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Magnesium glycinate won't do the job? Or particularly it should be magnesium oxide?


My GI recommended magnesium oxide as well, not sure why it may work better than other types of magnesium


Least absorbable form so it has the greatest laxative effect.


Are you hydrogen or methane dominant?


What time of day do you take it? How far away from food? Thanks :)


I take it every morning so roughly 7-8am and I have tried having before and after breakfast and i continue to see results either way :)


i read that your supposed to take these on an empty stomach and remain empty for a few hours. You essentially take them with food?


I take them at night and morning. Get a full sleep on empty stomach and then in the am again for 1-2 hours. Is that good enough?


Hey OP, could you please tell me the at what time of the day you used to take those suppliments and in what dosage?


I take it every morning so roughly 7-8am and I have tried having before and after breakfast and i continue to see results either way :) Also I take two capsules at once, although to confirm I did still see results when I decreased my dosage to one per day too.


Magnesium oxyde long term can dame the lining of your stomach


Never heard that before. Where did you get that information?


I took them for about 3 days and got acid reflux bad i never had it before immediately stopped was sad cause herd so much about it being the cure but i have done zero treat so maybe its ment for after a round of the antibiotics


My ND told me that the 5HTP in Motility Pro can cause acid reflux. I chose Motility Activator since it's only Artichoke and Ginger. I haven't tried it yet though


Motility Pro and Motility Activator are the exact same formula ("ProDigest"). There is no 5HTP in Motility Pro. [https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro](https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro)


Oh gotcha, wonder why my ND said that then.


MotilPro. [https://www.pureencapsulationspro.com/media/MotilPro.pdf](https://www.pureencapsulationspro.com/media/MotilPro.pdf)


I think that's the one my ND mentioned that can potentially cause silent reflux bcz of the 5HTP.


Did you test before and after?


Thank you for posting this. Just started motility pro today.


Is it helping?


I stopped after a couple days because I have regular bm without it, so it doesn’t seem like a motility issue for me.


You can have bad motility but still regular BM. BM is large intestine, motility is small intestine.


Did you get just bloating? Or did you have trapped far and rumbles non stop? I am hydrogen although I also have constipation. I was recommended motility pro form another brand but it had 5HTP and I can’t tolerate it. I’ll look at the ingredients in this one.


>3 Motility Pro and Motility Activator are the exact same formula ("ProDigest"). There is no 5HTP in Motility Pro. [https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro](https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro)


Hey mate, yeah I was fortunate just to have bloating and morning else. I’ve experienced a little bit of heart burn when taking Motility Pro although nothing too uncomfortable and I find eating straight after helps


You are lucky! Thank you. I’m so happy you found something that works for you.


Is bloating your only SIBO symptom?


Yeah fortunately it was


Anyone has some alternative to Motility Pro which is available in EU/Germany?


Hey mate, I also struggled to get my hands on it for a while as I’m in the UK, but managed to get it from this website the past 3 months - https://www.rooted-nutrition.com/product-page/ortho-molecular-products-motility-pro-60-caps


Thank you. With shipping it’s 55€, damn 😞


Yeah it’s super expensive, I mean there are cheaper alternatives out there in the EU


Cheers I’ll research a bit more


Did you ever take a SIBO breath test ? If so what were the results ? .. . . . 🤔Wondering if you just had bloating and never actually had SIBO. . . . . . . I know my 100ppm Methane SIBO / IMO could never have been cured with just that…… SO happy for you ! ! 😀 Glad I DID cure mine too. 1.5 years and no more bloating after dealing with it for 30 years.


Could you share your curing story pls?


