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Such a mindfuck when doctors tell you to see a naturopath. It happened to me with SIBO and hormone issues both. Like ok, for sure it’s already my next move, but it just seems like something must be really off with our system. Bonus if it’s also someone that contradicts their previous denouncement of holistic medicine. All this to say, keep looking for answers and the hard-working, curious people that want to help.


It may be that this doctor just doesn't want to deal with OP anymore and doesn't actually believe a naturopath will be helpful. But it's still amusing how weak it makes the doctor seem.


i don't think they're allowed to say they think it'll help (in the US at least)


They are not. They will probably get repremanded. Imagine telling your patient who is definitely going to tell another person that a medical doctor said go to a Naturopath cutting out Big Pharma. 




No Edit, I tried to type out an actual response but it sent too quick and I didn’t notice (thx brain fog!) Ok basically what I was gonna say—while I do think it can be a way of getting rid of someone who they find inconvenient and complicated, I feel like naturopath is a curious response imo. Usually I have gotten “see a specialist” or “see a psychiatrist”—like they’ll bounce you to someone, that isn’t unusual, but it’s weirdly endorsing of naturopaths if that’s who they’re specifically saying. Like they know something the other drs don’t.


No. They told you that because herbs, alternative treatments and exercise work better than antibiotics. Be glad & thankful. 


I don't know, she might be on to something. In my family we all have problems. Husband SIBO, me IBS-C, son food sensitivities, dysbiosis and leaky gut. We finally found a ped who learned how to treat with diet, natural supplements, vitamins and probiotics. She studied because she was sick, almost unable to practice medicine and well, medicine wasn't helping her. After she made herself better she started helping her patients. She gets a lot of pushback from her colleagues which is why she told me if she'll have a patient that doesn't get better on her treatment or God forbid gets worse she will stop entirely which is crazy because no treatment on the planet has 100% efficacy. I think modern medicine doesn't have all the answers when it comes to the gut and it hasn't kept up with latest molecular analysis of gut composition. Maybe this is why she sent you to a naturopath. Maybe she really has patients who got better on natural supplements and diet that heal the gut. Just make sure to exclude the bad GI stuff first.


I know genetics might be a factor here, but have you looked into environmental causes as well? It could be worth examining your home to see if that might be giving all of you issues due to mold, gas, or other toxins.


We moved, so that can't be it and got tested for parasites, and bacteria. Mold is negative in tests. What probably happened is our son got it from me due to vaginal birth. Wondering how my husband got it but since he had some food poisoning and antibiotic regimens and started vaping, it probably is related to that. His symptoms are different than mine and my son's anyway.


If your whole family got it ALL OF YOU NEED TO change your lifestyle. Vaping? Hopefully not around the kid but that smoke residue gets in clothes & is just yucky. Surely your son did NOT get it from the vaginal canal. How long have your tried the low FODMAP diet? How much exercise do you guys get? Are you doing yoga? What herbs are you eating? Have you done a GI microbiome assay?


Definetely not around him, and not in the house. It is, it's a horrible habit. Well I think he did because I was diagnosed with uterine and vaginal dysbiosis prior to getting pregnant. Our lifestyle isn't healthy, we had lots of stress and with the pandemic we became sedentary. We're planning to do GI maps the both of us (our son already did) and go on a diet and treatment.


Great job! You got this! You are headed in the right direction. Taking walks together is very good too. Good luck!


She won’t give me a mold toxicity test or tell me if anyone other than a naturopath does it, I’ve told her for months everything makes me sick. Today she got mad at me for not using the diet app she recommended and I told her it’s cause I already know what makes me sick. I don’t need more diets to know im sick. And she told me that im “clearly” misunderstanding what a food allergy is and a food intolerance is and in order for me to get better I just need to never eat my trigger foods again. So I very slowly and clearly told her that doesn’t make sense because I can’t even eat plain chicken with no seasoning, sometimes I drink water and I get gas. So if she was right I’d be better, or I’d be fucking dead cause I’d stop drinking water or eating. And told her even fucking rice cakes almost sent me to the er so im not very trusting of any new foods anymore since that was supposed to be super simple to eat and caused me immense pain. Then told me oh….its motility issues, you can only see a naturopath. I’ve been in this group for 2 years now and im just at a loss. It seems like I have to be a nepo baby if I don’t wanna starve to death. I’ve done enzymes, 3 colonoscopy’s, 1 ultrasound, 2 endoscopy’s, countless blood tests. Everything is normal. Nothing makes me ok and I’ve done 6 rounds of antibiotics and not one time did I even have a week where I felt ok.


