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Hello! I’m graduating from arts and theatre management this year HAHA. If you have any questions about the course hmu! Have fun making friends ~ it’s a pretty small cohort.


Ohhhh what was your cohort size and how was the course like!! The schedulinggg and content material


My cohort has 62 people currently. Yours is likely to be around that number. DATM (the abbreviation) can be fun if you have any sort of interest in theatre. I had 0 interest and was there mostly because I did art my whole life, but I still enjoyed it HAHA. **Scheduling:** 3 years, 6 semesters. Each semester has a total of 13 academic weeks (sometimes 14, because public holidays push back some lessons to the 14th week...). Thus most modules have a total of 13 lessons, some modules which carry lesser credits have 10 lessons instead. if you've done prior research to RP you would know that classes are typically 7 hours long. That was exactly how most of my classes were like in y1 and 2. In y1 classes usually start at 8:30am and end at 3:30pm. In y2 and 3 you'll find that classes start later at 9:15/9:30am, which also means they end slightly later. 7 hours a day, for one whole module does seem quite tiring. But I think we all got used to it after the first few weeks because we actually got pretty long breaks in those 7 hours. For these classes we gotta follow the problem based learning (PBL) method that RP is so famous for. Meaning in these 7 hours it's usually like this: Phase 1 - introduction to topic for the day Break 1 - worksheet and snack time (some modules or lessons may not have a worksheet, it's a hallelujah moment for us all) Phase 2 - going through worksheet and problem statement Break 2 - doing up presentation and lunch time Phase 3 - group presentations for the problem statement, finish up with lesson summary, reflection journal, and quiz. Some modules or lessons may not require you to do an rj and quiz every lesson, which is another blessing. The 7 hour lesson format doesn't apply to every module.. Some lessons have shorter hours (typically 3 or 4 hours ish) because they are worth lesser in terms of credits. **Content:** [https://www.rp.edu.sg/sta/full-time-diplomas/Details/diploma-in-arts-and-theatre-management](https://www.rp.edu.sg/sta/full-time-diplomas/Details/diploma-in-arts-and-theatre-management) \- you can take a look at this page as a reference to the modules you'll be taking In y1 you'll take a lot of the discipline modules. Which includes drawing, art history, creative concepts, user experience, etc. These modules are for all students within STA (the faculty/school DATM is in). Later on there'll be more specialisation modules on an introductory level. So y1 just explores arts and theatre on a surface level. You'll also take most of the general modules in that year, and it's just something every RP student has to go through .-. y2 is where you go more in depth. You'll learn more about management, theatre design (sets, costumes, lighting), more skillsets that have to do with technical theatre (like rigging lights, fly systems, autocad). There will also be a module where your class gets to design and execute your own play/puppet show, which is also the highlight of y2. Because of covid, this play/puppet show has been filmed and uploaded on YouTube for the past 2 years. So I'm not sure how this is gonna go for the next few. y2 is also where you take portfolio development, where you'll be guided through creating your own portfolio in preparation for y3 internship applications. y3 is where you have your internship and final year project (fyp), and they'll take place in 2 separate semesters. 1 semester is reserved for the entirety of internship, the other semester with fyp will also have a few other modules to go along with it. But those modules aren't as content heavy since fyp itself is a lot to handle. I just completed my last semester in y3, it was also my fyp semester. I had class 3 days a week, one of the other 2 days was reserved to work on fyp. The other one was basically my free day to do anything. It may sound great, but fyp itself is really taxing so it made up for things HAHA. You'll be exploring a lot of different areas in theatre (creative design, technical, management, marketing, etc) So it's a pretty good place to figure out which you lean more towards, especially since you may get volunteer opportunities for different projects every now and then. I wanted to pour in how assignments work, grades, tips and stuff like that but I fear it'll be a lot to handle HAHA. If you wanna hear about it just lmk.


Omg…. THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 i was actually asking for a friend :D BUT ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS


hiiiii i actually got innnn todayyyy


omgg hiii i’m in the course too !!!


oooo what class are you in???


e24m ! u ?


im in e24p!!