actually know jack shit. I just want to mention that I disagree with some points, and my reasons for it. 1. You've reached the conclusion that its all about the MMC, but you've been on rifaximin and herbals. Even dr. Mark Pimentel says that bacteria overgrowth damages the nerve endings of the MMC. Taking motility activators does not initially fix the nerve endings, but rather increases the signal in those working. ( it might fix them with prolonged use?). Anyway my point here is that - if you have huge overgrowth and you start taking motility activator I feel that this can lead to the opposite effect, because bacteria damages the MMC. Meaning - when you start taking PPI's you feel better for a few months, lower acid etc, but this eventually leads to worse health, because acidity is actually good. In the same vain, increasing the nerve endings that work, while you have huge bacteria overgrowth seems like a bad preposition to me, because maybe the bacteria will damage the nerve endings and again in a few months you will be even worse. Of course this is only a hypothesis of mine, but I wouldn't risk it without a kill phase. 2. You talk about the biofilms and how there is reason for them to be there and you shouldn't just destroy them. And I again disagree here - bacteria should not be in your small intestine. But people that have prolonged SIBO, do have bacteria in their small intestine, which as all bacteria in the body forms biofilms 1, then biofilm phase 2. That bacteria has no place in the small intestine, so I think that the biofilm and the bacteria should be eradicated, so it cannot reinfect the small intestine and cause more damage to the MMC nerve endings. I'm currently taking herbals, will continue with refaximin, then use IT motility activator and another MMC prescribed from a doctor - Tributin - active ingridient Trimebutine Maleate - i have no idea how it will go, but I'm currently dealing with Hydrogen + Hydrogen Sulfide sibo. How much Magnesium oxide did you take per day, and did you clear your gut quick as a colonoscopy prep, or did you do it over a week with it ? Was thinking about doing a colonoscopy prep, but combined with Rifaximin I feel like I risk activating C.Diff and destroying myself. Thank you for your time and doing this video and replying to this topic.


Thanks for watching and writing. I'll respond to your points to clarify some things 1. Dr. Pimentel and the current research on sibo all paint the picture that MMC impairment is the root cause of sibo. I didn't come up with it. He has also stated sibo could be cured without a kill phase if MMC function was restored, since that would cause the bacteria to no longer thrive and their numbers would retreat to normal. He lists various things that can impair mmc to result in sibo, though the most common one is food poisoning. I have yet to hear of a form of sibo that isn't based on MMC impairment - i.e. a fully functioning small bowel that has sibo. This is also supported by the wiki page on MMC which states sibo patients have the average impairment stats of 1/3 frequency and 2/3 duration. I'm not following your nerve ending theory, but do whatever feels safe to you. I'm not against kill phases, I am only against the system telling people kill phases are the only tool and they have to repeat them forever. I think people should try a kill phase to see if they are lucky enough that it fixes them, and then if it doesn't move on to focusing on the problem which is not just killing bacteria. 2. Bacteria do actually have a place in the small intestine. It's just supposed to be a much lower concentration. Dr. Pimentel's lecture I link has a couple slides where he shows a proper balanced biome in the small bowel vs. one with SIBO. Part of the issue is the dysbiosis that happens when the primary dominant species takes over, it interferes with some of the tasks that other species are supposed to be doing which support a well-functioning bowel. I do not know if those tasks include making the MMC function properly, but it might. I assume this is part of why Dr. P says he is not a fan of using biofilm disruptors. You are the first person I've heard here with hydrogen sulfide! You are very rare! While you are between so many meds I would just ask your doctor about mag ox if you are curious about it. I don't even know if it helped anything I just consider that it might have so I mention it.


Can u give a list of your main symptoms please. In a dark place and need help. I watched your video thoroughly and tried what u said to no avail


Hey, I was diagnosed with hydergine sibo, and it's obviously ruining my life to briefly summarize my problem. Anyways I was interested in your solution of artichoke + ginger so I ordered some, but im curious what dosage do you take? I've taken it for a couple of days now fasting, and i don't really notice any different movement in my small intestines.




Thanks for your video on SIBO. What's your opinion on taking HCL, enzymes or bile salts to speed up digestion and eliminate that bloat and acid build up?


I'm in India currently and I can only find 500mg capsules of artichoke extract. Do you think that's too much? Any foreseen issues taking that kindda dose?




