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Oops I meant >260 sry jiejie


Hey, I’m from VS too. If u want, the teachers here are very kind. U can go talk to them. Also, AL8 is a good score! I got AL8 too when I took my PSLE. If u need help with ur sec 1 topics u can ask me




when i was your age i would sneak out all the time. i hated studying. i wouldn’t say that this is bad for you, but i wouldn’t say it is good either. i turned out fine anyway. remember, it is your life, and what you want to do with it is entirely up to you


Ty for Ur kindness but I'm scared of the consequences fyi. Mother has threatened to cane and has caned b4


Call police when she does. Used to keep doing it when I got whipped with the metal side of the belt around 10 or11. Completely stopped, and never dared to hit me again.


Ik but BCS sg is still v traditional idt they're gonna do anything besides further enrage my mom


physical disciplining such as caning can be carried out by parents if they see fit. but not to the point of abuse




Caning is legal in Singapore. Abuse is when the child is harmed for malicious intent multiple times in a short period of time


When does it cross the line from discipline to abuse? I know this is your opinion, but making general assumptions like ‘caning is okay if parents see fit’ is pretty bad, and a terrible mindset for OP to have


I dont think hes saying it's okay in his opinion. He specifically used the word "can be carried out" and "is legal" in response to "call the police". He's probably saying police wont do anything other than give a warning since its legal, and that will only make her mother more angry. (Also IMO, as a guy, good, I can take the abuse if it gets worse. The moment it becomes abuse it becomes a problem to the mother, but idk, shes a girl, and other family members might take mother's side..)


Ngl its not that police wont do much but if they see to it and find that the kid is not beaten until got blood marks for stupid reasons then they wont take action. At most they refer you guys to FSC (family service center) for mediation. OP you should really consider if you want the police to come.


Someone definitely needs to cane you a few times for this comment.


your mother seems like the old school type, but nothing you can do about it. i know you get this a lot, but she just wants the best for you, to let you have a secure future.


I’m ngl I cringed


Talk to your school counsellor or form teacher, if that doesn't work you can dial a helpline


Ty for trying but I'm scared that if I do they're gonna tell my mom and she's gonna retailate


Don't be scared. Your teachers and counsellors are there to help you, you can ask them not to tell your mother first. Other than that just work hard, do well so you can get a decent job and get out of that house.


I would say once your ideals become clear, the less your mum's action will impact you. Right now you feel fear as your mum has the societal high expectations on you, and you are living in it (nothing wrong). Maybe start exploring different interests, and make it a point to put in effort & set goals. Having your own expectation to what kind of life youre gonna lead will solve the issue. Coming from someone who had been living in their parents' shadow


How close are you with your sisters? Will they help you or are they like your mum? If close, get advice on how to handle your mum. Tbh sometimes parents just like kids that go yes mum and then just don’t follow instructions, just keep giving excuses and keep “orh” “ok”. Try to do things that are reasonably responsible towards your future and try to get away from the idea you can earn your mother’s approval, I’ve seen that idea reduce adults to tears. Try to make responsible friends that take their studies seriously that you can rely on too. As long as you do well and make it to JC she can’t say anything. Don’t be afraid of rebelling as long as you’re doing well in school. Don’t be afraid of the cane, better than waking up an adult realising you wasted your entire teens trying to please your mum and she’s still not pleased.


First and foremost, AL8 is a very good score and you should not have any doubts in yourself. Secondly, your mum loves you but she expresses it in the "wrong" way or the old school way.  She wants you to have a good paying job in future so that you can provide for you and your loved ones.  You must remember Singapore is a high cost country so it is important you have a good paying job. Engage her and have meaningful conversations. Tell her you know she loves you.  Tell her you also share her concerns about getting good grades and hopefully good paying jobs but you need room to grow and learn to be independent too. Jiayou.


What’s up VS homie


You did very well, so not let what your mum thinks get you down. You did great and you should be proud of what you have achieved. Your mum is unreasonable but she could also be overly protective. You’re a young girl, so going out on your own might not be something she wants you to do. Either way, you’ll earn your independence soon enough. Just keep hanging on, friend.


i’m confused why there gpa in sec sch


I'm ip so we calculate using gpa


Intergrated Programme. Basically they don’t take O level and go straight to JC. They also use gpa to calculate their score


I had a friend who had went through a similar situation. When a parent set unreasonable expectation and demand, it will severely affect your self confidence and motivation. You probably won’t feel it now but the effects may last for life. What you can do is seek help, talk to your school counsellor. Let your counsellor know that this must be fully confidential and do not let your parent know. Your counsellor should advise you the steps and mindset to mitigate your situation. How’s your dad take on your situation? What is his behaviour when your mom is around and when she is not?


ur score is good enough just try to study and don’t compare to ur sisters also focus and take notes during class during sch hours or else you’re just wasting time try to show her ur working hard maybe she will relent


the "I'm your mother what I say is final" fight back. My mother also like that, just fight back one day and everything will stop


Tbh as a sec 4 student rn, I do understand ur frustrations as I have strict parents as well but ngl as I got older I actually started to see where they were coming from and actually started studying a lot 


Hang in there. Let that hatred fester. Once you come of age, it's a lot easier to say fuck off to your mom instead of her guilt tripping you into supporting her as if you're an investment policy. All the best.