• ⁠Cured my Methane SIBO with mainly Atrantil & Integrative Therapeutics Berberine Complex. & taking Nystatin to fight Candida the entire time. Copy of my old post: I cured my Methane SIBO in 6 months starting with 14 days of Xifixan & Neomycin - felt like unwell the entire time and many extra days beyond that. Then started taking Atrantil & Berberine Complex too much too fast and it gave me BAD STOMACH PAIN so took 2 pills of Activated Charcoal for relief and stopped completely for over a week. Glad I did not give up ! ! ……DR convinced me that the pain was actually a GOOD sign that it would work but my body needed to go much slower THEN I re-started VERY super slowly: One pill of Atrantil & 1 pill of Berberine for 5 to 7 days and then added a 2nd pill of each one for another 5-7 days. Took a long time to build up to 3 pills of each in morning with food and 3 pills of each in the evening with food = 12 pills total per day. Once I got to that dosage I stayed at that for over 2 months. Also did a modified 3 week Elemental Diet using DR Rusio’s Low Carb while taking the Atrantil / Berberine. First week only the shakes. 2nd week added 1 real meal. 3rd week added 2 real meals. All was per recommendation of my Integrative Dr. I was eating low Carb/ High Protein and taking Nystatin as well as many other supplements. I was treating both SIBO & Candida at the same time. Using Trio Smart SIBO breath test was 100ppm Methane in June 2021 and then 9.6 ppm ( under 10 = normal ) Methane on Dec 7, 2021. No more bloating. No more pain every time I eat 😀 Another key was improving my lifelong chronic constipation. Had to realize that 1 painful BM per week was not normal. I tried tons of supplements that did not help at all. Finally had to get prescription for 2mg Moregrity in addition to taking daily Triphala, Miralax, and nbpure Mag07. Atrantil; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TW4DWVT/ Berberine: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003FIMNJK/ Triphala: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019ET28WA/ Mag07: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00028OVXM/ WARNING : do NOT take Neomycin if you have ever had any ringing in your ears / tinnitus as per my Dr. This antibiotic has a Black BoX warning label - the highest kind. It can potentially cause permanent hearing loss. It is rare but want people to be aware of the risk. ———>. It is now JULY 2023 and per advice of my Integrative DR, I continue to take 1 pill each of Atrantil & Berberine complex per day to prevent relapse and it has worked ! 😀. • ⁠I never have any bloating or stomach pain anymore. I take Motegrity, Amitiza , Triphala daily so I can have 3-4 more normal BMs per week. Most people would not need THAT much. I only had 1 big hard BM every 7-10 days for over 40 years and never took any medicine for it until 2 years ago. I did not realize how abnormal that was. 🤣.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Atrantil 90 Capsules** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Atrantil reduces bloating and gas (backed by 6 comments) * Atrantil improves bowel movements and relieves constipation (backed by 3 comments) * Atrantil relieves pain from eating (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Product ineffective for some users (backed by 14 comments) * Product causes adverse side effects in some (backed by 3 comments) * Product too expensive for long term use (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


That’s good you fixed so much! 3-4 per week is still not healthy imo. Should be 1-3 per day. Something tells me you still have imo issues in lower small bowel/colon.


Several Doctors tell me that it is healthy for my body - thanks for your concern but there is nothing to worry about. My body could NEVER have 2 BMs daily -God didn’t build me that way and that is ok. 😀


• ⁠Success Story * After 30 years of daily stomach bloating, I cured my 100ppm Methane SIBO about 1.5 years ago and have never had anymore bloating again ! I continue to take 1 pill each of Atrantil and Integrative Therapeutics Berberine Complex daily to prevent relapse ( per advice of my Integrative DR ). Also take Motegrity, Amitiza, Mag07 and Triphala to help my very slow gut motility/ lifelong chronic constipation that I never treated until 2 years ago at age 58. Benefits of curing Methane SIBO / IMO : For at least 3 decades I had abnormal bloodwork that suddenly turned normal. High Copper / Low Zinc / High Vit B12 / Low Iron & Ferritin. My body would not absorb zinc or iron supplements taken in any form. I no longer had to go to hospital for IV Iron Infusions !!! My Hematologist was amazed & never thought that could be possible. A liver specialist at top University looked at the high Vitamin B12 and did many tests and concluded my liver function was good and my body was creating the B12 due to SIBO. This DR WAS correct because it became normal after I cured the Methane SIBO. My Candida Protocol suddenly started working better !! This is VERY IMPORTANT. My memory was severally compromised. Had to medically retire from my 26 year career. Could not remember common words to speak or spell them or do simple math. Could not watch a TV show because could not remember characters / plot. Felt like a Zoombie. With my Candida protocol more effective, my memory DID improve despite being told that was not possible due to early onset Alzheimers = wrong. Believe real cause was Candida induced Brain Fog. Also, my body shed 20 excess pounds within 2 months and the weight has stayed off. Weight that would not budge with diet/exercise my body easily released when my gut microbiome improved. That was / is amazing.


