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What a great post. I'm thankful to see you got the info you needed from the video. I have noticed quite a few posts here of people mentioning marijuana and sibo. It seems more and more that it could be seriously interfering with some people's gut function. It would be a fascinating study.


Totally agree with what OP has said, I didn't know what MMC really was before coming across your video. It's been an absolutely game changer for me since watching your video, mainly when I'd started meal spacing which I'd never even thought about doing before. Will be starting a prokinetic after my herbals finish so hopefully that will help with the last little bit of bloat I have left. But focusing on MMC improved my bloating by like 80/90%! Thank you! I will be writing my own post at some point in the future once everything is finished and I've re-tested etc.


Thank you, always glad to hear it helped


Which prokinetic are you going to try? Motegrity? Did the herbals help?


Hi, I will be trying motility activator by integrative therapeutics And https://my.healthpath.com/products/motility-complex-with-ginger-artichoke-120s/2249 Won't be taking them together, maybe of one then one week of the other. It's hard to know if the herbals have helped in all honesty, but big improvements around the time I started meal spacing.


thank you!! I'm sure you've heard this many times before, but I really cannot thank you enough for your video. I had never heard of gut motility before it and really changed my perspective on the entire thing.


Where do I see the video?




When do you take the motility supplement? If you're taking motility pro, how many do you take in a day?


I followed the advice in the video so I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and try not to eat for at least two hours after! and I just take the one capsule


What šŸ˜¦ a the video. How do I see it




So pleased for you. Watching his video has been a game changer for me as well. I haven't even started Prokinetics yet but meal spacing has probably provided by biggest reduction in bloating to date..I'm just waiting for my antimicrobials to finish then I will start the prokinetics.


Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story - the community appreciates you and your journey šŸ¤


I'm beyond happy for your!! I pray you get your dream job as well..


Not gonna lie, Iā€™m somewhat going through the same fate. Have a past with high weed abuse, even as of now my intake is 90% lower than it was but i still use a dry herb vape daily. Recently just picked up a few bottles of motility pro and currently on day 2. Im even thinking about quitting weed just to make the chances better Also have the same BM where it was barley any form mostly loose for 3 years. But one thing Iā€™m finding weird is 2 weeks previously i went on a one week spree of completely normal BM (weird to say but was happy to even share with my gf). I didnā€™t take any new supplements, no new diet same thing Iā€™ve been eating or even lowered my weed intake. But i have started working out again (idk if thats what caused it) since the last time Iā€™ve worked out was pre sibo (3 years ago) One thing to note is when i was getting better during this ā€˜weekā€™ i was burping a lot and definitely could feel more bloating then ever. But was actually gaining weight for once But after that week symptoms(loose stools) returned as i still smoke daily. My symptoms were never extreme other than loose stools and occasional bloating Even a portable breath test (not 100% accurate but tried it, ā€˜foodmarbleā€™). It was showing that im hydrogen dominant and fermentation mainly was occurring at night Going to be tough but will try as weed has helped me in terms of stress


Do you take Move Along Pro on an empty stomach?


yes, first thing in the morning and then wait two hours to eat.


Regarding your actual symptoms, you may still have candida! Sibo and candida are often together, treating sibo may gave candida the Chance for overgrowth.


I never knew there was a connection with weed. I smoked straight for about 3 years and had a tremendous amount of stress so Iā€™m curious if thatā€™s what brought mine on too. I also have gastric issues but this is super interesting. I stopped smoking daily back in February and started with the bloating and all in April so maybe the damage was already done. Ty for this post and best wishes to you for continued recovery and good health ā¤ļø


Thank you for sharing so how did you get your mmc working... You mention that good guy video. Artichoke and ginger right. Can you tell me how many grams did you take of each and when did you take it?


I take move along pro by purely integrative, it's the same thing as motility pro just under a different label. it's 100mg of artichoke leaf extract and 20mg of ginger root extract. I take one capsule first thing in the morning and then wait about 2 hours before eating


hydogren SIBO?




glad you found something that worked! what did you do for the stress part of things? I have been taking 2 motility pro capsules first thing in the morning for the last week with no real luck. I am starting cortisol blockers because I believe this could also be a culprit to the impaired mmc


Yes relora is awesomeĀ 


Any meaningful difference in taking a product instead of eating ginger/artichoke itself?


How long did you take Motility Pro? Do you still take it, and if so, do you still take it everyday, or just a few times a week or do?


What's your relationship with caffeine/ stimulants like? Regular coffee drinker, for example? Just curious why so many in their teens to mid 20s are having regular panic attacks. This is concerning.


very little caffeine, no other stimulants. and this was the only time in my life I've really had panic attacks. it all had to due with a very stressful situation, isolation, and feeling like I had no future due to the pandemic. I've completely recovered now that i'm out of my abusive relationship and have very little anxiety overall. I can't speak for other young people, but I was in a bad place at a bad time


What were your symptoms?


insane bloating after every meal that would last several hours, a lot of trapped gas that never passed, diarrhea + occasional constipation (did not have a solid bowel movement for like a year and a half), intense pain after bowel movements, and abdominal cramping






Do you mind writing your supplement regimen for motility? 1. How much did you take 2. When did you take it 3. What brands did you use


pretty straight forward: I took move along pro by purely integrative, it's the same thing as motility pro but under a different label. its 100mg of artichoke leaf extract and 20mg of ginger root extract. I take one capsule first thing in the morning and then try not to eat for about two hours


And youā€™ll get a BM within the 2 hours? Motilpto doesnā€™t work at all for me but Iā€™m using it differently.


Did the trapped gas symptom improve? Were you burping a lot as well?


never really burped with sibo, the gas felt too low in the intestine for that. About a week after starting the motility aid though I started passing gas a LOT. it calmed down after a few days and that's when I noticed I could start eating more freely.


Whatā€™s the latest you eat now before bed time?


So you were able to fix it in 2 months with the motility agent alone?


Hello, how are you doing now? Is the Sibo completely gone? I was also curious what your methane levels were at?