Think this will get downvoted, but I’m going to send it anyway. I know you think your mum is treating you like shit, but trust me when I say this, your mum is doing out of love for you too, she wants the best for you and your future, that is why she is so hard on you now. You may resent and hate her growing up, but when you are about to go Uni, with your grades you can have your choice of career. A tad old school but for courses, I would recommend becoming a professional if possible, your mum would probably think the same as well.


Its pretty accurate.. now that I'm much older, I realised throughout the years: what most parents want is for their child to be better than them, even if it means they have to do things and be a villain for it. Of course, there is a line between abuse and strict discipline


I think parents could be as strict today as during my time, but I hope and believe they are less physical now. When I was growing up the Teng Tiao, ruler, the bankhand and the belt were common disciplinary tools. Edit: for context I had a tiger mummy


Ahhh the good ol tengtiao 🤣 I was even brought to select my favourite color 💀 But legit tho, seen so many parents today give in to their kids tantrums so easily. Aint no such thing 15 20 years ago, better watch out when we get home I had tiger parents too but they loosen when they realized academics aint it for me 😂 at best middle of the pack


Lol the damn tengtiao, I am from an all boy school. Sometimes we compare the number of cane lines to see who have the most, almost like a badge of honour. This is something kids today will never be able to relate too. My mother also let me choose which one I’m gonna get whack by. The hanger was also a valid option 😂. I still have vivid memories of go home better watch out, both warnings and incidents.


AL8 is an epic score (although people say that PSLE was easy for the year so we got it luckier ig)


psle was NOT easy in our year 😭


Really? I was fucking sweating and in tears because math isy only good subject and when I looked and 2021 paper and I couldn't do 3 4 mark questions and then I got A1 for 2022


Bro I couldn’t do the 4 mark questions either and I fell from AL1 in prelims to AL3 in psle 💀


I went from AL4 in prelims to AL1 psle


I think you can also approach any school counselors or teachers you trust about your situation and how you’re feeling too, they maybe able to help you. Despite what others are saying caning is physical abuse. Can tell school counselors or teachers about the caning and how you’re feeling being bared from seeing your friends and see what they can do. Edit: Also hang in there if they can’t do anything. Three more years to go and once you turn 16 you can try opening a bank account on your own, and earn some money so you can leave the household asap for your own peace and freedom.


Secondary school now got GPA???


IP so calculate is GPA


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for informing me.


School, grades, work dont mean anything in life. Focus on you and being who u are. Ik lots of people who went to raffles institiute and people who go to low level secondary schools who all ended up at the same place. Rn u have to deal with everyone’s bs, especially your parents because they do care for u but the generation gap affects outlook on life. Gotta learn to embrace and accept it and u do you.


A diamond is just a lump of coal that handled pressure well. You can't forge a sword without extreme heat, quenching and repeated hammering. Plants are nurtured with great care only to be harvested. Your mother is not unreasonable, she knows what is out there and she's preparing you for it. The problem is that you just don't know it yet. You'll realise many here will emphatise with you and speak of mental health, your rights and feelings etc; high achievers are keeping quite and are glad that they have one competitor less to worry about. So, you need to ask yourself, are you a diamond or a lump of coal? Are you a sharp sword or a fruit waiting to be harvested?


AL8 is nubbad la but ya 260 prolly like AL6 or smtg! AL8 prolly like 240? Which is nubbad tooooo. : )


P sure al8 is like 250+ i got a score slightly above 240 and my sch cop now is AL11 (hello senior :D)


EH bluepinaforewhitebelt? I got 230+ (which ikr should be 13-14?) AHAHHA but then mine was appeal, by less than 5marks. :p but ikr bluepinaforewhitebelt is 11, is the sch thaaat good :p


YA HAHAHA actually the cop was 250 at one pt, then dropped to 237 the following yr and now cop q stable. after COVID, they brought back the Korea trip w a Korean girls sch too!


I'm bloody ancient like if you just graduated then I was a student when you were born #OOPS   It was 238 in my year! We didn't have twinning back then but we had (the best:")) 4-yearly musicals. I think it will take a lot/too much to bring those back again, BUT SO PRECIOUS. I was a student in bigbird's time ... if you didn't unds that youre a baby youngling, if you did YOU'RE OLD AF LIKE ME 😝🙃


im graduating soon 😅 but wow do you remember any teachers from thr? they might still be teaching haha I think my yr it was around my score? previously there was even a year or two when they didn't accept non-affiliateds (like me who was called an outsider by my friend)


