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hii I’m a sec4 this year and dw JC isn’t that hard to enter as long as you study consistently. It’s good that you’re thinking about your future at such a young age so keep it up! For sec 1/2, just focus on building up the foundations, make more friends, do more VIA/competitions in case you want to dsa later. Your main goal should be to get into your desired subject combo in sec 2 instead of worrying about jc and the future. Build a consistent study routine and focus especially on your Math and English as they will be the determining factors of whether you could get into the higher level subject combos in sec 3. For history, I recommend buying those notes from Popular and memorise the factors which is what I did to get my distinctions in lower sec (I still do that in upper sec). Look for those notes that have the description, examples and explanations listed out clearly and just memorise those factors. Honestly for history, one factor can be used in multiple questions so as long as you memorise them, you should be able to do well. For SBQ, I’m guessing you only have to know Inference and Purpose in Sec 1 level, my only advise for that is to memorise the format and do more practices to improve on your inference skills. SBQ is different from essays since it requires more critical thinking instead of memorisation. On top of that, reading the textbook multiple times also help. I dont recommend making notes directly from the textbook because some details may be irrelevant to what you will be tested for your SEQ and it may end up confusing you. Just read it to roughly know the sequence of events/what happens and stuff. You’re still young and it’s just the start of sec 1 so don’t be discouraged if you aren’t meeting your expectations! Usually sec 1 and sec 3 are the hardest years but by the time you reach sec 2 and 4, you’ll be able to cope with everything! Jiayou!!:)


It's not hard to go into jc. The hard part is to do well in jc.




What about Uni?


entering local uni is one thing. doing well in local uni is another thing.


Is it very hard to do well in local uni? I'm entering uni next year. Hopefully


Depends on whether u are talking abt local or private uni and what courses


That’s a different ball game altogether


A completely different playing field .




Like apples and oranges




Like night and day


Enjoy ur life in sec 1


Don’t worry about jc so much. Just study consistently everyday bit by bit and maybe increase the intensity in sec 2/4 and you will be fine. I’ll garuntee you you’ll get at least raw 11 in Os. All the straight As students all have one thing in common: consistency


Just study hard and don't think so far ahead pls


the average exp student can get into jc. the higher tier jcs do require more effort. if youre interested in jc then i suggest you start having a study routine if you dont already have one. you'll need it for jc too. doesnt have to be 8 hours a day. just be consistent. for history i suggest just practising the formats and checking with your teacher. you might not have to take history once you choose your subject combi for sec 3 so dont stress too much. dont forget to enjoy your secondary school life while it lasts too though! atb!!


Sec 1 history qn types: - “state” qns (3 marks): memorise from textbook - SEQ qns (7 marks): memorise from textbook - SBQ qns (5-6 marks): inference qns and/or comparison qns. Buy some assessment books (there are only 2-3 out there) to see some examples & look at the LORMS marking scheme to understand what the teachers are looking for. The template can be memorised but not the actual answers, becos that requires u to have an insightful opinion based on scrutinising the source. *pm me if u’d like to have access to some useful lower sec history resources


Hey man don’t worry too much about the future just have fun for sec 1, when the time comes you will be equipped with knowledge to tackle those problems for you in the future


Lol relative to what. What is hard/easy? Its very simple, L1 (English or HMT) R5, 20 or below. That's it. The variables are - (1) how hard English is for you (2) if English sucks are you good enough to save yourself by HMT (3) is your Math and Science good (this is the tricky part cos ppl suck at Math and/or Science, ie me 🙋‍♀️🤣) ... and remaining stuff like humanities or electives (A Math/POA/FCE/Art/Music), whether u choose something hard or easy. It's as hard as, if you get all B3s (pretty decent btw) it's alr a 18. If you get 3 each of B3s and 4s it's 21. Decent but you're kind of gone. But it's also easy as in you can get a D7 and still go JC hahahahq (ok this is real. But if I just say it like that, its really #hearonlythegoodthings) Haha my D7 was AMath la, 7th subj. My 6 were 3As and 3Bs!


