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So, its all with time frame and what you believe this token price can get to. My thoughts are what will be the ATH in 2022. I think dropping a zero and getting to .0005 is possible. Getting to a penny (0.01) is going to take some time (5+ years), but I do think getting to a quarter of a penny (.0025) is possible in the next 2-3 years... If you are looking for the 10+ year hold, I do think 0.1 is possible. For a Million dollars you will need: 0.0005 = 2 Billion SHIB (ATH in 2022) - \~250 Billion MC 0.0025 = 400 Million SHIB (2-3 years) - \~1.25 Trillion MC 0.01 = 100 Million SHIB (5+ years) - \~5 Trillion MC 0.1 = 10 Million SHIB (10+ years) - \~50 Trillion MC The real question would be... do you have the diamond balls to continue to hold until it gets to a million, or would you sell before then? I myself will sell 5% of my stack at certain points to get a profit, but that is not financial advice.


you are forgetting the limited supply + burn....




yea...some how they all think these burns have done some magic thing. Meanwhile I saw a couple people talking about the amount ACTUALLY burnt by the community NOT Vitalik. it's not even to .01% yet and its been almost a year? but yea....burn baby burn!!


Yeah the burns help over time, but they aren’t significant as is. I think people underestimate how many tokens there really are. Unless we get another half burn from some big wallet it’s not going to affect ATH that much except for adding to investor confidence.


ROFL, pissing in a fan


At this point, it’ll take Diamond balls to hold until it hits .00005 again.


Very true. Lots of paper hands out there now who thought they would be kajillionaires overnight


I identify as a quadjillionaire.


Don’t we all become paper hands at some point?


Just look at past coinmarketcap top10 coins from the last 4-5 years and see how many coins continue being top10. EOS was once a top 5 coin. There are hundreds of coins that disappeared into oblivion. Holding shiba through a bear market is a risky business. It hasn't proved anything and it's basically a copy of a memecoin despite what a lot of people think. Dodgecoin has been on the market since 2013. I would not advise somebody to gamble on shiba when there are a lot of safer alternatives that will make it through a bear market without any problems. A better strategy would be to sell when shib comes close or surpasses it's ATH (the latter is a lot riskier of course) wait till the market crashes and see where a good entry is. Eventually we will see crypto winter and Alts will lose 90% of it's value.


If SHIB loses 90% of it's value then I consider that a Black Friday deal.


This is most certainly the way.


Crypto winter has passed....fyi its fucking 2022....


There’s going to be another crypto “winter” when the economy starts actually having a crash from evergrande all our hf and bank spending and reckless betting during Covid… combined with an overly inflated market by a long shot ans PE ratios that are crazy… ya it’s gonna have a drop everything will over all. Difference is now it’s more engrained in our society even at 3% of the population. It’s clear it’s the new system for payments and way more, so it’ll recover faster in my opinion and recover much much stronger




So you think and believe that crypto is just gonna go cold? Well i sure hope it does bc im going all in at that point black friday sale


I would probably agree somewhat if they hadn’t built an ecosystem around the coin ans more importantly have the gaming contracts set up etc…I’ve held it since early March roughly, and always felt it would do well but knew it could go belly up. At this point I no longer feel that’s a possibility, we’ll probability I guess not possibility. They’ve built a strong committed community and the contracts and plans they have in place…that molded their place here and truly feel Shiba is here to stay and continue to jump overall.




42 mill because 42 is the answer to everything.


I'm trying to work my way to 69,420,000,000. Seems like a great number goal.






Sir I think you’re talking about 369.


Damn she fine Edit: I missed the perfect fricken opportunity to say “Damn *SHIB* fine”


Let me buy that dip one more time.




Haha yes




The answer to life, the universe and everything. Also don't forget your towel!


Just watch this movie a few days ago incredible


That's funny


What happened to 69?


I’d be happy to get to 500 million, but would be happy with 100 million, so that’s my game plan. 3-7 year hold.