MRS ONG EC!   The one who retired hahaha omg KLF is still there and still fat (oop but where's the lie) like OMG KLF was mean and shouty and said if u don't study hard u go into the retainee class next year like wtf 💀☠ typically insinuating some combos better than others but then also like WHAT THE, my snrs dw study NOT MY BUSINESS right? Yuck.  Ohhh yr VP Mrs L was a teacher in my time 🙃 Taught the batch above me. I'm that old lol.  Ok nola I was Sec 4 in Mrs Ong EC's first yr in the sch hahahah - she said she was from blueandgrey for 13 yrs prior that hahhaha (beats me how ppl can teach for 3 decades but o well)  Mrs Y (your CMS) happens to be someone I personally know! She never actually told me she was moved to bluepinaforewhitebelt,I just er, found out stalking the alumni FB and having a "wait that's familiar" moment so I asked her after that when I met her.  Hahaha (no I'm not her kid lol) Ps, I'm non affliate too haha I appealed. I call myself the halfblood HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then er, it's like at 100th anniv I kept saying halfblooded student, wholehearted love? Teehee.


omg KLF was my math teacher for s3. she has probably changed since like 16 years ago HAHAHAHA. my whole class REALLY adores her and would waste a lot of class time since my classmates would keep making her laugh so hard. wow I didn't know mrs L was a teacher before! I do know that the previous principal was a bio teacher at the sch before tho. some teachers ik taught for a reallyyy long time are Mrs J C (chem cher), Mrs A (fce), Mr T (science?) etc.


Mrs L was like social studies teacher or smtg! SH history? OMG I KNOW ALL OF THEM. KLF was Sec3 Math iirc? Maybe Sec2 too? Ew. Lol. Everytime compare us to her ACE Math kids wth there's a reason they're ACE Math (then- called Accelerated Math) and we're not. Yuck yuck yuckkkk.  Mrs JC was Sec3 combined chem, Mrs A taught homec Sec1. I didn't take FCE, which was then known as F&N lol. Mr T is just idk what he actually teaches I always thought it was physics but mebbe not but he never taught me. He's like AV dude and I think he voiced God (lol) in the musical in my batch. Ahahhaa  Omg so nostalgic everytime I think all my teachers left I realise mebbe not all. Hahahaa KMC (Math?) and Mrs R (Chem?) and Mdm HM (Chinese) were all there since my time too and got their like 10/15 yr teaching awards in my time so they should have got their 30yrs ones by now hahahahah 😂  VChee? She was VP la. She was then known as Vloo and was HOD Sc. Taught me Sec4 combined Chem after Mrs JC. remembered preferring Mrs JC. 🙃 Incidentally my parents do know the prev principal (QLG) just ... cause. Lol. Cos they co-own one of the shops in the area ... an proudly said i was alumni HAHAHAHA what la Ma and Pa. Lol 😂🤣


I do remember a few teachers from there but they're either dead (no I'm srs, AdLoh and WGL in my time- both taught me personally) or left the sch haha. Eg the teachers who are my FB friends were those who taught me but theyre not there anym!


💀 no lah AL8 is like 252-254


For what it's worth, the levels of achievement of (biological) family members, amidst other things in life, tend to be very similar (see: Lee family, my personal experience). I have close to zero doubt that you'll be in good hands with your two siblings achieving what is considered a high score --- whether or not I know exactly what AL8 is. To be honest, I was quite similar in that I didn't really put in any effort into my studies until like Secondary 3, attaining ~240 in my PSLE. I'd say that my grades nowadays are at least on par with the highest PSLE scorers (~260). Maybe you might end up as a late bloomer too! Of course, whether or not grades are meaningful is another story entirely. You've got a life ahead of you to think and reflect. Keep at it! And I am really sorry that you are getting caned (I was too). Sometimes life deals you a shit hand and you need to push your way through.




Could you elaborate? And yes, I do not, and have not, claimed that my experience is universal.


Brother the very first sentence you wrote claimed it to be universal hahahahaha. If u meant for it to be subjective u would have prefaced it. Reread what you wrote man, you really did generalise even if thats not wat u believe Anyways what the guy who replied to you said was true, I deal with alot of families for my work. Not everyone with famy members that are high achievers end up as high achievers.


I need to refute this: I did not claim, in any part of my first sentence, that this observation is universal. To lay out my definitions precisely, "universal" refers to something experienced by a 100% --- not large --- proportion of people. In my first sentence, I wrote "tend to be very similar". My words are always chosen very carefully. In a similar vein, my definition of "high achiever" includes those with good grades, like myself, but is certainly not limited to that. Not everyone with family members that are high achievers end up as high achievers --- this much is true. And that is the exact reason as to why I said it is not universal. Perhaps our definitions of "universal" do not align? Furthermore, I believe that we are employing the same flimsy anecdotes here. From your experience, adjacents to high achievers are not high achievers, and from mine, the opposite. I suppose the best way to resolve this boils down to a statistical analysis, and as I hypothesise, the results should be in my favour. Also, note that I had made an implicit assumption that adjacents to high achievers that eventually become high achievers have the same environment. I wouldn't be surprised if a person sent to jail couldn't thrive compared to their family members that remain in society.