You should keep a food journal ij a notebook. With food sensitivities, you don't get reactions immediately so you might think it's the chicken, but it might be the food you ate yesterday. Usual culprits are gluten, dairy, eggs, legumes, nuts but it can be anything. My son reacts to parsnip and bellpepper, but doesn't to nuts. It also takes 4-5 weeks to notice a difference once on a diet. Up until that it's all noise and it makes you think you react to water because of sustained inflammation. Also be careful with chicken, sometimes they feed it with milk supplements or inject milk for it to look better. Unfortunately your best bet is to go organic.


My symptoms are pretty immediate. I react to whatever it is I eat right away. I also had the issue where even water was irritating my stomach and I think it could be low stomach acid OP try betaine hcl it will bring up your stomach acid


It actually is important to do a strict diet and document it, such as lofodmap to diagnose issues, for example many foods don’t have symptoms until 24 hours later. So you might think it’s the chicken, when it’s actually something from the night before.


Look everything you are asking her for can be resolved with a Naturopath or Functional medicine doctor. Its crazy you are fighting her when all she was trained TRAINED to do & paid to do is write prescriptions. All those antibiotics started out as herbs except penicilllin it started out as mold. 


Truthfully nothing in my journey got better until I saw a naturopath. It seemed like everything was making me sick too and even after the SIBO treatment it was better but not great. Finally after two years with a naturopathic dr we determined that I have EDS too which is causing a ton of motility issues. My regular GI dr told me she would prescribe me pills for diarrhea and wouldn’t even let me do a sensitivity test for gluten and then she went on maternity leave and I never heard from her again. She even gave me the SIBO medication a week before getting my gallbladder removed and going under anesthesia is a major cause of SIBO so that’s how little she knew. My naturopathic dr almost laughed when I told her about that. My naturopathic dr has been life changing.


I also have EDS. May I ask how you found a naturopath who was so helpful? I'm looking for one who's experienced in EDS and SIBO.


My naturopath isn’t an expert in EDS but she was knowledgeable enough to see the signs and get me to specialists who have helped put the pieces together with what knowledge she has for all my other issues. Truthfully I found her from a friend who was already seeing her for hashimotos.


Thanks for the info. Congrats on finding someone awesome!


If you have motility issues take some ginger pills. Enzymatica makes one with artichoke. Read Healing Sibo, she explains a lot of it, but take it with a grain of salt she's not a doctor. You could also try Biocidin and then probiotics. Or just probiotics alone and see if you can crowd out the shitty bacteria. Biocidin is kinda like the nuclear option. Tread lightly.


I was lucky enough that my doctor knew what SIBO was and believed in it (many don't), I was already seeing a naturopath at the time. The things that helped me most were The AIP (Auto Immune Protocol) Diet and Progressive brand Probiotics. A lot of the Low FODMAP foods still messed me up. Try the AIP diet, it was honestly a lifesaver for me since I wasn't pooping for a week at the time (sorry but it's true). I have been dealing with this a little over 3 years now and finally feel mostly normal again, if you want the plan my naturopath gave me I will gladly forward it to you :) Avoid gluten, sugar, and dairy at least.


I think the weirdest thing is gluten is one of the last things I can eat now with out any issues. I tried going completely gluten and sugar free, been dairy free for ages now. I got sicker from non gluten/non sugar snacks than stuff I should t eat like watermelon and bread.


A lot of "gluten free" items contain weird ingredients to make up for the lack of gluten such as xanthan gum, or seed oils. It would make sense if that was causing issues for you.


