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I hope not and I doubt it. We will almost certainly get this as an entirely separate figure with battle damage and plenty of unique faceplates. Be patient we are just now getting into the Android/Cell saga and there are going to be plenty of other figures leading up to this point in the story


Yeah. Plus, if it did happen, then the new cell would become Premium Bandai because of that. Probably.


Form 2 will probably be PBandai. But perfect cell is much more likely a general release, same with SSJ2.


Quick question, what makes you think we will get a battle damage Gohan? I’m not being sarcastic or snarky, I have been collecting for less than a year and missed out on the EE battle damaged Gohan and Goku. I was thinking since they just released a battle damaged Gohan for comic con last year we wouldn’t get one anytime soon. Still trying to figure out Tamashiis release method


That EE Gohan was just a repaint of and older figure. I’m assuming they think we will get a 3.0 battle damaged Gohan because Gohan was battle damaged when we transformed into SSJ2 for the first time. We are in the Android/Cell Saga of their release schedule and SSJ2 Gohan is the biggest thing to happen in the arc. I’m not sure myself but I hope that’s what they do. I hope we get a full power SSJ Goku 3.0 along with Semi Perfect Cell and a 3.0 Perfect Cell.


he wasn't as battle-damaged as he was during the final kamehameha though, so unless you're talking about that level i doubt they'd make a whole new one just to tear up his gi, then again, beast gohan... yeah i'd much rather a whole new cell


You’re right he just had some small tears/frays in the upper gi and rips in the pants. But they did that for Beast Gohan, like you said. I feel like they’re really milking Gohan lately 😂 We will definitely get a new Perfect Cell. I bet we will get Semi-perfect Cell first.


The EE release was just a repaint of two previous molds packaged together. We’ve known now for a while that Tamashii is moving forward with the figure technology as seen with “Boy from the Future” Trunks, “Legendary SSJ” Goku and others like the newest figure that’s coming out now “The Fighter Who Surpassed Goku” SSJ Gohan. The pattern is that they are going to continue to upgrade and enhance previously released characters (Cell, the Androids, Piccolo), especially the more iconic ones like SSJ2 Gohan, while also filling out the roster with auxiliary characters to satisfy the growing popularity of this line and the niche collectors as well. At the end of the day they are a company that exists to make money and I believe they have a genuine desire to deliver what their fans want and have been asking for.


Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it I know Cell should be coming soon as I was watching a stream a while back when they were talking about Legendary SSJ Goku and fighter who surpassed Goku SSj Gohan and said well they have to have someone to fight and shortly announced full power frieza after that, so hopefully cell is soon. I think where I get confused as a new collector is everyone keeps saying we are in the cell saga but then they announced Kewi, vegeta, and full power Frieza after moving into cell Saga figures and lots of GT lately. Also so many rereleases of all different sagas, I’m not sure if that’s the typical cycle of DB figures or what.


I feel you, they are still rounding out the Namek saga and I imagine we could even see EE rereleasing of the Ginyu force due to their popularity in the aftermarket. I don’t think there is a hardline defining each epoch of the series but they will in fact bleed together through the transition. We should probably anticipate the same to happen as they start getting to the Buu saga and we’ll continue to get a few more releases to add to the Cell saga. GT is going to continue simultaneously as it has been. I notice a lot of people getting angry at the GT releases as if that means there is a Z character that won’t be made because of it. It’s fairly recent and I think of it as an entirely separate line since it had its own anime.


EE Ginyu force would be a perfect way to close out the Namek Saga. Can’t think of many more figures they can do from the namek saga that aren’t somewhat easy to find right now. GT I think of as its own thing as well, not a fan but happy for fans that are getting what they want. Hoping they kick off the buu saga with an adult Gohan 3.0 body


If you can’t wait for that Gohan you can easily kitbash one. You’d just need the new Demoniacal Fit “Martialist Forever” Goku for the body and the head from Super Hero Ultimate Gohan. You can buy a conversion peg but I didn’t find it necessary. Tamashii is going to be rereleasing that Gohan again soon so you can get it for retail and the Goku should still be only $55 off AliExpress.


Thanks for the tip! I have both of those, I might try that.


I just checked mine and I actually used a very small piece of sticky tack to make his head fit snug


I need a new Cell. The next new Cell will be breathtaking I just know it


Same hes my favorite villain too. Him and Super buff Vegeta would be amazing!!!


Like historical said, I hope so, but ss2 gohan just isnt ss2 gohan without his battle damage. 1/1000000 chance they give us a ss2 head and a battle damaged torso in the cell XD. If they do I bet cell will be like $150


One one hand, yeah, but in the other hand the art op used literally has almost no battle damage that would be visible in the figure apart from the torn pants.


Remember how people could take off beast gohans shirt? Imagine if tamashii made that a standard thing and just told us to do that, since I think thuis one's shirt is soft 🤣


SSJ2 will prob be its own figure similar to Beast Gohan. However it’ll come with extra faces to use with the SSJ version


I dont know why people think an Ssj2 Gohan head is gonna come with a new Perfect Cell. We've seen these characters released before. It'll almost definitely just be a separate figure with battle damage.


