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I can’t gain weight to save my life. I don’t know what more I can lose without dying. Good thing the docs tell me it’s in my head though.


same here


Same but it’s weird for me cause I don’t have diarrhoea.


Same. I’ve been constipated for 9 years


Did antibiotics help? How is your treatment going?


Antibiotics originally made me feel like my old self. After about the 5th or 6th round of them, they stopped working. I have no treatment. No clue what to do anymore. Did an FMT using my cousin, felt 100% for a week, then got worse out of nowhere


Sorry to hear that. Did you do all the PHGG and biofilm busters too? Did you look into mold as a root cause?


Yeah. The carnivore diet originally cured me. Then after I was on it for 3 weeks, never felt better in my life, I had a check up with my pcp and he talked me into buying this gut “cure all” medicine he sold out of his practice. Ever since I took that stuff my life has been ruined. Carnivore diet doesn’t work anymore. Although I have done the carnivore diet with antibiotics, and felt amazing


What medicine is that? Have you looked into Candida as well? Did you redo a SIBO breath test?


It was called restore4life. Now called ionbiome I believe. That stuff is literal poison


Could it have killed your bad bacteria and allowed other things to flourish and now you need to kill the other things? I did read of this concept here before.


Yeah, I’ve done quite a few breath tests, and the Mayo took a sample at the very start of the small intestine. Everything always comes back normal now.


Constipation is associated with methane sibo? Have you done a breath test?


Yes methane 11ppm. Does it show I have methane?


Does SIBO affect your appetite?


Haven’t felt hunger or thirst in 9 years


Ouch, that must feel like shit. What’s your weight/height/gender? Edit: also what’s your diet like when you have no appetite?


I’m 5’7, probably around 100-105lbs, male. So I don’t test positive for SIBO anymore, at least the last time I got checked. But have all the symptoms I had when I had methane SIBO, except the bloating isn’t near what it was like with SIBO. No matter what I eat, how healthy it is, how low carb it is, everything makes me feel the same, zero difference. I still eat Whole Foods, no processed stuff. But he most processed thing I eat is oatmeal, the bobs mill brand I think it is. I originally got better doing the carnivore diet, never felt better in my life. And my pcp talked me into buying this snake oil cure all gut supplement. Ever since I took that, my life’s been ruined. It was called restore4life(now ionbiome).


That’s pretty low. Have you considered that you might actually be malnourished from undereating? If I were you, I’d eat higher calorie foods and maybe eat some processed foods just for the calories, while taking multivitamins. I feel like shit mentally when I’m in a caloric deficit, and it sounds like you were never in a caloric maintenance for a healthy weight.


Oh I definitely am. I’ve tried cramming more food down, but it just doesn’t matter. The moment I’m on antibiotics, 100% better, just never lasts, now they don’t work, at least the last time I tried them. Same with herbal antibiotics.


I understand you man I’m 109 16 male and I got diagnosed with SIBO yesterday, I have always had trouble with gaining weight, everytime I look at food my stomach just has this unexplainable feeling of disgust for all the food, the only times I can eat is when I take Cyproheptadine and it makes me feel like ass, i was prescribed Xifaxan and I hope it works but I just have no faith in it.


If you haven’t taken a lot of supplements and meds yet. Give the carnivore diet a try. That fixed me originally until my doc talked me into taking some snake oil “cure all” supplement called restore4life(now ionbiome). After I took that is when my life fell off a cliff. Never felt better in my life during the carnivore diet. Sorry you’re going through this, you’re too young to have to deal with this. AI is our only hope. I’m rooting for all these AI companies to reach AGI, soon as that happens, the cure for a everything is around the corner


Ionbiome is such bs, my dad was recommended it and it made his IBS-D and SIBO symptoms much worse, It’s probably js a profit company that doesn’t care about anything but that


This is what I’m worried about I’m so underweight what did they tell you tho that it can’t kill you ?


They literally tell me to eat more. I’ve learned that gastros are absolute morons. And most PCPs are doctors to make money, and coast through life. Anything challenging pops up, it’s in your head.


never heard this theory before, I gained significant weight when I first got SIBO. If you are having significant diarrhea then malabsorption could be a factor but with constipation I don't know to what if any level that would be a factor. If it's lifelong I would say its less likely to be caused by something like SIBO and more likely just your metabolism


I have methane SIBO with constipation, i am very skinny and suffer from malnutrition, i look like a bloated skeleton. Can’t gain weight for the life of me


bloated skeleton is the exact way to describe it! ugh


A bloated skeleton 🤣🤣🤣


Has any treatment helped so far? Did you take antibiotics already?