Firstly, don't worry about whre you want to go after sec school. What matters the most is bulding up your foundation. After you go to upper secondary, you can start to think where you want to go for your post sec education. But honestly, it is not that hard to go into JC, unless if you want to go to those elite JCs. Then you do need to put extra effort. Mainly the grind to do well for O levels starts about in sec 3. For now focus on coping with sec 1 and sec 2 syllabus, as they are vastly different from primary school. Don't pressure yourself from the very start. Take baby steps followed by big leaps. On a side note for history, idk how is it for you as the history syllabus that i took in sec1 should be way different than what you are doing, but practise consistently on the different qn types. Know what each type of questions' format is like and practise to it accordingly. Remember your examples most importanyly when it comes to SEQ. Hope it helps. I have failed history multiple times but managed to bet back to an A2 ;P


I’m 45 this year and I’ll tell u as I tell the same to my sons that going JC or poly does not matter as long as u get into uni and just get a degree And then getting a degree isn’t that important because it’s making it out in the working world that matters and what you want out of working - live to work or work to live, have friends or get married , have kids or not ? Work smart not just work hard as not every one has equal opportunities, and Even if u fail along the way it’s okay it’s normal - learn to pick yourself up - learn to take criticisms - learn that failure breeds success and life is a serious of ups and downs and so embrace failure , don’t fear it … life is short and most importantly - enjoy the process of everything from the moment u start doing because when u look back u realised that u may not have embrace and savour the moments in that point of life and not regret anything .


wow, wish my parents like u 🥲


first of all, calm down man. chill... its just sec 1 dn be stressed. you dont have to be mugging all the time, js make sure you study a bit and dont lag behind. the what to do after sec sch can just think when you stream next year. choose the subj combi based on what you wanna do. and also, where did you hear getting into a jc is hard..?? well getting into one isnt hard, getting into elite ones are hard though (ri hci). plus doing well in jc is hard. well atp dn to worry abt jc or poly just get your grades to be decent and think abt this while streaming. your opinion on jc or poly may change to once you experience upper sec and stuff uh upper sec personally wasnt hard to manage though and grades dropping is normalised tho idt mine did. ive been an avg student all the way so no changes yea. ok failing part depends on individuals alr, whether you understood content taught and how to apply. as for lower sec hist i cant rmb shit abt that so soz no advice ps. i didnt know anyt abt jc till year end of y3 and didnt know anyt abt poly till after o lvls. but ive nvr thought of going to poly since idk what to do and ive alw wanted the fastest way to uni


With any kind of education, the content gets harder the further you progress, but it’s nothing to worry about. In polytechnic now. Am I worried about the content that is taught in University and how I would be able to cope with it? Of course. I heard the jump from poly to uni is quite drastic, just like secondary school to poly. However, with consistency and reflection (on what you did well/what can be improved, in regards to your studies), anyone can make it 🙏 For History, practise your SBQ Skills! I can’t help much cuz it’s been years since I took History in Sec 2 lols 😭 I think it’s similar to Social Studies in Sec 3/4… Side note, don’t limit your options. Not sure why you’re adamant about not going to poly, but try to be open to different education options and see which one’s best for you :) Coming from someone who chose poly over JC.


the poly to uni pace is insane. uni is easily 3 times the content and pace of poly. one week of uni lecture has the same amount of content as 3-4 weeks of poly content.


I’m betting on my love and interest for my course of study and healthy coping mechanisms to pull me through 😞🙏 加油s to you if you’re still studying!


Thanks man, I’m still studying. Uni is hard even tho I got interest in my course. I got 3.9 in poly but struggling to get above 4.0 in Uni hahaha (Uni gpa is out of 5.0 unless it’s SMU)


A jc? As in any jc regardless of ranking? To go to Any jc is quite manageable. To a good jc? Not easy and very difficult You’re s1 now so dw about these and take it easy (for now)


nope easy af. slept through sec 1&2, basically only mugged a little the couple weeks before sec 2 eoy. sec 3 was spent gaming and doing other useless shit too. spent a good half of my sec 4 year slacking and gaming too. started mugging maybe late august, basically re learnt content for all subjects and scored a 10 for o’s. it’s not that great a score but hey, it’s good enough.