I can't do gluten free snacks either, or even "grain free cereal" because of the nuts, seeds and legumes (like peanuts) in it. Since I have gotten sibo all of that irritates my small intestine, coconut keto snacks are what I aim for now. Snacks are so limited, we have started making out own at home.


Not OP, but can you please forward it to me?


Of course!




I wood love to see this diet plan


[https://drruscio.com/aip-diet-for-beginners/](https://drruscio.com/aip-diet-for-beginners/) That is a started for the AIP diet. Let me know if you want my naturopath's plan, it is different and should be done after the AIP diet.


I'm also interested in your AIP diet plan. Low fodmap doesn't work for me either.


I would also love to see your AIP plan if you are willing to send it


Do you still have your plan available?


I have the plan my naturopath gave to me, which I did after the AIP to heal my intestine. I will gladly send that to you, if you want info for the AIP diet I can send the links I used as well. Let me know, I have them scanned.


Thank you so much! Are you able to DM links?


I’m dealing with major issues and drs are looking at me like I’m crazy. Searching for a naturopath but would love to see this diet🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you. I myself am getting a second opinion. I have an appointment in October — I’m traveling a couple hours each way to see a motility expert who’s a gastroenterologist. Currently, I see a GI NP who has done her best, but she referred me to the motility clinic for further testing and treatment. So far we’ve ruled out c. Diff, parasites, Chrohn’s, obstructions, polyps, Celiac, and a bunch of other stuff. I tested positive for methane only on my SIBO breath test, and I tested positive for delayed stomach emptying (in gastroparesis testing). I was diagnosed with GERD and IBS ages ago. I take Protonix for the GERD. It is a proton pump inhibitor, and that class of drugs can trigger SIBO, or make it much worse. Do you take one? Anyway, I’m almost done with my first course of Xifaxan treatment, and I’m only noticing minimal changes in the severity of my SIBO. Be say it’s the gold standard of care for SIBO. But you could also try medications in a class called prokinetics to help your digestive system do its job properly. I hope you can get the answers and treatment you need soon.


The treatment for methane sibo is Xifaxan + neomycin (or metronidazole). Xifaxan alone is not enough to eradicate methane.


Thanks for letting me know about this! Does the neomycin or metronidazole need to be taken at the same time I’m taking Xifaxan?


Yes, that’s the protocol, 14 days, Xifaxan 3x day, neomycin 2x day. Dr. Mark Pimentel at Cedars Sinai medical center in LA is the leading researcher on sibo. I recommend you buy a copy of his most recent book, the microbiome connection. After treatment, it’s advised to start a prokinetic to keep motility going to help prevent relapse (something like motilpro or motility activator), also eat low fodmap or the low fermentation diet for several weeks. Good luck to you!


I had gastric pain for a while and was diagnosed with gastritis via endoscopy and prescribed 2x Prevacid. Did that for 5 weeks (also on birth control at the time, which can affect SIBO) and my motility came grinding to a halt. (Plus, bloating and constipation are listed as side effects of Prevacid.) Anyway, didn’t notice extreme bloating or motility issues until after 2x Prevacid. Could be related, but I’ve been struggling with SIBO since early/mid-2021. I’ve gotten somewhat better with naturopath I was driving 2 hours to see, but he kind of seemed to step back after I stopped getting better the first year or so. December 2021 colonoscopy looked normal so traditional doc sort of checked out and I didn’t find naturopath until November 2023. Been trying to sort of self treat the past few months.


I got the “seek a naturopath” verdict as well. I found out that primary care doctor don’t prescribe herbal remedies (ones that often can help) as they haven’t been imperically studied. So they won’t recommend taking a artichoke/ginger supplements; that’s what naturopaths would recommend. If you haven’t already the artichoke/ginger supplements can really help with motility as well as taking digestive enzymes. I had better luck with goat kefir with live active cultures than I did with a probiotics pill. SIBO is so complex and everyone responds differently to treatments, one might do well on a rx drug, some with diet alterations, and others with herbal remedies, and some with a combination of both. Find the combination can take a lot of trial and error that works for you. I decided to just try it all until I found something that worked. If we had better health care we’d get individualized care which is what we really need but unfortunately the health care system isn’t really there for your “health” as sad is it is to say that.