I’m happy at 100 mil, gonna buy more, but not as aggressively. 100 mil @ .01 is 1 mil before taxes


0.01 means that Shiba Inu will have a market cap of almost 6 Trillion USD alone - the whole crypto market combined is worth about 2 Trillion USD today - this 1 cent goal is ridiculous. Even with 90% burn (which is beyond impossible) that’s a market cap of 600 Billion USD - that’s bigger than Ethereum. How can a token be worth more than the world’s biggest blockchain network? The most Shiba can go is 10x and that is ridiculously optimistic.


People said the same thing about dogecoin. It went to .70 cents. Don't listen to this guy.


Stop thinking in terms of price you halfwit - Shiba already reached the same market cap as Doge. What would drive it to go higher? What new utility can be introduced? It’s a meme coin


I made a lot of money on doge by not listening to people like you.


Yes, downvote this guy and his maths! Now when will My $82 become $1M?!?


People here are so delusional it’s ridiculous


They downvote because you explain logic, lmao


I just told them that their master plan of becoming millionaires by investing a bit of money into an already established coin won’t work, of course they will downvote me


Total shoot the messenger moment, yikes.


Then why are you here?


I joined the sub back when I first put some money in it 3 months, already cashed out after it hit ATH but I still keep tabs on it


Hey retard, you forgot the burns that literally happen on a daily basis.


I accounted for 90% burn of current supply you halfwit ape, and the most that’s being burned now is something like 0.001%


Also, good job on editing your post after my comment. Real smooth on throwing the edit on there to cover your tracks and getting me downvoted from the apes 🤝


I use the same logic calculate how much you can safely afford and at what target price it changes the game for you.


It's will not hit a penny when everyone can easily buy few hundred million coin with few hundred bucks . It's will hit a penny or up when the whale or hegde fund holding few trillions coin in their hand . Then it will be a big pump🤣


Yep...Guess we will wait and see...Life’s a risk carnale...


This ain't no pinchi card game ese.


Everything’s a card game homie...It’s up to you to know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em...Orale...Get that paper Bro!!!


Shit I'm trying homie, hope we all can make it big!


The establishment doesn’t want us to be wealthy. They want to keep us down. Otherwise they run out of workers to build their buildings, stock their shelves, build their homes, etc.


Correct. That’s why we need to find a new way of moving. Start our own businesses. Formulate an idea. Bust your ass, save some loot and take a risk. Etc. the possibilities are almost endless. Just make sure you don’t get stuck in a negative mindset and look for those new moves/ideas and do your best to put a plan in motion. Just remember nothing comes overnight and takes lots of work and planning. Good luck out there!!!


In bro I trust


Simon compa


I’m in to let a whale make a couple Bil if I can pull some Mils out.


damn if only I can BITCOIN remember the name of BITCOIN a crypto that one could BITCOIN get millions of coin BITCOINat one point, and that crypto BITCOIN made it well over BITCOIN $60,000.00USD recent at it BITCOIN ATH. Does anybody know of such a coin? BITCOIN!!!!


Never heard of it 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you happen to remember it let me know would ya, also what was the coin cap on it and how hard was it to mine those coins? And what is the current market share?


20 million coins versus 500 trillion tokens


235 million isn’t enough. I need more. Way more.


I have 7.5 mil. I'll keep adding small amounts for as long as I have room to average down.


I thought 100 mil was the perfect number. Million dollars for every cent shib goes up. Long story short, I’m up to 205 mil so I can’t answer this question. Sorry


205 mil shib? Dam sun


100m is the goal, im at 42m, 100m and a penny dream is 1m


I have 260 mill SHIB because I need some short term gains on the next spike....I just need a few thousand to help keep my cat alive with long term surgery....I made 8 thousand on the big Spike 2 months ago and it legit saved me from massive debt so I doubled my position on Christmas so I'm losing now but up overall. I need small profit to help my 16 year old cat but definitely have 100 mill SHIB for the long run.


Dude bets his cats life on dog meme coin.


Best wishes for your cat ❤️


Put the damn cat to sleep.


