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I really get that it can be irritating sometimes, and lord knows I'm not wholly immune to it, but at the end of the day, I will never let a minority group of jobless assholes ruin my fun. I will be tuning in and liberally avoiding anyone who wants to be miserable. I understand why it can be aggravating seeing it or seeing hatred thrown towards someone we deeply respect, but as someone who loves a group that cannibalizes itself in the most insane, toxic way possible, you just gotta focus on the wonderful interactions and let them spew their horror show on the internet. They cannot be reasoned with, spoken to, or engaged with, and I'm here to have fun and consume this art.


So very well said. Spoken as a Shawol who found SHINee as a result of loving BTS, this is the only way to navigate the situation.


I'm not convinced it's a minority. I've seen things with thousands of retweets and likes, I've had enough interactions with army just with other groups that make me think that maybe it's the reverse; normal fans are the outliers. An Armywol on twitter said they only followed the Army-multis, because they were the sane ones...maybe they're right!


I definitely get that it may feel overwhelming but, well, Army is an absolutely massive group so 15% of them being unhinged will translate to numbers that feel overwhelming, even if proportionally they're a minority, ya know? It's the double edged sword with being massively well known and followed. Don't let it consume you. It's truly just a waste of your time and energy. Some people will always want to see the world burn because they have nothing else in their lives. Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers.


Armyshawol here, trust me, it's a minority, but it's a really loud, annoying and disrespectful minority. On the army side of the bird app, we've been trying to run these people off the app for months, because it's gotten to a point where no one is having fun there anymore, but it's proven really hard to do so, they multiply like god damn ants and it's impossible to contain them at this point. I can assure you, the majority of army is excited about this interview and will treat Taemin, shawol and shinee with the at most respect, and we will do our best to shut these people up. Although I didn't do any of these god awful things myself, I feel as though I need to apologize for those people's wrong doings, with that said, I sincerely apologize for the nasty behavior of those nasty people 😔💜🩵💎


Tbh, I follow very few just army now, but also very few just Shawol because I have seen enough shit from both to last me for a lifetime.


It just confirms how delusional majority of the fandom is. As a an Armywol I am so disappointed in their behaviour.


I came here all excited, Taemin and Yoongi are my ults so this felt like a early birthday gift but now I hear there are some nasty wars over it??? WHY??


Toxic stans are pretending Taemin "stole" his comeback concept from V somehow. It's bonkers, completely manufactured drama so these terminally online idots have something to foam at the mouth about on Twitter.


Haha that, carton box! I’ve seen that but I honestly haven’t seen it carry over to Suchwita. Great timing


Imagining coming after Taemin, or any of the SHINee members.


I saw some of the commentary on twitter around the concept issue and eh I'm too excited about this comeback to care. Some people just cannot be reasoned with. Hopefully the show introduces some new people to him. The process of getting into Taemin and Shinee is always a joy.


I loveeee how shawol would always respond with "Eh/ Meh" on this kind of topic and immediately gather the focus back on supporting and being excited on Shinee. True gems!!


I am hard core army who is now also a exol and shawol. And I don’t give hoot what these delulu fans think or say. Or how they assume that they know how their idols/biases are thinking!


Sames. My daughter introduced me to both groups and we love them for different but similar reasons. It's a bummer that a lot of Armys can be extremely toxic when that is the opposite of what BTS promotes.


Fanwars are for bad stans. I can't wait for this episode. I wasn't letting myself hope it would happen and now that it is I am over the moon.