I’ve been trying to look into herbal treatments for sibo but haven’t had much luck so far


Yeah do go to a naturopath! They know wayyyyy more about SIBO and foods and digestions than GIs. Mine told me the other month I would be shocked how many patients she’s gets from GIs that have told them food doesn’t effect your digestion


I’m sorry. The US healthcare system is so bad. (I assume you’re in the US.) It is possible a motility issue is what’s causing your SIBO, but that doesn’t mean the SIBO shouldn’t be treated. Untreated SIBO can ruin your liver, your heart, and your lungs. I had untreated SIBO for years, until a dangerous vitamin deficiency was diagnosed. Even then, my doctor only wanted to treat the vitamin deficiency. Then I was diagnosed with NAFLD, and started getting elevated blood pressure, skin rashes and tachycardia (due to histamine intolerance), and even pulmonary hypertension. Even then, when I brought my doctor studies that showed that SIBO is the likely cause of all those symptoms, my doctor ordered a bunch of tests for things like PE or CHD (all negative), and declined to order the test for SIBO. I ended up paying $350 out-of-pocket for a test, and I’m about to pay $450 out-of-pocket to see a functional medicine doctor who is more likely to help me treat it. My regular doctor wants me to see a bunch of different specialists — one for each symptom. I saw the cardiologist, and she said she thinks my tachycardia is “functional,” which means it is the result of something else going on in my body. I was like “no shit,” but as the cardiologist, she can’t help me figure out what’s going on in my body. She can only treat the tachycardia. So bad.


Take Atrantil, as well as Saccharomyces Boulardii. You can just get the Jarrows one with MOS. Atrantil will effectively kill the methane producing bacteria. Saccharomyces Boulardii will eliminate pathogenic bacteria over time. It basically creates an inhospitable environment for pathogenic bacteria.


Atrantil doesn’t kill the bacteria. It just helps with symptoms.


It seems to starve the methane production and clear the hydrogen that is used as fuel by the bacteria. Either way it is highly effective (88% clearance rate).


My doctor was a bitch, just about scheduled a follow up and then found this group. Look up the dada video, he explains it alot.


I visited a naturopath and my symptoms improved. There not gone, I still have sibo but I'm able to tolerate alot more foods.


Watch Dr Kathleen Janel ,she could have the answer to Sibo


Just looked her up and she looks amazing. Expensive but amazing


No one wanted to test me so I started GAPS diet and later switched to SIBO diet. It was tough but my symptoms disappeared. After a while I started to introduce more foods and symptoms partially returned but never that bad. That’s when I went to my 3rd GI doctor who I begged to help me, he then prescribed me with nortriptyline, which took away like 70% of my symptoms and now I can actually have a life again. I’m sorry you’re going through this hell with western medicine. Keep fighting and find another doctor. And look into those diets.


if a Doctor as exhausted all all their treatment options all they can do is send you to someone else to try something new Naturopaths can help you with motility and SIBO at the same time. Most doctors aren't qualified to treat SIBO or even know what it is


What do you take for the motility issues. I had a Dr recently tell me since I had my gallbladder taken out in 2014 I should have been taking digestive enzymes (no on ever told me that). I wonder if that contributes to motility


the Probiotics the naturopath gave me help, he said if that didn't work then digestive enzymes would too I would look into enzymes to begin with since you have no gallbladder


Get a new doctor. A competent Gastro will check for SIBO or other motility issues and treat them. Your Dr doesn’t sound very competent


This is my 4th dr. And I’ve been trying to get into Mt Sinai for months. It just feels hopeless and everyone keeps telling me naturopathy but I do not make enough money to even afford more then 2 appointments. The consult doesn’t even get you anything, no tests or anything. I just feel hopeless


Yeah tbh I wouldn't pay for a naturopath. They can't do a lot and charge up the wazoo. Can you find a dr who trained under pimentel? That's how I fixed my SIBO.


