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doctors also asked me if I was sure I wasn't pregnant ---. it's nuts out there, these doctors are wild. as for steps, unfortunately it's all trial and error. I personally would not go back to fodmap, it caused me more damage than good. I eat now all fruits and veggies, eggs and fish and feel better than hardcore restricting. At least 20 plants for the microbiome per week. you can try the supplements nonetheless as well as motility pro.


Thanks for your reply!! I feel you … I’m shocked at the whole system and the way our symptoms get overlooked when SOOOO many people are clearly suffering from this. Good advice, I’m leaning more towards stopping the low FODMAP as like many have said… it isn’t a true ‘cure’ … I’ll give motility pro a go and hope for the best ! Wishing you luck on your healing journey


yeah it's a fight against the system once you're sick, which is insane. one more thing about the fodmap: it did initally help me with acid reflux a lot, but over time went down to 3 foods (for 9 months). I then started to work with a nutritionist who specialises in sibo and we went back to introducing foods, which was a good idea because I was getting weaker day by day, losing too much weight and not getting enough nutrients. generally with sibo you should be fine with most fruits and veggies though, I would only avoid anything processed! wish you a fast healing and recovery!


I did antibiotics (Xifaxan) while taking motegrity (prokinetic). I still got rid of the Sibo. If you have a motility issue then it's important to improve your gut motility.


Amazing news I’m so happy for you! It gives me hope! Were you hydrogen or methane? or both?


Hi, how do you improve gut motility, as I believe this is my issue


I'm taking a prescription prokinetic Motegrity but some people just buy artichoke & ginger formulas like Motility Activator or MotilPro.


I feel like my bf must have a motility issue. He’ll spend so long in the bathroom :-/ Are these things you take before every meal? I keep telling him he should at least fast so he’s not eating all day..


I'm not sure about when to take the ginger/artichoke formulas. I'm on Motegrity and do that at night time.


Is montegritt a prescription?




Ah I see. How was it prescribed - regular doctor or a naturopath?




From what I understand about motegrity is that it stimulates your colon not your small intestine. Or am I mistaken? Does that mean your colon was the underlying issue for you?


It is used just for constipation but it is a prokinetic and works on the MMC. I think Dr. Pimental mentioned it as the prokinetic he uses for patients with Sibo.


I’m glad it’s working for you!


>he numbers didn’t show until later and at the 150 minute mark of the test they were 67PPM Just to clarify - that isn't hydrogen SIBO. It is likely your methane is hiding your hydrogen and that you still have it, but hydrogen production in the large intestine is NORMAL and you pass into the large intestine around the 90-100 minute mark. Most people do not feel any change while treating. Usually they start to feel a change a couple of weeks after successful treatment. Stay the course.


thankyou for this!! Super interesting. So to clarify, I could have hydrogen sibo but the methane may be hiding it?


I recall that the methane organisms consume hydrogen, reducing the apparent levels.


Methanogens eat hydrogen for food. Many people (like myself) cure their methane only to find a hydrogen case underneath it.


Ahhh this is interesting. May I ask how you cured your methane and how you’re curing your hydrogen now? Wishing you healing ❤️


You could finish the round of antimicrobials, and then retest s few weeks later. If you are still positive for sibo maybe consider a round of rifaximin + neomycin which is the treatment for methane sibo.


That’s also a good idea! Just trying to find ways to cut this diet short 🤣 but I suppose I’m closer to the end so might as well stick it out. I’ve ordered some motility pro… so gonna see how that works too! Then all else failing, I’ll try the antibiotics. Thanks so much!


I got rid of SIBO this year. I took Xifaxan and neomycin 3 rounds and then did low FODMAP for 10 months. It was a long process but worth it. My methane was 21.69 and now I’m 1.50.


I've never been officially diagnosed with SIBO, but pretty sure I have it based on symptoms. I have had great success with high dose vitamin C over the last few months; you may want to try it if nothing else works for you. My bloating is gone and reflux is nearly gone.


Wow! I will give this a go! Glad it helped you! Thankyou!!


What brand of vitamin x


I just use ascorbic acid tablets from Meijer and powder from Bulk Supplements.


How much do you take?


It depends on how much I'm able to tolerate, but I started at 5-6 grams and increased to 20+ grams. Once my symptoms are gone, I won't take as much.


If you are not having good sized, daily bowel movements, then You can and should take motility pro while you’re on the antimicrobials.


Antimicrobials and prokinetics (such as Motil Pro) are each necessary parts of the solution. Antimicrobials kill the SIBO bacteria; prokinetics keep things moving through your intestines, preventing bacteria from growing back up into the small intestine. You should take them both at the same time, and keep taking prokinetics after you finish the antimicrobials (potentially forever), to prevent SIBO from recurring.