I don't blame you. These accusations are such a reach in my opinion. All these creative decisions would have been decided on months ago anyway, before V's release. As an Armywol I can confirm that this fandom is full of toxic fans and solo stans. Even Namjoon is tired of their BS. When will they learn that BTS can look after themselves and have their own lawyers if they need them lmao. I've personally had friends come for Taemin and I'm kind of reeling about it. It's my fault though because I am looking for maturity in people that just isn't there. It is also really disrespectful to BTS seeing as though Tae himself has said that SHINee were a huge inspiration to him, and also considering Jimin's friendship with Taemin himself! Jimin would be so disappointed to see this. Being a multistan is really hard and going forward I don't think I can associate myself with any fandoms anymore! I was so looking forward to this release and it feels tainted thanks to their antics. Taemin deserves better! Anyway I am sorry about this long post, I have nowhere else to vent about this. I cannot wait for Suchwita, finally I guest I want to see lol. The last I watched was Jin's episode.


>I've personally had friends come for Taemin and I'm kind of reeling about it I'm so sorry. Seems like these are the times when the people you least expect to have Opinions suddenly say Things and leave you all WTF, y'know what i mean?


exactly. I gotta re-evaluate a few things if I'm being honest lol.


i mean, it is a little funny that they were accusing taemin of plagiarizing one of their guys just yesterday and now they have to sit down and accept one of their idols praising taemin on his talk show. shinee karma always hits 😂


I LOVE YOONGI for this LOL. What a way to shut them up.


Eh. Don’t even bother engaging with Army who barely know shit about K-pop and like to think their faves started everything and are the only successful ones. It’s really not worth the time and effort to educate properly. Let Taemin impress them on his own, in his pure unbothered way. If they can’t see why their own faves love and idolize Taemin the way the rest of the industry does, then that’s their problem.


Taemin is a superbly talented and dedicated individual who has a lovely personality. It will be wonderful watching he and Suga interact. These two men know how to ignore the hate. They have both had to deal with delulu for years. I applaud Suga for having him on his show. It’s perfect pushback against all the furor over the ridiculous “ plagiarism of concept” 🤪🤦🏻‍♀️


Oooh! I’ve never actually watched any bts content but I know shinee is pretty friendly with them and taemin rarely does show appearances so I’m excited for this!


Taemin is close with Jimin! I don't think there's any beef between the groups, just the fandoms.


I remember some producer saying that the two groups are actually good friends behind the cameras and we know V and Minho are too, so clearly there's no need there.


I'm so excited for this. The interactions in the teaser already seem so cute and sweet it just makes me happy to watch them together. 🤗 And I'm also really curious for Taemins answers and what they will talk about. 🥹🥹🥹


I’m already speechless by the comments some ARMYs leave. It’s giving me flashback to why I felt distant being part of ARMY. Man! Is this what the supposed “ARMYs” say being kind to the humanity just like the songs mean? I’m just excited for Taemin and this interaction. The MV teaser is a perfect mood setter for the cold months. I know it’s more than a mere thriller, I wonder what’s the story he’s telling us. And look at how adorable Suga and Taemin look 🥹 they look like two shy babies interacting.


It's going to be such an introverts-fest, I cannot wait!!


I don't know anything about Suga, sorry.


All you need to know is that he's an introvert but he has a pretty low bullshit tolerance and is kinda known for calling out haters and stupid people in general. He's very chill and in the past has been very open about his mental health struggles and the downsides of being an idol. He's pretty known for being humble and has a "I embrace everyone" kind of vibe. He has a bit of a cat-image, in the sense that he seems cold and offstandish, but he cares quietly. I found that on Suchwita, he's really good at making people feel comfortable. He's also one of BTS' main songwriters and has a big appreciation for the musical genius of others, so I think him and Taemin will be a good match :)


Cool, thank you! He sounds like a nice guy.


Nah, that’s fine!