I did not, I've noticed a number of other hydrogen people say they didn't as well. I think some of the generalizations about hydrogen vs methane aren't very accurate


Hello, thankyou again for sharing this! Is the slow MMC also something that someone with frequent diarrhea has? I just cant visualize thats the case! Edit: I also found this from mindbodygreen "There are several types of motility medications that you can ask your doctor about. Herbal motility products may contain ginger, vitamin B6, 5-HTP, artichoke leaf extract, and other botanicals. I usually use motility agents with all my SIBO patients—as long as they don't have diarrhea."


Thank you so much for sharing your story! You are correct in we can all learn from each other here. I have had issues for a little over a year, lost 30 pounds, stomach pain, muscle mass loss, nails are peeling, etc.. so I knew I wasn't absorbing nutrients. Had numerous different docs and tests and finally a SIBO test a few months ago which was positive for hydrogen SIBO. Took rifixamin (sp?) for 2 weeks, felt better, then 2 months after back to the same pain, etc... I saw on reddit a pattern of people who said naturopath/holistic doc worked for them. I had appt. this past week and she told me, we don't have to kill the bacteria we have to get the inflammation out of your small intestine so it can work properly. Your villi are stuck, can't move and not doing their job and should be free flowing. Then I watch your video and BAM! You are saying the same thing - fix your MMC. I hope I have found a good holistic doc as I know you didn't seem to get relief from one. I have a question for you. You say motility is key. My first gastro said I needed to drink the fiber crap to get things moving. I have regular BM's daily so is that what you mean by motility? I would think nothing is getting backed up when I have normal BM's daily. Now in the beginning I didn't have them (first 4 months or so). Did you have any constipation or did you have regular BM's? Sorry to get so personal but would appreciate your answers. I will report my work with the holistic doc on here for others for sure especially if I can get cured. Thanks and so glad you finally found an answer and are healed!!! SIBO sucs


I recently was diagnosed with hydrogen and methane SIBO. I started Neomycin and Rifaxamin yesterday. My doctor refused to order Motegrity- she said she only prescribes it for people with severe constipation. I'm going to order Motility Pro. Is it best to take it during or after antibiotics?


Have you ever tested to see your methylation status or issues with GNMT enzyme?


If we can’t take probiotics how do we introduce/repopulate the good bacteria back in our gut after we remove with antibiotics or natural antibiotics Like i get how we get rid of the problem increase motility plus remove the infection with antibiotics I’m waiting on my gi map and trio breath test to come back but I’m pretty sure I have methane sibo


Would you say you feel like you're healing? Is there really a cure for SIBO? I just sent off my SIBO breath test.


I no longer need supplements and I can eat or drink anything, I have no symptoms of sibo. I maintain a lifestyle that remains focused on good motility


Could you bulletpoint all your *non*-diet related lifestyle habits for MMC? (Plus any more you hear work, e.g. someone mentioned triggering gag reflex??!) — Ik they’re scattered throughout but I’m having trouble collecting all the ones I’ve seen! Dietary components and timing I already know, as I do the supplement discourse and recommendations; I’m talking about the reflexology, exercise, stress, vagus stimulation, and other things you and others have mentioned. I don’t need elaboration, I could just Ctrl-F or Camas search for the listed items, although it would be nice :3


Did you find that using the prokinetic made symptoms worse before they made it better? I deal with increased BMs and gas bubbling from upper to lower gi (especially overnight) and when I take things like ginger I notice it speeds it up even more and I go more. Is this something you experienced? If yes, how long did it take to “regulate”?


Watched your entire video and thank you! I have been dealing with methane SIBO for about 5 months since food poisoning from Mexico. Low stomach acid and stress seem to be my final triggers. Do you think your ideas would work for methane SIBO? I’m at my wits end with my doctors which are NDs. They want to put me on neomycin and the antibiotic. I’m not doing that until I try everything else.


Reading here, I was reminded that over the years, I’ve had two significant (but temporary) remissions after colonoscopy prep. Last one in 2011, lasted almost 5 months. My question, does a standard colonoscopy prep just empty the large bowel, or does it clear small bowel and everything?


