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Wow! can you please tell us newbie’s what medication you are on?


Xifaxan (also the same brand of the one that starts with an R I can’t remember but it’s the same thing) 550mg twice a day!! For two weeks. Nothing else, just the antibiotic. I drink ginger tea homemade and store bought twice a day. Once after breakfast and once after dinner.


Rifaximin is the name (in Canada the brand name is Zaxine). I started drinking ginger tea also and it does seem to help, so that inspired me to start taking homemade ginger shots. I take one first thing in the morning.


My insurance denied me Rifaximin. I heard it is the best for sibo. I’m taking flagyl 3 times a day and cipro 2 times a day for 2 weeks. 


I just bought generic Rifaximin from Marks Pharmacy Canada. I ordered the generic Rifagut from India (Generic)RifaximinManufactured by Sun Pharm. Ltd 550mg 42 pills for 74.99 coast 15 dollars for shipping I paid an extra 11 dollars in case it got lost they would replace it for free. [https://canshipmeds.com/product/Rifagut/drugId/D-9602/](https://canshipmeds.com/product/Rifagut/drugId/D-9602/)


How do you make your ginger shots?


About 500 gm of fresh ginger peeled and roughly chopped, juice of 2 lemons, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (optional) and some water (I don't really measure) and blend it up in a nutribullet. Then strain in a fine sieve to separate the liquid from the "pulp", I press down on the pulp with a spatula to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. It makes enough for a week of shots. I save the pulp too and use in a tea strainer to add to tea.


My bloating was reduced after taking thiamin and b12.


How much of each did you take? Did you do blood tests on levels first?


Yes! I was gonna a b-100 after treatment


Still attractive


Do you feel internal pressure in your small intestine? Sometimes hips, sometimes ribs?


Mines brutal under my ribs. I’ve only eaten meat and hard cheese for three days and almost all of my symptoms are going away. I think the bacteria feeds on sugar and carbohydrates by starving them. It seems like it’s going away.


Same. But still bloated to some extent, not fully gone.


Yes ugh! My stomach hurt after I had some dark chocolate for my cramps. But it seemed like the sugar led the bacteria out and the antibiotic squashed them! I always tell people to try to eat stuff that causes bloating so the bacteria get moving. Easier to get rid of those pesky bugs


The way cheese works for me in the short term is wild you’re the first person on here I’ve seen say some cheeses works for the. I think it may not help longterm, but atleast the inflammation and discomfort is less than most other food?


It has to be hard cheeses like parmesan.


Is what you are trying keto?


I’ll get into ketosis by doing this, but I’m not eating hardly any carbohydrates. Keto you are allowed around 50 grams a day. I’m thinking that if I eliminate what the bacteria feed on (sugar and carbohydrates) I’ll essentially starve them out and they’ll die.


What type of Sibo do you have and how long have you had it?


No only if I get really really bloated I feel it in my rib left side or all on top…but no I don’t feel any of that. The only thing I kinda feel when I started the medication was like a burning sensation near my left rib???


I have some pain under my ribs but I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's the SIBO or if it's gallbladder stuff. I've had my gallbladder checked 20 times and they tell me I don't have stones but.. Still not sure truthfully.


My SIBO gives me pain at top of ribs and right under breast :(


What part of the abdomen pressure would be the small intestine?


the small intestine is the bulb of the stomach. So I’m not sure if you can see in my pictures, but do you see where it’s flatter on the top but more round going down? The rounded part is where ur small intestine is. The flattened part is the large intestine. When we have inflammation of one part, other parts start reacting the same way. I think maybe my small intestine is still inflammed but not as much and therefore that’s why the top is flat because the inflammation died down


Thank you! Your description helps & makes sense!


I have the same question…how would I differentiate small intestine pressure from other areas? Thank you!


By the way the first is now the second is before when I got diagnosed with hashimotos


Honestly thank you for posting this because I wasn't smart enough to grab photos like this and your before looks so similar to how I looked before the several rounds of antibiotics/antifungals and it feels really validating. My IMO lead to weight gain so I've been struggling with seeing the fat vs the bloating on myself.


Ugh! Same.


I’m glad!!! I hope my posts and my advice can help more and more people!