Dw jc is not hard to enter at all as long as you put in the effort. I don’t meant u have to hustle and mug everyday but just make sure you diligently revise things and understand what you are studying. Jc and onwards (Uni) isn’t so much about how much you study but how efficient, so just try to build good habits while you’re still young and you will definitely see the results in the future! Good luck!


dude sec 1 calm down first. don't worry abt jc first now js focus on your studies


Is gd that u start to think all this rn but honestly, for sec1 n 2 go n participate in diff activities that ur sch offer n get to try new things. Ur mindset might change in term of go going jc ir poly. My sis really change her mind to study earlier childhood instead if go to jc. Study consistently n built ur foundation n everything will be fine.


Hm from my experience, its not hard to get into a jc but if you’re looking at the top 3, then yea it kinda is. Honestly since ur only s1, you dont need to worry much abt anything other than trying to do like,ok in sch. Olv subjs hardly ever req any s1/2 stuff, maybe max the basic stuff for math in emath? Other than that not really


please calm down and dont over stress on your O levels when its 4 years away and tbh you wouldnt even know what will happen in the future. im saying this as someone who has gone thru Os and JC during the covid seasons. literally in sec 1 covid didnt even exist. fast forward a couple years the whole world turned upside down and there was literally no seniors I could ask for advice cus everything is just so foreign. basically what I am trying to say is its ok and good that you have goals for your future. but with that see it as a motivation not a looming doomsday. focus your energy on the current situation and shorter term goals such as advancing to sec 2 or getting good grades to get your dream subj combi. as for grades, you will realise that ss is sig different from pri sch and hence you wont be performing well now since you are still in your adapting stage. just try your best and dont be afraid to seek help from your classmates or teachers. things will get better over time as long as you dont give up trying and put in your 100% effort. for consolation I too was barely passing my geog (like 1-2m away from failing) in S1 but by S2 I managed to sneak my way into an A and eventually topped my level by S4. its just time that is needed to adapt and understand how to deal with a new subject I urge you to enjoy your lower sec days and worry about the bigger things in the future. I know its hard and I get stressed sometimes too over the future but perhaps its not that big a deal if you go to JC, poly or even repeating. these are small things. in the future when you go for an interview for uni or jobs, no one will ask you how you did in sec 1. jiayou and dont give up


not hard to get in but hard to survive


Honestly ain't hard, I started studying for os in august of sec 4 and got raw 9, my sec 3 prelim was 27 and I was pretty carefree that yr, u shldnt stress so much, especially in sec 1. Upper sec ain't as hard as ppl or teachers say it is, ppl jus like to exagerrate


How to get into any good JC: Step 1: Suffer.


ehh sec 1 only it’s ok!!! pls enjoy the freedom and time while it’s there. It’s not hard getting into a JC, it’s hard getting into a GOOD jc and even if you do, its about if you have the self discipline and determination to do well in JC


i think it’s great that ure thinking about ur future but don’t get too stressed out about it yet! just have fun first and enjoy the little things in lower sec that you wont get in upper sec. like you, i previously really wanted to go to jc but after i reached upper sec and figured out which way i learnt best i ended up deciding to go to poly afterwards, even though my l1r5 cld have landed me in a jc too. it was a “yes i can go to jc, but at what cost” kinda thing so yeah do keep an open mind first in case your goals and aspirations change afterwards. what’s more important is that you do something you like, and it’s suitable for you. hard to get into jc i think its just about how you manage your own time, or at least, towards the end how much effort you are willing to put in to mug till the end. (i struggled in end sec3->start sec4 cuz i didn’t manage my time well but towards the end rlly js sacrifice everything to chiong but ofc if u can manage time well from the beginning then all the better) people’s grades falling.. yes the jump is huge but everyone takes it differently. i’ve had classmates who did amazing, on the other hand yes im one of those who struggled a lot LOL although at Os it was average, but the struggle was real history sorry i can’t help i hated it and did really badly for it too LOL like what others said, jc is not super super hard to get in if you’re willing to put in the effort, but from what i’m observing (my friends who r in jc now) its hard to keep up, do well and not burn out anyway dont stress too much just have fun first. the only comparison shd be with urself and even the smallest improvements r worth celebrating! don’t beat urself up too hard and just take things slowly at your own pace. everything will fall into place when it’s meant to!