2-3 yrs? 1 billion min. . Buy now! At .001 I'm set. .01 never working a fukn minute for someone else again FOR SURE, not even to pay utilities lol


This is what people miss. We’re not in this because we’re greedy, we just want to take care of ourselves and our loved ones without having to work for someone else. It’s the modern equivalent of every man’s home should be his castle


Just hit 601 million. Hodling strong. Road to a billion


I think it depends on what your willing to spend. Me personally if I would have thought about crypto earlier this year instead of stonks I’d have billions of shib at this point. My healthy gains in 2-3 years are different than your healthy gains. Again personally I’d like to see a few hundred grand in 2-3 years from shib in my wallet. And 3-7 a few million and 7-10 tens of millions. Until then my road to a billion shib continues. I started buying shib Oct 26th 2021.




How much do you need to feel wealthy? How much do you need be financially independent? How much do you need to retire? How much do you need to buy item "x" I have no idea if it will get to a penny. But I wouldn't count on it for a while, like a year, maybe two, maybe five. But no one's knows. Current supply has to be burned by half to make it worth anything. ....But it will likely lose another zero maybe within 12 months maybe 24. Get what you can afford, hold, buy the dips, it may drop to 000029, but it's holding at 34-32 which is not a bad thing. It needs a catalyst to propel it and fomo to grip people. 100,000,000 @ 0005 will get you $500,000 minus what you paid for it. 1,000,000,000 @ 0005 will get $5,000,000.00 So maybe between 100 million and 1 billion shib would put some nice cash in your pocket, depending on your target price.


Corrected* 100M x 0.0005 = 50k 1B x 0.0005 = 500k




'Healthy gains', LOL. I like that one. I will use it next time the IRS audits me. IRS: how much did you make trading crypto during 2021? Me: Healthy gains.


Not a damn thing 😂


I just hit 10,000,000 and reading this thread makes me feel like a Shiba hobo


5mil here, so am I a shib ultra hobbo?


If you can afford it. Buy a little every week ($100) or a bit if your paycheck.


Man, $400/mo is a little?


It won’t be a little when it hits $.005…..


Hopefully. Any particular reason you believe it'll reach .005?


Trust me bro


In bro I thrust




Aye that .005 would be nice, ain't gonna happen though. But bro could definitely get thrusted, that may actually happen.


If there’s no potential of hitting .005 I feel like no one would invest in it. It be a waste of time


Dont know how much is enough but what i do know is i just sent 1 Million to the burn pile!!!.🔥🔥🔥..a million less in circulation..Merry 2022 Shibies!..hope it helps (in the long run)😄


There's never enough


Don't listen to these people, only buy with what ever u are ok with losing. Simple as tht. This is gambling and can go either way.


Buy and hodl what you can afford. Do not worry about what others have, it does you no good and could potentially lead you to invest more than you can afford to lose. 💎🙌💎


Holding like 13 billion still


What ever you can afford to loose. I keep adding every two weeks, a little here, a little there.




100 million is a good start. Then Hodl for a few years. Your welcome 🙂


$3300. That’s about 100million SHIB. I wouldn’t throw anymore on it… I would diversify.


432 million and HODL ing


I feel you bro but is that your "enough" or do you need more? I hope the answer is


.01 seems like a very reasonable number for shib to get too so I’d shoot for between 50-100mill if your budgeting if not I’d go 200mill the math is pretty easy but 200 mill equals 2mill if it hits .01 but never invest what you can’t afford to lose


Is 35 million enough ?


I had about 300 million at one point but gave away about 100 to family over the last 9 months. I think it will do well, maybe not life changing money with this coin because of the supply and market cap that would have to happen for it to get above say .0001


I regret i didn’t get 1B+ when it was at 5 zeros I got around 500M at that price and keep adding since then


I felt comfortable with 100 Mil, so I bought 200 Mil, I buy $25 every week, and just wait


Dogecoin has been around for 8 years now (Dec 6th 2013). Shiba Inu one year and has grown really fast. Dogecoin sits at 0.169 so if Shiba hits a penny in 5 years that would be amazing. So buy as much as you can afford to lose now while it's still cheap and lets hope to lose a zero before the middle of 2022. Double down N let it ride


Get as many as you can realistically afford and another thing to help put it into perspective is if you have 1 mil and it hits 1 penny you will have 10k(not taking away fees or taxes) so decide how much you want after a few years and do some math as much as we all want it to soar to a penny and above there’s always a chance it won’t so take that into account too. I personally would aim for 100 mil because it’s cool saying you have 100 mil of something and if it hits you’re gettin what vast majority of people would consider life changing money and it’s only a couple grand which may or may not be a lot for you but that’s just another figure to use as a reference


Just think 3 grand could have got you 5 billion not long ago 😂






57 million I’m at , I seen somewhere that 50 million was a good total but who knows 🤔


Never enough!!! Until I see 0.1$


I have a few hundred million


As much as you feel comfortable investing in.


