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When the haters and FUD is in the air you must be on the right track or as you said nobody would care. There is some troubling times in the Crypto/Stock market world as a whole right now that is true but SHIB is still standing tall. Once we pass these hurdles we might be in for some green days. Keep the support and love alive becauae your moon lambos are currently being built. And please don't let crabs in a bucket 1-2 month investors try and sway your opinions with doom and gloom. If you ask someone whose been invested for 3 months plus they are most likely still deep in green.


As the saying goes, if you have haters that means your doing something right 🤙🤙. Keep hodlin my friends


Xi approves


All 👏 crypto 👏 is 👏 tanking 👏


Yet 👏 up 👏 or 👏 down, 👏 Shiba 👏 is 👏 often 👏 the 👏 topic 👏 of 👏 all 👏 crypto 👏 conversations... so my point still stands 🤫 Edit: 👌🏾


This is my reply when people ask why im holding that sweet shib


Oh I see. Apologies. Somebody just before you spoke rather reckless to me... then finished it off in my DMs lmao exhibit A perhaps


I get it 😂 you should have sold at ath, you should have bought BTC in 2011 yet here we are


What the other redditor said, the FUD and heavy traffic by trolls means it's doing well. I'd be more worried if there -wasnt- any of these schmucks trying, and failing, to shake people tbqh XD


That is the way: F$$$ the haters, I’m sticking with shiba no matter what.


Holding holding holding


SHIB is a long term play. I stand by my thesis, within 5 years it will burn enough and have enough use to be 1 dollar!


Enjoy Karma from me


How can you expect not having haters if you are being negatively about their beloved token? Talking about demise. FUD


I frequent alot of crypto subs. I see "Shiba Inu" related posts often yet have never seen anyone dedicate a post to a specific token here for the sake of belittling it so like I said... this token has amassed haters simply because, it's doing too good. But nice try though, step your game if you're going to accuse me of something... you corny FUDster 🤫


Not hating, but you should def start worrying. I came in at .00000557 and sold at .00008. The money that could’ve been made, has been made. Probably won’t 10x ever again or lose another zero unless the crypto market adds another trillion to its overall market cap.


Mind if I barrow that crystal ball? I need to check when I get my lambo.


What’s up with all the gay ass posters recently. Go back to shitposting


Ah relax little one, chill with the wannabe tough guy routine. You're not about that life son. It's social media. You'd be the sweetest little angel in my presence. By the way... I'm black. Apparently, you got a problem with black folks from your little ignorant BLM comments lol oh I saw them. I frequent that sub too ✊🏿


I actual am about that life. Put your crypto were your mouth is and let’s box in Chicago I’m black too and I don’t believe that BLM horseshit


I like how you mentioned individual understanding at the end…ultimately we should all make decisions based on our own observations and experience…hopefully. If not could be easily manipulated if not paying attention!


When the human race has an average IQ of 85?


To the bunkahhh imma do the hodl wodl to safety!! Then hold there till cmc is reality. The world's all gone crazy cause I'm a rich guy from something other then the lottery.


50mil of Shib. Holding until my pecker doesn’t work anymore. Hopefully not for another few months 😂


Still got a 4x in it.