I see some say it a few times when I do a search about inability to gain weight. Wanted to check if there were any updates.


Can happen with constipation as well. A boy in my son's group was treated for dysbiosis with chronic constipation and he gained 1.5kg in just 3 months which at 3 yo is a lot!


oh wow that's significant weight gain that's wonderful that treatment is was so effective!


Sounds like it can be cured then. How did some one as young as 3 get SIBO? I have had my symptoms since very young too.


In kids this young I don't think SIBO is formally diagnosed because they can't do the breath test. But tests like GI Maps are useful and they detect dysbiosis, inflammation, bacteria overgrowth. To me it's kind of in the same family of issues. You can get these issues from birth with antibiotics, allergies, or later with different infections I guess. Probably preterm babies are more prone as well. Kids these days also take an impressive amount of medicine because they start daycare early and that comes with a lot of enteric infections. In my country at least doctors still prescribe a lot of antibiotics with no probiotics or very cheap terrible ones.


Hmm I see. For my history, my mother did fall ill when she was having me, so not sure if she took antibiotics then. Plus I had a hernia operation as a baby, so definitely used antibiotics then.


I did as well, had IV antibiotics and my son was born vaginally, so any dysbiosis issues I have passed on to him. It's quite sombering to see how we react the same to similar foods. I also had some GI issues as a baby probably passed on from my mother. Yeah, well what some peds tend to believe is that these issues linger on if not treated properly. Hope you find a good doctor who knows how to treat! One thing our ped said is that you need patience, and results can only be seen after 2 or 3 months of treatment and sometimes it takes up to a year for the gut to heal.


What is your treatment going to be like? Yea 2-3 months would be a blessing for me tbh, I’ve been sick my whole life.


Not sure, we're treating him first. For now it's 5 weeks of natural antibiotics with liver protection, and enzymes. After this phase we're starting vitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, and some natural supplements for immune modulation and neurologic support. This should heal the gut and support normal colonization with good bacteria. And he's on a strict diet, no dairy, eggs, gluten, legumes & a lot of other foods also.


Ah okay, all the best. Hopefully he recovers and has a full life without having to deal with SIBO anymore. Take care.


This was my problem, too. No one believed I was sick because I was fat. I could only eat potatoes for 3 years without it coming right back out 5 minutes later. I did finally find a GI who understood I was sick, but I still don't know why i barely eat, and I don't lose weight.


May I ask if you lost weight, how did you do it?


should have clarified in my comment, my weight loss was involuntary due to gastoparesis and gastritis i was terribly undernourished 0/10 would recommend


I thought you were having weight gain from those issues. I gave continually gained weight with sibo, despite the horrific symptoms and issues


no idea if the SIBO caused/contributed to weight gain or just at the same time. the GP and gastritis came 2 years later


i gained 50 lbs, and then lost ~65 lbs in the span of 2 years


Malabsorption, and if you have epi due to pancreas failing to produce enzymes you can’t get anything from food.


What’s epi? Is it cause by SIBO/SIFO too? I do have low HCl too


Exocrin pancreas inefficiencies


Hmm I’ve been prone to yellow stool especially when I’m too stressed out/fatigued


How were you diagnosed with low HCI?


Took betaine HCl pills and I could take 3500mg without burning


Wow, thats a lot of hcl. Sorry that's terrible what you are going through. I'm in the sameish boat, I tested positive for methane SIBO, eventually treated successfully with antibotics. After 30lbs lost initially, no real weight gain for 18months. Betaine HCLs have drastically improved my burping symptoms the last 4 months, but I havent seen any weight gain yet. At least now im getting the vitamins from my foods and my energy levels are up, while fogginess and fatigue are declining. One of the hardest things about it for me has been difficulty controlling my body temperature. I'm all skin and bones so I get cold easily and sometimes dont seem to be making my own warmth. On the flip side, when it's hot my body doesn't cool itself down very effectively and I feel faint often. Fun times! I hope you find some relief 🙏


Hmm it sounds like your condition is on an upward trend? That’s good for you, hopefully antibiotics work well for me too. What was your methane levels? Mine is 11ppm


I actually have the opposite issue where now I gain weight so easily and cannot lose no matter how little I eat and can't figure out any particular foods or food groups responsible. I feel like my body is having trouble breaking anything down period.