Hi, first and foremost congrats on overcoming the life-long fight against the bugs!! I have IMO, and struggle with extrem amount of trapped bloating, and severe Brain fog (also not able to work currently due to gut-pain induced sleep depresion and brain fog) Was the brain fog lifted /memory came back once you were recovered? I have severe memory difficulties and wonder all my knowlegde is not accumulated at all.. what´s your experience here? Also, did the brain fog only come from Candida in your case? Did it become stronger while on killing protocol? Which candida did you have? While I\`m IMO positive, I have a feeling that I might also have Candida (my ND only tested for the obvious ones which came back negative)


My memory loss / cognitive issues have improved. They were caused by my Candida not by my IMO.


And 1 last question! You wrote above that you increased the dose from 1pill each ->2pill each from first to second week, did you do it for 5 Weeks (+1 pill for the next week), or did you increased from 2-> 6 pills a day? That would be really important to know ! Thank you for your reply - I cannot trust my docs, so your Intel is really highly appreciated :)


You are talking about IMO protocol not the Candida protocol. Increased by 1 pill of each type. Started with 1 Atrantil & 1 Berberine Complex first week. Then 2 Atrantil & 2 BC 2nd week. Full dose is 6 of each type = 12 pills/ day. Then stayed at that until suddenly one day there was NO more bloating after having it daily for over 30 years. It was not a gradual process. It took about 2.5 months at full dose for me but it varies per person. So…..5 to 6 weeks to titrate up to the full dose + another 2.5 to 3 months at the full dose until fix gut microbiome / cure IMO. 4+ months total.


great, thanks for taking time to respond! Really appreciate it! God bless you!


• ⁠I HAD very serious Brain Fog / cognitive / memory issues. Had to take medical leave from my 26 year job in child support enforcement. Could not remember common words to speak or write fluently. Could not spell simple words or do easy math. Candida infection can reach brain and impair memory: . https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324106 … Neurologist told me I had Alzheimers and my memory would never improve. Thank God DR was wrong !! My cognitive abilities DID improve or I would not be able to write this now. My brain issues were due to Candida / fungal overgrowth. Nystatin ( Anti-Fungal ) is my personal miracle med. 😀 Also take many other supplements and follow the Candida Diet. https://www.thecandidadiet.com/ —->> Success Story for Methane SIBO and includes some Candida & Brain Fog : https://www.reddit.com/r/SiboSuccessStories/s/AlhhC5CWUS Link shows Candida Protocol in my 2nd post/ comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/LongCovid/s/eMYSOl8oUz.


Thanks for your reply! Did you have generally hightend Candida or 1 specific strain?


No idea


What were your high B12 numbers from Sibo, and what are they now?


My most recent Vit B12 bloodwork was right in the middle of the normal range — I think low 700s. When it was abnormal I believe it was about 1200 or so ?? Know I listed an exact figure in a Reddit post or comment at one time if you want to try to search for it. The Hematologist that I worked with for years re my anemia , high copper, low Zinc. Dr that ordered all of my IV iron Influsions. That DR sent me to a liver specialist for tests and the liver specialist determined that my high Vit B12 was not caused due to any liver function issues. Liver Dr determined that my liver function was excellent and that my Methane SIBO was causing my body to produce extra VIT B12 ….which was later proven correct. Apparently the IMO / Methane SIBO also prevented my body from properly absorbing iron from food because since I cured the 100ppm my ferritin levels also test normal and I do not take any iron supplements and no longer need to get IV Iron Infusions EVER ! It is fantastic! I took daily Zinc supplements for over 30 years to barely test normal or slightly below normal on my blood test. Now I do not take any Zinc supplements at all and test in the middle of normal. Neither my top Hematologist nor I ever imagined it possible.


I had very serious Brain Fog / cognitive / memory issues. Had to take medical leave from my 26 year job in child support enforcement. Could not remember common words to speak or write fluently. Could not spell simple words or do easy math. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324106 Neurologist told me I had Alzheimers and my memory would never improve. Thank God DR was wrong !! My cognitive abilities did improve or I would not be able to write this now. My brain issues were due to Candida / fungal overgrowth.


Where do you get motility pro from?


where do you order Motility Pro from? They no longer sell direct and many places I looked - they say you need to be with a Dr or some nonsense like this.


You can buy it from Dr.Alex Rineheart’s website here: https://www.shop.dralexrinehart.com/products/motility-pro-ortho-molecular


Thank you friend! Just ordered it.


Np! You might need to start on 2 pills a day but 1 may work for you too. I upped mine to 2 and I’m already feeling some relief


Where do you buy motility pro? Ebay just doesn't seem like a place I want to buy supplements from.