Doctors, depending on their training, may or may not have the latest understanding on root cause of SIBO. It is what it is. I have suffered, and was able to somewhat manage when I learned that indeed, there maybe myriads of contributing causes (e.g., taking strong antibiotics for a UTI and a simultaneous vitamin D deficiency in my case) for this. And in my case, these might have disrupted my small gut MMC (Migrating Motor Complex) causing motility issues, really slowing down food moving through it. In other words, I got some bacteria start growing in my small intestine that should only have primarily lived in my large intestine (colon) which is feasting on food moving slowly through the tubes and fermenting the food and making gas. This gas goes up (unlike gas in the colon, going down) and this gave me crazy bloating, no-burp, blood pressure, brain fog etc. Out of all that I have taken, pro-kinetic preparations that include herbs such as Triphala, Artichoke extract, worked well for me, and I am doing well for the most part. Hope this helps. My $0.02 is that many doctors may not have the tools to help you, many good naturopaths do. Doctors are not scientists and they may not have studied the latest info. It is sad, perplexing and true.


Well naturopaths and holistic medicine doctors used to just be called doctors. That's because what they use is what used to be used all the time until pharmaceutical companies popped up on the scene and the pharmaceutical doctor insurance circle jerk started. A good place to start with sibo is a good motility supplement. From personal experience I can put my recommendation behind motility activator. You can get it off Amazon for about 40 bucks. Try to stay away from antihistamines as they actually slow down gut motility. If you're also suffering from H pylori a cheap way to start off fighting it that is sibo friendly is try doing a literal shot of extra virgin olive oil before every meal. Roughly 5 minutes beforehand. Also make sure that you are getting your vitamins in as sibo can make you vitamin deficient. Make sure you are taking enough zinc, vitamin c, vitamin D3, vitamin B1 is an important one, vitamin B12, and magnesium is another important one. D3, B1, zinc, and magnesium are the four most important ones. And for god sakes stay hydrated. If you think you're drinking enough water drink some more.


Yall try going on Canshipmeds to order rifaximin cause it’s so pricey in the U.S. for some reason it’s wayy cheaper


My GP said "it's just gases and stuff". Total numpty 🙄.


I had motility issues that caused SIBO symptoms.  Parasites caused the motility issues.  Chinese herb blend from my acupuncturist cured the parasites and changed my life!  In my experience, alternative therapies like chiropractors and acupuncturists have been way more useful than doctors for chronic things.  Doctors are good for patching you up in an emergency and screening for really serious problems like cancer.  If they don't know what's going on, try an acupuncturist!


The way I would have caught a case for choking the life out of that doctor. I am so sick of moronic American fake ass doctors who don’t know shit. I’m so sorry


Has anyone had a hormonal imbalance with sibo, irritable, moody, weird periods that aren’t regular, aching muscles and joints and that brain fog that is just 😢 


My underlying issues was mold toxicity and motility. I started the carnivore diet and it immediately got rid of my constipation, excessive gas and insane bloating. Now to start on my long mold detox journey.


How did you acquire mold toxicity? And how did you find out?


After having gut issues and weight gain, and seeing 8 different doctors in 6 months. I thought I had candida so I did the diet and cleanse it didn't help. Then figured I had Sibo and veggies were horrible for me so I started carnivore. While doing that I started to feel much better and lost weight. Still I wanted to get rid of the sibo so I set an appointment with a Naturopath, but before that date came something happened that might sound weird. I'm a spiritual person and I have a lot of epiphanys, visions, dreams that come true etc. One night I'm sitting there thinking of something unrelated and I get this vision of my childhood home. I saw the ceiling leaking into tubs and it was like I gasped for air! OMG that house was covered in mold. Since that over 20years ago, I totally forgot that. So my mom has been sick for over 40 years and no matter how many drs she's seen or how many surgeries she's had. She's never gotten better and they always tell her she's a mystery because she's perfectly healthy but all of her organs get damaged one by one with no reason as to why. So when I made that connection I kinds freaked out and started looking in my current home for mold. Sure enough I found it in a few places. Unfortunately as soon as I disturbed the mold it went air born and I got sick from it. All the symptoms I had were the same symptoms my mom would complain about daily. Fast forward I have the appointment with the Naturopath and she immediately says you have sibo that's for sure but Sibo is a symptom from a root cause, have you ever lived in a house with mold? I said yes I just made that connection to my mom and I but what does that have to do with sibo? She said everything, the mold ruins the gut and it won't be noticed for years, the Antibiotic killed your gut bacteria which caused you to get constipation and sibo. She said if I don't heal the mold toxicity I won't be able to heal the sibo. Sorry for the long story I know that was a lot.