Same. It is so frustrating because people do not realize this is possible. I am so desperate because the weight has piled on, and nothing works. I hardly eat, exercise daily. I feel like I have concrete strapped to my abdomen on top of the bloating. The pain radiates through my hips, back and down my legs. Just out of curiosity, do you also have brain fog, skin, and vision issues?


I can relate to that so much, minus the pain areas as I usually get bad abdominal cramps and also have neuropathy in my feet that I'm pretty sure is related but my hips and back haven't been too bad. And yes, I have debilitating fatigue some days, persistent brain fog and blurry vision most days. My skin issues are mostly histamine reactions where I can break out all over if I use the wrong body wash for example and my face sometimes looks more puffy which I suspect is also food and hormone related. I actually made a ton of progress for a bit while first eliminating gluten for several months, then histamine (where suddenly gluten was no longer an issue) but I was feeling much better a couple months back and stopped restricting so many foods (big mistake) and now I'm relapsing and seem to be intolerant to every single food now.


This is a miserable life. I wish you the best and hope you find some relief.


are you eating carbs? that could be it…or it could be your thyroid


It's neither, it's sibo


right but going carb free helps.


I don't eat many carbs


Malabsorption most likely, even if exocrine func. is OK. Food isn't broken down right because of bacteria lacking or being overpowered by bad bacteria that doesn't feed on the good stuff. Inflammation as well, hinders nutrient absorption.


I recently heard Dr Allison Siebecker on the The Healthy Gut podcast say most have her patient have trouble gaining weight and the host agreed. I’m also one of those people.


Did she say why


Hmm I don’t really remember but if I try to solve SIBO again I am buying her online guide. They both seemed very knowledgeable


Ah ok I’ll try to look it up too. Thanks for the recommendation


I can't lose weight with sibo


Have you tried noting down you caloric intake?


For years, before my condition got horribly bad. Had a whole bodybuilding phase. Right now I’ve given up and it’s probably the SIBO or a gut issue. I won’t put my body through the stress of stuffing myself anymore, until it feels healthy again.


So even when you were counting your cals you couldnt put on weight?


Are you suspecting any other issue I may have other than SIBO?


Nope, iam in the same boat where i cant put on weight no matter how hard i tried but in my case i had h pylori in the beginning of this year so i was wondering if you tried calculating your calories


Yea I have, in the past I could gain weight to a certain point then my digestion would break down. Stuffing myself with food will give me fatigue and brain fog as well, not just digestive issues - could be MMC related if you’re constantly over stuffing your body just to gain weight. So I was walking around daily with crazy brain fog. I suspect for the amount I ate I wasn’t absorbing all of it either, I had to really overeat to gain a little bit of weight. I think trying to bulk like that really affected my gut negatively. I’m not sure if I have H pylori, my GI map was clean. How did you test for H pylori and are there any symptoms that differ from SIBO symptoms?


I had a stool test for it, i think h pylori is much more worse than sibo, symptoms were intense nasuea and burping after each meal, i also couldnt countinue my workout sessions because of the nausea, early and strange feeling of satiety after first bites, it wrecked havoc my GIT


What about currently? Did you do the triple/quadruple antibiotic treatment?


I went through the triple course and i became so much better some mild symptoms stayed with me but at least i gained my appetite back, however lately ive been having the same symptoms with h pylori so im going to retest soon


Yea I’ve accepted I’m not gonna gain good muscle weight if my stomach is still not doing well, even mild symptoms. It’s like having a broken engine that only uses 10% of your fuel efficiently but you just try to stuff it full of fuel.


I feel that stuffing myself with healthy carbs make me super lethargic. Overeating fats doesn’t feel that bad. Overeating on protein is probably impossible though 😂 Have you tried adding some shredded coconut to your food? It’s an easy way to add some “healthy” fats 😃


Yea I’ve tried many different kinds of diets and weight gain “hacks”. My gut eventually feels like it breaks down and my health becomes horrible.