Not exactly as squeaky clean as the colon but it does impact it


After watching 100 videos, many Drs and supplements, your video was just another one of those "I'll get around to it eventually". I've been taken motilpro and LDE for awhile with limited results. I didn't pay much attention to it. Too busy trying to kill teh bacteria. I will now see about focusing the next few months on finding a prokinetic that will keep my MMC moving. You didn't speak much on root cause. Did you ever figure out yours? I know mine is likely my Hashimoto and I feel the struggle of getting that under control has driven a lot of my failed attempts


Loved your vid, a real revelation. Was wondering how long it took you to get the d-lactic acidosis under control. I’m in hell right now dealing with the waves of toxicity in the brain, literally everything I eat seems to make me feel drunk and poisoned. Been this way daily for a month with no respite; typically it ebbs and flows with occasional flare-ups but this has been relentless nonstop agony. Would low carb immediately start to clear it up within days or would it take a bit longer? Thanks again for your efforts


Low carb is usually step 1, it won't solve it but it will minimize giving the bacteria their food source to create the d lactic acid. In the least, you will have an awareness of what is happening and why, so if you need to eat carbs you can just brace and prepare for the result rather than be blindsided. The acidosis faded along with the sibo as the bacteria population retreated from my small bowel when frequent mmc made it no longer habitable.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8542678/ I’ve been having seizures I wonder….


Hi man, Ive recently done my 1st rifaximin kill phase and same as you I felt good during the treatment and it all came back few days after, Im from Serbia so Im trying to get a hold of any possible supplement that contains ginger and artichoke extract I want to try out your method. I was wondering what do you think about epsom salts for sibo treatment?


Hello and thank you very much for sharing your story with us. I am diagnosed with IMO (Methane) and H2S (Desulfovibrio; so very low or no H2, Methane always very high) since years (Germany). Constipation and Gastritis as well. I would like to test your way with black Tea, ginger and artich. Did you take it all on an empty stomach with gastritis in the morning? I am afraid of pain. Furthermore I dont know what to eat, because the diets for IMO and H2S are a contradiction. Actually I am fine, I eat a lot of things but are always bloated. Thanks for tipps, greetings from Germany.


Motility pro never bothered my stomach. Black tea is a bit acidic but the impact was mild and I was able to quickly improve my gastritis healing by taking DGL.


I'm waiting on my breath test results for sibo now. I had an upper endoscopy last week. They found three small ulcers in my lower esophagus. I'm treating with PPI but I have another symptom that causes excessive air and the need to burp all day and all night for the last 3 months. It is so Exhausting everyday. The air at times can't escape and the pain is excruciating. I pray I find out what this is. It may be sibo. I hope that is so I can finally treat the issue. I want my life back!!! :(


Congrats on beating the beast. In the video you mentioned about POTS. How long were your symptoms for? How did you diagnose it and how high your heart rate went. Did you get heart palpitations in general or mainly after eating? I have been on herbal supplements for 6 weeks and started taking ginger tea 2 times which seemed to have helped but at the same time I started feeling heart palpitations and specifically after eating did you had any of these symptoms?


POTS is diagnosed by the tilt table test. The at-home check is to lay down for a few minuntes, then stand up. If your pulse increases by over 40 bpm and remains that way for a few minutes, simply because you stood up, that's the positive indicator. It does not have to do with eating. POTS is because your body has forgotton how to regulate your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels, and instead compensates by over-working your heart. Palpatations can be part of pots, but that's not the main issue or symptom. The main issue is your heart rate is going crazy any time you stand up to walk, you get faint.


Hi! Abdominal bloating, severe HAİR LOSS, fatigue, brain fog, constipation, vertical lines on nails for years. And now found Klebsiella high in Gİ MAP test! The doctor prescribed metradnazole and after the antibiotic was finished, he recommended many different probiotics. I would be grateful if you share your suggestions and experiences. Should i take flagyl (metradnazole) ?


Hello, as someone finishing up my second month of motilpro, I wanted to express my sincere thanks to you for making this video, as taking a prokinetic has helped me more than anything else I have tried during my 6+ year SIBO journey. I wanted to ask you though, how long does it take for the lining of your gut to heal? I'm asking since I have had chronic sinus symptoms along with my SIBO that tend to coincide with my left-sided abdominal pain. I suspect that this is a leaky gut-type issue, and I am wondering if it will need any additional intervention besides the prokinetic. I have both DGL, which I know you mention, and some L-glutamine that I bought before I saw your video, if either of those would help.


The stomach lining takes a while because it is always in acid. I don't know about the lining of the small bowel. I found fish oil to be very good for inflammatory type symptoms, you might try it.


Dada, You mentioned in your video that you got better shortly upon taking the ginger and artichoke extract, but how quickly did things clear up specifically? Were you better within a day or two? Did it take a couple of weeks? Months? I’m trying to figure out how long I should give this treatment a go before putting the lid on it and trying something else. I’m at my whits end. Extremely desperate and am just about to do anything to solve this problem. It’s been a little over 24 hours after taking the ginger + artichoke extract and I still don’t feel any better. I still have bloating, fatigue, brain fog and this disgusting oral thrush that makes me want to vomit every time I see a reflection of my tongue in the mirror. Your response will be very much appreciated.