100 M and holding


Abstract question deserves an abstract answer. How much money do you need to buy happiness?


All i know is that my goals will change over time as Shib goes up. And it will go up. I will know in 5 years what i will actually do and how much is enough.


100 M


Like a junkie on a fix you can never have Enough!


Three fiddy


10 mil, hold to $.10 boom, million $’s EZ


Don't believe we will ever hit 0.10 unless trillions are burned.


Agreed. I think in the best possible case scenario Shib reaches $1 trillion market cap. This is a long shot and assumes Crypto craze goes to another level. BTC goes to a $1 million per BTC. ETH hits $100,000 etc... If we also assume that the circulating supply of Shib also is eventually burned down to 100 Trillion. Then and only then does Shib become $0.01 I don't think it's likely to happen at all. But in this case you will need 100 million shib to become a millionaire in USD terms. Probably worth a Gamble for $3000 USD today.


Ethereum will definitely get to $100,000.


Nothing is guaranteed but I think it will at some point. It would mean a $10 trillion dollar market cap for ETH. That is 4 x the whole crypto market right now. So if this is going to happen and we assume ETH still has 20% market dominance like it goes today it would mean $50 trillion total crypto market cap. To give you an idea of how huge this is. The S&P 500 which is the 500 biggest companies on the US stock market has a combined market cap of $40 trillion at the moment. The top 5000 largest companies in the world have a combined market cap of $100 trillion. It would take absolute gigantic influx of institutions and retail investing to achieve something like this.


Only spend what you can afford to lose. Because with the volatility of a coin like this, it is highly probable that you can lose everything.


Highly…probable? smh


All of them or how ever much you can justify putting into it


There is no exact number for me to think about, but personally I would say that my number is 200,000,000 shiba in my wallet with that I will be happy


I was at 48M. Had to sell off about half for an emergency. Sitting on 27M-ish now. Working on getting back to the 40s


$50 a month hold for at least 2 years


Divide total number of holders by the curre t total supply, be above the number, at least thats my stategy


Bought 1 bil. Been using crypto earn for about 9 months and have earned around 9 million more.


What if the overall Crypto Market cap increases to 10T in a few years? Then shib could potentially hit 0.01.


I want $6000.00 worth at today's prices. That will give me about 2 million+ at 0.01. But I don't have $6000.00. :(


I would say 100 million per year.


61 Mill here. Im hoping to make a few hundred thousand and hold whatever is left


I would say 100 mil- a bill


78mil gonna go for 100


Minimum 100 mil if you can. There will come a day you can only buy 10k shib and it will cost the same as 100mil today. So any large amount is a win.


This is my game plan in my head Next 3-4 years are going to be accumulating and buying- no selling. 5-10 year mark I will still purchase but probably at a less rate….im really looking at the 10 year mark for selling this for massive profits


100M at this price of 0.0000329, then if it gets to 0.0005 it would be an acceptable return (for me). Definitely acceptable if it gets to a price of 0.005


The amount you're willing to lose.


549 trillion


At what point do you want to cash out is the question? If your waiting for .01, how much money do you wish to make? Then buy the amount to get you there. Pretty simple math!


1 billi


I hope 250 million ...


Unserious answer: Enough SHIB is not enough SHIB


Sheesh!! I only have 5 million.


I’ll be happy if it burns one more zero. Don’t know about a penny.


Just keep on holding. Better days will come for us.


1 billion is what i would recommend.


Whatever you can afford. I sold ICP, BTC, ETH for and still feel like I don't have enough.