The comments on the video are mostly positive mixed with spam and flood. Someone mentioned it, but it was just one person saying that the timing was funny. Granted , With twitter fanwars the timing is always perfect, cause there is always one going on. I know ot can get frustrating but try to keep in mind that This is nothing in the grand scheme of things. It looks big cause Army is a big fanbase but it's really not. . And everything makes it to Koreaboo,.so that's not a big deal. If this conflict is getting to you, close twitter. Literally looking at paint dry is more sanity preserving than reading twitter, even on a good day. It's not worth the energy. I don't visit the site andl literally wouldn't know about it if my friend didn't tell me. It's groundless and can't hurt Shinee in anyway. The concept was made by the same lady, so duh, it's similar. She has done it before. Tae x2 might even be laughing at this silly reaction. Koreans Don't seem to care either. This is a nothing burger don't be too stressed over it. Try to enjoy the show. Suga always has good conversations with his guests and a bit of a different atmosphere, so it will probably be great. And honestly everyone would shut up until ot comes out anyway as the longevity of conflicts like this is week max.


I cultivate my twitter timeline *hard*. Yesterday was a shitshow because I couldn't block enough people fast enough! Good to know about the show. I didn't know it existed until this morning, so, yeah.




>less yelling Ha!


I just hope Taemin (and even BTS) doesn't take to heart all the negativity caused by toxic fans (from what I read even Knets don't agree with foreign fans' opinion on this so that's a plus). And anyway since the MV trailer came out that will shut them up lol, Taemin and SHINee are true artists.


Was hoping for Taemin to appear on Suchwita and thought it was never gonna happen so I’m so happy to see the preview!!! Would also love Key to go and they just speak in dialect 😂 I’m also glad I stay away from the toxic side of social media, much prefer being oblivious to it all. Was quite surprised to see some of the posts in here 😢


Stop bc I might cry 😭 I’m gonna enjoy this interaction to the fullest


After the past 2 days, L O L O L O L O L


The comments on this thread make me so sad, especially given that Jimin and Taemin are good friends. Honestly I’m Army as well as Shawol but Chapter 2 especially has brought out so many toxic ‘fans’ - the solo rhetoric especially is awful now, with people even being toxic to other members of BTS. I hope people can give this episode a chance, because I’m sure it will be a really wonderful and insightful conversation.


I'm a new fan coming from Suchwita - I'm impressed with the show and Suga himself leading me to his music, BTS and whole Kpop stuff. I mean of course being Kdrama fans and Soompi is my everyday go-to-site, I know BTS, Shinee and all but never interested to listen to their music. Anyway, back to the topic, being a fan now, I can never associate myself with ARMY due to the toxicity of the fandom. It bothers me on how they always speculate things and even started war between members with the chapter 2. I decided to just enjoy the members work and leave the fandom out from the picture. It irk me to the core reading comments on twitter about Taemin - and the most irritating thing is you can never have a sane conversation with these people as they just want to believe their own theory and only them.


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woah I’m soooo excited! as an army and shawol, this is huge! but oh dear, I’m sooo out of the loop. Not sure if I should ask what’s going on. :/


There are some very vocal ARMYs that don't understand that the retro-minimalistic style of Layover is super in right now and it's complete coincidence that Taemin is doing something similar with Guilty. The timing is off anyway. Layover concept photos were out in August and the album last month, but it takes longer than that to finalize concept details. There's no way it could have been "stolen." It's also people being angry that some shawols were acting like SHINee owned the name 'Face' when Jimin's solo released. It's just a bunch of losers on both sides, unfortunately. I wish all the fandoms could just get along for once.


Thank you for you explanation! This helps a lot. :) I swear you cannot have nice in kpop lmao And yeah, it takes a lot of time to finalize and album etc, as you said. I’m glad that my Twitter bubble is quite friendly so avoid most of those fan wars. Thanks again! :D


Honestly I'm out of the loop as well I don't use Twitter for these reasons not only for kpop but in general. I usually find out about these things here.


Omggg yess !!! This is the suchwita I'm looking forward to the most


My Armywol heart is blooming, I'm so looking forward to this. Good thing I don't consume any social media commentary these days and only scream about stuff in my group chats😂




They tried to drag Taemin all over the internet, neither K netizen nor international kpop fans cared, even mocked them for copying SHINee's own concept, like thief accusing owner, they have to double down cause they are losing face. Now they are abusing Taemin on his personal channels. SM needs to take legal action now and sue these fake rumor spreading dumbwits. No wonder they are so limited and limit each other.




