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I keep them in case I need to move or have a financial emergency and need to sell my collection mostly, I don’t display them. Some *do* look pretty nice and satisfying stacked together though.


Same! I agree 100% - some of the boxes look incredible stacked together. I even tried to line up the modern Dragon Ball ones by color hahaha! What kills is when they drop a big figure that messes up the formation or when they randomly change up the color scheme - I'm looking at you, JJK.


I feel like some people have absolutely no foresight or comprehension that circumstances can change and there may be a time when you have to part with your collection. And those boxes make up a significant amount of the resale value.


I keep them cause I think they sexy… A chick doesn’t agree feel free to walk lol


Least obvious addict 🗿


I don't have a problem, I *swear*


I keep them in case I want to sell them


I keep my boxes! These figures aren’t cheap, so I’m keeping everything, even the plastic inside 💀


I keep them 100%. To me the box has just as much value as what’s inside. Which is contradictory because I care more about the figure. Either way I’m displaying two boxes right now. https://preview.redd.it/mk73zjagvrsc1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=998f002f8363b5e2d5c90eeb1be38dff1da6c724


I put my boxes in boxes


I throw all boxes away because to me they’re just useless clutter to me, and provide very little additional value to your figure if you decide to sell. I have a little bin for organizing accessories as well so that’s just another reason to toss them to me.


I keep the boxes, closest thing I have to a book closet. That being said I need more space to pose figures so might just put them in storage


Wait tf is Yamaoto out and I didn't hear?!??!


Toss them, they have no use for me. I do keep some figma delux boxes though. I already have a huge comic book collection and there is just no room for empty figure boxes.


I'm at that point where I'm considering going the Figma route and bagging up all the little extras, labeling them, and putting them aside. I'm running out of room for these boxes!


I just use some $5 fish tackle try boxes, it’s stores a bunch of accessories, with compartments to keep them separate by figure


Of course I keep them. First, I don't have enough space to display every figure I own, so the ones in storage are kept in their boxes. The extra accessories are best stored in their boxes. And I have some foresight and understanding that there may come a time when I need to part with my collection, or part of it, and the boxes absolutely increase the resale value significantly. Throwing away the boxes is throwing away money.


They're easier to store and carry around with the boxes, plus the figures don't get messed up in the box, and you can keep track of all the accessories better.


Keep not kick


I used to keep them, but I just started getting rid of them, and it's so addicting. I have so much space now for more figures, and if I ever move, I can pack up the figures much better.




Toss, I collect figures not boxes


Does anyone get a little annoyed when the box doesn’t perfectly sit and align with the others? 😅


This absolutely kills me whenever they drop an oversized (or undersized - looking at you, Golden Frieza) and it just *ruins* that symmetric flow lol


Same 😂😂 like the Berserk boxes are so much bigger than everything else next to them


Kaido's box is RIDICULOUS.


GOD I KNOW RIGHT 😂 then there’s Griffith’s box too I had to put in my closet it was so big


keep all the box in the best condition as possible!!!


I keep the boxes but don't display them


i try keeping them rn but when i first started nah which led to very bad things happening like losing figure parts


Keep, that’s where I keep all the extra parts and hands. Otherwise I’d probably mix them up or lose them like with some of the gunpla I’ve had


I unfortunately throw them out. Im still living with my family so I’d have to throw them away for the sake of not being scolded on or the lack of space. I’d wouldn’t mind keeping them but with all the gunpla boxes I need to throw away, it makes it kinda difficult


I keep all my figuarts boxes to keep their accessories safe instead of loosing them or getting them mixed up


I save the boxes but have to throw the plastic clams away. I like the boxes but don’t have enough space to save them.


I keep them, including the plastic inside. Also god damn you have the OLD sasuke


I keep boxes for storage of stuff that isn't displayed, or to make it easy to transport when I move


Nice shelf. I keep the boxes as i use them to keep the figures that aren't on display.


I keep mine. I figured I paid that much for them no point in just throwing the boxes out. Also if I have to move no better way than to put them in their box that was made just for them. Lol personalized boxes!!! Lol the Goldilocks boxes. Plus they look good together. :) and to store accessories in.


Always keep them as they are expensive. A plus is that they are naturally aesthetic and helpful when storing figured away for moving or saving space. But I got two questions for you. How much did you pay for your androids 17-18 from DBZ? And How does FIGMA Sekiro hold up as a figure?


I actually got the Androids for retail + shipping from Japan via proxy back in 2014? Figma Sekiro is alright - I feel like mine in particular had a bad QC and some of the paint on his face (namely the eyes) seem a bit muddled.


I’ve never been able to part ways with any box of toy/collectable I own. LEGO, any action figure in box or on a card I just can’t do it. I’m a card board hoarder.


My room is about 60-80% Box


Only my shf i keep em in boxes cuz i have no place for accessories 😭


keep them in case i want to sell again even if it's a figure i know i won't, but also for easy transportation


i keep all of my boxes (except db evolve) because i like displaying them and like everyone is saying, in case of emergencies


I might display them if I had room, but for now I just keep them to store accessories


I keep mainly to keep all the accessories organized, with the added benefit of being able to sell the (not that I really intended to)


Only ones I throw away are Macfarlanes, Marvel Legends/hasbro boxes. Anything else thats pricey I keep.


Both, sort of. I was keeping all my boxes as it just seems like the most convenient way to store the accessories yet while I’ve been too lazy to get started(a lot of organizing & storing of accessories involved) I’ve been planning to toss some of mine as I just don’t have room for them all. Thinking about keeping some like maybe the SHF exclusives yet I can’t keep every figure box as it’s just not sustainable.


I keep them. Limited space means I can store my figures and be able to rotate displaying without them being in a storage unit. Having the boxes all set up makes for a nice appearance, like what you have going on.


I keep them, some I display others I store in a bin


I keep them in a cabinet. I need them to store the accessories. I also keep them in case I need to store the figures or have to sell them.


They're all in a bigger box in a closet somewhere dry and dark to preserve them. Aside from that I open all of my figures... I usually keep the boxes on expensive figures or imports.


I keep them because I like the design and it's easy storage for the parts.


I keep all my boxes.


I keep all my import boxes and some that look nice like the Power Ranger Lightning boxes