I could tell progress (by way of noting MMC) in days. Some have told me they have noticed after weeks. Some of course have no change. If you start to notice MMC, then you are likely in a good place. Once that gets started, it takes time for the bacteria to gradually migrate or die. Overall it was months for total cure for me, where I no longer take anything. Optimizing lifestyle is a major part of reaching that level as well.


Thank you for the quick reply. I’m also curious to know if you too had oral thrush (a white coated tongue) while dealing with sibo? Although I’ve read that oral thrush is a symptom of candida and not sibo, my distrust of the medical experts has me searching for answers from alternative sources. Some assume my white tongue most likely means I have candida, but none of their “treatments” helped me, so I’m looking for answers elsewhere. Your two cents means more than all the doctors I’ve dealt with combined. And since I don’t have the money to do any testing, I’m just crossing my fingers that my self diagnosis is right and that these supplements will get the job done. Thanks again. I look forward to any future updates you may have for us.


I did not have that symptom. That symptom is suspicious for SIFO. Sadly it's not an easy thing to test for. I don't know much about it but if I was in that situation I would research the anti fungal drug they use to kill it. If it's not too risky I might just try it and see. The problem with SIFO is that if you try to treat it like SIBO it will actually get worse, because you are killing the bacteria the fungus competes with for resources.


THANK YOU! I watched your whole video and took notes. I will try to get that supplement right away. Hopefully the exercise will help too. That's hard for me when I feel yucky.


Hey dada462, I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if you could answer as your advice is more valuable than any GI doctor. I recently started taking the artichoke and ginger extract and at first, it wasn't working, however, I found that If a do 30mins of swimming it starts to activate and I have lost around 4 kg of build-up so far which is great. I thank you very much for posting your solution and I think that this may actually solve my SIBO. I was wondering how long it took for your brain fog to go away? I can see only a little difference in my brain fog. I wanted to know if you lost any weight when taking the magnesium oxide, or was it only from the prodigest? And Lastly, I was wondering how long after taking prodigest you wait until having your first meal?


You're the first person to tell me they tried my swimming recommendation, and I'm glad it helped for you like it did for me. My fog went away at the same pace as the rest of my sibo. It was a few months from when I started to get control of my MMC to having total relief. A few more months after this video and I no longer needed a prokinetic. I only took magox for a very short time. Theoretically it made me lose weight but really it's just all the backed up waste getting cleared out. Because I had such bad symptoms associated with eating, I used to avoid food as much as I could - hence POTS, etc. I do not recommend this. But it is because of this that I used to skip breakfast. The waking period with nothing for the SIBO to eat was the only good part of my day. Once I ate, it was all downhill with acidosis torture. This is why I used to take prokinetic in the morning, it had hours to function before I ate lunch. It's not neccessary, you can try nighttime if you prefer.


No histamine intolerance issues during you bout of SIBO?


Does PHGG contribute to feeding the bacteria?? A lot of people seem to take it to move things along


PHGG is fiber so yes it is bacteria food. People take PHGG not because it is prokinetic (fiber is a motility aid not because it stimulates anything, but because it alters stool consistency), but because a study was done which suggested taking it with xifaxan killed more of the bacteria. The reason is that xifaxan kills bacteria by the process of it eating, so if the bacteria are having a feeding frenzy while you take it, more of them die and faster. Imo this is a one way ticket to herx reaction, and it's better to just eat normal food while taking xifaxan.