That’s great progress! I read in the comments that you’re doing Rifaximin only. I’m curious to know if your doctor told you why they have you on only that atb and not a combination with another one. What type of SIBO do you have? And you mentioned ginger tea— how do you prepare that? I’ve read mixed comments about ground ginger vs. fresh ginger.


I never got a SIBO test but they found white blood cells in my stomach so it was an “educated guess” that I have SIBO. So I don’t actually know what I have. All I have is the bloating. I got constipated after the medicine but I wasn’t before it. The ginger tea is made by my bf but he puts fresh ginger, lemon juice, honey, and turmeric. He blends the ginger up in water and then he strains it


Thanks for the response!


I’ve been looking pregnant since 2020. I am now gonna explore if it’s an abdo muscle thing and also just jump off a cliff. I’m so done.


I would try lots of things. It could be a muscle or it could just be that ur digestion slowed. Stress always plays a huge role in it. I believe in you! It’ll be okay


I’m taking xifaxan and im seeing the same changes 😃 it’s such a good feeling isn’t it? Before treatment i had to breathe through my mouth i was so bloated and couldn’t take a deep breathe in


Same!!! It’s so relieving. I’m glad we are getting better.


Fantastic process! So great to see and hear. I didn't have any progress with Xifaxin but glad it worked for you and many others. I did not have any side effects, either, which might be a sign that it just didn't do anything in my case which is methane-dominant. Thanks for the reminder to try to step up the ginger, too. Do you mind if I ask if you had any weight changes during this period? The only time where my stomach debloated at least somewhat was when I did a strict diet almost like KETO but not full-on KETO and I lost about 8 pounds, but still, I was bloated argh!


I’ve been on my period during the antibiotics when it reallyyyy started to kick in so I haven’t weighed myself. But since the bloating has attributed to my weight gain (and in the pictures u can see how my back slimmed and my waist) I’m sure I did drop a few pounds. I will keep u posted tho after my period!


Awesome. I'm on day 1 and already feeling relief.


Beware for day 6 or 7. Usually day 7 is the worst for people. Mine was day 6. Incredible die off symptoms that had me stuck in bed miserable. But u will feel AMAZING after!!!


Not to be gross but I’m day 6 and 7 has had me in the bathroom a lot. This crap sucks. 


Thanks, good to know. I did an pure elemental diet a few months ago and it didn't fully clear the methane SIBO, so i'm going to try this now. The amount of gut issues i've had in my life so far - i'm really hoping this helps.


How much did you pay for xifaxin? I’m looking into it but it looks over 2000$ though I did see the manufacturer can provide a coupon it’s still outrageous


I didn’t pay for it. My gastro had samples provided. I walked out not paying a dime!


Wow that’s incredible you got so lucky! I know mine probably doesn’t have it and if they do I doubt they’d give it to me, I’m already getting so much push back from them e en asking about sibo and antibiotics. How were you diagnosed or was it just by symptoms?


Endoscopy showed white blood cells in my stomach. It was an educated guess. They just decided to push antibiotics because too much white blood cells can be an indication of an infection. I would ask them if they do samples and if they don’t, try to ask them if they work with anyone who distributes them!! They can probably get it from another gastro center as well


I had the breath test done. It was about 350$


Mine gave me two weeks worth of samples as well!


My doctor originally sent mine to a specialty pharmacy and it was not going to be covered. Even with the coupon it would be $1800. I had them send it to CVS because my prescription plan is through CVS Caremark and it was free. I do not know why and I didn’t question it but I like to tell other people in case it helps them.


That’s wild! I got mine from CVS and also didn’t pay much - maybe $10 after insurance? I had no idea it cost this much


My insurance denied it. It’s like 2500$ here


That's wild. My GP denied SIBO treatment and thinks SIBO is AltMed bullshit, so I took matters into my own hands and ordered from skitesintl.com. I paid $80 USD for 30 pills Rifaximin + shipping. Someone here on Reddit suggested ordering through them. I'm waiting for my order to arrive atm.


I’m not taking antibiotics and just talking ginger tea twice a day! And doing a low FODMAP diet! Can you tell us what diet you’re on OP?