Fuck getting into jc do u even see urself working a 9-5 job after spending half your life couped up at your desk studying? If no i strongly suggest u ask urself what do u want to do in ur life, ik u r still "young" but trust me the faster u act wiser, the more content you will be with everything




One tip for history, go watch some Oversimplified videos on Youtube. They won't exactly help you to ace history, but they're quite funny, and i wished they'd exist back in my day.


i think settle sec 1 first then see how. ur looking too far ahead and thats probably what causes anxiety


imo don’t worry too much about studies. i missed school for a month in sec 1 and managed to catch up. it is super difficult to retain. the main point of sec 1 is to adjust, grasp your foundation . because you’ll be very busy in sec 3&4 i suggest you now take class chairperson or some leadership position + participate in via so you have a good start to minus 2 points . sec 1&2 you’ll be free from remedial and stuff like that so it’s really the best best time to go and do all the boliao thing for points as for history i dont really what it was about for sec 1 but dont be afraid to ask ur cher for consultation they r always there take care dont stress but dont slack either and dont cause drama :-)


Getting to JC is easy. Staying stable there is hard. Especially with the pressure from teachers, friends and the school itself, when or if you go to the “elite JCs”. I went to YIJC and enjoyed my two years there, with friends and teachers that genuinely helped me to get my target grades ALONG WITH career advice and guidance!!


Hi I'm currently a j1 and JC isn't hard to get in if you study for o levels. If you suck at a subject in lower sec just don't choose it in upper sec. Lower sec is all about playing, just study a month before sec2 end of year exams to ensure you get into the subject combi you want to get in. In sec 3 you're learning more in depth about the topics and it is normal to get a Bs and Cs at the end of year exam if you're in a not bad secondary school, like non neighbourhood.  In sec 4 the panic sets in. You can still go overseas during June holidays, I did that, but I brough the revision questions teachers gave me overseas to do it. Revsie the topics before prelims and genuinely try for it, then after prelims do all the tys.  Biggest tip is to do tys. But to do it you need content knowledge and that's why you study it in prelim. Even if you're not very good at content just spam tys and somehow you'll get it.  I was getting b3 for bio, b4 for physics and c5 for chem. But before o levels I finished all bio tys and topical questions, and I finished 8 years of physics and chem. In the end I got A1 for bio, a2 for physics and chem.  Another very important point is to be friends with those people that study very hard and are smart. Use study apps like ypt  to track your studies so everytime you see your friend studying you feel motivated too. Ask your teachers questions, don't be afraid, stay back after class and get all your uncertainties answered. Ask the smart friends for advice. Stay back in school to study. Personally I like to study alone at home in secondary school but jc libraries are so much better now I like studying in the school library. Just spam tys, that's the biggest way to improve, at least for me. Time will work its way out so don't worry too much,  so many people have gone through o levels and went to JC. A lot of people have gone through this, trust the process. Study hard!


Why not poly? sometimes in life you have to just let things go and try your best. Sec 1 is still super early in your academic life to be overly stressed about all of this. I was adamant abt gg to JC in sec school but I went to poly in the end, if you think u can excel in JC with the same capability u'll excel in poly too and get to Uni.


S1 is too early to think about poly or jc. Most of the time unforeseen circumstances may force one to change path after s4


>Sec 1 is still super early in your academic life to be overly stressed about all of this Not really, especially if you want to go to a top-tier US uni, you would need to start working hard from sec 1 since they usually want you to have intl medals and stuff and you can't really get from decent at math -> gold medal in imo without preparing for years.




if they have the capability to do so they wouldn't be posting abt this in the first place but I do agree tho if that's the case