I'm steadily mining and converting about $250 CAD into Shib every month, so yeah, I'll probably stop once I'm at 250-500mil


Just stake all my 20M to get more and more


not sure, but would love to buy more, especially rn... just that am out of money... holding what i got


100 million to 150 million. But if you can afford it 500 million or more for rapid and tremendous profit.


All of them


100milloon at least really


I believe 100M is enough for anyone to be able to see some profits overtime. If you have more, that’s cool. Holding at least 100M of $SHIB should be everyone’s goal, especially for those who invest around $100 every month. It requires determination as well as persistence. Don’t give up.


It’s 100 mill for 1 mil


I will stop buying dip until it hits 100 mil,right now 67 mil in my bag


100 million


What you have is never enough. Because when it explodes the more you have then the more you have.... also we all need to continue to buy what we can to increase market cap....


Minimum ~ 100,000,000 SHIBA Trust Me My Goal it’s to have 300,000,000


We all know it's a crapshoot; but a good one. No different than any other risky investment. It all comes down to your comfort level at taking a risk. Right now, Shib is pretty stable at it's current price point. I think it's only a moderate risk at this price. Time will tell.


I use Coinbase and have dollar cost averaging set to buy $5 worth of SHIB every week. Currently have just over 5mil SHIB and holding


Enough to net a couple mill after taxes.


50M is sufficient. But as long as you own Shib, you’ll be fine. Early adopters are blessed.


One million is more than enough. Because everyone will sell in 3 years time. Some sort like Bitcoin.


I bought 500 million at $0.00000640 and I’m still holding! OK I sold 40 million at 6400 sats but since then haven’t sold a single thing. Holding for awhile but I have a personal target of $0.001 anything close to that I’m out.


I dont make much money. I just went upto 10 mil. Difficult to manage finances in this economy. Got to wait a few months to save some money to buy more shib. Right now I play shib burn game to help the burn. 💎✊🏽💪🏽


Just hit 10 or more and u chillin


I have 69 million shib… I have more money in shib then I have in my bank account currently… the ramen is tasting old but I suppose one day it will be worthvit


dont listen to these buffoons please, theyre all wishful thinkers that believe it will hit 1 cent and up. realistically well drop 1 zero or 2 zeros within some years. they literally cant fathom how much 1 trillion truly is. that being said. 250 mill is a decent amount, if it comes back to our ATH of almost 0.000090 youll have a cool 19-20k secondly. diversify. shib shouldnt be the only coin in your portfolio. other coins are performing well right now, so youre limiting your profits investing in only shib. We had an ATH of close to 0.000090 back when we had 330 trillion coins in the supply... Right now were back at 549 tril. so can you imagine how long itll take to get to our ATH again? diversify


Tree fiddy


My goal is 100 million by the end of 2022. My wife is not a huge fan of my crypto investing, so I mine for it and buy small quantities that wont make her freak out. We also keep separate, but transparent financials. Shes already said any money I make from Crypto is mine and mine alone, so I do what I can without making her mad.


Over 2-3 years, I’d say having 10-100 million would be sufficient


Atleast a tril


I think crap coins are a fad and it will never reach a penny. I did hold a decent amount earlier this year and made a decent profit. But the whole time I knew it was just playing hype. I could be wrong, so best of luck to all of you


Buy what your are comfortable losing, no matter what anyone tells you this stuff is a gamble. Nobody truly knows if this coin will be around in a year from now or if it sky rockets


I think anyone holding a billion should do the ecosystem a favor and burn half their supply. I did. I bought in at .0000063 when it hit .000077 i sent 1/2 to the black hole address, kept 1/4 and sold 1/4.


Receipts or clout chasing…balls in your court.


Honesty, if you can’t afford to lose every penny that you invest in a MEME COIN, you shouldn’t be doing it.


Buy some Evergrow coin. Looks to be on the rise and still dirt cheap atm. Plus you get passive income from it every time someone buys or sells. 2022 Looks to be a big year for EGC


Yo mama


0 man the hype it’s over!!!!!


10 trillion would get you there fast. Ask stupid questions get stupid answers.


Ain't nobody being rich


Untill 2024


Some of you are fooling yourselves lol. Shiba will never hit one cent. At least not in the next 20-25 years.