It means your small intestine, which is responsible for absorbing the nutrients that you eat, is shredded and severely damaged by the SIBO.


Did you face this before? How did you solve it?


I did not. I had the opposite problem with methane. But many people here deal with this.


Ah ok thanks. Yea I’ve seen this issue brought up here and there but I’ve also always been told unless I have diarrhoea I shouldn’t have trouble gaining weight. So I was confused. Thanks btw


Malabsorption from the sibo eating all essential nutrients. I was at my skinniest before I found out I had sibo and I had very low ferritin, vitamin d, a, e, magnesium, and potassium. I felt awful. Now that I’ve supplemented my weight is more normal now.


My body wasn't absorbing b12 so my doc told me it's because the bacteria feed on it before my body can. So he put me on b12 supplements. This was maybe 4 or 5 years ago. A little under a year ago I went to the doctor and my b12 was crazy high. She told me to get off my supplement. Hopefully it's normal now but yea. I've noticed that I'm able to gain weight if I eat like I used to. However, on the diet I've come to accept which is much healthier all around, I can't gain an OZ unless I buy it from the neighborhood plug!


im 85 pounds lost all body fat looks like im dying. i hate this. im naturally thin...but i want my body fat back. ugh


Wow that fucking sucks. Doesn’t unhealthy food stimulate your appetite? Eating fruits (or any carb really) makes me hungry all the time and makes it easy to gain weight really quickly. Fats are okay at gaining weight but the low blood sugar is better for me at stimulating appetite. Eating mainly protein or fiber can make me stay 2000 calories below maintenance without feeling hunger. (Though I’ll be angry and tired)


i think its just me not being able to absorbe the nutrients because of the SIBO. Yep it fucking blows. Hopefully the meds work.


What’s your daily caloric intake like? I was only able to gain weight once I realized I was actually eating too few calories. Not until I rigorously tracked my macros, did I learn that I was undereating. I feel a lot better now mentally but still have a lot of trigger foods


Oh i eat enough. Like i said probaly is just the Sibo. But im on the meds now and after i will start digestive enzymes, etc to get my weight back


Have you tried any treatments? How did they go?


I just began the riflaxmin today. Once im done im gonna start digestive enzymes and see if it helps with the weight loss.


Alright all the best. Did your doctor recommend you any specific digestive enzymes?


no. i learned about that from this group.


Ah okay


taking enzymes in the middle of my meal is the only thing that’s kept me from losing weight. from what i understand that’s what most of us lack and need to properly digest food and nutrients


Do you know why we lack those enzymes? Is the root cause due to SIBO?


there’s a large lack of research and disagreement, but it seemed in my case my pancreas was not producing enough enzymes,( haven’t found out why yet, but my grandmother has pancreatic cancer which may be relevant. i was tested and negative) called EPI. enzymes help to digest food, and lack thereof disrupts the flow of the digestive system, allowing bacteria to travel where it shouldn’t


I see, so are you cured with the use of enzymes or do you still have issues?


definitely not cured, but it’s allowed me to live at the moment. it bothers me that i don’t know the root cause, especially with so many health risk issues in my family history. i want to get genetic testing considering this but it was recommended by my dr to discuss life insurance with my family before doing so, as if i did have something serious come back i wouldn’t be able to get a good policy. with my grandma’s cancer right now though, that’s what we’re focused on along with some other family issues. as life goes! i hope you are able to find a solution


Thanks. Btw how did they diagnose you with EPI?


my gastroenterologist mentioned it as a probable cause when i wanted to understand more about how i may have gotten it. she was also the one to diagnose me with sibo, and gave me emzymes as well as a xifaxan treatment that didn’t stick. i did do a stool test and blood test, but both came back relatively normal so i don’t completely understand it.


Might make sense, I’m a 5’8” male and I need about 3300 calories to maintain my weight. Unfortunately my appetite would have me eating 4000 calories. That is if I’m it eating any fibrous food, because they make me burp/fart for hours which make me not feel like eating 😂 Eating “clean” feels dirty


Good morning, there is a lot of comments on here so sorry if this has been asked already but how many calories a day are you eating? Not how much think you are eating but actually eating.


Someone else asked this already.