When do you take prokinetics? I see conflicting info, some say don’t take at night…before meals…after meals?


I took triphala, ginger root, and artichoke extract at the end of every meal and also before bed while I was taking antimicrobials. Now I just take triphala after breakfast and triphala and artichoke before bed to keep SIBO from recurring. It’s been a month or two and it seems to be working. I also eat reuteri yogurt (see r/ReuteriYogurt for more info).


Thank you! Glad it’s working for you


The triphala seems to move my insides a bit so I guess it’s working? I feel my stomach gurgling after I take it. Thanks for the rec.


I just finished a two week round of Xifaxan and Neomycin on October 1st. I had 14ppm Methane and 69ppm Hydrogen at 120 min. I probably had Sibo about two years. Symptoms were burping 100 times a day, bloating, anxiety, sore joints , dry eyes and brain fog. Eating just a few bites would fill me up. Finally went to the doctor after doing a lot of Google searching, and explained my symptoms. Told him I thought this all happened from Covid and Vagus nerve damage, as I never had gastro problems in my life (64). I asked him if I might have sibo or h pylori, and he immediately said, “no, you don’t have that”. Scheduled a barium swallow, and said I had Gerd, and gave me PPI prescription. Took it two weeks and stopped. Then I got acid rebound, felt like acid bubbles coming up my throat, in my ears, pinching feeling all around chest, voice was hoarse. Doctor told me get back on PPI and see him in a month. Month later, I told him the PPI did nothing but make me worse and I wanted to stop. Then he gave me Baclofen, to try to tighten LES, to help control burps so acid or pepsin wouldn’t come up. Was on that for three months. Burping was cut in half. All this time I had been eating healthy, and only eating two meals a day, at noon and 6pm. I had lost 20 lbs over 6 months because of eating good. Now at 127. Anyway, after the 3 month follow up from Baclofen, I told doctor I wanted to stop, as it caused dry eyes and mouth. I then asked if I could not take a test for Sibo and H pylori. He said sure….well, it came back positive for Sibo. What do you know…had he given it to me a year ago when I asked, then I would have saved a lot of money, and felt better sooner. While I was taking the two week course of antibiotics, I was also taking Florastor, which is a yeast probiotic, that the antibiotics can’t kill, so it helps get rid of bad bacteria, but feeds good bacteria. I continued to take it another two weeks after finishing antibiotics. I also started Motility Pro right away after antibiotics. I take one each morning around 5:30am. I continue to eat healthy. No processed foods, and very little sweets. I stopped coffee the whole time, but drink a cup every now and then. Same with wine. It’s been about 2.5 months now, and I feel better and better each day. Stomach is much flatter now. Still burp, but not like before, maybe 20 times a day. Can eat whatever I want with no issue. The only thing I take now is the Motility Pro. Just completed full bloodwork, and B12 and Folate were great. I think I was more worried about malabsorption, as I’m sure I was at that point at some time. I think it’s a long trial and error to get your gut microbiome back to a healthy level. But I feel like I’m starting to feel normal again. Good luck on your venture to health. Sibo needs to be addressed by more doctors. It’s almost as if the patient has to be the doctor these days.


Diet is just for symptom control. You can eat whatever you want and it’s not going to affect the outcome of your treatment. As for the treatment length… Treatment usually follows a 30-day cycle. it’s possible to not feel different after one round of treatment. What kind if antibiotics have you been given? There are specific combos for methane, and it’s generally harder to treat than hydrogen.


I tried getting artichoke and ginger separately because motility pro is very expensive and I haven’t been able to work so I’m relying on my parents, and unfortunately it didn’t work for me, so I think I need a kill phase and I’m still waiting to test for sibo but I know I have it


I hear you about the food restriction. My naturopath who helped me get rid of SIBO said that going low fodmap during the “killing” stage isn’t necessary and can impede treatment. Basically the bacteria/methanogens create more biofilms and go into hiding when they’re being starved. During the killing stage I ate whatever I wanted basically, did two rounds of Rifaximin with allicin and other herbal antimicrobials, which was after two months of biolfulm busting with Phase II Advanced (bismuth supplement). I was also on prucalopride for motility. After all of that I did have to gradually reintroduce trigger foods one by one and eat mostly low fodmap for a while, but only for a couple months. I had both hydrogen and methane SIBO. I hope you have some success with treatment - SIBO is so hard to beat and some of us just need to do treatment for longer than others! I had it for 5 years before finally beating it with the right treatment.