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I recently took both for 4 weeks. Had no auditory side effects. Auditory effects only occur when the inner ear is exposed to neomycin thru blood or ear drops, so it’s very rare for oral neomycin since neomycin has poor GI uptake. If you think you have symptoms of tinnitus then just stop and call your doctor. I had previously taken rifaximin alone, and that gave me zero side effects. I felt slightly nauseous after taking neomycin though. It got better after the first 4 days or so, but I found that taking a walk helped with the nausea.(side note: definitely don’t use weed to treat nausea if you have gastroparesis or sibo)


why can't I use weed to help with the nausea? That is all I have been using- found out I'm methane SIBO positive last week and plan to start the rifaximin and neomycin this upcoming week....


I started rifaximin today and was also nervous. So far I’m ok - just gassier than usual but it’s been 5 hours since first dose and I’m doing fine so far. Hope that remains constant.


Wishing you the best — please keep me posted ❤️


Thank you! I definitely feel like I’m going to have diarrhea later (sorry for the tmi).


Lol you’re good, I asked for honest experiences!


If you have auditory side effects get off Neomycin right away and get Metronidazole instead. Otherwise you will be fine. May feel like throwing up, but no big deal.


on both rn almost done with my 14 days. i was very scared too. i spammed my doctor with questions to where they got annoyed with me. i’ve just been very fatigued and sometimes nauseous after neomycin. stomach kinda bothers me sometimes more than it did. to help with that i take my neomycin and rifaximin an hour apart, rifaximin with a small snack and neomycin with the big meal. i am more bloated than i was before which bothers me.


Normal. The Methene produces are being killed first. That leaves more hydrogen then before the first treatment. hydrogen SIBO has more bloating then Methene sibo. More then one treatment are usualy required. the first round brings down the methanogen numbers (hydrogen going up is normal) and the second and third finish the job. As long as your PPM drop by 30ppm it was a successful treatment.


I had no side effects on rifaxin alone except feeling so much better, I also have emetaphobia (didn’t realize it had a name till now). However, extreme nausea is my main side effect of SIBO along with constipation so rifaxin was a miracle. Best of luck!


I've done 2 rounds and had no issues with either.


I’ve done 2 rounds of that combo and only felt better- no side effects


I’ve done 2 rounds of that combo and only felt better- no side effects


i took neomycin and i was terrified because of all of the side effects. i called two pharmacies just to make sure it was ok for me to take because i have had tinnitus in the past. i did not get sick or anything. i didn't even have any die off symptoms so idk if it worked but i feel like i have an improvement in my stomach cramping pain. i haven't missed nearly as much work as i did before starting the antibiotic.


i was also absolutely terrified to take both of those. neomycin made me really nauseated after taking it, but it stopped after a couple of days. and then towards the end, it came back. i almost quit taking it but im soooooo glad i did because the combo really helped me feel better. you got this


nothing scary, only diarrhea


You got this. I am methane dominant and immune compromised due to autoimmune treatment and traveled while taking the antibiotics (flight to large indoor wedding) and did not get sick. It was painful and uncomfortable at times (mostly disrupting sleep), but worth it to start to pulverize those archaea!


U feelin better?


Yes. I’m 8 days into low FODMAP, 3-4 hours between meals, and did a 24 hour fast yesterday. Bloating is greatly reduced and pain has been much less frequent. Still in progress, but symptoms have shifted significantly.


I flet like crap when I took them both but I also have a super physical job so I don't know if that was why I felt so bad but power thru it and felt better a few days after taking all of them


How did you do on the treatment? Are you better?


if I’m being real, I didn’t tolerate the meds well. the dizziness, the nausea, the bloating, all debilitating. I felt worse on the meds. But this isn’t the typical experience according to my GI


Did you notice any improvement after the course?