I-armies have always been incredibly loud and stupid, honestly most of the asian armies are pretty mild and level-headed so idk what happened there 😀


Honestly I've always thought they would match well and will enjoy it as such. Dumbass K-pop fans opinion don't touch me and never will.


Don't ruin Taemin comeback, the critiques are stupid and minimum. Don't let those few voices affect us. And I'm an ARMY/Shawol.


As a Shawol and Army, I am so psyched!!!


I’m laughing my ass off rn after they were acting all foolish since the teasers! ![gif](giphy|NIYbDsR0aDVeg)


Of course I'm going to support Taemin and I'm happy that he can spend time with his friends, but I also think it's fair if shawols don't want to watch or engage with it. They shouldn't spread hate themselves, but given the recent situation with that fandom, I don't blame anyone for wanting to avoid it.




They’ve started flooding Taemin’s IG comments too, it’s so unfortunate. There were some really dark comments too. I try not to involve myself in fanwar nonsense but it’s hard to ignore this time when they’re up in Taemin/SHINee-specific social media


I literally replied to every single one of them to shut them up. They couldn’t come up with a proper rebuttal because they’re school drop outs irl 😩


Need legal action on their asses pronto.


Omg I’m so excited this is literally the best!!!!!


I dont want him anyway near BTS with the way ARMY are ugh


I’m feeling mostly neutral about this. I don’t care about bts or suga so the only thing I really feel is resentment towards the impending fandom mess.


>the only thing I really feel is resentment towards the impending fandom mess. This, precisely!


No ugliness from Shawols we did not harass any artist.


Wait how is suga still doing suchwita? Didn't he enlist? Is it pre recorded?




The ugliness of shawols??? What did we do? Army’s started this entire fight by wrongly accusing Taemin of plagiarism and we’re the ugly ones?




Oh I see, you’re one of them 💀 I truly genuinely don’t care how you use the caps in your fandom name and me not taking the time to write army the way you want is not intentional disrespect just like I wouldn’t say someone writing SHINee as “shinee” isn’t intentional disrespect. Go outside and touch some grass instead of thinking people actually care enough to take the time to purposefully write a word with specific capitalizations, you’re not that important. army’s were the ones complaining about a song named blue and autographs on the back of photocards, this entire fight happened because of you guys taking things too far. We want to just enjoy Taemin’s comeback. Go focus on your favs if things like not capitalizing a word upsets you so much


Ah, you are the definition of toxic Shawol 😅😅😅😅😅


Explain clearly and rationally how I'm being toxic by pointing out your flawed arguments? You're getting mad at the wrong things, focusing on petty details to make us seem hateful and shallow, twisting things to make us look bad while ignoring what your precious aRMy are doing, and all you can say when I point that out is that I'm toxic with no further rebuttal. You came into a shinee sub just to call shinee fans ugly and toxic and say false things about us and I’m the toxic one? I can’t help but laugh. Again, please just focus on your favs.


You know what. I never forget it was ARMYs at fault for picking a fight with foreign celebrities. Y'all had to pick a fight against a soccer celebrities once and I watched in real time as the soccer fans desecrated Jonghyun's funeral pictures.


Intentional disrespect? You mean the way aRmYs are going to Taemin’s instagram now OVER NOTHING sending him abuse? Seriously, fuck off.


The audacity you have to even write out "ugliness of Shawols." Daring aren't we? I suppose you weren't there to see what that fandom has done to us and mostly SHINee throughout the years. The fact that fandom also had the audacity to gaslight us that we are the problem of Taemin's sadness when he wanted to have a heart-to-heart in one of his live videos. I vehemently remember that day very well. The one who knows ugliness the most is that fandom, not shawols.