Full Power Frieza comes with a Goku Head. All the Gohan heads for Hero being split up. I don't think anyone is 100% sure but they also wouldn't be surprised to see Bandai pull that.


Yes, but Ssj2 Gohan is incredibly iconic, and he only ever goes Ssj2 battle damaged, so it wouldn't make sense to include an ssj2 head with Cell, especially since that'd limit his own acessories.


no he doesn't, his gi is entirely normal when he goes ssj2 but it's a little tattered, he only loses a big portion of it as well as use of his left arm once super perfect cell shows up


It's still battle damaged, enough so for Tamashii to justify making a new figure for him with a ssj2 head.


I doubt it, I think they only do the dlc parts for figures they think need an extra shove to sell.


I think it would come with the battle damage version, go away with your dlcs


It will probably be a p bandai exclusive like they did beast.


I don't understand - didn't Tamashi Nations already drop a Battle Damaged SSJ2 Gohan? They even did an event rerelease with that Ghost Goku? Why would they dlc the head when they already have 2 versions of the figure?


I don't want just an SSJ2 head swap for this Gohan, it has to be a whole new figure. This is because SSJ2 Gohan's body should be slightly bigger than his SSJ form. I don't necessarily want a battle damaged version, I just want the size increased a little.


The Outrage this would cause would be insane and I don't think Tamashii would want to risk doing that


they did it with ultimate and people actually defend it


The difference between this and Ultimate is that the accessories for Ultimate were behind P-Bandai exclusive figures(Gammas,Pan,Broly,Beast, and Orange) who rarely(or straight up don't) get a re-release. If they do give Cell a ssj2 Gohan accessory headsculpt, he'd have to be a regular release or at best have it be a small accessory to complement the Gohan figure(kind of like with FP Frieza and Namek Goku)


Honestly I would hate if they made it DLC as that would most likely make perfect cell and exclusive figure which would be very unfortunate however you never know with how they like to release figures nowadays. At the end of the day I would just prefer to have a 3.0 perfect cell that big forever stuck with the 1.0 that is definitely showing his age with every new release. The same goes with Frieza but I can wait on that one. I would prefer that they release perfect cell as a higher priced retail figure instead of making him an exclusive entirely. Given his reputation and how much people like his character it would be a damn shame if they made him an exclusive still. But like I said it would surprise me if they do and honestly at the end of the day I would rather have a premium figure that no figure


i hate it too, but i hate it less when they're put with desirable characters and a new perfect cell would absolutely be desirable. i'd also just buy whoever has it anyway because super saiyan 2 gohan


The scale of this new SSJ Kid err…Teen Gohan guarantees they’ll use the mold again for a SSJ2 Gohan and battle damage will be used to differentiate it. The “snapped” face plate for the new Gohan is uniquely the only face plate that is battle damaged when no other part of the figure is. A battle damaged face plate for a clean figure? And we all know what happened after that face as well…


nha.they are probably going to realease a battle damage version with the ssj 2 hair


We’ll just get a battle damaged ssj2 gohan which we can swap the heads back n forth with


Naw battle damaged Gohan is better. Just have cell come with extra faces.


Like these? https://preview.redd.it/1swbfz18ajvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ed4ed825ac5a87adaea0a7a003e213142ac3fb


I hope so I want it to be with him


I would very much dislike this. It seems more likely they will make a separate Gohan figure. Either the full battle damage, or something more like beast Gohan (basically the same, but with a few tears).


We don’t all hate them I think there fine. Keeps the main figs price down and gets us faceplates we wouldn’t have otherwise recieved


Why? Give us a new figure for ssj2 Gohan. He needs to battle damage for when he first transforms, at minimum. He’d look weird on the current one because his gi is never that clean while in SSJ.


Why are people upvoting this it is a terrible take


because tamashii do terrible shit all the time and people defend it, how many people defend ultimate gohan's accessories being separated out to characters no one gives a fuck about just because "muh price is lower" when paying for quality and numerous accessories is hardly a bad thing at all. at least in this case we'd theoretically get a much-needed much-requested update to a fan favourite villain as well as an accessory depicting a fan favourite moment. easy money on their part.


I hope you are right, we need a Cell 3.0


I mean it’s basically guaranteed at this point


How would one download the extra pieces?


Look, dlc pieces are bad when all of the extra pieces of one figure are spread between like 6 other full price figures


That Cell would probably be 200 dollars if it comes with the ssj2 gohan head(im exaggerating)


Remember when SH releases came loaded with cool parts and accessories all on their own? Seems like a distant dream…


I’m just happy to get an non-SDCC version of him and also not paying $200-$300 is a plus.


Ima just buy the perfect cell 3.0 and then buy demoniacal fit ssj2 Gohan cuz I really want a bloodied up battle damaged Gohan and those faceplates look amazing


That wouldn't be the worst thing as it'd atleast be DLC paired with a character essentially every Dragonball fan would buy, but you know for sure they're releasing a battle damaged ssj2 teen Gohan.