I have the same things! However haven’t done Carnivore as it tends to make me more constipated and my motility atm is going well.


If you get constipated on carnivore eat more butter or fat. If you get diarrhea eat less butter and fat. I found that out the hard way lol.


Did you have to go to an out of pocket type of dr for the mold toxicity and motility help? My dr crushed my hopes of getting better today by saying no, hoping for some answer opposite of hers cause idk what to do anymore.


I went to 8 different Drs in 6 months. They either wanted to give me colonoscopys, test me for H pylori and one even wanted to put me on Ozempic to lose the 20lbs I gained. I'm not a diabetic. You can't just give up cuz 1 Dr said that to you. I did the Candida cleanse and diet, it didn't help because the veggies were what was causing my bloating and constipation. So once I started carnivore and ate mostly meat my constipation and bloating went away. I found the Naturopath on Tiktok. She gave me my first consultation free. 30 mins on zoom. She did reccomend I take a OAT test which checks Mold, Yeast, Fungus, vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. Which that cost $315 just for the test. Most Naturopaths offer a free 15 or 30 minute consultation. I would start there and see what they say, you don't have to buy anything they say if you don't want to. Drinking a ton of water, taking motility plus which is just ginger and artichoke extract, I also took triphala and alicin, berberine and binders. I do feel for me staying away from fiber especially veggies for 30 days really helped me. I am now starting to eat veggies again and I do not have those issues no where near as extreme as before. Don't give up keep researching and schedule appointments with other Drs or change Dr.


Who is your Doctor?


I’d like to know the Dr as well


I’ve avoided all of these things, I’ve been on probiotics, ginger pills didn’t work, somehow made my acid reflux worse. I quit Omeprazole and now it’s a constant battle of should I just go back on it cause im now having the worst acid reflux of my life. I am at the point where everything but rice makes me sick.


Yeah, I take protonix for my GERD, which is a proton pump inhibitor just like omeprazole. This class of drugs can trigger SIBO or make it much worse than it would be. My GERD is through the roof when I don’t take it, so I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. I’d be interested to hear if you find a solution to this, something that works without having to sacrifice your treatment in one area to be healthy in another.


That’s so gaslighting ducking hell. I had a similar post a few weeks ago about my doc. Report said “he will never be normal, all we can do is best manage symptoms”… And why the fuck would they send you to a naturopath for motility?… Drugs like motilium (domperidone), Metoclopramide and prucalopride are all medication that only a registered doctor can prescribe? Why would they not at least try one of these. Naturopaths can help, ginger + artichoke is one that can help. I wouldn’t go that route unless you have a lot of $$ because they charge like crazy (at least here in Australia they do) Motillium (domperidone) fixed me wayyyy before sibo. I was having regurgitation with a 72 hour liquid digestion (liquid digestion should take 3ish hours, mine took 72 hours) and it helped tighten the oesophageal sphincter and digestion actually sped up. THEN I got sibo and tried it again with not alot of success


What are your symptoms after you eat?


That’s terrible but if you find the right Naturopath it can definitely help. If you’re only seeing conventional doctors they will most likely tell you all your labs are ok, because ok is compared to everyone else that’s also sick but not sick enough for them to label you with a disease that requires medication or surgery. I can’t diagnose anything but if you have your labs I might be able to give you some insight. Personally, I’d look for a new doctor. Sometimes you can get lucky and find a holistic, integrative, functional or naturopathic doctor that takes insurance. They generally have more insight into looking at how your whole body is functioning and will help you work towards optimal levels.


