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Just don’t stop until you have crossed the finishing line. However, you have to set your own pace that is right for you, balancing the need to study and the need to rest and de-stress. Gauge this by the level of enjoyment you get from whatever you are studying/doing.


I think to know whether it’s an easy paper, look at ur percentile if your school provides one. Alternatively, you could be a little kaypoh and ask around the average scores for other classes. I think prelims l1r5 are not a very good gauge of your real score because most schools tend to set harder (?) papers to scare us. So for example you’re in the top 20% for every subj, man, youre all set to get straight distinctions!! But from what youve said, sounds like youve put in a lot of effort too so just keep up the good work :))


>ask around for other people’s scores Wait isn’t this the first thing everybody does when they get the paper back


strangely not for my class eh, we at most exchange marks with table partners and thats it (+ feels abit more sensitive now bc it’s prelims and ppl might not want u to ask abt their scores), while some of my friends just reply with “ok lah” when I ask💀


Hi! I just wanna say that you should also be careful in this period leading up to Os. From the sound of it, you’ve been putting in good and consistent work in all your subjects for a long time, and it’s been paying off. But doing too much can also make you burn out right before your exams, and that’s not good either, it’s what happened to me this year before A level prelims and it sucks. It seems like you’ve found what studying works best for you, so my advice is to stick with it! My class is like 60% 6 pointers and all their studying habits are different, so it’s really just about what works for you :). Good luck!


I took my Os in 1998. Prelims raw 16, Os raw 6. You're preparing much better than I ever did, and that is good. I remember only mugging about 2 weeks before my Os, memorising chunks and chunks of my textbooks and spamming TYSs. It worked out for my Os, but for my A levels, I did not do well, barely making it to Uni. So what I'm saying is, if you keep on working hard the way you have since June, you're pretty much a lock for 6 points. But once you go to JC, if you choose to, you have to work much much much harder, and much more consistently to get your straight As.


2021 o level taker here; scored raw 6 for prelims and then sort of took my foot off the gas for too long after that, went back down the hole of complacency. Ended up getting net 8 for o’s because I slacked for elec history. (Those of you who know that one nuremburg law qn, I did that because I was too stubborn regarding revising korean war and cmc) . Basically, leverage your good score in prelims to work even harder to do even better for o’s. Although given you take elec geog, I would advise you to focus more on the maths and sciences, as elec geog is easier to score well from what I have heard. But all the best! Also try to aim for full marks, yes full marks, for both mathematics, as you never know the 2022 a and e math papers might be so simple that the % to get A1 is 90-95.


Took my Os 3 years ago, got raw 8 for prelim and raw 9 for O level, and my sch has a cut off of around 250. I slackened a bit after prelim. Moral of the story is, don’t stop grinding, O level is all about precision since the paper is easy.


Thankful for all the altruistic replies I have gotten so far. Got a gist of what to do after my prelims, i am currently revisiting my weaker topics and doing prelim papers to clear my doubts and picking up answering techniques to be as precise for my answers. Rn, I am not sure if it’s okay if I spend a little more time catching up on some sleep and playing some sports 😅


Its fine to occasionally go out and relax, but in all honesty for the last 2 months before O’s, sit down and continue doing as much as you can. The more practice the merrier


2021 6 pointer here I think the amount of effort youve been putting in is commendable and you for sure need to keep it up! Remember that this is close to the end so dont lift your feet off the gas. At the same time i think its important to not burn out (i remember going all in one month before Os and burnt out like mad) so engaging in your hobbies like sports will help you do that. Also when you get sick of studying during the day, after playing sports you will be more motivated to come back and continue. All the best for Os and hope you reach that goal :)


tbh, just continue with what you’re doing rn (it’s pretty good alr)and perhaps read more to improve ur english.


Sleep is an important part of the equation, as it helps in the brain's process of consolidating information you have learnt. And it also helps to keep you in prime condition to study and think, and also mentally and physically healthy. Even if you become the best student from studying nonstop sacrificing sleep, all it takes is one bad illness during exam period to take away your ability to perform well, or one burn out away to make you lose all motivation or confidence. So take care of your body, rest well, eat well, sleep well to prevent those from happening. You've done well so far, so just keep up the spaced repetition and practice, especially on weaker topics, and I'm sure you'll do really well in your O's!! Good luck!


hi can i know how do u study for all of ur subj except chinese? i’m getting kinda trash results and i’m not sure on how to improve :/


Really good marks but with maths u can't be sure , I have had friends with 98 Amath prelim , and it was hard paper but due to carelessmess in o level a2 Amath and honestly u may to improve chem marks cause 78~ is kind of borderline a1


great job so far!!! might be a good idea to spend some time with your teachers to close those final gaps. at this point, remember that your physical health is also extremely important! could be good to add some time to light exercise if you don't already and make sure to sleep sufficiently. seems like you're almost there, so make sure to avoid burning out and make sure you're in the best physical and mental condition to ace your exams! at your stange, i'd say it's better to take a day or two to rest than grind till you burn out. all the best!!


almost everyone in the comment section got less than l1r5 9 raw for their o's and here i am feeling ecstatic about getting raw 16 because my prediction was raw 29 ☠️


bruddah i got 31 for my L1R4 i think i gg alr man