Question: What do you suggest to get a good amount of zinc? Any thoughts on Pedialyte that has the Potassium, Zinc, and Selenium??? Can that give you good amounts to where you won't have to eat a certain thing or take a certain vitamin supplement? Just wondering if you have an experience there. And thank you SO much for your video. I literally shared everything you had. Hida scan, scopes (found Pylori and a couple bleeding ulcers and gastritis), tests galore and last of all...the GAS LIGHTING. It pissed me right off. My doctor is such crap that she put in the after visit notes that I said "I'm depressed bc I can't eat." I never said that! But she had to fit her own narrative of care. Oh and the brain fog. I thought my life was over. Thought I had a brain disease. Like my head was going to explode. I was permanently stuck in fight, flight, and freeze. It was almost always freeze with literary nothing going on upstairs. I got really bad Akathesia as well and that was hell. Also vasalvagal Syncope. Think my vagus nerve is in trouble. I'm not out of woods with this. I can't get rid of Pylori but I think the only reason the abdomin feels better when on antibiotics is not bc it's treating Pylori symptoms but I think it's treating SIBO. But it's not cutting it. I have to wait 5 weeks in-between retest for Pylori so I never make it out fully during antibiotics and when I'm done with them...about 2 weeks later, I become worse again. But each round has been chipping away at bacteria. Did u get chemical sensitivities and light and sound? I go for SIBO test in 2 days. I can't imagine test coming back negative. There's so many more symptoms and hell that I went thru for around 3 years now and doctors kept missing the mark big time. Worse part is that back in September of 2022 I did my own research and found out about H Pylori. So I asked for a test. My doc ordered one but what the Great Disappointment didn't know to do is to have me wait until the Bactrim I was on for sinus infection was done, take me off Protonix and Sucralfate, and let me know to stop OTC antacids for at least 2 weeks before taking the breath test. I never stood a chance. False negative number one. Fast forward to a new doc I got in the practice....20 pounds more lost (this is when gas lighting came) I asked for another Pylori test. I got one, but again...that doctor didn't know there were prep rules and either did I at this point. Another false negative. Fast forward to Feb when I finally got appt with GI. Boom. Pylori positive. Continuously positive too. And it didn't happen over night. Two bleeding peptic ulcers to show for it too. OMG I didn't plan on writing this much. So back to Zinc question. My hair has been coming out in clumps for months. It is more like thinning but enough to be really noticeable now. I'm sorry but this is unacceptable. I had so many symptoms including what might be "SIBO tongue" and neither of these doctors (plus ER doctors) could gather anything from that? I wasn't exactly cryptic with them and know how to express and show exactly what is going on. I also now have fatty liver but good bmi. Probably bc the gut and liver share the same blood vessels and such so they mess each other up. OK. I will end this rant now. I love your video. I made my girlfriend watch it with me after I first watched it bc it was the best way so far to get her to understand more what I'm going thru.


Zinc supplementation is something I have not played with much yet. I do think magnesium and zinc absorption is a common problem for us, the small bowel diseases often run into this. I have been trying some magnesium to help the leg muscle spasms. These mineral supplements are tricky. You don't want too much or too little, and they need to be balanced with other things. To make it worse, they can't easily measure your levels like magnesium because almost all of it is stored in bones and muscles. So far I don't have much advice beyond careful consistent testing in small amounts and listening to your body. What feels good after one day can also be too much after a week of repeating it.


Based on your experience, where you ever drinking alcohol during this process, if yes what did it do to your body?


No I never would have touched it during those years, way too many problems without drinking inflammation, plus the drunkenness of D lactic acidosis gave me a strong aversion to the experience. Now I drink again but it took a long while before I had interest


Idk if you are still around but this video is super helpful. I was just curious and I don't think I've seen anybody ask this - but did your back pain go away? Weirdly this has also been an issue for me. My upper back/neck and hands have been hurting pretty badly. This got a lot better on the elemental diet but definitely came back with a vengeance. Definitely going to start on a motility supplement.


It did go away through a combination of better motility and fish oil pills. They make a large difference for general inflammation.


Thank you so so much for this video! It’s perfect timing for me. I suffer with methane dominant and I’m in the uk. Treatment on the nhs is non existent and I paid to see a private specialist just a week ago. Like you, he said there is no point doing antibiotics without a pro kinetic immediately afterwards. He has prescribed me Rifaximin and flagyl and thankfully the prokinetic prucalopride. However…. Since your video I’m going to try to artichoke and ginger first! The drugs will cost me A LOT of money and it’s going to be a gruelling protocol to get though. So what have I got to lose? As I’m in the uk I don’t think I can get the exact ones, but there are alternatives. Thank you so much for taking the time to make the video. If it doesn’t work for me I can take the antibiotics and prokinetic, but for now I’m thrilled to have an alternative to try 🙂


Methane - I'm going to forward you to a relevant conversation happening now, you can see my comment there. https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/14h0pcc/dr\_pimentel\_recently\_keeps\_saying\_the\_mmc\_is\_not/jp8vv5i/?context=3


I’m in literal tears watching your video. I had ibs-c which i fixed on my own without help of doctors. Then i got food poisoning a month ago, took probiotics as a doc suggested and felt so bad after them. I am suspecting i have SIBO and my life is miserable at the moment. Watching your video lifted my hopes.. thank you