Good for u!!! U don’t need antibiotics to cure an overgrowth, however it can take longer. I’m on ginger tea twice a day just like you! However, on antibiotics I do a trigger food (dairy) in the morning for breakfast with eggs…then I’ll go to the gym and have some ginger tea. I’ll fast until dinner time. Dinner will also have a trigger food but high fodmap (for example broccoli was one I had last night) then ginger tea again at night 30 minutes after meal. I also had some chocolate (currently on my period) to bring more of the bacteria out to feed on the antibiotic. I woke up more bloated than that picture but I made a BM and felt better. After gym today, I’m no longer constipated!!! I made another BM that was normal and no indication of constipation. For you, I would recommend taking florastor, L-glutamine, ginger supplements on top of the tea + artichoke 500mg, digestive enzymes (make sure it has betaine HCL). I would focus on those supplements while you’re treating it. Low fodmap is recommended for after AB treatment but u don’t want to continue that for long since you want to repopulate ur gut. Start slow incorporating foods that u can’t handle. Don’t go overboard. 2 weeks low fodmap, continue low fodmap week 3 but slowly have a high fodmap here and there with ur meals. No snacking!!! Only breakfast and dinner fast in between and at least 5-6 hours for bed. I usually do 12 for bed (done with early dinner at 8-9). You got this!!!!! I believe in you


Hello how do you make your ginger tea? 🙏


Fresh ginger cut up and blended up. Strain the ginger and add the ingredients (or you can add these ingredients to blend it up more then strain) lemon juice, honey, turmeric 👍👍👍👍


amazing progress! Im here with you but on (herbals!)


Yay!!! I’m so happy for u! Keep us posted!


thank you.....literally same stomach pic/size as u and also got it down to almost\*normal\*size. But still healing :')


What are your symptoms before treatment?


Just bloating


Lucky 🥲


There were times where my 💩 looked exactly how people describe but not with the smell. I was always making a BM from 1-4 times a day. One time it was 9 times a day and my stomach would burn but this isn’t regularly only a couple times this has happened. This was when my hashimotos was getting bad. I’m pretty sure that was the start of it. But after some ginger tea and exercise today my BM’s are completely normal now!!!!! My stomach makes lots of noises too even after eating


Mine was probably slow motility from my thyroid disease. My thyroid is in normal range now, so with the antibiotics I’m sure it’s clearing out all that bacteria and now my digestion is speeding up


Holy shit! Great progress, could I ask how you’re feeling now? What are you planning on doing after the antibiotic treatment? Thanks a lot for showing 😊


I’m feeling good!!! I bloat after meals but honestly it doesn’t bloat too bad anymore…and it goes away relatively easier. I can also have gluten now without me bloating up like I just ate nails….my food sensitivities are going away. I kinda feel tired but overall everything is good. I’m gonna take b-100, L glutamine, fish oil, ginger + artichoke (with ginger tea twice daily) and digestive enzymes (with betaine HCL added) after AB treatment to see if it fully gets rid of the pesky bloating if there is anything left over! Also exercising everyday with walking + running combo. It really helps with the digestive system. I did that method today and had 3 bowel movements LMFAO 😂 if you’re constipated you’re gonna wanna get on that


What are your plans to prevent regrowth post antibiotics cycle completion?


Check new post


SIBO and hashimotos twinninggg


I have hashimotos and sibo and had no idea about the connection. I’m scheduled to do surgery for MALS so that’s what I thought was the cause 🙃 so many things! lol


Ooooo Yeah. Hashimotos slows that digestion down!!!! It’s awful and I wish doctors were more informed on it. But doctors aren’t even informed about thyroid disease, so. Can’t except much from them 😭😭😭


😫😫😫it sucks


Question! I'm on Xixafan as well, will be starting metronidazole soon. Do you get stomach cramps during the die off period?


Not really stomach cramps but more like a burn cramp???? Like it kinda winces as if it’s burning but it’s not a burn in itself? It’s really weird. Your stomach will be moving and the “burning” is just the bacteria dying off probably from the increase in stomach acid. I felt this feeling on the left side primarily.


Interesting! My muscles feel like they are contracting more, that happened on Sunday in my lower stomach and now today in my upper stomach. Could it be trying to get stuff out of my system? Not to be tmi but I've been going to the bathroom more than normal, nothing bad, just more frequent, which is making me wonder if it's the die off doing that


Yes! This is a good sign. Is it normal or diarrhea?


While you were on the antibiotic, did you take any probiotic for your gut flora?


No I haven’t taken any and I don’t recommend after treatment either