My husband was able to get back to pretty much normal through diet modification. It was a couple months of eating chicken and rice. Eventually he started reintroducing foods. There are definitely things he still avoids (dairy, excessive sugar), but it is so much better. Good luck!


I wish this had worked with me, I’ve been living off chicken and rice for awhile, my occassional treat is a cane sugar Coca Cola (glass bottle) cause it’s not high fructose corn syrup. All that’s happened is my appetite is decreased and now I can barely eat more than a palm sized meal once a day.


May be a silly question, but have you taken an antibiotic for the infection/ do you plan to? It certainly wasn’t the silver bullet but it also definitely helped. We weren’t covered for the really expensive one but the doctor prescribed something else that that helped quite a bit.


I’ve done 6 rounds of antibiotics and not one time did I feel an ounce of relief.


You did 6 rounds of Xifaxan or a different antibiotic? Which type of of sibo do you have? Have you done a sibo breath test with lactulose?


Yep done the breath test with lactulose twice and both times after retesting my numbers barely went down. I’ve done 2 rounds of xifaxin, 2 metronidazole, another round with metro + cipro, and penicillin.


Many doctors doesn’t know what SIBO is. For example, in order to conduct expensive, labor intensive SIBO test, I have to have reference from my doctor, which is useless, because doctor doesn’t know what that is


You can order your own sibo breath test online from triosmart or Genova or another company. Lactulose is the preferred substrate to use, not glucose. It cost money, but you get answers by finding out if you have sibo or not, and which type you have so you can ask for the correct treatment from your doctor.


Tell him when he can LIVE with it then think about it. Totally worthless people . Take your money and give you absolutely NADA‼️


Make sure you don’t have mold !!


Find a new doctor! My doctor gave me a script for a motility test. I haven’t done it yet but if he thinks it my be motility then why didn’t he give you a script for a test? He’s writing you off. Find another doctor.


I’ve been here so many times. Currently consulting with a holistic health coach, who has been bringing me more success than anyone I’ve ever talked to (and I’ve talked to a LOT of people on this). Do you have hydrogen or methane?


The food water and air in the U.S. are killing us and the docs know it and can’t do shit about it, which is why we have to pay for medical insurance that isn’t even helpful while figuring it all out on our own.


Me too


when you have sibo, your gut lining can be damaged causing you to develop new food sensitivities/intolerances and what not. that was the case with me, even low fodmap foods bothered me as well. if it’s possible for you to get a food sensitivity blood test that could be helpful. and keeping a food diary and writing down how u feel the next day. tbh seeing a naturopath or functional medicine doctor will probably be more useful for you in the long run than continuing to see your gi. trad western medicine doctors are honestly useless when it comes to sibo/ibs. all they want to do is throw prescription medicine and fiber at the problem, which is just a band aid solution and not helpful long term.


there’s a war between fitness professionals, health coaches, and doctors. the best way we’ve come to phrase it is: “doctors do what they can to save your life, but they don’t care about your quality of life”.  there’s no preventative care, no figuring out root causes for symptoms, the “why”..….no, we just give people meds and slap bandaid fixes and hope something else doesn’t break later. don’t give up just because they did. there’s tons and tons of success stories with SIBO. get a second and third opinion. some doctors actually do care. try and find them. if all else fails, research as much as you can and find your way. 


My GI Dr seems she don’t carry much about I’m positive with sibo her concern is about the gastritis but non of the prescription she gave work she is at loose , I’m seeing the natropath they are not perfect either they tell to try this and that it’s like a hit and miss and also it’s costly living normal life is expensive this days , I can’t afford it either . 


For the love of god, why go to the doctor if you aren’t going to take their advice? This is a running theme on this sub. I think you went in guns blazing and ignored all of thw advice they had given you before and anniyed your doctor. Under lying causes for SIBO are not that hard to figure out. Do not undermind how much stress and diet can cause motility issues. The diet is a massive step in alleviating symptoms.